category: teen

Nudie Nursery


It was all my mom’s fault. When I was 16, she insisted I get a job. She said she was tired of me just playing on the beach. My grades had dropped from a little too much partying. I think she thought I was up to more than I actually was. But what was I […]

Spying on Amber


Amy is my twin sister. We were born less than an hour apart. By all accounts we were a “surprise” to our parents and older siblings. Charlie, the oldest, turned 33 last month. Meg and Liz (also twins) turned 28 in April, and the closest to us, Amber, will be 25 this fall. Amber just […]

Tasting the Exotic!


Sometime after we reached puberty, my sister and I engaged in incestual contacts not so much out of curiousity, but in search of sexual release. We were competitive and proud, so when one of us was trying to get the other “interested”, we didn’t use romance or seduction. We often suggested a role-game, such as […]

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