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Taming of Wonder Woman



The alarm klaxon shrilled through the laboratory as Wonder Woman sought out the intruder. She couldn’t understand why the lab seemed so empty. Dr. Roger Thornton was one of the Defense Department’s greatest scientists. Dozens of guards should have reached the lab before she arrived.

Yet the lab was deserted.

Ahead, she could hear muffled cries for help coming from within a storage locker. Racing down the aisle, she grasped the handle and wrenched the metal door open.

Instantly, a pale blue mist surrounded the Amazon and she felt her body stop responding to her will.

“Paralyzation gas,” she realized, as her gaze was captured by a swirling array of lights within the locker. The image looked almost like a burst of plasma clouds, as it shifted colors and shapes.

Unable to tear her gaze away, the Amazon felt herself falling deeper and deeper into a trance.

“Quite effective, don’t you think?” a soft voice purred from behind her. “The gas immobilizes the victim, giving the plasma cloud generator time to capture her attention. Thus, the subject is rendered unable to escape as a series of subliminal messages are transmitted directly into her subconcious.”

Wonder Woman’s mind reeled in horror as she realized how easily she’d been trapped. Suddenly a sharp pain stabbed through her as an injector was pressed to her neck.

“This particular blend of hypnotic drugs will render you even more susceptible to the messages encoded into the plasma burst,” the voice continued.

The Amazon felt her will being drained away as the lights danced before her and a pair of strong hands began kneading the muscles of her neck and shoulders, relaxing her even more deeply into a trance state.

“You feel privileged to serve me, Wonder Woman,” the unseen voice continued. “It is quite an honor for an insignificant little slut like you to be chosen as a test subject by such a great genius as Dr. Thornton.”

Unable to struggle against the array of psychological, technological and chemical forces dircted against her, the Amazon felt herself agreeing with the unseen speaker.

Unseen hands stripped away her outfit, leaving her standing paralyzed and naked as the hypnotic lightshow continued flashing messages of her worthlessness and powerlessness deep into Wonder Woman’s subconcious. The hands soon left her shoulders and traveled over her large, firm breasts, tweaking her nipples and bringing them to full hardness.

She shivered against the cold as she felt something slip over her head, tightening around her throat like a noose. Her skin tingled as she recognized the feel of her own golden lasso.

“Excellent,” the voice continued. “Now if what I’ve heard about this rope is true, it should provide the finishing touch to our little training session tonight.”

Wonder Woman shivered, her sex dampening against her will as he last vestiges of self-control slipped away beneath the scientist’s ministrations.

“You are my slave, Wonder Woman. You will obey every command given to you by Dr. Roger Thornton. Your first and only loyalty will be to me. Come.”

With that, Diana realized her paralysis had worn off and she could hear footsteps receding behind her. Her will struggled against the command, but after a moment’s hesitation, she turned and began walking after the dark figure which still held the other end of her lasso like a leash.

“Not like that, slave,” Thornton sighed at the sound of her footsteps.”

Not understanding how she knew what was expected of her, Wonder Woman burned with humiliation as she sank to her knees and began crawling on all fours behind the doctor like an obedient dog at the end of her leash.

Thornton led her to a small study at one end of the lab, patting her head affectionately as he bolted the door behind them.

“Very good, slave,” he remarked, unzipping his pants. “And now I suppose I should reward you. I will grant you one request. What would you like as your reward?”

Diana intended to demand that the scientist release her. Instead, she was horrified to hear the words, “Please, master, allow me to suck your cock.”

Thornton laughed at the Amazon’s shocked expression.

“Another benefit of my hypnotic lightshow, slave,” he chuckled. “As your conditioning continues, you’ll find yourself entranced by penises of all shapes and sizes. If fact, I’ll wager you’ll learn to love cum above all other … umm … beverages. Before I’m finished with you, you’ll have an almost constant craving for semen and there will be no limits to how deeply you’ll be willing to degrade and debase yourself to get it.”

The Amazon regarded the scientist in horror as the truth of his words began to dawn on her. In spite of her humiliation and her hatred for her captor, she found herself licking her lips in anticipation of the warm gush of fluid that was soon to flood her mouth.

“Very well, slave, you’ve earned a reward,” Thornton said. “You may suck my cock. Now.”

For Wonder Woman, this was the ultimate humiliation of the evening. As if standing outside herself, the Amazon watched as she kneeled up and began licking the swollen head of the scientist’s penis.

A sharp crack rang out and the Amazon reeled as an open hand landed against the side of her face.

“I said *suck* it, slut,” the scientist ordered.

