Cassie moved closer to John on the couch as they
watched a movie they had rented. Unconsciously, he put
his arm around her shoulders, not taking his eyes from
the action on the screen.Having grown bored some minutes earlier, Cassie had
decided to take control of the situation and get John’s
mind away from the movie and on to …
We sat out on the balcony looking at the people walking
by on the sidewalk below. I was smoking a cigarette and
lying in my lawn chair. “Anything else you need?” the little munchkin said sit-
ting across from me, buttoning up his little pants. “Ummm…a real boyfriend?” I said sort of jokingly. “You big fat cow! What do you …
We thought that some of you might like to hear about our
club and I was selected to tell our story. I’m 25 years old,
stand 5’6″, measure 36~24~35 and have shoulder-length blond
hair. The club had its start about five years ago when Suzi
and Bob and Candy and Paul began swapping in college. They
continued to swap after …
Hi, my name is Jessica Greenfield. You don’t
believe me? Well, you’re right, I’m not going to tell
you my real name. Maybe you’ve met me before or maybe
you might meet me some day. And I really am quite shy
– even though you probably won’t believe that after
you’ve read my stories. Still, it won’t be easy for …
Nice kid is Meena. Bloody cheeky mind. The
things she says I’d never take if it weren’t for the
fact she is a cute 19 and very pretty. But nice kid
none the less. I’d luv to fuck her but I’v no illu-
sions that she fancies me. I mean I’m 56 and look it.
Fantasies is a different matter …
Seven P. M. on a Thursday evening, a weary Betty sat on the bus heading back to her new flat. She didn’t hate it, but when she thought were she had come from it left her quite depressed. Betty was almost 62 and after a late marriage at 49, she’d been left divorced almost penniless and pretty broken four months …
I never would have taken the art appreciation class if
my friends hadn’t convinced me that it was a snap. “Hey,
it’s Art in the Dark, man. All you do is watch a bunch
of bogus slides in the dark.” Cool, I thought.I picked a seat in the last row. It was dark, farthest
from the prof and closest …
Lina is sitting in her hospital bed. She is munching through her
dinner. She looks much better than yesterday, even though her
face is still swollen and she is pale.We are alone; Ana is out in the gardens with her father. I guess
they have a lot to talk about. A good man, that Mustafa. He is
showing compassion …
Suddenly middle aged men were as frisky as teenagers and their women,
whilst initially secretly pleased soon became exhausted through the
renewed attentions thrust upon, and indeed into them. And so they
started complaining.However you can’t shove the genie back in the bottle and, like nuclear
weapons, it couldn’t be uninvented.So the drug companies worked on a version …
Jack geared down his rig as he approached the traffic lights; he was heading for a long haul and would most probably be driving well into the night. As the truck rolled to a stop next to a small white sports car, Jack glanced down through the front window of the vehicle next to him […]