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Learning How to Behave Around Women and spanking sex



I hurried into the living room rubbing my sore, red, rear the entire time and stood with my face in the corner. My stepmother proceeded into the kitchen to prepare Sunday dinner and her daughters scattered about the house. A short time later, I heard the door bell ring and Linda rushed to see who was there. As she opened the door I heard, “oh hi Donna, come on in.” I heard their footsteps walking down the hall towards Lindas room and breathed a sigh of relief thinking that I had escaped some further embarassment. About 5 minutes later, the door bell rang again and I heard my stepmother approach the entrance and open the door and say, “hello Janis, I think Susan is in her room, I’m busy in the kitchen, why don’t you go find her in her room.” Janis replied “Thank you, I will,” and moved off down the hall to Susan’s room. I breathed a sigh of relief . I’d been admiring Susan’s friend for a few weeks but was too shy to say much to her and she pretty much ignored me since I was a year behind her in school. Time slowly dragged by. My stepmother came into the room, looked at me and said, “I hope you learned some respect and manners today. Everything that I did today was for your own well being. I don’t know why you persist in being so disobedient. If your behavior doesn’t change, I’ll be asking your father to arrange a boarding school for you at a very strict facility for delinquent boys. I’m going to the market for a few items for dinner. I’ll need you to peel some potatoes when I get back. Keep your nose in that corner and I may let you put your boxers on. Is that clear?” “Yes”, I replied, and tried my best to sound sincere. “That’s another thing, from now on you will call me mother and not Rita, is that understood?” “Yes mother,” I replied. She walked out the door and back into the kitchen where she puttered around for a few minutes. She walked back to the front door and as she was leaving, she shouted down the hallway, “Girls, I have to pick up a few things at the store for dinner. Sharon, you’re in charge, make sure Everett stays in the corner for another half hour.” I cringed in embarrassment and tried to dissappear into the corner as she walked out the door to her car and drove away.

A door opened down the hall and footsteps approached. I heard a giggle behind me and Donna’s voice saying, ” Everett was bad again I see.” Linda replied, Mom really gave it to him good and even I got to swat him a few times with the flyswatter.” I heard them sit on the couch behind me and Donna say, ” you have to tell me the whole story, what did he do this time?” ” He tried to get out of going to church by faking a belly ache, and wouldn’t let mom take his temperature,” Linda started. “What’s the big deal about getting your temperature taken Everett?”, asked Donna. I tried to ignore her and melt into the corner further. I heard whispering, and then Linda say, “Mom took it in his heiney, it was really cool to watch.” A door slammed down the hall, footsteps echoed in my direction and a few seconds later I heard Janis saying, “Jeez, Susan what is Everett doing naked in your living room?” Susan and Linda more or less at the same time said, “he’s being punished for being really stupid this morning.” “Linda was just telling me all about it, he got his temperature taken in his heiney,” Donna said, the excitement aparrent in her voice. “I want to hear the whole story,” Janis said as she moved to stand right behind me. I stood as far in the corner as I could go, my hands cupped over my penis and testicles, my eyes closed tightly. “Well Everett has been really nasty to Mom and us and was being a real slob, so Mom decided she was going to teach him a lesson by giving him a good spanking and yesterday we all helped her give him a spanking on the bare rear right on this sofa,” said Linda. “I got to watch, it was really something to see,” said Donna. “Mom spanked him over her knee like a little kid yesterday but it was nothing compared to what she did to him today”, piped in Susan. “He got a spanking with a fly swatter on the bare rear until he was crying like a baby and his butt was the color of beets like it is now,” Susan continued, ” then Mom took his temperature in his ass like a baby gets it done, and then we helped give him an enema.” “What’s an enema?” Donna asked as she stood right behind me and reached out to touch my right butt cheek. As I pulled away from her touch I yelled “Hey cut it out!” “An enema is where a rubber tube is put up the rear and soapy water is pushed inside. It makes you poop,” said Susan. “Yuuk”, said Janis,” that sounds gross.” She patted my rear and said, “Everett, your butt looks really sore.” I pulled away again and swatted at her hand yelling, “stop that!”