Stretching her lips wide around his cock, she struggled to take its length inside her mouth, drawing her cheeks in tight as she sucked the organ. With one hand on her lasso, Thornton gathered her long, black hair in the other and pulled her face down tight on his shaft, thrusting his cock viciously into her mouth.

Wonder Woman gagged as his cockhead repeatedly struck the back of her throat, but Thornton refused to slow his assault on the Amazon’s mouth. Finally, as she was lost in a spasm of coughing, he climaxed, spraying his thick jism directly into her throat and leaving her coughing and gagging, naked and on her knees before him.

“An auspcious beginning, Wonder Woman,” the scientist chuckled. “But I can see we have our work cut out for us. You will return to my laboratory at 10 p.m. each Friday night for another training session with me. And, of course, you will have no recollection of me or our sessions until I summon you or it is time for you to return to me. In the meantime, you will also serve anyone who recognizes you as the slut that you are. Do you understand that order, slave? You will treat anyone who calls you ‘slut’ as your beloved master until … say, six hours … pass without your being called a slut. At that point, you will return to your normal self and may do as you wish. Is that understood?”

Burning with humiliation, the naked Amazon crawled to her knees and nodded. Her embarrassment swelled as the movement dislodged a rope of cum from her lip and it stretched down to her ample breasts.

“I didn’t hear that, slave. Did you answer me?”

Shivering, Wonder Woman whispered, “Yes, Master.”

“Excellent,” Thornton chuckled. “Now clean up this mess — with your tongue.”

Chapter Two

Diana Prince was exhausted when she awakened Monday morning. Searching her memory, she found Sunday night was a blank to her. As far as she could remember, she’d come straight home from work and gone to bed.

But that didn’t explain the fact that she felt like she’d been without sleep all weekend.

Shrugging it off, the tall brunette climbed out of bed, mildly surprised to find herself naked. It wasn’t her style to sleep in the nude. Maybe a hot shower would bring her back to herself.

The warm water felt wonderful against her tired flesh as the powerful fingers of the shower massage pounded her muscles. It wasn’t long before the warm water and the slick, soapy feel of her hands caressing her flesh as she bathed, began to have another effect on Diana.

Kneading her firm, tender breasts, she slowly circled her long nails around the points of the nipples, enjoying the tingling sensation it sent through her body. Unconsciously, she rearranged herself until the stream from the shower was gently massaging her sex as well.

The amazon spread her legs and began fondling herself with one hand as the water continued to caress her clitoris. At last, 30 minutes later, she succumbed to a powerful orgasm and collapsed into a the warm, soapy water collecting in the tub.

A small smile played across her lips as she relaxed, until she realized what time it had become. She was already half an hour late for work. Grabbing a towel, she raced to get ready.

* * * * *

Steve Trevor was not in a good mood. Diana Prince was over half an hour late. It wasn’t so much that he had anything of any real importance to do. It was the principal of the thing. Diana was supposed to be his assistant, but the way she’d begun acting lately, you’d think they were more like partners. It didn’t help that Wonder Woman always seemed to show up just in time to save the day and make Diana look like a heroine while Steve took second billing.

No, he decided, it was time to put Diana in her place over this one. She couldn’t just waltz in here late and expect him to let it slide.

He wasn’t prepared, however, for Diana when she did arrive.

Dr. Thornton had programmed her well during their first session together. And in her haste to get ready for work, Diana hadn’t realized just how well she was carrying out her conditioning.

Instead of her normal, staid, conservative suit, Diana wore a short, jet black skirt ending some four inches above her knees and a pair of four-inch black pumps. The black blazer fit tightly across her impressive chest and for a moment, Steve could have sworn she wasn’t wearing a bra. She also wasn’t wearing a shirt under the blazer and her deep cleavage was easily visible. Her standard boring bun was gone as well and her raven hair fell loose against her shoulders.

Steve decided the liked the new Diana.

Diana herself wasn’t quite sure what was the matter with her. She still didn’t feel like herself. And on the way to work, her mind had been flooded with the most bizarre imaages each time it drifted off. She’d found herself staring at the crotches of every man she met, wondering what their cocks would look like. Worse, she’d had to fight down the impulse to kneel in front of several men and ask permission to suck their cocks.

It was humiliating.

She’d expected to be safe from these feelings here in the office, but she found them getting worse. Recognizing the barely hidden lust in Steve’s eyes as he looked at her, Diana realized she was becoming aroused.

“You’re late, Diana,” Steve barked. “I will not tolerate this kind of behavior.”

“No sir,” Diana answered, lowering her eyes until they gazed at his crotch.

