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Hot granny succumbs to sexy young woman



Charlie and Amy were in a great mood. They bounced along in Charlie’s beat-to-shit Subaru down the scenic highway threading along the coast, happy to get away for a few days at Charlie’s grandmother’s summer home by the sea.

“Damn, so glad to get out of work for awhile, place sucks,” Charlie said, cranking up the tunes. “Landscaping biz blows.”

“Yeah, so does working down the gym, all those fat old bitches to train,” laughed Amy, a gorgeous, long-haired blonde. “Though the few that are in shape are pretty hot…and the right ones are soooo much fun…”

Charlie smiled, patting Amy’s slender, muscular thigh in her tiny running shorts. He was a leg man, through and through, and Amy’s were outstanding. He loved her legs – and her sexuality on both sides of the gender divide.

Amy was bisexual, taking female companions from time to time, sometimes with Charlie, when the mood struck. And she liked older gals, too, into their40s, 50s, hot MILFs with strong bodies. During those especially lucky times, Charlie would find himself the middle of a sexy female sandwich with a horny older babe and his equally horny young girlfriend.

“Oh, yeah, that’s for sure,” he growled, fingering her pussy under her shorts, making Amy writhe and giggle.

The couple met at college in their freshman year, and got hot and heavy quickly. Now in the summer between sophomore and junior years, the 20-year-olds were anxious to take a break and hit the beach. And there was no better place than at the cottage of Trish Van Arden, Charlie’s well-to-do grandmother, a widower whose family owned the place for generations. She lived there alone, entertaining family and friends whenever they could get away to the isolated home by the shore.

Amy and Charlie had been there last summer, and had a great time. And unbeknownst to Charlie, Amy found the shaggy-haired platinum blonde rather sexy for a 69-year-old woman. Trish ran and worked out daily, keeping her lean, strong body in great shape. It was somewhat saggy and wrinkled in the neck, upper arms and fleshy thighs, but amazingly shapely and decently muscled. The sexy granny had bright blue eyes and killer long legs.

Amy never told Charlie how she viewed his grandmother, whom Charlie saw as old and not particularly attractive. But now as he fingered Amy’s cunt as they neared Patricia’s home, the young woman found herself thinking of the sexy granny more and more, recalling the times they’d run on the beach, Amy straggling a bit behind to watch the sexy grandmother’s fantastic legs flex as her bare feet dug into the sand.

“God, Charlie, don’t fuckin’ stop, that feels good,” she cooed, spreading her own muscular legs to allow his dancing fingers clearer access to her smooth-shaven slit. “Keep going, baby, keep going…”

“Just can’t wait, can ya?” he laughed, inserting two fingers in her greasy hole and dribbling her clit with his thumb. “Granny goes to bed early usually, especially after she’s had her wine, we can go all it then!”

“Mmmm, your granny, Charlie…” Amy groaned, freeing her tits from her t-shirt and tweaking her nipples. “Goddam, Granny Trish is so fuckin’ fine…”

Charlie’s fingers stopped and he stared at his girlfriend in disbelief.

“C’mon, Amy, really, it’s my grandmother for fuck’s sake,” he said incredulously. “She’s so…I mean she’s pretty enough, but Christ, she’s old…”

“Mmmm, old AND hot, baby,” Amy giggled. “Forget it Charlie, forget I said anything, for Chrissakes, keep fingering me, dammit, finish me off!”

“Ok, ok,” he said somewhat reluctantly, troubled by the thought of Amy aroused by his grandmother, a woman nearly a half century older than both of them.

He quickly got her off, the sexy young blonde screaming in pleasure as they drove along, then grabbing his hand to bring to her mouth to suck her cum off his fingers, making Charlie groan with his own pleasure. The girl was kinky, one of the main things he loved about her.

“Dammit, we’re almost there,” he moaned, adjusting his stiff dick in his shorts. “Fuck, I need to get off, baby, soon, you got me so horny!”

“Just can’t wait, can ya?” she laughed, echoing his words from a few minutes before. “Well, I’ll make it worth your while, baby, don’t I always?”

He smiled. She was gorgeous, no doubt about it, long, silky hair cascading around her slim, strong shoulders, and with bright blue eyes and killer long legs…just like Granny Trish, he realized.

‘Fuck’, he thought to himself. ‘Am I hot for Amy because… she looks like my grandmother? Goddam…’

They pulled down the beach road toward the cottage, Amy playfully palming Charlie’s stiff cock through his shorts until he slapped her hand away.

“C’mon, Amy, we’re there, I can’t walk in with a fuckin’ hard on!” he laughed.

“Hey, maybe it’s been awhile since Granny Trish has seen one, wouldn’t do her any harm to see yours, lover,” she cooed, twisting her hand around his bloated balls.