Everybody giggled behind me. “I thought it was neat watching Mom push the enema nozzle up inside him, Everett got all excited and hard,” Linda said. Again there was giggling behind me. “You saw Everett get a hard on?” Said Janis with giggle as her hand ran down my ass and rested on my hip where It pressed into the wall. I heard whispering between Linda, Susan and Donna, as Janis ran her hand around on my hip and said, “wonder what your friends at school are gonna say when they hear you get spanked on the bare ass by your stepmother and sisters.” I squeeked, “please don’t tell anybody.” “Maybe if you behave and do what you did yesterday, we won’t say a word to anyone.” Said Susan without hesitation. “Turn around Everett,” she continued.

I turned around to face Janis just a few inches away and looked down at the floor, my hands cupped over my crotch. “Put your hands on your head,” she said. I put both hands on top of my head and heard a gasp from Janis. “What is wrong with your penis Everett? It doesn’t look right at the end.” “He’s not circumsized,” Linda exclaimed with pride as she stood , reached out and touched the end of my penis. “Yesterday, Susan and I got him to cum with our hands,” she continued. “Remember, yesterday you agreed to let us play with you anytime we wanted if we helped you clean up?” Susan chimed in as she led me by the penis to the sofa and sat down. She retracted my foreskin, looked at Janis, and said, “now he looks like a circumsized cock.” Janis stared at my cock in amazement. I was almost fully erect. “Wow he is really big,”

said Janis. “Have you seen any other guys cocks?” Asked Susan as she ran her fingers up and down my shaft. “He’s my first,” said Janis as she looked at me. “Mine too,” said Donna as she too stared right at my penis and balls. Susan motioned to the sofa, “sit here Donna and you too Janis.” “Everett you stand in front of them.”

As soon as I moved in front of them, Janis gently reached out and grasped my penis in her hand. “He feels really nice and soft and silky,” she said huskily. Donna roughly pushed her hand aside and grabbed me. “My turn,” she said and began a rough back and forth motion. I groaned and a small amount of precum appeared at the tip of my penis. Donna touched it with the tip of her finger and asked, “what’s this stuff? Is it cum?” Linda got the anatomy book again and said, “he did this yesterday also. I think this is called preejaculatory fluid according to this book. It’s supposed to be some kind of lubricant.” Janis started rolling scrotum in her fingers. Suddenly she squeezed really hard. I sceamed and fell to the floor in agony moaning, my hands cupping my balls, my erection completely gone “Janis, you gotta be gentle with his balls!” Susan exclaimed.

I heard a door slam and Sharon ran into the room saying, “what’s all the yelling about? Everett why are you out of the corner? Mom is gonna be mad!” “I accidently hurt him by squeezing his balls,” Janis said. ” Let me see Everett, roll over and open your legs.” As I rolled over on my sore rear I winched and wimpered. Sharon crouched between my legs, reached forward and fondled my testicles. She rolled them around in the palm of her hand for a minute or so. “Mom did say I was in charge,” she said sort of breathlessly. “Better see if this thing is damaged as well.” She fondled my cock and said, “stand up Everett.” I stood as she brought my penis back to full erection with her stroking. I was soon moaning and leaking again as she expertly stroked me. Through partly closed eyes I watched Linda and Susan sitting on the sofa with their hands in their shorts. Janis and Donna stared intently at what Sharon was doing. “You have a really large cock Everett,” Sharon said. She increased the speed of her stroking. She collected precum from the tip of my dripping cock and started running it down the ridge under the tip of my cock. I was thrusting into her hand when she abruptly stopped. “Mom told you to stay in the corner for half and hour and the times not up. I’m in charge so I’m going to punish you. Kneel on the sofa with your butt out.” I started to protest but she put her precum coated fingers to my lips and said, “hush, it’s either I do it now or Mom does it later and she will hit harder.” I kneeled on the sofa, head down. I felt her push my legs apart from the rear and a hand grasp my still erect shaft. I was beyond caring what happened as she jerked me to an earthshattering climax with one hand and slapped my upturned ass cheeks with the other.