Encouraged by her submissiveness, Steve added, “We need to get a few things straight, Diana. You work for me. That means you will obey my rules and my orders, agreed? No more of this feminist crap. You will do as you are told.”

Diana couldn’t believe her ears as she heard herself agreeing with Steve. Again, she had that strange feeling that she was not fully in control of her own will.

“Now get me some coffee,” Steve barked.

Diana practically ran to the reception area to comply. When she returned, Steve was seated behind his desk, shuffling through a sheaf of papers. To the Amazon, it was obvious he was trying to hide the hard-on he’d gotten from ordering her around. For a moment, she imagined what it would feel like to kneel at his feet and suck his erection. She pictured herself naked, her head bobbing up and down furiously as Steve fucked her face. Of course, she could never do such a thing. After all, she was Amazon royalty …

“Diana?” Steve barked. “Earth to Diana …”

Startled from her daydream, Diana’s body jerked, spilling the contents of Steve’s coffee cup into the major’s lap.

Surprised and somewhat outraged, Steve leaped to his feet, unwittingly uttering the one word Dr. Thornton had programmed Diana to respond to above all others …

“Damn it, Diana, you stupid slut … What is wrong with you today?” he exploded.

Hearing the magic word, Diana completely lost her will and sank to her knees before Steve.

“I’m sorry, master,” she cried out. “Please, allow me to help you.”

With that, the kneeling Amazon, whipped off her blazer and began to rub the material against Steve’s crotch in an attempt to dry his slacks. Steve, for his part, was in shock, both at Diana’s sudden transformation and the sight of her naked breasts jiggling slightly as she worked to clean his pants.

“Who cares about the pants?” Trevor joked, “It’s what’s inside them I was afraid you’d scalded off.”

No sooner had he spoken than Diana was freeing his belt from its loops and opening his fly, the shapely brunette pulled his pants and shorts to his knees and began applying the blazer to his already swelling cock.

“Damn, those buttons are hot,” he hissed. “Use something else.”

Quickly Diana unzipped her skirt and pulled it off over her head, revealing that she was wearing no underwear. Now, naked except for her pumps, the Amazon used her skirt to dry Steve’s crotch. When she finished, Diana rocked back on her heels, kneeling before Steve, her face just inches from his erection.

“How else may I serve you, master?” Diana asked, unconsciously licking her lips as she stared directly at Steve’s rather average cock.

Still not sure what was going on, Steve studied her face and asked, “How would you like to serve me?”

Blushing with humiliation, Diana answered, “I’d like to take your cock in my mouth and suck on it until you allow me to taste your cum, master.”

“Go ahead,” Steve said warily, still not trusting his luck. Immediately, Diana enveloped his cock in her mouth, pumping it furiously with her tongue and lips.

For a moment, Steve thought, “I should take up motivational speaking.” Then, he forgot everything as Diana’s warm, wet mouth began bringing him closer to his climax.

“Do you really want to taste my cum?” he asked.

“Umm … humm …” Diana hummed, sending delicious tremors through his cock as she nodded her head.

“Tough,” he said, pulling away from her. “You haven’t earned it yet.” And with that, Steve began shooting ropes of thick cum into Diana’s face.

At first, she tried to catch it in her open mouth, but then Steve grabbed her hair, holding her face back and aiming his emissions at her eyes and nose. Finally, when he’d shot his last drop, he grasped her breasts, pulling her painfully erect on her knees. Then thrusting his cock between them, he kneaded them around it toweling it off.

“Now you may clean yourself up, Diana,” he said.

Diana began rubbing his cum into the flesh of her bare breasts and cleaning it off her face with her fingers. Finally, when her fingers were coated in semen, Steve chuckled, “If you really want to taste it, be my guest.”

Slowly. sensually, Diana began to lick her fingers clean.

“Hmmm … this could be an interesting day,” Steve mused.

Chapter Three

Diana couldn’t imagine what had come over her in Steve’s office. To have actually gotten down on her knees and *begged* for permission to suck his dick … It was unthinkable.

But she had done it. There was no doubt about that. For a moment, she had even thought she enjoyed it. But that was impossible, she chided herself. He had been rude, arrogant and obscene in his treatment of her.

Now that she was away from Steve, the whole morning seemed unreal to her. Steve Trevor had given her permission to lick his cum off her fingers … and she had done it. The very thought of it made her stomach rebel and for a moment, she closed her eyes and winced at the delayed reaction.

“Are you alright, miss?” the man in line behid her asked? “I’ll hold your place if you’d like to visit the restroom and … well … ah … you look like you don’t feel well,” he finished lamely.

