category: xxx

Ten Simple Swinger Facts


One, I am severely hung over. I knew that I’d drank like a fish last night because the hangover I’m experiencing, the one that had the insides of my eyelids feeling like sandpaper, is enough to make me consider stop drinking altogether. Two, this is not my bed. My head is resting on a big […]

Sister in Law’s SexToys


Early last year, my father-in-law passed away. About a month prior, my sister-in-law Marie had moved from another state to help my wife care for him in his final days. Marie wasn’t sure how long she would be staying, or if she and her husband would move down permanently, so she brought a huge amount […]

Mature woman and the lawn boy


Carol sat on her couch reading a trashy romance novel. She knew these novels were the literary equivalent to B-movies or soft core porn. But she didn’t care, she liked them. She heard a lawn mower start. James was back. Every Sunday, late in the morning, he was there to mow her lawn. She wondered […]

Sins of the Mothers


I asked her to dance, and she wasn’t too steady on her feet. Her breath reeked of liquor and she had a faraway look. I was twenty-two years old, in a strange city, and had few friends. Dances were the only places I knew for meeting women. It was almost midnight, and I had to […]

It’s Good To Be The Boss


Sean had been the top man in charge of this particular ad agency for the past seven years. Over the years, copy writers, editors, secretaries, financial and legal staff — everyone had come and gone. And over the years he’d managed to replace them, one by one, with the sort of people who made his […]

When Mom wants to do EVERYTHING


“What do you mean you missed?” Mom stared at me with a puzzled frown on her face as I stood there in the bathroom like a dumbstruck lemon trying and failing to explain my first attempt at measuring my spunk. “Uh, well,” I mumbled as I held up the empty measuring beaker for her to […]

Sci-fi porn – The long run


I was 20 cycles old when I got my first ship. My father did “The Long Run” just before I was born. Ten years from Mars high orbit to various mining colonies and then on to Io and back. He missed my early childhood, but came back with 1 million credits. I always wanted to […]

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