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Four Condoms – rimjob and anal



“Uh-huh,” I said into the phone, “yeah.” “No, no. Of course not!” I said. “Great. I’ll see you then.” I hung up. “Who was that,” Nadia wanted to know. “Kiss me,” I said, in lieu of an answer. Nadia smiled and sat across my lap, brought her hands to my face, and kissed me very […]

Tales of the Season – Darla’s Story



A frustrated frown on her normally smooth features, the woman ran to the phone while drying her hands on her dishtowel. Who on earth would be calling at this ungodly hour of the evening? “Bonjour, Ms. Thompson’s.” “Bonjour to you, too, Madamoiselle Maria, Comment allez vous?” “Michael?? Is that you, dear?” Maria asked delightedly. “Where […]

I want to feel your tongue



I once read somewhere that only mature women can wear purple successfully. I hate the word mature. It connotes old age, rather that sophistication, which is closer to the mark. But you can be sophisticated and not mature. If you have not experienced this, you will just have to trust me until you experience it […]

Aaden’s Punishment



I walked into the house and the first thing I saw was Aaden, walking by rather quickly and holding a hand to his mouth. “Shh…” he said quietly. “I just put Elizabeth to bed.” “Didn’t you put her in the center nursery?” I whispered. “Yeah, but something’s wrong with the privacy fields; they’re making an […]

Shoot Some erotic pics of them fucking



We have learnt from experience the pool area of our condo can be an excellent place to meet potential new sexual partners, especially the dress optional area. Sarah and I are both exhibitionists and enjoy flaunting our almost naked bodies for both sexes. We are both in our early forties and proud of our still […]

Angela and her stepmom (spanking story)



Angela looked around her room at all her lovely things. A closet full of clothes, old favorite toys and stuffed animals including her faithful friend Sam. He was a well loved and much cuddled tiger. On many occasions he was her confidant and listened to all her troubles. His fluffy fur had absorbed innumerable tears […]

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