Thanking the stranger, Diana headed for the restroom. After all, she had been feeling strange all morning. Perhaps a splash of cold water on her face would help her feel more like herself.

Finishing up, the Amazon was about to leave the restroom when a shot rang out. A large black man wearing a ski mask had just fired a shot into the air in front of the counter. Two other men stood off to the sides, covering the bank’s occupants with machine guns.

“Okay,” the first man shouted. “Nobody move and nobody gets hurt. We don’t want to kill anyone. We just want the money.”

Gently closing the restroom door, Diana retreated. There were too many innocent people in the room to start a public brawl. Catching up to them on the street and following the criminal’s back to their hideout seemed more logical.

With a determined twirl, Diana shed her work clothes and changed into the star-spangeld costume of Wonder Woman. After that, it was a simple matter to exit through the bathroom window and follow the three men.

They soon led her to a shotgun shack in a rundown part of town. It was exactly the kind of poverty stricken environment she’d expected the criminal’s to come from.

Kicking in the door, the Amazon princess burst into the middle of the living room as the bank robbers leaped into defensive positions. The smallest of the three men began firing a burst from his Mac-10 at her, but Wonder Woman easily deflected the bullets with her bracelets.

The second thug darted in close to the Amazon, swinging a length of chain, but Wonder Woman leaned back away from the blow and extended her leg in a graceful kick, sweeping his feet from beneath him. Ripping the chain from his hands, she flicked it across the room, knocking out the first thug. A swift kick to the temple then disabled the man at her feet.

The leader remained on the other side of the room from Wonder Woman as they eyed each other warily. Shaking his head in disbelief at the slumped forms of his men, the robber muttered, “We just took down an entire bank and some slut in underoos takes you guys apart.”

At the word “slut,” Wonder Woman faltered. She had no way of knowing Dr. Thornton’s subliminal conditioning was effecting her. But she did know that suddenly, her confidence was gone. There was no way she could subdue this man. There was no reason for her to subdue him, she thought.

“If anything,” the Amazon thought, “I should be on my knees, worshipping him like a god.”

Shaking the thought from her mind, Wonder Woman concentrated on capturing the fugitive. Setting her body in a martial arts pose, she advanced upon him, but the robber could sense her hesitancy.

Staring deep into her eyes, the theif searched for some sign of weakness, noting her uncertainty. He also noticed that she seemed to unconsciously drop her eyes to his belt buckle every moment or so.

“No, wait,” he realized as Wonder Woman’s tongue darted out to wet her lips. “Not my belt buckle … she’s eyeing my crotch.”

The realization proved arousing to the criminal and soon his growing erection had placed a bulge in his pants. Wonder Woman’s eyes widened slightly and she licked her lips again. He could see the points of her nipples showing through the top of her costume.

“Damn,” he thought, “the bitch is getting turned on staring at my dick.”

“You want some of this slut?” he asked, grabbing his crotch. “Got a thing for black dick?”

Again, Wonder Woman hesitated. This was wrong. She should be subduing this criminal, tying up him and his gang and calling the police to come pick them up. She should be punching him through a brick wall for having the nerve to speak to her in such a manner.

Instead, she found herself slowly sinking to her knees. Without thinking, she began to remove her top.

“Hold on a minute, bitch,” the massive black man ordered. “I didn’t tell you to take off your clothes. You just wait right there until I tell you what you can do next.”

Wonder Woman remained frozen in place, staring listlessly at the ground as the robber went into the bedroom and began rifling through things. A few moments later, he returned with a trio of video cameras on tripods which he began setting up around the room.

“I want something to remember this by,” he told the kneeling superheroine. “The day Wonder Woman became a Wonderslut for my cock.”

Burning with humiliation, Wonder Woman felt a growing hunger in her groin upon hearing herself refered to as a slut again. She couldn’t understand what was happening to her. But she after her morning with Steve … and now this … she had begun acting like a slut. Why was she allowing these men to use her this way?

The man’s voice snapped her back to reality … “Now, you just crawl your white ass over here and I might even give you a good, close-up look at my dick, slut. Would you like that?”

Crawling to him on her hands and knees, Wonder Woman whispered, “Yes, master, I’d like to look at your dick.”

“What else would you like to do with it, slut?” he asked.

Diana was horrified to her herself replying, “I want to lick it and suck it and feel your hot cum all over my face and tits. I want you to fuck me like an animal and treat me like the slut that I am.”

Laughing, the robber answered, “Why don’t you take my cock out and play with it right now, slut.”