“Enough about my grandmother, for fuck’s sake, please,” he groaned, as she squeezed, dancing that fine line between pain and pleasure.

They pulled into the long driveway and finally the cottage sprang into view. Cottage was a misnomer really, for this was a full-out house, two stories, sprawling, with four bedrooms and a sweeping wrap-around porch fronting a long lawn to the ocean, private beach below.

And there on the porch stood Granny Trish, looking radiant as always, that great mane of curly hair blowing in the breeze, bright blue eyes flashing as she waved. She’d just gotten back from a run and wore a tiny, very short pair of white short shorts, revealing her long, wonderfully muscled legs, firm beneath the slightly sagging flesh of her shapely thighs and calves.

“Damn, she’s got great legs, Charlie, really great legs,” Amy cooed appreciatively as she jumped out of the car, waving to Granny Trish and fetching her bag from the back seat.

“Amy, stop, please, this is getting weird,” Charlie said softly as Granny Trish raced down the porch toward them.

There were the usual hugs and kisses and accolades of how great everyone looked, and Charlie watched as his grandmother and Amy walked arm in arm, laughing, toward the big house, picking up their renewed acquaintance where it had left off last year, the two of them getting along famously.

As they strolled, Charlie’s eyes were unable to look away from two truly beautiful pairs of legs. Amy’s were long and creamy smooth, tanned and muscular, calves bulging as she walked. And his granny’s, he noted with growing alarm, were incredible as well, calves also rippling with muscle, her saggy hamstrings tight and well-formed as she walked. He quickly looked away, trying to ignore the stiffening of his dick, which mercifully had gone down as they’d pulled into the drive.

“Honey, you look great, as always,” Trish beamed, putting a firm arm around Amy’s sturdy shoulders. “Keeping in shape, I see?”

“Yeah, the usual, work, ya know,” Amy laughed. “But you, Trish, God, you’re amazing, and you’re gonna be what, 70? Honestly, I don’t know how you do it, but I can only hope to be in the shape you’re in at your age, no kidding!”

“You’re so sweet, Amy, that’s what I love about you, you’re just a sweet young girl,” Trish said, hugging her closer and harder as they walked.

There were very few times in Amy’s young sex life when she read signals wrong from another woman curious about female-to-female sex. And she knew she wasn’t wrong now, as she felt a surge between them, something distinctive and noticeable to them both as they walked along, holding on to one another.

Trish had been with other women, years ago, before she married and then occasionally during the later years of a marriage that had gone functional and cold. They had been friends of hers, good and trusting friends, females of similar situation.

It’d been awhile, Trish realized as she felt Amy’s heat beside her on this warm late afternoon. She tried not thinking what she was thinking, but couldn’t shake the feeling that Amy was something special, and had something worth exploring. But then thoughts of what her grandson would think, if heaven forbid, he ever found out, overtook her as they approached the house.

“Look, you kids get settled, far bedroom down the west wing of the house, like last year, give you love birds some privacy,” Trish said, holding Amy’s shoulders as they faced each other on the porch, Charlie clumping up the steps with their bags. “I think I’ll go for a quick swim, gotta cool down after my run.”

“Sure thing, Grandma,” Charlie said, walking into the house with the bags, Amy behind him.

They settled into their room, putting their stuff away, and Amy looked out the window. Granny Trish was bolting down the lawn, having changed into a modest but revealing white two-piece swimsuit that beautifully offset her lean, tanned body. As she ran, Amy licked her lips, watching those stunning legs flex.

“Goddam, Charlie, your grandmother…” she said.

Charlie groaned, looking over Amy’s shoulder, somewhat surprised at how right she was. How had he not noticed how spectacular his old granny’s body was before? Or had he, he wondered, preferring to ignore it.

“Enough, girl, for fuck’s sake, it’s my GRANDMOTHER,” Charlie moaned, slamming drawers to snap his girlfriend out of her reverie.

“Oh, c’mon Charlie, I’m just sayin’,” Amy sighed, watching the leggy older woman disappear toward the beach.

They walked back to the kitchen, grabbing a couple of beers and then sitting on the long couch in the living room that faced huge windows fronting the long lawn toward the beach, and a path which led to it. As they sat, chatting, Amy ran her hand up Charlie’s leg. Instantly, he stiffened to her touch, the way he always did.

“Now then, let’s take care of you while Granny Trish is swimming,” she cooed, leaning to kiss him wetly, her hands expertly unsnapping his shorts and hauling them down, his seven-inch cock bobbing into view.

“Oh God, yes, please, please!” he begged.

She giggled and stroked him, harder and faster. Amy’s hand jobs were second to none, the best ever, never failing to make him cum quickly and copiously. As he nuzzled her neck, she tilted her head toward the window and the path on which Granny Trish would return.

