I came home late one night and was heading up to bed
when I heard the soft sound of crying coming from my sister
Kim’s room. I knocked and she asked me to come in.Kim was a beautiful girl, just turned eighteen. Her
hair is golden blonde, and it falls down to her shoulders in
these big girls. She’s …
Danni didn’t know whether to be upset or angry about the remark made
by Karl, the oddly eccentric old man who was a regular visitor to the
small library where she worked. She should have been used to his lewd
comments and the uneasy knowledge of how he secretly ogled her as she
went about her duties between the shelves, …
Vivian Glenn walked rapidly back toward her classroom. Her heels clicked loudly, sending echoes through the deserted halls.
Damn these late meetings, she thought to herself as she glanced hurriedly at her watch.
Her kids, Andy and Christy, were probably already home. Andy would have gotten out of football practice by this time. He might have stopped off at the …
We met at the marina where Frank and Kris keep their boat. We were going to
Bluff’s Island to a marina there for a weekend without the kids. We got the
boat underway after making sure all our gear was loaded on board. We figured
we had about 4 hours before we would arrive on the island. I had told …
My whole body tingled with excitement as I removed the
robe in front of the class. The eyes of twenty young
students, both male and female absorbed every inch of
my body. I searched out the ones that looked at me with
lust in their eyes. That included most of the men. A
few of the men were serious artists …
“You poor honey,” Pat said.
Lauren and Pat were in Pat’s living room and Lauren was complaining about her problems with Jim.
“It’s awful,” Lauren said. “I mean, he raped me.”
Pat chuckled. “Well, not quite, darling.”
“He did something hateful to me.”
“Like what?”
Lauren blushed. “I’d rather not talk about it.”
Pat chuckled again. “All right, I can …
This year, like the last five, he and his wife were going
next door to spend the evening. The kids had gone out
with friends to a great party and were not due back until
late. He and Lori always made their house all dark and
went next door to help hand out candy and spend the
evening with Sue …
I’d never had sex with another woman, but I found myself
attracted to my pregnant friend.It was about a half hour after my husband left for work
that my best friend, Karen arrived. I was expecting her
to show up, Jack and I’d just had our new pool filled
for the first time, and Karen had been almost more…
“I’d have thought they would be well into it now.” “Oh, yeah – they’ve been working on it for over a year now,
but the number of programs they’ve got running is enormous!
They don’t so much need skilled programmers to deduce how to
solve their problems, they just need people who know Cobol and
can make the changes they’ve …
We were horny young guys just past the cusp of puberty. It was summer
holidays and we were allowed to stay out far past the falling of darkness.
It was the late forties and kids were safe in the streets, even in a
working class neighborhood like ours.
Women on our street all stayed home keeping house and raising their…