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category: teen

Cuckolded by Neighbour teen



My wife and I have known the neighbour’s 18yo teen since he was born and have been friendly with his parents for years before that. From a young age we guessed he was big because at BBQ’s around their house in the summer he would be in the puddling pool and in speedos which showed […]

Asian Trucker Groupie



My name is Tiana, a shortened version of my original Korean name. Until I was 17 years old, I was brought up in a very strict home, protected (smothered) by my parents, four brothers, and both sets of grandparents. When I was given the opportunity to become an exchange student in the United States, I […]

Step-daughter Dry Humping



By the time I reached 34 years old, I pretty much thought my chances of meeting a woman, falling in love, getting married, and starting a family of my own were pretty much over. What I had done with my life up to that point had kept me out of the country, fairly well isolated […]

Twice the fun 1.



I was working on the final chapters of my latest book when I heard the moving van come to a stop outside. My former neighbors (a very nice elderly couple who had lived next door to me for several years) had retired to Florida a few weeks ago. I lived in a four unit, condo […]

Twice the fun 2.



The next morning Terri and Tammy showed up at my door at ten o’clock; exactly when the pool opened, I might add. It was already 80 degrees outside, a typical, early August morning, and the girls were barefoot and wearing only their warm up gym suits. They said their mom wouldn’t let them put on […]

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