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Seeing Double – Twin’s threesome



Forget what people told you about identical twins. The Palmer sisters are nothing like that. They may look the same–petite blonde, pale blue eyes, and a sweet, angelic face–but only one of them is truly an angel, the other is a real bitch. Katie, who is the elder sister (by some fifteen minutes), works as a waitress in a diner owned by my friend Carl, and everyone there just adores her. She’s always nice and friendly even when she’s dealing with the most difficult customer, and I’ve never seen her complain once. Even the guys working there try their best to spare her their rudest jokes–not that it’s easy, given how sexy she looks with the short skirt that the girls wear as uniform. Carl used to say that the only reason he ran a diner was that he had a thing for women in uniforms. The diner is a few blocks away from a community college where I teach several evening courses (I’m an accountant by day), and I usually eat there after class. By the time I get there the busiest hours would be over, and I being a regular, the waitresses would always come over to chat with me. I especially enjoy chatting with Katie–not only because she’s pretty, but also because she is clever and has a good sense of humor. Sometimes I got the feeling that she liked me too. When, on several occasions, she noticed me staring at her full, firm breasts hidden under her shirt, she just looked away and smiled. Her breasts aren’t particularly large–about 35, I guess–but emphasized by her small, 5’4″ frame and a tight-fitting shirt (thanks Carl you pervert) they are really spectacular. Anyway, I never made any attempt at her and nothing really happened. The main reason was that I suspected that there was something going on between her and Carl. I didn’t notice it until recently. I got the impression that Carl was always kind of firm with her. Not that he was rude, but there was a certain sternness in his tone whenever he told her to do something, while he was pretty layback with other waitresses, and Katie on her part never joked with him. All this seemed kinda odd, as if they were doing on purpose. Maybe it was their way of hiding an affair (Carl was going through a divorce). He never mentioned it and I didn’t ask.

One evening, before my class began, I saw Katie in the corridor of the college. “Hey Katie!” I shouted as I went over, “so you’re not working tonight? Nice haircut, by the way!” “Excuse me, but who do you think you’re talking to? Do I know you?” the short-haired blonde turned my way and asked me in an irritated tone. “Yeah right, that’s very funny. I’ll tell Carl to have you fired for being rude to a customer.” I said, thinking it was some kind of joke, but she just glared at me and walked away, leaving me puzzled and embarrassed, as I noticed some students were staring at me. Later that night, when I went to Carl’s diner, I was really surprised to see that Katie still had her ponytail. “Hey Katie, what’s this all about? Coming to the college and pretending that you didn’t know me?” “That was my twin sister that you just met,” she said, “she just called and told me about it.” “Your sister? I don’t know you have a twin sister. How come you never told me? And boy you two really look alike!” “Yeah…” she said, slightly embarrassed, “my sister doesn’t like me to talk about us…” It turned out that their parents died when they were very young, and when her mum died, she asked Katie to take care of Sam, her younger sister. So later when they ran out of money, Katie quitted school and started working to support Sam through high school and secretarial training. Now Sam is a secretary in a large company uptown and is also doing a business degree in the college where I teach. For some insane reason, she feels embarrassed by an elder sister who “lacks ambition” and “is only a waitress”, and not only does she hide from all her friends and her colleagues that she has a twin sister, she also wouldn’t let Katie talk to other people about it. I was barely able to hide the irritation in my voice. “Katie!” I said, trying to find an appropriate way to put it, “don’t you think that’s a bit, er, unfair?” “But she’s really bright! And she’s so pretty too!” “But so are you! For Christ’s sake you’re identical twins!” “But she’s different!” She looked as if she was really upset, so I just shut up and let her continue. The reason that Sam phoned her up this evening–something that she rarely does–was that she wanted to take the course that I was teaching, which was already full. Knowing that I know Katie, she wanted Katie to ask me if I could squeeze her in, which isn’t really that difficult, but I just don’t feel like it. Fuck, I thought, we’ve definitely got one spoiled bitch here. But Katie just kept on begging me, until I finally agreed. “Alright, alright,” I said, shaking my head. When Sam showed up next week for the class, she totally ignored me. No “thank you”, not even a nod, she just acted as if we didn’t have anything to do with each other. Fine by me. I didn’t really expect anything better from her. What’s more, by the end of the class she was already flirting with several guys. She didn’t show up the following week, and the week after that. If it was another student I would have been concerned, because after week three they’d have to hand in weekly assignments. But now I secretly hoped that she wouldn’t be