…tap tap tap. “I see you’re using my name for this deidre
project.” “Whose would I use?” “I wasn’t consulted.” “I see you’ve decided to crawl out of your little
bunny cage now. Where were you the other day when I
had time to do some writing?” “Sleeping. Why are you calling it `Secrets’?
Isn’t that giving it away? How …
Becca startled as her desk phone snagged her attention away from the
document she was writing at work.“This is Becca,” she answered in a crisp tone.“Hi, it’s me,” the soft and silky female voice said.“Where’ve you been? I called you at work and you didn’t answer!”“I took the day off. I had some errands to run.”…
“Well. . . I don’t know. . . I’ve never even im-
agined doing anything like this before.” Kristen’s re-
solve was breaking down, I could see it. I looked at
Kathy, nodding toward her friend in a silent appeal.
Kathy got the idea and piped up, “Come on Krissy, let’s
do it, I dare you to. I’ll do it …
At 8 pm I tied myself to the bed. It was a trick I had learnt a while ago and was well practiced. First I tied my ankles, quite loosely as I needed to be able to move my legs a little, and then I tied my left wrist. I used a special knot to […]