It was New Years eve and my 16 year old daughter Lisa and I were fixing up the house for a big party. I had just taken down the Christmas tree and was putting all the ornaments away. There were about 15 people who were supposed to show up tonight. The food was prepared and […]
Harry was in the den, reading, when it started. She came in, and sat down next to him on the couch. “I’m ready,” she said. “For what?” he asked. “Everything.” “Everything,” he thought “What…had she changed her mind?” He looked at her, and asked, “Everything? Are you sure?” She tilted her head down, covering her […]
“God!” Allison Dennis didn’t feel good. In fact, she felt terrible. Her head still pounded while her belly felt as if it were on fire. Her whole body was shaking, a monument to agony as she sat quietly in the headmistress’ office, her hands folded modestly in her lap. A severe-looking woman was shuffling through […]
You stood there in the candlelight, your eyes big and shining in the flicker. Looking a little nervous…maybe a little scared. Also more than a little excited. Very pretty in the little black dress. In the Italian restaurant, many eyes were upon you, you were turning heads. I stand behind you, and you feel my […]
“Please, Nicky… let me go!” squealed Ellen Brady. “No, baby, no way,” answered her husband, Nicky. “You heard what I said.” Struggling frantically, Mrs. Brady tried to loosen the silk strips that held her securely in position. Kneeling over the edge of the bed, she felt so helpless, so vulnerable with her ass jutting out. […]
Gloria sat thoughtfully in front of the mirror, polishing her nails. She had a big decision to make. Should she accept David’s invitation to spend the weekend at his country home or not? It was not quite the simple decision it looked. Oh, she liked David, of course, he was the perfect gentleman to her. […]
“When Barbara set out to seduce a guy, she didn’t tend to fool around or play it coy, she usually came directly to the point. She knew how desirable she was, and figured-that If a man turned her offer down there must be something funny about him, so a refusal wouldn’t cause Barbara any embarrassment. […]
He moved to her and pulled her to her feet. He reached down to grasp the hem of her dress and swiftly pulled it over her head. He tossed her discarded dress to the floor. He looked over her beautiful body. His first view of her shaven pussy. He walked around her in a large […]
A mature, hirsute lesbian cleaning woman lusts after the young college girls that she sees every day at work. Then before she knows it, she’s experiencing a lustful love session with an 18-year-old freshman lesbian. Mary pulled her beat-up old car in front of her house and stepped out. It had been a long day […]
Max Benson nearly ran from the front door of the main laboratory complex, to the parking lot. He would have run, and shouted too, except that successful research scientists at Walton Instruments did not behave in such an indecorous fashion. The news he had received, just before leaving for the day certainly confirmed that he […]