Pretty Cindy Lake waved good-bye to Mr. and Mrs. Jenson and closed the door. She went to the bedroom and checked on the studs. They were fast asleep. Cindy smiled to herself. The Jensons wouldn’t be home for hours. Now she could have her fun. Sex fun. She went into the living room and perched […]
“God, you’re beautiful, Miriam,” Roger Trenton said in hushed awe as he stood near the lovely blonde woman. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known.” “Nonsense,” Miriam Dodge softly giggled. “I’m a thirty-four year old English teacher past her prime. Flattery will get you nowhere, Roger.” “You know you’re every bit as youthful looking […]
The seething passions that lurk within many individuals are often hidden beneath a veneer of normalcy, exposed only under extremely tempting conditions. The woman who, after a few drinks at a party, takes on all corners, male and female alike. The man who, during a strip show at a stag party, climbs up on stage […]
Ann sat back on the church pew and relaxed. Church pews were good sellers, people liked to put them on their front porches, and Ann and Tom had just bought two dozen of them to sell to the customers they hoped to attract to their new shop. Tom had driven the pick-up to get the […]
After a short time, Denise got up, stretched (very sexily in her emerald baby doll) and said she might go take a bath. This left me and Lissa alone together, watching tv. About 5 minutes later, Lissa said, “I don’t know why but for some reason I’m more embarrassed with my mom about these panties […]
“Every time we got together, Mr. Harvey and me, he would ask me if I wanted to go over to his house to have our fun. For a while I wouldn’t go; I just couldn’t bring myself to do those things with him while his wife was looking on. Finally he convinced me by showing […]
“If you want to tuck,” I said, ‘why don’t you tuck me in the ass? I’d love to do it that way with you and it would be just as good, I bet.” “Now why would I say a thing like that? I’d never -had a cock in my ass before. I’d never had anything […]
He looked at the clock in the bottom left corner of his screen – 22:15. After a quick sigh, he clicked his left mouse button and sat back. From his right, his computer emitted a short eerie electronic wailing noise. “Still working.” he thought. “Still wasting my phone bill.” But he was not to realise […]
He hasn’t yet told me what to expect. All he said just now when he called
was that he was tired of me asking for more and that we’d just have to see
how much I really wanted… or could take.His instructions were to prepare a warm two quart enema, hang the bag on
the back of the door …
“You want to, don’t you?” I could tell she did. I’m fluent in body language. As she stood there talking, her bent knee tended toward the desired object. She kept fluffing her hair – an unconscious gesture, but one that emphasised her desire. (The flop of blonde curls; the shoulder pulled back to thrust the […]