Burning with shame, Wonder Woman opened the criminal’s trousers and hauled his cock out into the open air. She couldn’t help but gasp at its sheer size. The man’s member had to be at least 14 inches long and three inches thick. Stunned, the Amazon fondled it for a few moments before flicking out her tongue to capture a bit of pre-cum oozing from the slit at its tip.

“That’s it, baby,” the man encouraged her, “get it all wet. I wan’t you to coat that shaft real good with bitch slobber. You know the slicker you get it with that hot little mouth of yours, the less it’s gonna hurt when I ram this rod up that tight little white asshole of yours.”

As the implications of his words sank in on her, Diana’s head snapped back away from the leader’s penis and her eyes grew wide with shock. No one had ever taken her that way before. She didn’t want the first time to be like this … with this animal … Still she found herself wetting her lips in order to obey him by licking his massive cock.

In the meantime, the leader had noticed his men coming to. Knowing what kind of image he presented with Wonder Woman kneeling before him in her full costume and sucking his dick, the huge black man decided to give his guys a show. After all, it was good for his image as a tough guy.

“I said suck it bitch, not lick it,” he shouted, wrapping his left hand in her long, raven hair. Then, seizing the base of his enormous organ with his right hand, he told the cowering superheroine, “What you need is a good, old- fashioned dick whipping to teach you how to obey your master.”

With that, the man began whipping his dick against the Amazon’s face as if it were a bludgeon. Stunned, Diana found herself unable to escape as he held her head tight while wailing on her face. The bank robber continued for a good 15 minutes until her face was numb from the blows and his own orgasm made it impossible to continue. Cumming uncontrollably, the shot his semen all over her face and hair, pumping spurt after spurt until his cock ran dry.

Then, releasing her hair and pushing her back off her knees, he said, “Get undressed, slut. It’s time to party.”

Chapter Four

Struggling back onto her knees, Wonder Woman stared at her foe in horror. He couldn’t be serious.

“I said strip, slut,” the leader barked. “I want my boys to see what a sexy whore you are.”

With that, the large, black man turned on a CD player and slow, erotic dance music began to fill the room. Numbly, Wonder Woman began to fumble with her top.

“Not like that, slut,” one of the robbers laughed. “Rock said to strip. We’re expecting to see a show. You can dance, can’t you?”

Closing her eyes, Wonder Woman shut out the sight of the three men who were intent upon humiliating her and began swaying slightly, trying to lose herself in the drums and bass of the music. Closing everything but the music out of her mind, she soon found some measure of relief in the soft movement of her body.

How long had it been since she had danced? Eons, the Amazon thought, falling into the classic gestures of ancient Greek dramatic ballet. She was once more at peace with herself when a rude voice cut through her tranquility.

“Show us some skin, slut,” Rock shouted. “This ain’t no damn ballet.”

Snapped back to reality, Wonder Woman reddened with shame as she began slowly removing her top in time to the music. Her act was greeted by appreciative whistles as her large, firm breasts came into view. Her tights soon followed, as she bent all the way over to slide them down her long, shapely legs. Doubled over with her face almost touching her ankles, Diana wiggled her round bottom at the man who stood behind her, before stepping out of the tights and straightening up.

Now, naked except for her calf-length red boots, bracelets and tiara, Wonder Woman faced her masters. She trembled for a moment as she realized it was becoming easier and easier to humble herself before men like these. It seemed as if all they had to do was command her and she turned to jelly.

Quickly, she dropped to the floor and buried her face between her knees to hide the look of concern that passed over her face.

Something was wrong, she realized. She wasn’t controlling her own actions. And that meant someone else was … but these men seemed to crude, too boorish to have conquered her alone. The answer had to lie somewhere else. Relaxing onto her back, she sensuously began to remove her boots, before rolling over onto her hands and knees.

Crawling, she circled the room, making eye contact with each of the three men. As she reached the smallest of the three, she noticed the youth has his cock out of his jeans was jerking himself off. Mesmerized, she found her eyes lingering on the cock, and she licked her lips at the thought of what the young man’s jism would taste like. Diana fought the impulse to lick the head of his dick with all her will, but she could feel herself giving in to her craving for semen.

Not knowing that Dr. Thornton had programmed the Amazon to be enthralled by all cocks, the youth knew only that Wonder Woman was kneeling naked before him, licking her lips at the sight of his cock.

“You want to suck it, slut?” he asked.

As the youth said the magic word, Wonder Woman’s will was shattered and she crawled between his legs, wiping the precum from the tip of his cock with a practiced stroke of her tongue. A moment later, she’d taken his whole cock in her mouth and was furiously bobbing her head up and down on his shaft.

Behind her, the other two men watched her naked ass wriggling back and forth as she worked on their friend.

