I spent Thanksgiving at my brother’s house. Besides my brother, his darling wife, and me, the festivities included our parents, another brother, two sisters, everybody’s spouse, and rugrats all around. I was the only one single and childless. I always preferred it that way, but this year I was a little envious of them and […]
“I am so full. That really hit the spot, Noel.” I closed my eyes, listened to the broadcast of A Christmas Story from the television. “Hey,” a voice whispered. “Psss!” I awoke in my pod in nothing but a pair of red briefs, a green ‘X’ over my bulge. I was on my bed, sheets […]
Christmas. At least that’s my excuse. Party season, networking season.
A client’s PR company threw a big thrash in some cool Covent Garden
bar. “Cool” was funny, because cool was the *last* word you’d choose
to describe that crowded, clattering cavern. The place was steaming.
Full of laughter; of smoke; glasses clashing. The noisy babble of
reckless, drunken people.Now …
I love the beach. More importantly, I love *this* beach. No kids allowed. Peace and quiet. Glory Hallelujah. I know what you’re thinking … how can you go to the beach and not have kids screaming and running around making life miserable? Turns out … it’s actually quite easy. You book your annual vacation on […]
The spirit of Naar floated helplessly in the darkness of space, his
soul a cloud of ethereal, black smoke. He watched angrily as the
universe was consumed by the Light of Ishir and Kai, their benevolent
gazes bringing new life to the worlds he had purified with fire and
death. At the Dark God’s side floated Gwena, an Elf girl …