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She had my pants off in what seemed like a flash and my cock sprang out



I sat down at the computer, finally hoping to get some peace. No such luck. The incredibly gorgeous babe who had been following me for the last half hour sat down in the chair next to me and put her hands on my shoulders, squeezing them gently. I sighed in exasperation. “Don’t you have anything better to do?” I said.

“Nope,” she giggled. “I have nowhere else to go, and nobody else to be with. Yet.”

I rolled my eyes. It was flattering in a way; I had never been so blatantly flirted with before. I rolled my seat back to take a good look at the woman who wouldn’t leave me alone.

I had been walking to the library, listening to a book on CD, generally minding my own business and letting my mind jump from idea to idea while following the story flowing through my ears. She had walked up from behind me and settled her pace to match my own. She seemed interested in me, and had a kind face, so I smiled and we began talking. She didn’t *look* like the stalker type.

She was five feet four inches tall, with silky looking raven black hair, a tanned complexion, glasses, and lovely smile. She had a very nice figure, not quite hourglass, but very feminine. She also didn’t seem to have a shy bone in her body. She caught me glancing at her bust while we were walking and puffed out her chest with a large grin. I gave up any pretense at that point. Yep, C cup. Very nice! Okay, so I’m letch. She didn’t seem to mind.

She was wearing sneakers, a faded pair of blue jeans, and a light purple knitted sweater. A fashion gal? Very winter/fall sex kitten, it seemed. She was also intelligent, cute, knew how to apply her makeup, and unbelievably flirtatious. And she wanted me for something.

I was brought out of my silent reverie when she leaned over in her chair and licked my earlobe. I nearly jumped out of my chair, looking around the library nervously. A man two computers over was looking at me with a confused look on his face. Just then good fortune saved me a bit of embarrassment, I hope, because I sneezed suddenly and he went back to his work. I blushed a little and shot daggers at the lovely girl smirking at me from less than a foot away. She kissed my forehead and settled back with an impish look on her face.

“Won’t you just go away?” I hissed in what I hoped was a low whisper.

She shook her head in that girlish innocent look she seemed to have mastered and gave another impetuous “Nope!” Her look turned suddenly sultry and she switched to a drop dead sexy voice. “You know what I want, baby. I need it.”

I gave another exasperated sigh. I couldn’t believe she wanted to do this *here* of all places, in a *library!* I just shook my head and turned the computer, hoping I could check my email and get her to leave me alone.

Two short emails later I saw her move from the edge of my peripheral vision to lean back against the wall right behind the computer monitor I was using. “Maybe I can find something to occupy my time while you’re busy,” she purred. “I do get SO bored around here.” She moved a hand to her breast and began gently squeezing it. I looked around nervously but nobody else seemed to have noticed. I tried to concentrate on the email, but she was an incredibly distracting sight. She closed her eyes, lolled her head against the wall (exposing that incredible neck of hers) and moaned softly. I could see her nipples poking through the sweater. `Great,’ I thought sullenly. `An exhibitionist.’

Her free hand snaked under her sweater and then back down into her jeans. My eyes were glued instantly to that hand as it traveled to her crotch and began to make rubbing motions which were quite unmistakable. I looked around again, but nobody else was paying any attention, thank God.

She moaned again, a little louder this time. “Oh baby you know what I need. Please, just for me?” Her low whimper overcame any restraint I had left over my cock and I felt it grow painfully hard in my pants. My mouth hung open as I watched her, giving up any pretense of checking email and going about my busy day. I tried to croak something, to get her to just leave me alone so I could work in peace, but my throat must have been working in collusion with my dick, because no sound came out.

She moved from the wall to push my chair back with the hand that had fondled her breast. Her other hand came up and she stuck a finger in my open mouth. Instinct took over and I gently sucked her digit. I could taste her juices; it felt like my head would explode from all the glands trying to flood my mouth with saliva. She watched my face closely, her look of lust evident. I felt a hand on the buckle of my pants and my eyes opened wide in shock. She wouldn’t!

Oh, yes she would. She had my pants off in what seemed like a flash and my cock sprang out to greet the world before the idea of looking around to see if anyone else was watching even occurred to me. I felt the warmth of her mouth envelope me and fought to contain my groan. I could feel her tongue running along the sides of my shaft, first to the right, then to the left. I can’t even begin to convey what it felt like when she started to apply suction. I thought my entire body now consisted of the area around my waist and groin. I closed my throat as much as I could to keep from whimpering, and shut my eyes before they popped out of my head.

Her tongue ran along the head of my dick, circling it, then rubbing along the underside of my shaft. She sucked hard, flicking my head with her tongue, and I felt my whole body begin to instinctively rise out of my seat. The overworked synapses of my brain began to misfire, until one of them got something right and I felt my center explode. The pleasure was very nice, but the warmth which followed it was incredible. I moaned loudly but didn’t care anymore. Tingles ran up and down my body, all over my skin. My muscles finally began to relax and I slumped back down in my seat. I could feel her gently putting my member back in my pants and buckling me up. I opened my eyes when she had finished and looked at her face. Her own eyes stared back at me, begging, pleading.

“Please?” she whimpered. Oh, damn, why did she have to be so cute?

I sighed in defeat. “Alright, Kara. Get back in your chair.” She bounced up excitedly and rolled her chair behind me to watch over my shoulder. I curled my fingers over the keyboard, thinking of what to write. I could feel her breath on the back of my neck, and turned to her in annoyance. “Well,” I said. “You’re the story character. Aren’t you going to say something?”

“Oh, that’s not my job,” she replied smugly. “I’m just supposed to be here to make sure you stay focused on the story.”

I snorted. Focused, yeah. She’s a big help in that department. “I think I like Mark better. He leaves me alone most of the time, and he actually gives me ideas on what to write.”

She laughed. “Of course he does, he’s your muse. It’s what he does. I’m just a figment of your imagination. And by the way, Mark’s the one who sent me here. I’ll be sure to convey your gratitude when you’re done writing.

I snorted again. It figured. Mark was probably off laughing somewhere over this right now. I turned back to the computer grumbling sullenly and plotting revenge. I curled my fingers back over the keyboard and began to type.

“The story idea that wouldn’t leave me alone.” No, that wouldn’t do; too long.