My Most Nasty Master, you lead me by a leash attached to the ring
you have pierced through my clit. My arms are bound behind me,
the cuffs placed just above my elbows and cinched tight. I walk
unsteadily on my widespread knees, dragging the bar shackled
between my ankles as the chain remains taut between the ring on
the …
About ten minute passed and he entered the room to find the two girls kneeling in the middle of the bed. Ramona knows him well enough to know he wouldn’t come to them, but would sit in the rich burgundy leather chair at the foot of their massive king-sized bed. Ramona leaned closer to Michelle […]
The pirates took over the convict ship on her sixth day out of Dartmouth, bound for Virginia. Under cover of darkness, they came alongside and had disposed of the captain and crew before the few passengers on board were awake enough to know what was going on. Then, as the convicts were freed to join […]
Laura’s situation was a little unique. She shared an office with me, and like it or not I got to be very familiar with the nuances of her life, mainly from phone calls and the like that she made, and listening to her talk to people that happened by. That, in addition to what she […]
It’s been another busy day at my shop again and I am looking forward to getting some things done after I close. There are about 3 groups of people browsing and I don’t mind that I may be staying open longer than the next 15 minutes I have left. I usually close at 5 but […]
This letter describes one of the most memorable visits of Carl and Eddy, the two giant black American lovers of my beautiful young albino wife. At the time of this visit the lads had not been down for nearly two months. They ad been on holiday and we went away on our vacation on the […]
It was Julia’s birthday. I asked her if there was anything she would really like. Half jokingly she said more dick would be nice… She had been on a diet and was looking very sexy. Although even when she was bigger she always knew what to do. (and where to put it). On the night […]
Little Red Friday Hood by Arty Once upon a time in the far-away land of FDWritings there lived a young(ish) girl call Little Red Friday Hood. Why was she called this? Well since you ask so nicely I’ll tell you. Of course this will derail the story I was about to tell, but you did […]
One beautiful Saturday morning in early summer Joe and JoJo set out from their house on Bluebird Lane for a little before-breakfast stroll about the neighborhood. They had not gone far, just around the corner and to the next block, Robin Drive, when they noticed a garage sale. “Oh, no,” Joe said, “we have way […]
Softly, the rain drops fall upon the rooftop. Inside, the plaintive wailing of a violin can be heard over the angelic voice of Sarah Brightman. Nestled under candy-colored coverlet that adorns our bed, I lay in anticipation of your arrival. As I hear the sudden rush of water from the shower, I contemplate joining you. […]