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category: sex stories

Slave Raiders



Ragnor put down his empty cup with a thud. “I really don’t think he’s coming,” he said. “He’ll be here”, Kalhune replied. “I know he will.” “He was meant to be here yesterday!” Ragnor retorted. “How much longer do you want to wait?” Then he turned to a passing slave-waitress, “more beer please.” “Yes Master,” […]

In Aunt’s Ass



When I woke up the next morning my aunt was not on the bed she was already in the kichen making breakfast for us.I was naked and was feeling a sensation building up down thinkinh about night event.She then came with a cup of tea and she noticed my semi erect cock and teased me […]

Fulfilled cunt



I tried to hide in the shadows as I made my way down the dark street, nighttime coming much to fast, and me with really no place to go. My mom was drunk, again. I hated it when she started drinking because I could do nothing right. Her boyfriend was looking at me like I […]

Italian lesbian lovers



What she liked was a woman’s arms that showed defined rounds of shoulders and biceps, a hint of muscle, the same in thighs and legs, a body at the same time sleek and dynamic, restrained in its energy. She had known such a woman only once in her life, a girl she had met while […]

Fucking Scarecrow by PleaseCain



Hers was a horrible night. Bunny showed up at Jesus Joe’s, where she didn’t need to be, where the people hanging out on his couch or the kitchen or downstairs look as strung-out as Keith Richards even when it’s not Halloween. Jesus Joe knows to keep an eye on her, that she’ll be vulnerable for […]

Friday chronicles V (humour)



Little Red Friday Hood by Arty Once upon a time in the far-away land of FDWritings there lived a young(ish) girl call Little Red Friday Hood. Why was she called this? Well since you ask so nicely I’ll tell you. Of course this will derail the story I was about to tell, but you did […]

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