I was sitting in the reading lounge at the library when this guy came
out-of-the-blue and took a seat right at the table I was sitting. There
was plenty of other tables in the place and no more than a handful of
people quietly reading… I was too startled to hide my annoyance but I
tried to remain courteous. I …
Eduardo Cendrars Queral paid little attention to the usual landing announcements made by the flight crew as the Cebu Pacific Air jet began its descent over Mactan Island, its colourful yellow-and-orange livery flashing brightly in the tropical sunshine.
The Spaniard was more interested in watching Mi-chan’s reactions to the sea of green that was becoming visible as the plane began …
I lay on my back on the bed with my knees in the air, feet dangling
loosely, legs spread wide. With my left hand I held a handmirror,
positioned at an angle over my crotch, so I had a full view of both my
sensitive holes. My right arm was stretched down the length of my
body, wrist bent sharply …
Katerina Bronislow was a picture of beauty and grace.
The young champion glided to an abrupt stop, sparkles
cascading from her silver blades as they bit into the
ice. A moment of silence, then the music came back to
life in a burst of joy, as the young woman flexed at
the knees to push herself into another change-double-
From time to time, as he worked, Frank was aware of his Mistress
phoning around to various friends or using the record-player. An
easy-going life. How happy she would be, thought Frank bitterly,
at the knowledge that he was unceasingly sweating his guts out at
her command. Pure joy to a sadist like her. How she must hate
men. That …
This is one of a collection of stories concerning a few women that my
wife & I have known for about 15 years.The names,as well as place
names,have been changed to protect certain reputations.The ladies in
question are big hockey fans,and we all live near a large mid-western
city that has a minor leauge hockey team.The two main particpants are…
It was the sound of something going “Pop!” that woke Maria up. She had been
asleep only a little while it seemed, having got home with Joseph somewhat
late that evening.After waiting an hour for the flying boat to arrive, Joseph and Maria had
been among the first to leave Hiro Atamo’s party. Joseph didn’t want to hang
around …
When Linda Collins woke up this sunny Friday morning, she was fit to be fucked.
There was a hot tingle in her lush tits, radiating all the way down to her juicy, silken ass. At twenty, the blonde’s sexy-hot curves were in their prime, and so was her tight, luscious cunt. Slipping on a robe, Linda made coffee and smoked …
Mona sat back on her haunches. “You ready to go out to the barn and learn why you’re so horny when you’re around Beauty?”
Barbi gulped, a tinge of fear gripping her as she ogled the woman’s large fleshy tits. “I’d rather stay here and use my mouth on you.”
“There’ll be plenty of time for you to enjoy my …
We met at the marina where Frank and Kris keep their boat. We were going to
Bluff’s Island to a marina there for a weekend without the kids. We got the
boat underway after making sure all our gear was loaded on board. We figured
we had about 4 hours before we would arrive on the island. I had told …