category: xxx

WILD CHANGE by Carlos Malenkov


Deep in the Black Forest, or *Schwartzwald* as the locals call it, there stands a small, moss-covered cottage. Its quaint gingerbread trimmings give it a charming Eighteenth Century rustic look. Civil servants of the Bavarian state government maintain the hut and its surroundings, and give guided tours to any hikers who happen by. Nailed to […]

The two young lovers


Sam Warren waited at the terminal for his wife, his bride. After a year’s separation due to Operation Enduring Freedom, he found that all he could think of was her. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but for Sam, absence just made his heart grow lonely. He fussed over the bouquet of flowers, […]

Fantasies of my Lover


It’s such a pleasant October morning that I decide to go for a walk through the park by the lakes. Hurriedly I shower and dress, picking a blouse and long, loose skirt. It seems as if I am in the trees in no time at all, as I walk with the sun shining warmly on […]

Photo Story (MF,cons)


I’d been trying to talk Sarah into photography for a while. She had been reluctant, to say the least. She was adamant that she wouldn’t allow herself to be photographed if it meant that ANYONE else would see the pictures. I tried to explain that we could have the pics developed through the mail at […]

Hill’s the Boss 4: With Grace


I was in bed with the Senator at the Hotel Z after our partner (and her chauffeur) Tyrone went home. As you may know, I am Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s lover. We were enjoying our post-coital glow when the Senator got that girlish, mischievous look she only allows special friends to see. “You know, Joe,” […]

I’m a lesbian, you idiot!


“I’m a lesbian, you idiot!” He shrugged. “I’m gay. The point is we both want children and our government is not friendly to same-sex couples adopting. So we make our own.” “Ewwww.” “Oh, don’t come all male-sex-is-rape on me. You had sex the night of your prom. You told me so.” “I did?” “When we […]

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