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Hypno-Twist Lesbians



Tom stood there, shocked right down to his toes. They were ignoring him – completely ignoring him!

“Aardvark!” he said again, almost shouting this time.

As before, all three beautiful girls – big blonde Aisha, the petite Japanese girl Mai, and tall, slender Roseanne – paid him absolutely no attention.

“What the hell is going on?” Tom asked the room in general. He had spent six months studying hypnosis in the college library, then another month carefully bringing these three co-eds under his control. Four days ago, they bared their all and let him fondle, suck, and lick their breasts to his heart’s content. Today, he had expected to finally go all the way with one of them. And now this.

“Hyena!” he tried, with no better result.

“Peppermint avocados,” said a female voice from somewhere behind him. The three women instantly stopped talking and sat still.

Tom turned to see Barbara, the one girl from that dorm room he hadn’t bothered with. Plain, skinny, and without much makeup, she didn’t meet what he thought of as his new standards.

“They’re mine now, not yours. Girls, carry on as though we aren’t here, except to obey my commands.” Barbara gave Tom a small, self-satisfied smile.

“What the fuck?” He was totally confused.

“Tom, you’re a rank amateur at hypnosis. I’m an expert. Three days ago, I saw what you were doing and decided to step in. They’ll do anything I say. Just like you.”

“What? You did this?”

“Yep. I took out all your programming and replaced it with my own. Then I hypnotized you. You wouldn’t believe some of the things you’ve done recently. Like last night, when you stripped naked in the back of the cafeteria.”

Tom, shocked right to his core, turned white as a ghost. That wasn’t much of a change, since he was a tall, skinny redhead, and was already pale from a lack of sun.

“No way!”

Barbara smiled again. “Want proof? Aisha, take off your panties and pull up your skirt. Act as though nothing is happening, no matter what anyone else does.”

Her blonde roommate did as she was told without missing a beat in their conversation.

“Mai, I want you to make Aisha cum. Use your fingers in her crotch.”

Tom stared, dumbfounded, as the girls obeyed her commands. The only break in their chatter was when the big blonde lost it for a few seconds, gasping out her release.

“Holy Keerist!” was Tom’s reaction.

“Tom, I can make you do anything I want, whenever I want, wherever I want. But I prefer my men conscious and aware. You’re much more interesting this way.”

“No way! I don’t believe you! I’ve never been hypnotized in my life!”

“You want more proof? How about the underwear you were wearing yesterday?” She pulled a pair of patterned men’s boxer shorts from her purse. “Good enough? Or how about the pair you wore the day before.” Another pair was produced. He recognized both as his own.

“But — but — but –” he stuttered.

“Just obey, and I won’t force you to run naked through the main concourse. And believe me, I could, and would, make you do it.”

Tom stared hard at the skinny woman, all kinds of wild thoughts running through his head. He knew, though, from his experiences with the other three ladies, that even an amateur like him could make them do things they would never even consider doing normally. And, seeing the proof in front of his eyes, he realized Barbara had expertise far beyond his own. She had accomplished as much in three days as he had managed to do in a month. It had taken him four days and three attempts to hypnotize Aisha the first time, and that was only to the very lightest of trances. The first attempt went so badly that she had sworn at him and slapped his face. Then there was the matter of his underwear and how she got hold of them. He didn’t even remember being hypnotized.

With a groan, Tom’s head dropped. He knew he was trapped, and expected to suffer for what he had done to her roommates. Fighting the inevitable would only bring on more trouble, he thought. With time, though, he figured he could find some way out of the mess he was in.

“What do you want?”

“For now, I want you to go to your room, take off all your clothes, and wait for me. I’ll be along shortly to lay out the ground rules for what could be a very pleasant relationship – at least, for me. Move it! Now! Before I make you strip first!”

There was a look of fear in his eyes as he practically ran from the room. Barbara, looking out through the window, saw him walking quickly across the concourse towards his dorm.

“He’s gone, girls,” said Barbara. “You can relax now.”

“Well?” asked Aisha, as she pulled on her panties. “Do you think it worked? Were we convincing enough?”

“I think,” replied the skinny girl, “that we’ve got him halfways hooked. If we’re careful, he’ll be completely mine in a few days. A few more of these demonstrations should do it.”

“Hey, at least try to stay away from the lewd stuff.” That was from Mai. She was wiping her fingers on a napkin. “Pretending to make Aisha cum in front of that dweeb was pretty embarrassing.” The petite woman looked at Aisha for a few seconds, seeing something strange in her face. “It was a fake, wasn’t it?”

Aisha smiled and blushed. When Mai saw that, she did the same, adding an “Oh, shit.”

“What do you see in that nerd anyway?” asked Roseanne. “I mean, he’s almost a social pariah, hardly the kind of guy you want to take home to mother. He’s probably even a virgin!”

Barbara shrugged. “I don’t know. There’s just something about him that turns me on. And if he is a virgin, he won’t be for much longer. That’s a promise!”

“Well,” continued the tall brunette, “you owe us big for this one. A whole month going along with that bull, pretending to be hypnotized, getting naked, and even letting him paw my poor boobs.”

“Yep. I owe you three guys, and I owe Steve, Tom’s roommate. Try not to be too, uh, creative, thinking about the payback I promised. Please?”

“We promise,” said Mai. “At least, we won’t make you do what that jerk was planning on making us do.”

“Thanks, I think. Don’t worry about him. I’ll get even for what he’s done so far. I’d better go. I don’t want to give him too much time to think.”

“You got those photos my brother doctored up for you?”

“Of course, Aisha. Seeing pictures of himself actually posing naked in the cafeteria should help convince him that I can make him do anything. I’ll see you guys later. Thanks again!”