“I gotta get me some of that,” the smaller of the two black men said, unzipping his pants. Moments later, Wonder Woman felt the head of his cock slip inside her drenched pussy. At that point, she was too far gone to care what they did to her. She knew only that the large cock in her cunt had a satisfying feel to it in spite of the humiliation of her current predicament.

The first man wrapped his fingers in her hair and pulled her mouth down hard against his cock, thrusting its full seven inches down her throat. Diana found herself unable to breathe and began to choke, but the youth refused to yield and continued fucking her throat as the second man increased the violence of his own assault upon her sex.

Finally, the youth came, flooding his seed directly down her throat. Diana spit out his cock as soon as he released her hair and began gagging, allowing saliva and cum to spill from her mouth onto the floor.

At this point, the second man, pulled out of her cunt and jerked her over backward by her long, black hair. With her knees still bent beneath her, Wonder Woman laid back until the back of her head rested on her assailant’s thighs and she caught most of his discharge on her face and breasts.

The Amazon opened her mouth and tried vainly to catch the last few drops from his leaking penis on her tongue before the man shoved her back into her previous position with her face between the youth’s legs. His wet, twitching cock rested against her face as it dripped onto the floor, along with much of the excess jism and sweat from her face and breasts.

“Now clean that mess up, slut” the leader barked, gesturing at the damp floor.

Her will broken, Wonder Woman began licking the mixture of cum, saliva and sweat from the floor as the first two men zipped up their pants and retreated. Feeling the gritty floor against her tongue, Diana felt her humiliation had reached it’s deepest point.

Then she felt the head of the leader’s 14-inch cock pressing against her anus.

“No …” she cried out, but the other two men immediately leapt forward and grabbed her arms, twisting them upward behind her back and forcing her face back to the floor.

Diana could have easily overpowered all three of them, but for some reason she felt powerless as Rock drove his huge organ deep inside her ass in one hard, brutal thrust. Held like that, the Amazon cried silently as the robber savaged her asshole for 15 minutes before pulling out and cumming in her face.

Naturally, he expected her to lick his cock clean and he came again as she executed that order. The three men continued trading places as she fucked and sucked the three of them over and over again.

Finally, she was given a little peace when, exhausted, the three men drifted off to sleep. Not surprisingly, the leader had ordered to her to suck his dick right before falling asleep. And even though he was now unconscious, Wonder Woman found herself unable to disobey him. She would continue sucking his cock until he gave her permission to stop.

Fortunately for Diana, however, none of the men awakened or spoke to her until the six-hour deadline passed. Still unaware of Thornton’s programming, Diana didn’t realize that was the reason she suddenly came back to her old self. She simply knew that the men no longer dominated her. Filled with self-loathing for allowing herself to be used and degraded by them, she quickly bound the sleeping robbers, arranged the evidence where the police would find it and called 911.

Dressing quickly, the Amazon rushed out of the door. It was almost 8 p.m. and she’d promised Steve she’d be at his house by 7 p.m. And she was supposed to wear a French maid’s uniform, Diana remembered. “What on earth could Steve have in mind?” she wondered. “Probably some kind of undercover assignment.”

Chapter Five

Diana Prince arrived at Steve Trevor’s apartment two hours later than promised, still without a clue as to why Steve wanted her in a French maid’s outfit.

Vaguely, she suspected some kind of undercover operation. Perhaps he wanted her to infiltrate a foreign embassy or the estate of some wealthy suspect. Still, that didn’t explain why she had to wear the outfit to meet with Steve in his home. She was prepared to hear his explanation upon arrival.

She wasn’t prepared for the discovery that it was Steve’s poker night or that three of her IADC colleagues were seated around the table. She was even less prepared for Steve’s attitude.

“Where the hell have you been, Diana?” he hissed, pulling her through the door. “I said to be here at 7 — not 9.”

“I was held up …” she begin.

“I don’t care, you stupid slut,” he snarled. “I gave you an order and you’ve disobeyed it. There is no excuse for that.”

Upon hearing herself referred to as a slut, Diana felt her will slip away. The anger which had been building against Steve’s arrogance was replaced by a deep sense of guilt. He was right. There was no excuse for her to disappoint her master.

“I’m sorry, master,” Diana said. “Please forgive me. I will do anything to make it up to you.”

“And how will you make it up to my guests?” he said, shoving Diana away from him. “I promised them a look at the new, sexy, obedient Diana Prince. They’ve been sitting her playing cards for two hours without a sign of you. I told them you’d do anything they wanted all night and you made me look like a liar. How will you make up for that?”

