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Comedy of Errors



Ted was 18, yesterday, and he was miserable. He had no friends and he knew it. So why did his mother insist on throwing a birthday party for him, rubbing his nose in it?

She had invited all of the neighborhood kids, talking to all of their parents personally, and then told him to invite his friends from school. He’d talked to Sammy Stewart, the closest thing he had to a friend, about it. But he’d begged off. Ted didn’t ask anyone else. Two of the neighborhood kids had shown up. Mike Kitchen told him privately that his mother had made him come and had made him bring a gift for Ted. He left after only a few minutes, taking his gift with him and promising Ted a major pounding at school Monday. Lisa Matthews had come too, but since none of her friends were there, she didn’t stay long. ‘She’ didn’t bring a gift either.

The party became Mom, three of her grown-up friends (one of whom dragged her 12 year old daughter Mary along), Dad and Dad’s boss. Dad’s boss had heard Ted’s Dad talking about Ted and the party at work and had essentially invited himself. Ted heard Dad telling Mom that his boss was divorced, again, and was probably hoping to meet a woman at the party. Ted’s Dad had been afraid to uninvite him because of a promotion he hoped to get.

The party was a dud. Mary spent all day playing Ted’s video games and watching a cartoon movie on TV. Mom and her friends gossiped all day and clucked over ‘poor Teddy’. Dad’s boss left when he realized no one else was coming and Ted’s Dad now thought his chances of promotion were shot as well. Ted himself spent the whole day at the window, watching planes take off at nearby O’Hare Airport. He loved that.

But, that was yesterday. His beating by Mike wasn’t until tomorrow at school. His Mom and Dad were at a party given by a friend of Dad’s from work. Dad hadn’t really wanted to go, but he hoped his boss would be there and he could still make points for the promotion. So, Ted was on his own this afternoon and he was going to the Airport. He knew his Mom would be mad if she knew, she worried. But Ted loved watching the planes take off and land. Since Mom wasn’t home and he wouldn’t be long (he promised himself – he’d been grounded for a two-weeks the last time he was caught) he was going any way.

Ted parked his bike at the employee’s rack and locked it before walking around to the terminal entrance. Mr. McGillis, the guard at the door, recognized Ted and said hello as he entered. Ted waved and headed to the big windows in back, stopping only long enough to buy himself a Coke.

He went straight to the Northwest Terminal, because it was there he’d found the best views were available. Ted watched for an hour and finished his coke. He soon found he had to go to the bathroom. The Men’s Room door was propped open by the service cart. Someone was cleaning it. He knew that meant it was closed, but he had to go really bad and the next closest bathroom was at the other end of the hall, near the Main Terminal. He didn’t think he could make it. The only other bathroom was for girls and he couldn’t go in there.

Moving the cart a little he squeezed by it and entered the bathroom. He didn’t see anyone so he hurried to the urinals and started unzipping his pants. The zipper stuck. He tried to move it and caught it in his underwear. He tried pulling the front of his pants out to see better, but it was no use. He was about to pee his pants.

Unsnapping his waistband, Ted pushed his pants and underpants down to his knees and waddled up close to a urinal. As he finished, there was a sound behind him. Startled, Ted spun around dick in hand.

Standing in the entry, a mop in hand, was an older Mexican woman dressed in a bright pink maintenance vest over a T-shirt. She was wearing tight red pants and had a bright yellow bandanna tying her hair behind her head. Ted recognized her. It was Maria and she was wearing her usual green rubber gloves and black rubber boots for her cleaning job.

“Ted? What are you doing here Ted? The bathroom is closed for Cleaning.”

“I know, Maria. But I had to go really bad.”

“If all you are doing is going to the bathroom, why are your pants around your feet? Are you masturbating?”

“No. No. I’m not doing that. My zipper stuck. Then it got caught in my underwear and I really had to go. Really, really bad.”

“Are you done now?”


“Then pull up your pants and leave now. I have to clean in here.”

Ted began fumbling with his pants and tried to get the zipper unstuck as Maria stepped into each of the stalls and flushed the toilets before stepping around the dividing wall to flush the ones there as well. Ted was still fumbling with his zipper, trying to free it from his underwear when she came back around the wall and saw his predicament.

Ted looked up as Maria approached. “Let me help you with that.”

Kneeling in front of Ted, Maria leaned forward and began tugging at his zipper. As she leaned forward, her T-shirt fell away from her body and Ted was looking at her cleavage and the top of her red bra. He started having dirty thoughts. He couldn’t help it.

Maria, didn’t seem to notice at first as Ted’s dick started to get hard next to her head. Ted tried to make it go down, think it away, but in his embarrassment it only seemed to get hard faster. It was standing straight out from his hips as Maria finally freed his zipper and started to look up.

“Madre’!” she said leaning backwards and away from Ted’s cock. “What is this?” she demanded. Reaching up with one green covered hand and grasping it. “Why do you have this? Le pervierten? Umm … You a perverting, boy?”

Ted was both terrified and excited as Maria held his cock. She was squeezing hard and he was afraid she might hurt it. But it was also the first time anyone else had touched it (except the doctor, of course and he didn’t count). He had never felt the sensation before. As Maria cursed him in two languages he fidgeted in fright and her hand moved. His cock was jerking back and forth. The loose skin casing sliding uncontrollably in the green encased hand grasping it. He couldn’t help it. After a few such movements he exploded. Shooting cum all over Maria’s latex covered fist.

Surprised and shocked, Maria dropped the small cock in her hand. Jerking back and away from it, as if from something dangerous. Ted wasted no time. Terrified, he grabbed his pants and jerked them upwards. Holding them at his waist as he ran from the room and out into the corridor beyond. His suddenly softened little dick waggling in from of him, and his round white buttocks wriggling along behind.

Thankfully, there were only three people in the hallway when he emerged. Stopping for a minute Ted finished pulling up his pants and snapped them before starting to run down the hallway towards the main terminal beyond. Expecting Maria or a guard to stop him at any minute.

As he had pulled up his pants in the hallway, Ted had heard nothing from the bathroom behind him. But as he started to run again, he heard the sounds of laughter echoing in it’s depths.