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Forbidden Fruit – lesbian experience



Chandelle and Amber giggled as they climbed over the fence into the orchard; the trees were heavily laden with succulent ripe fruit. Rows of plum, apricot and peach trees stretched for as far as the eye could see.

“Make sure the farmer isn’t nearby, he gets rather upset when you steal his fruit” Amber giggled softly. “Yeah funny that eh? Well we’ll just have to be quite then won’t we? I hope you can run fast” Chandelle whispered back, taking Amber’s hand in hers they moved deeper into the orchard. The two young women made their way quietly between the trees, plucking the luscious fruit from the branches as they went and depositing them in the bags they carried.

Finding a clear space beneath a huge plum tree, the girls sat side-by-side resting their spoils nearby. “This one is a beauty” Amber held up a dark plum, it was swollen and ripe, begging to be eaten. As Amber took a bite the juice ran in small rivulets down her chin, even though she sucked deeply on the plum.

“Hey, leave some for me,” laughed Chandelle, leaning over she took the plum and bit deeply into the rich dark flesh. Juice spurted from the fruit, spraying both of them as they giggled and sucked at the large fruit in turn.

Chandelle looked deeply into Amber’s laughing eyes, leaning forward she placed her finger beneath Amber’s jaw and gently licked the juice from her friend’s chin, before letting their lips join in a soft sweet kiss.

As their lips worked against each other, their tongues touching and probing the soft eager mouths, nimble fingers worked at fastenings, removing their clothing swiftly. Before long both were lying naked by each other, emitting soft giggles, whispers and moans of delight as their hands fondled and explored the forbidden territory of each other’s bodies.

“Wait. I want to try something” Amber took another plum and breaking it open removed the stone, taking the two halves she ran the juicy portions over Chandelle’s breasts. Streams of juice ran down her body as the fruit halves wound a path down her belly to the dark triangle of hair between her legs.

Chandelle moaned in ecstasy, spreading her legs wide, her body trembling as Amber’s lips followed the cool nectar, suckling softly and lapping the juices from Chandelle’s well rounded breasts. As her tongue followed the fruit’s juicy path, Amber moved the soft fruit between Chandelle’s legs, coating her pussy lips with the sweet nectar.

“Ohhhhh god yes. Oh Amber honey, you do me so well,” Chandelle moaned, her body arching slightly beneath the eager mouth that worked over her sensitive skin. “My pleasure baby doll, you know I love making love to you” Amber whispered seductively as she slid the soft fruit between Chandelle’s pussy lips and up into the deep recess of her pulsating cunt hole.

Amber pushed the fruit in and out of Chandelle’s well-soaked cunt, driving her friend to the edge of excitement and beyond as her lips nuzzled softly, searching for her clitoris. Taking the hard little nub into her mouth she sucked the sweet plum nectar from it, letting her tongue flicker across it’s tip until Chandelle’s moans became more like cries of passion.

“Shhhh. you’ll get us caught honey. you sure are sweet and juicy, you have to try this after I’ve finished with you, it’s divine” Amber murmured softly from between her friend’s thighs. Nibbling gently at the lips of her cunt and letting her tongue explore the entry to her quivering hole, her hands moving across Chandelle’s tight stomach to her breasts, stroking them lovingly.

Returning her attention to the pulsating clitoris in front of her Amber let her tongue move in wide circles around it’s hardened shaft, she could feel Chandelle begin to shudder and at the exact moment the orgasm ripped through her friends slender form Amber sucked the fruit from out of her cunt, releasing an orgasmic pump of cum juice right into her waiting mouth.

“Mmmmmm so good” murmured Amber with her mouth full of soft plum flesh and love juice, moving up Chandelle’s still trembling form, she let her friend taste the exotic mixture in a gentle passionate kiss. Their tongues pushing the cum coated plum flesh back and forth as they sucked and licked each other’s tongues.

Chandelle rolled Amber onto her back, licking her lips she smiled down at her friend, “Mmmm delicious. but it’s my turn now” she giggled as she took up a plump ripe fruit and disposed of it’s stone, smearing it over Amber’s breasts she sucked eagerly at the fully aroused nipples.

Chandelle’s hands worked expertly over Amber’s body, rubbing the fruit’s soft juicy flesh over Amber’s clitoris until she could feel her start to tremble with excitement. “Not yet sweetheart, I haven’t finished having my fun with you yet” she whispered softly to Amber as she slid juice-coated fingers into her hungry cunt.

Moving her fingers deeply inside Amber’s cunt, Chandelle watched her friend’ s body squirm and arch as she flickered her tongue across Amber’s hard pointed clitoris. “Oh yeah, oh yeah. oh my god it feels so good, I want to cum so bad” Amber moaned as she pinched her rock hard nipples.

Chandelle positioned herself between Amber’s thighs, with one leg beneath Amber’s and the other over the top, so that their pussies could fit perfectly together. As she pressed her pelvis into Amber’s she placed the soft plum she had been using to coat Amber’s body with between their clitorises.

The girl’s frantic cries and moans had attracted the attention of the farmer who owned the orchard. Just beyond the trees out of sight from the girls but still within earshot, he stood watching the two naked forms making love beneath his plum tree. He had been watching them with interest for some time and rubbing his rock hard erection with long stroking movements. His cock throbbing as he longed to join the two nymphs, but he could tell they were not the type to welcome company, especially not someone his age.

Grinding their hips together franticly, the soft fruit becoming an extension of their bodies the two girls fucked each other. “Oh god, oh yes” cried Amber, their moans of pleasure becoming orgasmic cries of satisfaction as they both reached climax simultaneously. Their spent bodies lying intertwined beneath the branches of the plum tree as they gently stroked each other’s thighs.

At the girl’s cries of ecstasy the farmer was now flogging his rock hard cock franticly, he felt his ball bag tighten suddenly as a great surge pumped a gush of hot cum onto the ground at his feet. He strained against the urge to release a long drawn out groan of pleasure, watching his seed spill onto the land that he had worked hard on all his life.

“We should go, before we are caught you know” Amber said softly, “I know, but I don’t feel like moving” replied Chandelle. The two slowly dressed and gathered up their bags, making their way to the fence, the stickiness of the forbidden fruit making their garments cling to their bodies.

Leaning back against a distant tree the old farmer rolled a smoke and smiled shaking his head, with a show like that the girls deserved to take home a couple of bags of fruit. Watching them leave the farmer nodded silently to himself, he’d be checking this area of the orchard more often from now on; hopefully the delightful little nymphs would be visiting again soon.