doing that so that I could have a reason to flunk her, which is what she more than deserves. However, although she continued to be absent in the following two weeks, her assignments did come in on time, always handed in by the same guy. Remembering what kind of person she is, I took out their two assignments and compared them. Just as I had expected, they were totally identical, the correct answers as well as the wrong ones. At one place where he (assuming that she was copying from him) misread the figures given in the question and calculated using the wrong figures, she did exactly the same thing. Gotcha, I thought. I told Carl about this when we were chatting in his office later that evening. “So what are you going to do?” he asked me. “Well, I haven’t decided yet. Just this assignment doesn’t mean much. I just don’t like her getting away with treating people like that.” “Yeah, it looks like this dumb bitch has taken you for some stupid jerk!” he said, chuckling. “Thanks a lot, Carl,” I retorted, “I feel much better now!” “Alright, alright, let me really try to make you feel better,” he said laughing. He poked his head out of the office and called Katie. “Well, Katie, it looks like your sister has been a terrible student,” he said as she came in. “Let me handle this,” he stopped me before I could say anything, and explained the situation to her. “Your sister is a stuck-up bitch, Katie,” he concluded. Although that’s exactly how I felt, it was kind of blunt to tell her just like that. At first Katie opened her mouth like she wanted to say something, then she looked kind of sheepishly at me and Carl and shut up. When Carl finished, she turned to me and apologized. I was a bit embarrassed by all this, and was trying to say something to comfort her. Then Carl said something that really surprised me. “If you’re sorry then why don’t you try to make it up to Jim, slut?” Slut? I couldn’t believe my ears. This may be the kind of language that we used between us, but I didn’t expect him to talk to an employee like that. Katie just looked at him with her face turning white and her lips trembling, and her reaction was even more surprising. “Y-yes, Mr Jordan,” she said and lowered her head, and I could see her face begin blushing. I looked at Carl and he just grinned at me. Katie came over and knelt down in front of me, with her head lowered all the time. “This–this slut is sorry, sir, for how her sister has behaved,” she said meekly, “could she please try to make it up to you?” At this point it seemed pretty obvious what was going on, and I decided to play along. I’m not a novice at this, but it’s so odd with someone I know (or I thought I knew) only in an “ordinary” way, whom I speak to almost every other day, and there’s something very erotic about this transformation of hers. “Sure,” I said simply, and spread my legs wider. Katie, still blushing, unbuttoned my jeans and carefully took out my cock and lowered her head to kiss the tip. She then began sucking it and soon it became rock-hard. That girl was one hell of a cocksucker! I looked at Carl again and there was a wide grin on his face. “She’s good, isn’t she?” He asked. “Yeah,” I answered absentmindedly. “Hey slut, Jim says you’re a good cocksucker. You hear that?” With my cock still in her mouth, Katie sort of nodded and murmured something in reply. I grabbed the back of her head and she obediently increased her tempo, cupping my balls with her hands all the time. I didn’t try to hold back and soon I was shooting my cum down her throat. She swallowed every drop, licked my cock clean and gently put t back and buttoned up my jeans, all done with her head down and without a word. “Well done, slut,” Carl said as she finished. “Now go back to work! We’ll call you again when you’re needed.” “Yes, Mr Jordan,” she answered meekly, wiping her mouth with her hand, and then she left the room quickly, avoiding my stare all the time. “Carl!” I said after she had left. “I thought you no longer–” Never say never, man,” he answered grinning. “Can’t pass on this one can I?” “You bet! So how long has this been going on?” I asked. “About two months.” “And you didn’t tell me! Carl, I thought we were friends!” “Well, I was going to save this for your birthday next month,” Carl said chuckling, and then he went on to tell me how it began. “You know how I am with the girls, patting them on their ass when I talk to them and all that,” “Inviting them to sue you for harassment, that is.” “Don’t interrupt. I began the same outine with Katie soon after she started working here, then I noticed omething strange in the way that she responded. You know what Marcia and the ther girls would do, telling me to fuck off or just ignore me. But this girl was different. The first time I patted her ass, she just stood there frozen. At first I thought shit I was in trouble, but she just blushed and lowered her head. There’s something in her which wasn’t just shyness. I tried that again a couple of times and her reaction was the same. Never complained, but also never tried to avoid me. She did become sort of meek when she was talking to me. Anyway I thought it was kind of interesting, so one day, when she came into the office, I just walked over and squeezed her ass. “I swear I could feel her shudder. ‘You like it, don’t you, slut?’ I asked. ‘No,’ she whispered, but I just ignored her. I grabbed her breasts from behind and squeezed them, then I turned her around and started undressing her. She was begging me to stop all the time, but didn’t really resist, and boy how wet she was when I pulled off her panties! So I fucked her right there, and she was coming real hard, locking her legs around me and all that. After that, she pretty much became my slut. I don’t usually fuck her in here. I have her come to my place after work and fuck her in any way I want. And as you could tell, she’s learning real quick. I have tried some of my toys on her, but I was saving the interesting ones for you. We’re friends after all.” “Interesting story,” I said as Carl finished, “I wonder where it leaves us with the other sister.” “The other sister?” Carl looked at me with a wide grin, “are you thinking what I’m thinking?” And we both laughed. First, I had a word with Andy, the guy who did Sam’s assignments for her. He admitted the whole thing at the slightest suggestion that he’d be flunked. Then I Emailed Sam and told her to meet me in my office. Guessing what it was all about, she came prepared, denying everything the moment she came into my office. “You’ve got no proof,” she said when I showed her the two assignments, “it was just a coincidence.” I took the two assignments away and asked her some questions about them, and of course she couldn’t remember anything about them. Although she still claimed that she had simply forgotten everything right after finishing them, she wasn’t so cocksure as she was. “Whatever you say,” I said, “you know what? I’m just teaching part-time here, and I don’t really want to waste my time on administrative stuff like that. I think I’ll just hand the whole thing to professor Ames. If you are so sure that we’ve got nothing against you I’m sure you’ll have no problem talking to him.” “S–sure,” she said, “I’ll talk to him.” “Anyway, this is no big deal,” I continued. “This is not a high school and we won’t ask to see your parents, and maybe you won’t even get expelled. Most probably you’ll just lose the credits for this course, but I wonder, what your will colleagues say when they hear about this? I’m sure they all like you and won’t laugh at you or anything, you’re such a great person.” That finally got her. “No, wait,” she blurted out. “Well?” “Look,” she finally said after a long pause, “I know I’ve been rude to you but do you really have to do this? I mean, it’s just one goddamn course at a goddamn community college, it’s not important at all.” This girl sure has a way of talking to people. “Well,” I said, “I happen to like teaching in this college, because many of the students take their work seriously. And I happen to dislike you. A lot.” “Oh, c’mon,” Sam said smiling, changing her tactic. “I know I’m rude sometimes, but things can’t be that bad, can they? I’m sure we can work something out here.” “And what’s that supposed to mean?” I asked. “Oh c’mon, you know very well what I mean,” she said with a bit of irritation in her voice, but she quickly controlled herself. “I was just trying to say that I’m willing to do anything to make you forget about this assignment,” she said, giving me another sexy look, “anything.” “Fine,” I said with what I imagined to be a lustful professor’s look. “In that case I’ll give you a special assignment and we’ll see how you perform this time.” I gave her Carl’s address and told her to meet me there later that evening. “Wear something sexy,” I said. “Y–yeah, sure,” she answered absentmindedly. I guess for her this is already a matter settled, with her solving yet another problem with her sex appeal. Well, bitch, your problem has only just begun.

Sam showed up at Carl’s place twenty minutes late. “You’re late,” I said. She gave me “so what” look as she sat down of the couch, eyeing me coolly. She was wearing a black, tight, V-neck T-shirt (no bra), miniskirt and a pair of high-heeled sandals–not quite my idea of something sexy but at least she tried. “Look,” I said, standing in front of her, “we don’t have to do this if you don’t feel like it. It’s not my idea of the first place.” “Alright, alright, I’m sorry,” she said, “I’m just a bit nervous.” Although she was smiling when she said this, I could see the anger in her eyes. “Then why don’t you show me some enthusiasm,” I said curtly. “Hey, relax,” Sam said as she stood up. She came closer and started toying with the collar of my shirt. “Could you get me something to drink, please?” she asked in her sexy voice. I poured us two glasses of brandy, gave one to her and signaled her to follow me. “Nice,” she said when we’re in Carl’s bedroom, without much enthusiasm. I don’t blame her, Carl’s taste for furniture fell way behind his taste for women. However, the stuff in this bedroom were functional. For example, there was a large wardrobe with mirrored doors facing the king-sized bed. The mirror in the middle was actually a two-way mirror so that someone hiding inside could get a full view of what’s happening on the bed. I stood with Sam right in front of that mirror. By this time she had down more than half of the brandy I gave her, without noticing that I wasn’t drinking any. “You want more?” I asked. “No, I’m fine, thanks,” she answered in an obviously more relaxed tone. Perhaps the drug in the brandy was already working. She smiled when she noticed me staring at her breasts. “You like them?” she asked, smiling teasingly. “Yeah,” I said, “very nice.” Her erect nipples were clearly visible. “Wanna see more?” She asked as