Miserably, Diana turned to look at the poker players. There was General Harrison, a older grouch who was Steve’s immediate superior. He was an old-timer who felt women had no place in the military. Lt. Col. Davis sat next to him. Davis was a middle-aged officer with a chip on his shoulder about intelligence officers in general — probably because they were only called in after his more direct methods failed to rectify a situation. Dr. Brendan took the third seat. The staff psychologist never missed an opportunity to proposition female operatives. Diana had politely, but firmly, rejected him many times. Seeing the smirk on his normally humorless face, she felt a pang of fear at what that would mean tonight.

“Yes, Diana,” he smirked. “How will you make amends for denying us your charms all this time?”

Cringing, she realized he wanted her to make amends for far more than a two-hour wait. The idea of being civil to Brendan sickened her, but Steve wanted her to please his guests and she felt compelled to obey him. Desperately, she turned to Steve with a silent appeal.

“Answer the doctor,” Steve ordered without a hint of compassion.

“I will do anything my master commands,” Diana said, forcing a smile. Turning to face Brendan she asked “What would you like me to do?”

“Ah,” Brendan said, pouncing up her words. “So you don’t truly feel remorse for keeping us waiting. You just wish to obey Major Trevor.”

“Yes … I mean no … I …”

“Enough,” he said, rising and approaching Diana. “Look me in the eye and tell me what you really think of me.”

“I …”

“You have been ordered to answer me, slut,” the analyst commanded. “Now tell me the truth. What do you think of me?”

Again, she heard her trigger. Hating herself for it, Diana responded as been programmed. Even though she still loathed Brendan, the psychological conditioning made her feel as if she was meant to serve him.

“I can’t stand you,” she said, already dreading the consequences of her answer. “I think you’re an arrogant little womanizer who has no understanding of women as human beings.”

“And yet here you are in your little whore’s outfit, offering yourself to me simply because Major Trevor commands it?”

“No, sir,” Diana answered. “I offer myself because it is what I was meant to do. As pathetic as you are, I am still inferior to you. You are a man and I am a worthless slut, not even worthy of your attention. I exist only to worship the cocks of those who are willing to lower themselves to allow it.”

For a moment, there was silence in the room as each of them men studied Diana. Finally, Brendan favored Diana with a mean-spirited grin and patted his groin.

“Then let’s begin services,” he snickered.

Chapter Six

Resignedly, Diana knelt before Dr. Brendan and uttered the words she knew he wanted to hear.

“Please, sir, may this worthless slut worship your cock?”

Her face reddened with humiliation and she kept here eye focused on the growing bulge in the therapist’s slacks as she waited for an answer.

“Look me in the eye and describe exactly how you would like to worship my cock,” Brendan commanded.

Meeting his eyes, Diana licked her lips and began speaking as if in a trance, the words coming as a combination of Thornton’s mind control efforts and her own understanding of what Brendan and the other men wanted to hear. How much was an act to please her masters and how much was her own growing enjoyment of humiliation, she couldn’t say. The fact that she found herself becoming aroused as she debased herself disturbed Diana even more and fed both her humiliation and arousal.

“I want to run my tongue up and down the length of it,” Diana said. “I want to lick beneath your balls and taste your sweat. I want to coat every inch of your cock with my spit, then I want to rub it all over my face. Then I want to take as much of your cock as I can in my mouth and feel it sliding in and out, over my tongue as I lick you. I want to force myself down on you until I can feel the head of your cock against the back of my throat and I want to fuck myself hard on your rod. Then, when I can’t take anymore and I’m gagging myself on your dick, I want you to wrap your hands in my hair and thrust even deeper. I want you to choke me with your dick until you cum in my mouth.”

“I believe we can allow that,” the doctor chuckled. “You may begin.”

And so it went. Diana crawled from man to man on her hands and knees. Stopping before each man, she further debased herself by asking permission to suck his cock and performing whatever obscene requirement he imposed before allowing her to pleasure him.

Steve had her lick his boots. Harrison had her bend over, grab her ankles and count as he spanked her. Davis had her masturbate slowly with a beer bottle until he was hard.

The blowjobs where all the same. Diana, kneeling, sucking, choking and gagging as one man after another pulled her hair and tried to ram his cock down her throat. More than once, Diana found herself coughing around the hard cock in her mouth as she desparately attempted to suck in air through her nose. Steve found it particularly funny that she was choking so badly on his cock when he came that Diana blew cum through her nose. Harrison pulled almost all the way out of her mouth so that she tasted every spurt of his cum. Davis pulled out all the way and came all over Diana’s face.

