I spotted her walking towards me, first intermittently amongst pedestrians moving in both directions on the busy sidewalk. I was sipping a cappuccino in my favorite sidewalk cafe, which with its raised deck afforded me a commanding view of the bustling crowd. Like always, when a goddess graces our earthly domain, there’s a charismatic glow […]
Two weeks before Soul Music: Susan, Duchess of Sto Helit, lay in her bed at the Quirm College For Young Ladies. She couldn’t sleep. Part of the reason for this was a strange noise. It sounded a lot like a grindstone. A grindstone. Now why did that generate such strange images in her mind? Of […]
The Jehovah’s Witnesses of porn. Kenny pushed his straw colored bangs from his eyes and stuck a finger into the collar of his shirt, trying to loosen his tie some. It was a hot July day; too hot really, to be walking around in a suit, but he had to look respectable. After taking a […]
Sam Warren waited at the terminal for his wife, his bride. After a year’s separation due to Operation Enduring Freedom, he found that all he could think of was her. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but for Sam, absence just made his heart grow lonely. He fussed over the bouquet of flowers, […]
“I’m a lesbian, you idiot!” He shrugged. “I’m gay. The point is we both want children and our government is not friendly to same-sex couples adopting. So we make our own.” “Ewwww.” “Oh, don’t come all male-sex-is-rape on me. You had sex the night of your prom. You told me so.” “I did?” “When we […]
“Frank Sinatra had a massive johnson.” Sarah looked up from her copy of Marie-Claire at her husband nestled in his armchair reading the Daily Telegraph. She furrowed her brow quizzically. “It says so here. He was incredibly well-endowed in the trouser department. His crowning glory was a real whopper!” “Was it, Phil dear?” Sarah remarked, […]
Like a lonely spectre, she haunted the club. Her pixyish, mischievous smile belied the sadness she kept carefully walled up inside. It was pain that few could see and no one would share. The outer façade was girlish, and playful. The inner soul was wounded and dying. She struggled to hold this illusion out front, […]
Sean had been the top man in charge of this particular ad agency for the past seven years. Over the years, copy writers, editors, secretaries, financial and legal staff — everyone had come and gone. And over the years he’d managed to replace them, one by one, with the sort of people who made his […]
Spotting *her* amongst the other dogbots was easy. The canine division of Homebots had, after all, built her based on the photographs and videos I’d given them. She moved… differently than I’d expected. Oh, I hadn’t expected any miracles and after being shown the various production models I’d readily agreed that I couldn’t expect her […]
I lay on my back staring at the ceiling in the dark. The euphoric glow of the previous evening had worn off as the events settled into my mind; replaced by a lingering and unrelenting sense of unease. I couldn’t get the growing feeling of wrongness to go away. I’d gone too far. We’d gone […]