category: twins

Sex with Minnesota Twins


Dear Idiot, How are you? Never mind I don’t care, I just want to write you and complain about something that you wrote to a newsgroup that I found on google. I recently found your stories on the usenet, and even though they completely suck, I did a search to find more to read. Well, […]

Even The Neighbors Suck!


Steve and Bonnie Conrad were an extremely promiscuous couple with teenaged twin daughters named Pam and Jill. Though the two blonde girls were extremely attractive and innocent looking, they’d both lost their cherries and had been fucking regularly ever since. Their parents, unaware of the twins’ sexual activities, were into all sorts of kinky sex, […]

The Blonde Twins


Gwen and John had sex, just like they did every week or so. She came off with a languid sigh and he spewed into her, but unusual during their couplings, she had something else on her mind. “We have a problem, John,” she said after returning from the bathroom. “Like what? Is it money?” “I […]

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