“Haven’t got much time, Charlie, don’t know how long your sexy grandma will be swimming,” she growled, increasing her hand job pace, making him squirm, cupping his head to her neck with her other hand.

“Won’t…won’t be..fuck..won’t be long, baby!”

“Gotta tell ya, Charlie, your granny…” Amy cooed, stroking him faster as he lapped her neck.

“Amy…please…don’t…” he groaned, trying to ignore the image she was trying to put in his head.

“Helluva body for a woman her age, and those legs…god, Charlie, her legs are beautiful, long, lean, muscular…can you imagine them wrapped around ya, baby, huh? Or wrapped around ME?”

“Oh…oh fuck…Amy don’t…” Charlie moaned, feeling his balls tighten, the unmistakable signal of a massive orgasm.

“You like it when you’re eating my pussy and I cum and lock you in my legs, doncha Charlie, the way I hold you in my thighs and squirt my cum in your mouth?” Amy hissed, picking up the pace, her hand flooded with his precum, the squishing sounds filling the room.

“Oh fuck yeah…love that…”

“Well think about Granny scissoring your head in her thighs as you eat HER, baby!” Amy growled. “You want Granny’s legs wrapped around YOUR face, baby? Sucking her squirt?”

“No…oh fuck…oh shit…God, Amy…” he babbled, out of control, thrusting up to meet her pounding hand.

Suddenly she stopped, peeled off her shorts as Charlie looked on in disbelief, his cock left unattended.

“Amy, what the fu…” he cried out.

He never finished. Amy grabbed his hair, twisting his head to her open legs as she lay back and rammed his face to her swollen, wet cunt lips. She slammed her muscular thighs around it, locking her ankles, squeezing, pulling on his head to grind his face in her commanding snatch. Charlie loved Amy’s dominant ways, too, even at the expense of leaving him high and dry as she was now.

“Fucking eat me, Charlie, eat me!” she howled, bucking up off the couch, slamming her pussy into his trapped mouth.

Charlie slurped wetly at his lover’s cunt, his nose mashed flat against her clit she ground into it, tongue probing her dripping hole. His hands pawed at the insanely strong thighs imprisoning his head, unable to pull them apart.

“Fuck, yes, yes, YESSSS!!” Amy screamed, gushing her cream into his mouth, soaking his entire face.

She pumped into him hard and fast, slowly her rhythmic thrusts as her orgasm waned, rubbing his hair. She looked out the window, where Granny Trish was plodding up the path toward the house, a towel around her body soaking wet from her swim.

“Oh fuck, here she comes!” Amy gasped, pushing Charlie off the couch and slipping her shorts back on. “Wipe your face, Charlie!”

“Dammit, Amy!” he growled, dragging the back of his hand over his sticky face, stuffing his hard cock into his shorts. “What do I do with this thing, huh?”

“Later, baby, later, you know I’ll take care of you,” she cooed, casually crossing her sexy legs just as Granny Trish walked by the living room.

“Hey, kids, relaxing?” she said, toweling her face and hair, Amy staring hard at that luscious old body glistening with sea water.

“Yeah, yeah, just hangin’ out, chillin’,” Amy smiled. “How was your swim?”

“Oh, refreshing, the water’s a bit cold, but I like it like that,” Trish said, now toweling off her gorgeous thighs, making the flesh jiggle, Amy devouring the sight of it, winking at Charlie. He shook his head at her disapprovingly.

Trish stood, fixed the towel around her waist, her huge, fleshy tits pushed up in the top of her suit, her hard nipples visible. Amy licked her lips.

“I’m gonna change, kids, be right back,” Trish said, walking down the hall to her room. “Let’s have some drinks out on the porch, OK?”

“Sure thing, Trish, I’ll get it together!” Amy called out, reaching over to playfully tweak Charlie’s tits. “God, you see the nips on your grandmother? Damn, I could suck them all night long…”

“Amy, for Christ’s sake!” Charlie growled, standing and walking out to the kitchen. “Get a grip…”

“Oh, I plan to,” Amy said to herself, following him.

They gathered on the porch as the sun grew closer to the horizon, bathing them in the warming rays of late-afternoon light. Trish, as usually, had her pinot gris, Charlie his beer, Amy sipping on martinis. All were getting quite buzzed as they sat and talked, Amy eyeing the delightful granny in her fashionable light top and short linen skirt, drinking in the sight of the long, sturdy freckled and tanned limbs as they drank.

They finally went inside, gathering up the glasses, to make dinner.

“What’re we having, Trish?” Amy asked.

“I’m keeping it simple, chicken picata,” Trish said. “Wanna help me, honey?”

“Of course!” Amy answered brightly. “You know I love to cook.”

