category: sex

Crossing The Lake


“So different in the Winter”, he thought, as he decended the lake bank and shoed out onto the drifted snow. In the Summer, there’d be the gulls overhead and the sound of calling loons, and a cooling breeze coming off the water. “Well there’s a ‘cooling’ breeze today, too,” he chuckled to himself. “Get’s much […]

What A Wild Widow


“Hello, Mrs. Davidson.” The handsome young man standing on the front porch had a smile on his face. “Hello, Steve.” Deborah was smiling too. She’d been expecting him. She was very glad to see him, and he was right on time. “I’m all ready.” “Good. It was very nice of you to help me out.” […]

My Best Friend Jessica


By 11 o’clock, we were both snug in bed – Jessica in her own double bed against wall with me laying on a smaller twin-size bed on the other side of the room. I had spent so much time at Jessica’s house over the last four years that her father had decided to put a […]

Swapping Faces Cock Rings


“The first Face is always the “Deep bite Gothic breast” what a movie set. Her Goth guitar will he rob her love strings what color is her love star? Bloody red salad shredded or crimson and clover is my life over? Will I regret it? We need better communication with the sin of temptation. She […]

Accidental Voyeurs


Our company sent us to New York on business and we were both booked into the same hotel, but in separate rooms. Julie, my co-worker and I were going to give a presentation the next afternoon, then catch a red-eye flight back to the coast. We checked in, finding our adjoining rooms on the 23rd […]

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