her hands reached up to cup her breasts, and without waiting for my answer, she grabbed the bottom of her T-shirt and pulled it off, revealing her the snow-white globes of her breasts, which were topped by two rock-hard pink nipples. Smiling, she unzipped her miniskirt and let it fall onto the floor. She was wearing a pair of white, lacey panties. High-cut, very sexy. Turning her back on me, she pulled them off slowly, wriggling as she did it. She turned her head around to look at me. “Turn around,” I said. Giggling, she complied. My eyes followed her hands as she ran them down from her breasts past her thin waist to her hip. She crossed her legs slightly as she saw me staring at her blond bush. I reached out and placed my hand on it. It was hot. Sam let out a gasp and trembled. “Play with your breasts,” I said. Without hesitation, she cupped them and began squeezing them gently, tweaking her nipples from time to time. Soon I could feel the dampness at her pussy, and I began rubbing. “Mmmmm…” She purred as I continued, holding her waist with my other arm. I then laid her down on the bed with her ass resting on the edge. Automatically she spread her legs, and one of her hand reached down to continued what I left unfinished. I stepped aside and began undressing as I watched her caress herself, with her eyes closed and moaning lightly. When I was naked, I climbed on top of her and began fondling her breasts, but she stopped me. “Give it to me,” she whispered with her eyes closed, “I want it now!” She opened her eyes in surprise as I suddenly rolled off her, then she giggled as she saw me lying on my back. Quickly, she straggled me. I was lying with my head towards the wardrobe, so she was facing it when she got hold of my cock with one hand and slowly lowered herself onto it. She closed her eyes and sighed with satisfaction when my cock was engulfed in her hot snatch completely. Then, not needing any persuasion, she began riding me. “Yes!” She gasped as I reached up and grabbed her breasts. I squeezed them, gently at first, then harder and harder, and she began to moan louder and louder. She rode faster and faster, her face now red, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on her forehead and her nose. Her body began to tremble lightly. I grabbed her hips and guided her up and down, thrusting up to meet her every time she came down. “Yes! Yes! Oh! Oh!” She cried out loudly, and then her entire body began to spasm. I kept thrusting until I felt her spasms subside. Although I hadn’t come yet, I guided Sam off my cock. “Oh, oh,” she moaned lightly as she felt my cock ease out of her. Getting up, I laid her down on her back with her legs resting at the edge of the bed, so that she was still facing the wardrobe. I moved up until I was kneeling next to her head, and then I lifted it up so that she was facing my cock, which was still hard and glistening with her juices. “Wh…” she gave me a dazed look and tried to protest when I pressed the tip of my cock against her lips. They gave way when I squeezed her chin, and soon she had most of my cock in her mouth. Obviously not very experienced at this and somewhat reluctant at first, she was soon sucking eagerly with me guiding her head back and forth. I gave her arm a little push and she automatically reached down between her legs and began rubbing her pussy, giving out muffled moans at the same time. Her lack of oral skills were made up by her enthusiasm, and soon I was shooting my cum into her mouth. Caught by surprise, she tried hard to swallow but some of it still spilled out of her mouth down her chin. Seeing that she hadn’t come yet, my hand joined hers at her pussy. She was rubbing her lips with one hand while caressing her breasts with the other. She cried out loudly as I began tickling her clit gently, her hips grinding to meet my fingers. I could tell she was approaching orgasm again. “Want another fuck?” I asked. “H–huh…Y-eah…” she moaned. “How about I ask a friend to join us?” “Wh–what?” she asked dreamily. “Hey, Sam, meet my friend Carl,” I said, “that’s Mr Jordan to you.” “Oh, no!” still dazed, Sam hadn’t really taken in what’s happening at first, then her eyes opened wide and she cried out in horror as Carl pushed open the door of the wardrobe and stepped out, with a videocam in his hand. He patiently set it up on a tripod as Sam gathered herself up and jumped off the bed. “Hello, slut!” he said as he grabbed her by her arm. “No! Let me go–” Sam’s protest was cut short when Carl reached down between her legs, grabbed her pussy and squeezed. This pushed her over the edge. “Oh!” she cried out, coming violently despite herself. Carl let go and immediately she fell down onto her knees, shaking after the powerful orgasm. “Man! This slut is hot!” Carl said, chuckling. “What do you want?” Sam asked meekly, looking up. “Please! Let me go!” she pleaded. “Well, Jim just told me what a bitch you’ve been,” Carl said, “and now we’re going to give you a lesson so that you’ll learn to be the slut that you really are!” With these words we grabbed her and lifted her up. Sam protested and struggled feebly. Soon we had her hands cuffed behind her back with a pair of leather handcuffs and made her kneel down on the bed. Next, we chained each of her ankles to a bedpost. With her legs spread, she lost balance and tumbled onto her stomach, crushing her breasts under her. Now everything’s ready for the real fun to begin.