She first visited me in a dream when I was in my teens. I don’t recall exactly when, as it was many years ago. I remember catching just a glimpse of this beautiful naked woman with piles of long hair. The image was in shades of purple and was still with me when I awoke. […]
Hers was a horrible night. Bunny showed up at Jesus Joe’s, where she didn’t need to be, where the people hanging out on his couch or the kitchen or downstairs look as strung-out as Keith Richards even when it’s not Halloween. Jesus Joe knows to keep an eye on her, that she’ll be vulnerable for […]
Little Red Friday Hood by Arty Once upon a time in the far-away land of FDWritings there lived a young(ish) girl call Little Red Friday Hood. Why was she called this? Well since you ask so nicely I’ll tell you. Of course this will derail the story I was about to tell, but you did […]
Once upon a time, in the days of the now-dissolved Evil Empire, there lived in Moscow a very pretty blonde girl named Yana. She was an exceptionally bright girl and graduated at the top of her class from the People’s Collective School #1369. The Government decided she wanted to become an nuclear engineer and sent […]
I had a vivid dream last night, which is quite strange for me; because I vary rarely, remember having dreamt at all. It was so clear, as if I were watching a movie of myself and so sexually realistic I actually orgasmed in my sleep. It started with me standing in a dark nightclub at […]
I have a very good friend. She is comfortable to talk to. We talk about books, people we have known, and things we would like to do someday. She pays attention to the things I have to say, which is very flattering. Even nicer, she shares her feelings with me, which makes me feel privileged, […]
It’s such a pleasant October morning that I decide to go for a walk through the park by the lakes. Hurriedly I shower and dress, picking a blouse and long, loose skirt. It seems as if I am in the trees in no time at all, as I walk with the sun shining warmly on […]
I’d been trying to talk Sarah into photography for a while. She had been reluctant, to say the least. She was adamant that she wouldn’t allow herself to be photographed if it meant that ANYONE else would see the pictures. I tried to explain that we could have the pics developed through the mail at […]
Deanna Troi had a fetish for bearded men. Ever since she had been a girl on Betazed, she had felt a warm buzz between her legs whenever she saw a man with a beard. Not that there were many men with beards on Betazed — beards seemed to be a Human thing, and even on […]
“So,” she said, “if I understand you correctly…” She paused. And stood. Instinctively I stood as well and she came out in front of the desk. My heart sank. It seemed certain she was escorting me out. “What you want is to do a case study–on us.” “Yes,” I said, having backed away a bit […]