I don’t want you to think I’m weird or anything. I just got curious about some things, and one thing kind of led to another… It started when I was dating a nurse by the name of Luke. No, that sounds wrong. I really don’t swing that way. I better back up. She was called […]
I saw her in the valet parking area of one of the big new Vegas hotels. It was like a scene out of a movie–this whole crowd of Southern gals, dressed to the nines with billowy dresses and high heels and big floppy hats, saying goodbye to a toothy blonde bride in white lace. I […]
I tenderly pressed my lips on Vicki’s, and she gently kissed back as
the warm smooth innards of her pussy threatened to send me into a wild
ejaculation. I wanted to enjoy her for a longer time before that
happened. I had slowed down and even stopped pumping several times in
the long while that I’d been inside her.Vicki …
I woke up in dim light and wondered why Jasmine hadn’t pulled back the
curtains. Then I realised I was in a single bed with a warm body
pressed close to me. I was wide awake instantly. The memories of last
night came flooding into my mind.
“Shit,” I whispered.
Alexandra murmured something in her sleep.
I realised she was …
I walked into the topless bar and almost immediately turned around and walked out. Too crowded, too noisy, too smoky… it wasn’t going to be worth it just for $10 table dances. On the way back to my hotel a small building caught my eye with the sign “Gentlemen’s Dance Partners”. I figured I could […]
I put the tape in the v.c.r. and laid back on my bed to see what this mystery tape I’d found was all about. It was late, and everyone was sleeping. There was a naked woman sitting on a couch. She was very pretty, and looked to be in her 30’s. She was touching herself. […]
Christmas. At least that’s my excuse. Party season, networking season.
A client’s PR company threw a big thrash in some cool Covent Garden
bar. “Cool” was funny, because cool was the *last* word you’d choose
to describe that crowded, clattering cavern. The place was steaming.
Full of laughter; of smoke; glasses clashing. The noisy babble of
reckless, drunken people.Now …
Dani stepped off the bus into the madness that comprised the downtown business district at lunchtime. Class was over; now it was time to keep her lunch date with Brent. She turned many a male head as she made her way across the courtyard toward the sixteen-story building in which Brent worked. Dani was quite […]
I woke with a jolt and a terrifying feeling I was about to fall from
the violently bucking rodeo horse in my dream. But, even now with my
eyes open, I wasn’t sure I was properly awake. I was still being
bounced vigorously in my seat and there was a cloud of dust all
around. It was a disorientating moment, …
Mitch was tired. Work had been a long, miserable grind of one emergency
after another. What he really wanted, more than anything, was a quiet night
in front of the fire. A beer, his favorite book, a warm, glowing fire; yes,
that was exactly what he wanted. He knew it was a lost cause. Tonight was
Halloween.He opened his …