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category: sex stories

Unsent erotic letter



My friend, My stomach was knotted even before I asked the maitre d’ where my date waited; I couldn’t remember last feeling that sour tug. The maitre d’ was a porcelain dandy with pink shaven head, sitting in weary disdain of the fools besetting his pulpit from all sides. His watery blue eyes indicted me […]

Stocking tease



I have a thing about stockings. I don’t know why, it just seems to have always been the case. It probably started when I was an adolescent and the girls in the mens’ magazines usually wore stockings. But, here I am as a 30 year-old man, happily married, and I’ve still got a thing for […]

Card game with my horny wife



“Hi honey, I’m home!!!” a male voice yelled, then stopped short when he saw Vickie. “Hey who are you? Hang on, I can guess. You’re the babysitter and the old people are out somewhere?” “That’s right.” She confirmed, “I’m afraid they won’t be back for at least an hour, probably two.” “Typical, I come home […]

Body Drafts



After removing her bra, Michelle slowly slipped off her more reluctant panties, then stood there holding both. She looked over at Dr Narain sheepishly, the underwear dangling from her hand. “Anywhere,” Narain said with a generous shrug. “Just throw them over there.” Michelle turned and tossed first the bra, then the panties onto a tawny […]

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