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category: sex stories

Fucking Scarecrow by PleaseCain



Hers was a horrible night. Bunny showed up at Jesus Joe’s, where she didn’t need to be, where the people hanging out on his couch or the kitchen or downstairs look as strung-out as Keith Richards even when it’s not Halloween. Jesus Joe knows to keep an eye on her, that she’ll be vulnerable for […]

Friday chronicles V (humour)



Little Red Friday Hood by Arty Once upon a time in the far-away land of FDWritings there lived a young(ish) girl call Little Red Friday Hood. Why was she called this? Well since you ask so nicely I’ll tell you. Of course this will derail the story I was about to tell, but you did […]

Fantasies of my Lover



It’s such a pleasant October morning that I decide to go for a walk through the park by the lakes. Hurriedly I shower and dress, picking a blouse and long, loose skirt. It seems as if I am in the trees in no time at all, as I walk with the sun shining warmly on […]

Photo Story (MF,cons)



I’d been trying to talk Sarah into photography for a while. She had been reluctant, to say the least. She was adamant that she wouldn’t allow herself to be photographed if it meant that ANYONE else would see the pictures. I tried to explain that we could have the pics developed through the mail at […]

Real Wants



“So,” she said, “if I understand you correctly…” She paused. And stood. Instinctively I stood as well and she came out in front of the desk. My heart sank. It seemed certain she was escorting me out. “What you want is to do a case study–on us.” “Yes,” I said, having backed away a bit […]

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