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Fulfilled cunt



I tried to hide in the shadows as I made my way down the dark street, nighttime coming much to fast, and me with really no place to go. My mom was drunk, again. I hated it when she started drinking because I could do nothing right. Her boyfriend was looking at me like I might be next and that’s when I ran away. Now I was here on this dark street with houses lit up and probably loving families inside each one of them. I didn’t know where I was going or what was to become of me, I just had to get away and that’s what kept me going.

Susan Miller was seven and on the verge of becoming eight. Her life was on hold as she made a desperate effort to escape what she knew to be wrong and no doubt in self preservation as well. Alone on the dark street, it was a November evening as she was without a coat, before long she would begin to suffer hypothermia in the 40 degree weather. Not quite a block behind her an old man walked his dog, letting the dog relieve herself and trot along sniffing everything in her path. The old man noticed the little girl father ahead but paid her no attention, instead watching his dog sniff happily around the base of a tree, as if the scent was truly important. Suddenly the dog looked ahead and barked, her leash pulled from his hand as the little girl fell to the ground and lay still.

I soon caught up with my dog and the little girl, my dog lying beside the child trying to keep her warm in the chilly night air. I took off my coat and wrapped the child in it, lifting her to my body in a tight hold to keep her warm. I could not hold my dog’s leash as I carried the child back to my house, but the dog was mine, had been for a long time, and she followed along right at my side, whining in her own way as she was worried about the child just like I was.

I woke up in a soft bed underneath soft heavy covers, I felt warm and cozy. Then it dawned on me that I was someplace and didn’t know where or with whom. I stretched and then noticed that I was naked, my clothes lying in a neat pile on a chair. The voice of the man as he entered the room with a tray of food startled me and I shrank under the covers so only my eyes showed. He was old, like somebody’s grandfather, but his face was kind looking and he smiled at me in a loving way. He sat down on the edge of the bed and put the tray on the nightstand. Looking at me trying to hide, he chuckled and told me to sit up like a big girl. I did what he told me to do and as I smelled the food I didn’t even notice that half of my naked body was on display for him. He stared at me for a moment and then picked up the bowl of hot chicken noodle soup and began to feed me. I felt like a baby being fed like that, but it was kinda nice too, you know, being cared for the right way.

I lifted the soup spoon and carefully blew on it to cool the hot fluid down so as not to burn her mouth. She was like a baby bird, her mouth open in hungry anticipation of being fed. She managed the liquid okay, but the noodles were another thing, she got some, but the rest landed on her chest. She giggled and then realized she was naked as she tried to cover herself with her arms. Her smile vanished as quickly as it had come. I place the bowl back onto the tray and then pulled her arms away to her sides, telling her that was enough of that, she had no reason to be shy with me, and I told her so. I scooped of the lost noodles and offered them to her; she didn’t want them so I put them in my mouth. Picking up the bowl again I ladled another spoonful of hot soup and blew on it to cool it. She was far too hungry to let anything get away this time and while I fed her some nourishment she relaxed more and more. I offered her the bowl and asked her if she wanted to lick it clean, she did.

He seemed to be a nice man and even though I wore no clothes, he didn’t seem to mind, and I was so hungry and he fed me like I was a baby, I guess all in all, I liked it. Actually it was kinda nice, him looking at me naked, and he did look. I felt pretty and just the beginnings of being loved; I didn’t want this to end, not now, after having nothing all my life. I handed him back the empty bowl and licked my lips. He set the bowl down and leaned towards me, his lips finding mine, Christ he was going to kiss me. It was not like old lips, I could sense his hunger and the kiss was warm and passionate, but brief, then he licked my chest to clean off the remains of the noodles that landed there. He turned out the light on my side of the bed and began to undress right in front of me. Soon he was naked too and crawled into the bed on his side and turned out the other light. The room plunged into darkness and I found myself cuddling the old man for comfort. He did not complain.

He was very hairy all over his body and I somehow found that exciting, but between his legs, he looked nothing like me, something hung there big and long and he stroked it a few time before he got into bed. I was attracted to him and I was pretty sure he was attracted to me also, maybe this was my chance at something better, he liked looking at me and that kiss was something else, it excited me. An older man kissed me because he wanted to and it wasn’t just a peck on the cheek, this was a real kiss, his hands on the sides of my face, tilting my head back, his lips finally pressed against mine. The feeling was awesome and I wouldn’t mind having more of them. I moved over next to him, he layed on his side facing away from me. I pushed my naked body up against his and felt his hair pressed against my skin. I felt more contented at that moment than I had ever felt in my whole life. Sleep was a pleasant thing as his hand moved to lie on my hip. I felt sexy and quite a bit naughty, and I liked it, being with him.

Thoughts of, what the hell was I doing, filled my mind, but her softness against me was erotic and illegal, still I didn’t care, she was very young, she was naked, and she was pressed against me as tightly as she could possibly be. If there was a God, He would let me have her, I wanted a daughter so much, and the fact that my long dead wife had given me no children, made me want her even more. Whatever happened that night between God and me, I would never be sure of, but in the morning, this little naked girl was mine forever.

The forever part bothered me, but I could not comprehend something like that. The little girl had no reservations about letting me see her naked now and she never even bothered to get dressed. We ate a proper breakfast and she stuffed herself, good thing too, she was as skinny as a rail. I actually had to fry more eggs and make more toast. Watching her eat was sexy as could be, as often eating with someone else can be. Finally she pushed her empty plate away, got down out of her chair and crawled into my lap. Since we were both naked, the length of her young pussy glided over my old cock to its full length. Gone were her inhibitions, indeed every warning her body could give her, replaced by a need she neither understood but accepted. As she rubbed herself on me, she became more and more excited. As if by Devine intervention, my old cock slipped into the warmest, tightest place it had ever been in. There were no barriers, no hymen to rupture, no nothing, just pure little girl as hairless as you please. I was not sure she intended this to happen, but she was getting into it now and there was no stopping it.

I didn’t know what was happening, but it felt good and I wanted more of it. He was somehow inside me and I felt really filled up. I liked it. He was pushing into me and then pulling out and pushing in again, over and over. My insides were on fire and something I didn’t understand was building inside me, something really powerful. I knew that I was being fucked for the first time in my life and it did not bother me as the old man loved me more than anyone else ever had. I let him take me where he wanted and when the orgasm hit it laid me to waste and I went out like a light being switched off.

From the cold dark street last night I was saved by a man and his dog that cared for me. He was old, but certainly not lacking in love or desire for me, I had found my home and when I woke up I would tell him about it.