She and Trish puttered around the kitchen, preparing the food, Amy cutting veggies, Trish pounding the chicken thin, dusting it with flour, setting it aside for cooking later. She went to the ‘fridge, bending inside to look. Amy’s eyes lit up watching those sexy hamstrings grow taut on the backs of her long, rugged thighs.

“I hope you don’t mind me saying this, Trish,” Amy said, watching. “But you have absolutely the best pair of legs I’ve ever seen on a woman your age…or half your age, they’re just gorgeous!”

“Why thank you, honey,” Trish said, standing up and turning toward her. “I do work hard keeping in shape, so nice people notice.”

“How can they not notice,” Amy said softly and somewhat seductively. “They are exquisite.”

Then there was a long pause, as Amy sent out a vibe that Trish could not miss. The older woman smiled, somewhat nervously, then looked down at her legs.

“Yes, I guess…I mean…thank you…”

Amy walked toward her, putting her hands on her shoulders, drawing Trish’s gaze up to hers, feeling emboldened by one martini too many.

“Exquisite,” she said softly, leaning toward the sexy older woman’s face.

The kiss would have happened, Trish offering little resistance, feeling and welcoming Amy’s breath on her lips, had not Charlie come into the kitchen. Thinking quickly, Amy embraced Trish in her arms, holding her in an innocent-looking hug.

“Thanks so much for having us, Trish, we’re having a great time!” she said enthusiastically, her mouth at Trish’s lovely, wrinkled neck, then whispering into her ear, “Exquisite…”

She backed away, winking at the startled Trish, turning to Charlie.

“What’s up, Chuckie?” she laughed, knowing he hated that name. “More beer? Think maybe you’ve had enough so far?”

“No, I’m fine, I can hold it, just seeing if you guys needed anything,” Charlie said.

“Actually yes,” Trish said, digging back into the ‘fridge and coming up with a tiny bottle of capers that was practically empty. “Need more of these…dammit, I forgot to get them at the store today.”

“No problem, Trish, Charlie will run to the store, won’t ya Charlie?” Amy said.

“Yeah, sure, why not,” Charlie sighed. “I love your picata, Granny, you know that…it’s…”

“Exquisite?” Amy asked, winking furtively at the blushing Trish.

“Yeah, for sure,” Charlie said. “Granny, where’s the store, I forget?”

“Oh, Charlie, I’m sorry, but the closest one still open is Carson’s, that small grocery store about 30 minutes up the road, do you remember it?” Trish said.

“Yeah, yeah, I do now,” he said. “Not a big deal, be back soon.”

He grabbed his keys, darting out the door, ignoring his grandmother trying to give him money as she followed him to the door.

“He’s such a good boy,” Trish sighed, coming back into the kitchen.

“He is, must get that from you, Trish,” Amy smiled, picking up her martini glass and refilling Trish’s with wine. “C’mon, let’s go sit and talk, everything’s pretty much done, just waiting on the capers.”

“Oh, OK,” Trish said, somewhat uncertainly, taking the glass from the smiling young woman.

They sat on the couch, facing each other. Amy read the pretty face, her head cocked.

“Trish, I’m sorry if what I said made you…uncomfortable,” she said slowly, smiling. “It’s just that you’re…so beautiful, I really meant what I said.”

“Thanks, honey, I know you did..I wasn’t..uncomfortable, it’s just…,” Trish said, leaning back, tucking her feet under her, then wincing slightly. “Ah…dammit!”

“What, what is it?” Amy asked.

“Nothing, little foot cramp,” Trish said, rubbing her right foot. “I ran pretty long today, just got a little cramp, it’s a bit tender, I guess…”

“Allow me,” Amy said purposefully, putting her drink on the coffee table. “C’mon, right here.”

She sat up, patting her thighs. Trish looked at her, blinking.

“Trish, c’mon, trust me, I’m good at massages, Charlie gets cramped up after playing ball sometimes, he loves it, c’mon now, right here.”

She patted her thighs again. Trish shrugged, leaned back on the arm of the sofa and swung her legs up, plunking her right foot on Amy’s lap, the left one staying on the floor, demurely tucking the skirt between her thighs.

Amy smiled, casting furtive glances at the sexy thighs bared in Trish’s skirt, marveling in the soft appearance, the freckled, slightly wrinkled flesh. She took off Trish’s sandal, dropping it to the floor and holding her foot in her left hand, started kneading the deliciously wrinkled sole with the other. The skin was tight and papery, thickened with age and driving Amy wild.

“That feel good, Trish?” she asked, looking into the older woman’s eyes.

“Oh…God yes, feels great,” Trish sighed, feeling a tingle course up that leg into her groin, surprising and delighting her. “God…so good…”