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category: slut

Slutwife Adventures



Well, as I promised last week, I’ll get you up to date on my Fourth of July camping trip. My husband, Tom, and I found this great campground with a practically endless sandy beach, and we were there for the holiday weekend. In my last letter, I described how I’d taken on a couple of groups of guys on our …

Slut wife having fun with five younger men



Howard Merriweather was feeling blue. That’s the best way to describe it and it was a perfect feeling. Like a ball might be perfectly round or a line perfectly straight. Howard was perfectly blue. He dressed mechanically, not looking too closely at anything which might remind him of HER. It wasn’t very easy; after 11 […]

What A Wild Widow



“Hello, Mrs. Davidson.” The handsome young man standing on the front porch had a smile on his face. “Hello, Steve.” Deborah was smiling too. She’d been expecting him. She was very glad to see him, and he was right on time. “I’m all ready.” “Good. It was very nice of you to help me out.” […]

Slutty pregnant wife



Allie, 8 months pregnant, couldn’t fuck her husband any longer without pain in her virgina or ass. Their dog was moping around feeling left out too. Both were walking around with blue balls. Hand jobs sufficed but even blow jobs for her ‘men’ was becoming difficult, as the taste and aroma were nauseating to her […]

The Life Of An Army Wife 2.



I had never been in a pool hall, but I had played pool in a friend’s garage. Not well, but I had the basics down. Ted and I started playing eight-ball and it wasn’t long before the game at the other table in our alcove came to a standstill as the players watched me bend […]

Slut diary 1.



My cell phone chirped and I dug it out of my purse. “Hello…” “Where the hell are you?” It was Tom, my husband. “Hi Tom…” I said. Boonie was unhitching the Ford. “My car broke down Tom. I had to call a tow truck…” He swore. “Take it easy. The mechanic thinks it’s a small […]

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