I can still remember the first time I got Kim to flash. We were on our honeymoon on Martha’s Vineyard at the Cape. We were at a place called Gay Head and were walking up to the overlook of the cliffs etc. A guy was walking towards us, (up an incline, looking down at us, […]
My wife has never been that prudish but it took quite a long time before she would show “the lot”. It was quite normal for her to go out with no bra and a loose top and bend over in supermarkets etc and show her tits. She is 32 years old, has a nice trim […]
Susan Johnson was worried as she drove along the bumpy mountain road. She knew her mother had expected her home hours ago. She had not intended to go off the pavement, but somehow she had made a wrong turn. Now it was getting dark and she was lost. She was thankful to see a small […]
“OH, SHIT!!” Susana pushed at Peter’s chest, bucked her hips in a futile attempt to throw him off. She hadn’t heard the car not surprising in view of the crashing intensity of the orgasm from which she had only just recovered but in the afterglow she heard the “snick” of her husband’s key […]
Bernice McCormack felt a slight throbbing in her cunt when she saw her naked son in the bathroom. Ordinarily, she would have yelled at him to close the door — didn’t he know he had a little sister running around the house? This time she didn’t yell. Instead, she let her eyes trail over the […]
“Please, Nicky… let me go!” squealed Ellen Brady. “No, baby, no way,” answered her husband, Nicky. “You heard what I said.” Struggling frantically, Mrs. Brady tried to loosen the silk strips that held her securely in position. Kneeling over the edge of the bed, she felt so helpless, so vulnerable with her ass jutting out. […]
Recently, my wife took a trip back to Ohio from our home in Florida to visit her relatives. She’s terrified of flying, so to test herself, she insisted on my dropping her off at the airport entrance and going through the check-in and boarding by herself. Of course, to help with her courage, she stopped […]
Sandra and Thelma undressed and hid their clothes behind a bush by the lake. They kissed with open mouths and caressed each others breasts and delicately matured buttocks with tender movements. They looked like two black nymphs, one tall and slim, the other a bit shorter and fat, as they embraced at the waterfront. The […]
The sun was going down as I yawned and forced myself out of bed. Most people get up when the sun comes up, but here I was making my way into the kitchen for my first cup of coffee at sundown. I had been doing it for almost two months now and my body still […]
With a grim look on her pretty face, Melanie Patton gulped down the remainder of her Bloody Mary and poured another from the pitcher on the patio table in front of her, trying to block the memory of her husband wanting to lick her naked pussy the night before from her mind. The voluptuous twenty-five-year-old […]