Lance won the race and Jonas watched him walk to the bed as he removed his dress shirt. Lance had him on body definition; he was an avid weightlifter. But Jonas was glad to see that in other areas, he would still hold the title of ‘Big’ brother. “Carmen, you look like you’re ready to […]
“I met a guy,” Ella said. “A really great guy.” “Did you now?” Elizabeth said. “That’s news. It’s been quite a while, hasn’t it?” “Yes it has. But the moment we were introduced, it just felt right. Instant connection.” “What’s his name?” “Max.” “And how did you meet Max?” “I met him at a friend’s […]
Matthew opened the front door. “Hey baby.” It was Lorraine, Matthews girlfriend. She was absolutely gorgeous, he knew he was hitting well out of his league with her. She had silky smooth, perfectly straight, mahogany hair. Her skin was flawlessly tanned, her eyes a mesmerizing, turquoise, and her smile could kill demons it was so […]
I stood in front of Sandra’s desk, trying to appear relaxed and nonchalant. “How long do you think this project will take to complete?” Sandra looked up, leaned back in her chair, rested her hands behind her head and crossed her legs. She was wearing a short skirt as usual with tan hose and I […]
The next morning, I woke up in my parents’ bed. Dad had already gotten up and I heard the shower running so I assumed he was in there. I took a chance and got up and went into their bathroom and climbed into the shower with my dad. He was surprised to see me but […]
or some reason, I felt embarrassed as I walked along the hotel corridor in search of the room. The hotel was plush and I thought I saw Ms Duivel in the lobby bar with a group of women but couldn’t be sure. At last I found the room, used the key the room and entered, […]
On a warm evening in mid-July, Rob Farrow decides to go for a ride on his motorbike. When he gets to his lock-up, he is horrified to find his motorbike is not there and there is a bloody great hole in the back wall. Some bastard has stolen his motor bike! Rob steps through the […]
The rest of the week was surreal for her. Her husband took time off from work. The rings fascinated him, and he wanted to see them and play with them constantly. He made her stay naked, and he would toy with the rings until he got excited and he would fuck her while he pulled […]
You stood there in the candlelight, your eyes big and shining in the flicker. Looking a little nervous…maybe a little scared. Also more than a little excited. Very pretty in the little black dress. In the Italian restaurant, many eyes were upon you, you were turning heads. I stand behind you, and you feel my […]
A resident of suburban Miami, Mary was quick to show a girl-next-door demeanor to her casual acquaintances. She would often come across as a person who was “pure as the driven snow”. But in reality, the 23-year-old woman had a ferocious sexual appetite which extended toward men from all walks of life. So it should […]