“Why did you take it?” Mike asked, “All you had to do was ask.”And that was the problem really. I was pretty sure if I had asked to borrow the money he would have let me but instead I just took it. Anything I said from here would just sound like an excuse. I was just so disgusted with …
I was desperate to make the sale and willing to do almost
anything to close the deal. The real estate market had been in the
pits for more than a year and I was feeling the pinch. I hadn’t made
a sale in months and I knew the company was planning on cutting the
sales staff to reduce overhead. My …
It had been a long time since I had the house to myself on a Saturday without the possibility of someone coming home soon. My wife had left the night before for a “girl’s weekend” out of town and she wouldn’t be back until later in the day on Sunday.I woke up on Saturday morning and made my coffee …
It was about five in the morning when I slipped the
handcuffs around my eight-teen-year-old stepdaughter Lisa’s
wrists and cuffed her to her headboard. It wasn’t
necessary, but since just last night she had seen me
cuff her mother in the same way, I couldn’t let the
poor dear feel I didn’t love her just as much, now
could I?…
My Dearest,You must follow my instructions to the letter if you want to continue
our sexual exploration.Firstly you are to have a shower and wash yourself thoroughly. Next you
will shave off all hair below your neckline. There is a razor and some
shaving cream in the bathroom. That includes your pussy. I want you
completely smooth for …
As Taylor’s hunting skills become more adept he has more time to explore his
environment. I followed the stream into the jungle upward toward the
crests of the large hills hazily seen in the distance. Within an hour I had
surmounted the heights and surveyed my domain. My assumptions where verified
that we where stranded on an island.
I had …
Richard and Clarice had a wild couple of sensual interactions leaving Richard physically and emotionally worn out, Clarice satisfied beyond her dreams and the neighborhood changed forever. After the weekend adventure things began returning to normal; Richard was quiet at home with few interruptions, Clarice found a job and was figuring out her duties. Richard missed Clarice during the week …
It was Friday night and Sally and I were sitting around without much to do.
I had not seen much of Sally as school was keeping me so busy but this was
the first Friday of my summer vacation. Sally, who at 30 was much older
than I was, was actually the big sister of a friend of mine from …
Making sure I packed my favorite dildos and a small bottle of baby oil, I
went to work in anticipation of visiting the adult book store I had heard
about. The day seemed like it would never end.Finially, the day was over. Stopping at McDonalds to change out of my work
cloths and into a very tight mini-skirt with …
When he called, he sounded a bit nervous, “Well, I called to see if you
were interested in…..uhhh……maybe sometime this weekend…..”
I cut in and said “Doug, I’d love to! How about I come down Friday night
after work and we’ll take it from t here”.Again stopping at the McDonalds, I changed into one of those one piece knit…