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category: xmas

Remove my panties to get through



Christmas. At least that’s my excuse. Party season, networking season. A client’s PR company threw a big thrash in some cool Covent Garden bar. “Cool” was funny, because cool was the *last* word you’d choose to describe that crowded, clattering cavern. The place was steaming. Full of laughter; of smoke; glasses clashing. The noisy babble of reckless, drunken people.Now …

An Elf Maiden’s Christmas



The spirit of Naar floated helplessly in the darkness of space, his soul a cloud of ethereal, black smoke. He watched angrily as the universe was consumed by the Light of Ishir and Kai, their benevolent gazes bringing new life to the worlds he had purified with fire and death. At the Dark God’s side floated Gwena, an Elf girl …

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