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My Wife’s New Boyfriend



Well, my wife has slept with about six different men since 1997. I am 28 and she is 27. You can read about three of them in “My Wife’s First Big Lover” and “My Wife’s First Big Lover 2”. This latest story is still going on right now. We both have jobs that make us travel ALOT. We hardly see each other. Especially during the summer months. My wife had been complaining that I don’t kiss her like I use to. She wanted more tongue and more sex. I have been really tired from my work which makes me travel alot! I told her she should get a boyfriend so she can make out all the time.

One day I was bored and surfing the web when I decided to take a look at her Hotmail account. I remembered the password and was in. She had many e-mails from different guys she had either been with or was just corresponding with. I read them all and became very jealous, but as always it turned me on. One stood out because she works with the guy. He was writing letters about how he had missed her and wanted to have dinner with her. He also mentioned he was married in the e-mail. When she got home from work, I asked her about him. She said she was just friends with him and nothing more. I told her it sounds like he wants more than her friendship. She has been travelling alot with him lately for an upcoming business deal. I told her she make him her boyfriend. She didn’t think anymore about it.

Two weeks later she went on a business trip to Michigan with a group of colleagues and him. When she came home she told me he had given her a long hug and some of her colleagues were asking questions. I told her I was right about him. I gave her permission if she wanted to see him.

About two weeks after that, they were at work together late and he walked her out. At her car he kissed her long and hard. She didn’t pursue anything because they were in front of their job. When she got home, she told me about the latest experience. We had some really incredible sex that night and talked about her sleeping with him. She was really turned on by talking about him. I could tell she liked him. She even moaned his name while we were having sex. I told her she could start seeing him like a boyfriend while on the road. They travelled together alot. She couldn’t wait to go on her next business trip with him which was in two days.

I called her at the hotel one night and asked how things were going. She sounded like a school girl. I knew she had had some fun. She said he fucked her three times in the last couple of hours and he was in the shower right now. She said he came each time. I couldn’t believe it. She said she would give me the details when she got home. Her business trip lasted a week. I couldn’t wait to her a week’s worth of stories. When she finally got home, I couldn’t wait to get in bed and hear the stories.

She left on a Sunday and checked into a Holiday Inn. He was right down the hall. They went to dinner together and he came right out and asked her if she wanted to have sex with him. Of course she agreed and they left. When they got to the hotel room, she took off her clothes and he started kissing her. She told me he is a GREAT kisser. He made out with her for along time. She loved the way he kissed. Then he worked his way down to her pussy and ate her. I asked her, “How was it?” She said it was good. I asked, “Better than me?” There was a pause and then she said with a big smile, “He sucks on it and it has never felt that good.” I was blown away. She has always told me that I was great at oral sex. I couldn’t believe it. So far she had told me that he kissed better than me and ate my wife better than me. Before him, she said I was the best she had ever had. It was to get worse.

Then she started telling me about the sex. I immediately asked if he was bigger. She said we were the same size. Thank goodness. I asked if he was better. She said, “Oh yeah! He use to be a drummer and he has an incredible rhythm.” She said he fucks her hard and fast and keeps the rhythm going throughout the entire time. She couldn’t stop cumming on him. Her fucked her every way. Then they took a shower and she cleaned his long dick by stroking his cock up and down. She also gave him a nice long blow job. She gives me a blow job about every three months. He received more blow jobs that week then I have in two years. After the shower, he placed her on the bed again and fucked her again! He came inside her again and they took another shower. I only cum once during sex. I think only on two occasions have I came twice. While in the shower they started making out again and he fucked her right in the shower. She was mesmerized by his ability to keep on cumming and maintain such a nice hard cock for her. He finished in her again and they went to sleep together. She woke up to him playing with her and they again had sex.

The entire week went like that first night. She told me they held hands where ever they went. She said I told her to get a boyfriend. I asked who she liked having sex with better. She said she would rather have sex with him, but she still loved me very much. “He is just better.”

During the second night, they went to a bar with some other colleagues. They didn’t hang out together for fear of showing emotion for each other. While there some guys had bought her some drinks and talked with her. One started feeding her popcorn. She saw her new boyfriend off to they side with a mad look on his face. She went over to talk to him and he was very jealous. She told him they were not married and she was just having fun. She also told him if he acts jealous, people will pick up on that. They left and went back to the hotel and he fucked her brains out solidifying him as her new boyfriend. She was convinced he was the real man she wanted.

After hearing all of her stories, I asked if she still wanted to have sex with me. She laughed. She said she had mentioned to her new jealous boyfriend after the bar incident that she would still have to have sex with her husband. He wasn’t happy about it. I think she was too turned on to not have sex with me. During sex she told me she had another business trip lined up next week with him again. She is with him right now as I type, probably riding his cock like a new pony between her legs. It feels weird that she has a BOYFRIEND and not just a lover. I’m in a constant state of jealously and sexual turn-on. Lately she has seen him twice as much as me. They go to dinner, ice cream, and base ball games then fuck all night in her hotel room with no worries in the world. Must be nice.