category: xxx

Teen whores action in the mall


The three teenage girls sat in the food court of the mall, trying to appear bored and uninterested and incredibly seductive all at the same time. Each girl thought they were far sexier than they actually were, and it showed. “Oh, damn, it’s Alexis” Britney said. “Where?” Jessica turned to look around. “She just walked […]

A Pet in Paradise


I was on my way to my new home with my Master. In a way it was our first home. We’d saved for years, lived in a series of small apartments where the neighbors were always thin walls away, putting money away and dreaming of what we’d have ‘one day’. And now the day was […]

Hard cocks on the holiday


The following morning we showered briefly, pressing on with a quick breakfast keen not to waste the precious time left. We drove to our ‘special’ beach, parked up and walked into the dunes. We were disappointed to find no Sarah and John in their usual spot, instead two ladies, a little older than us, both […]

Brenda Breaks Free


She was cold, uncomfortable and a little embarrassed; but she was mostly proud of the fact she’d actually gone through with it this time. Twice before in the past month she’d had the opportunity and desire, but she just couldn’t, but this time, this time she would not go home feeling like a coward and […]

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