Through all of it, the verbal humiliation continued. That was the worst. It wasn’t just hearing the words. It was believing them. Over and over Diana was called a slut. Over and over it turned their casual insults into commands — programming Diana would be forced to follow. Even though she was unaware of the reason, Diana felt the changes taking place in her psyche. She felt herself becoming the sex object these men told her she was.

“The slut loves this,” Brendan said, thrusting deep enough to gag her.

“She can’t get enough cum.”

“The bitch loves it when you hurt her. Pain turns her on.”

“This whore will do anything for a taste of cum.”

After she had blown them all, the men turned to abusing Diana’s other orifaces. She took on all four men repeatedly in every combination imaginable before the night ended. Then, as she was finally allowed to rest, Steve slapped Diana on her ass and smirked, “Have the coffee ready before I get to work tomorrow.”

Chapter Seven

The rest of the week was a nightmare of sex and humiliation.

Diana’s programing wore off during the night. So when she arrived at work Tuesday morning, the idea of making coffee for Steve Trevor never crossed her mind. She remembered his parting remark from the night before, but never dreamed he was serious.

Her main thought was that she had to regain her dignity after the night’s debauchery. Diana couldn’t imagine what had possessed her to allow Steve and his friends to abuse her but it was most certainly going to end. She mentally rehearsed her opening remarks while getting dressed — all the while failing to note that she was dressing much more provocatively than usual thanks to Dr. Thornton.

When Steve arrived at the office, Diana smoothed her clothes, pulling the sheer silk blouse tight against her nipples and rose to meet him.

“We need to talk, Steve,” she began.

“In my office,” Trevor replied, nodding curtly.

Diana followed along behind him, closing the door nervously as she began her speech a second time.

“About last night …”

“Where’s my coffee?” Steve asked.

“I haven’t made any,” Diana said. “About last night …”

“That’s not good,” Trevor said, slowly unbuckling his belt and tugging it through the loops. “You realize I have to reprimand you for disobeying orders.”

Diana’s jaw dropped in disbelief. Steve Trevor actually believed she would allow him to whip her with a belt. It was inconceivable.

“You arrogant little prick,” she stammered, her carefully prepared speech forgotten in her rising anger. “You must be out of your mind.”

“Right,” Steve said, slashing the belt through the air a couple of times. “I must be out of my mind to expect a cocksucking slut like you to be able to make coffee or obey a simple order.”

At the sound of her trigger, Diana felt her ability to resist slip away.

“You obviously shouldn’t be treated like an assistant,” Steve continued. “You’re a cum slut and should be treated like one. Take off your clothes … NOW.”

Diana leaped to obey him. Mindlessly stripping until she stood before Steve in only her five-inch black pumps.

“Now bend over the desk,” he said, shoving her roughly forward.”

Bending at the waist, Diana placed her palms on the desk and waited for instructions. Behind her, Steve sighed in disgust as he kicked her feet apart.

“Spread your legs, bitch,” he snarled. “Wider … and bend all the way foward like this.”

Diana felt his hand pressing between her shoulder blades, forcing her torso down onto the desk. The cluttered metal debris of thumbtacks and paperclips bit into her breasts as her check touched the smooth, cool wood. Steve loved the cries she made as he pressed harder, grinding her chest into the clutter.

“You love this, don’t you, slut?” he asked, caressing her bare ass and sex as he tortured her breasts. “Answer me, slut.”

“Yes, master,” Diana whined. “I love this.”

Slowly, Steve began finger-fucking the Amazon as he forced her to shimmy her chest into the bits of metal.

“And what are you?”

“A cum slut, master. I’m your cum slut.”

With that admission, Diana felt Steve’s belt bite into her naked ass. Having been worked into a frenzy of need, the pain seemed unbearable to her sensitive nerves. Steve kept up the savage whipping until Diana was hoarse from screaming. Them he thrust quickly and brutally into the Amazon’s unprotected ass. She continued screaming as Steve’s weight slammed her thighs against the edge of the desk and ground her chest into the tacks. When he felt himself cumming, Steve Trevor pulled his cock out of the Amazon’s ass and held it up to her face. Opening her mouth, Diana caught jet after jet on her tongue.

“Good cum slut,” he chuckled, patting her on the head condescendingly. “Now go get that coffee.”

The rest of the day was filled with fetching coffee and donuts, sharpening pencils and carrying out a variety of other menial tasks designed to teach the secretary her place. Steve particularly enjoyed having her clean his shoes with her tongue. When she wasn’t being used, Steve had Diana kneel by his desk so that he could fondle her from time to time.

That night, as her programming wore off, Diana decided it was time Wonder Woman had a long talk with Steve.