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Alice In Wonderland adult version



The morning had passed quietly and quickly at the Pink Lady Boutique and that suited Alice Parks just fine. The twenty- one-year-old had spent so much time the previous week concentrating on finals that she had fallen behind on her responsibilities at the store. With classes having ended the day before, Alice was grateful for the chance to catch up.

Standing high on a ladder as she put away some boxes that had been delivered earlier, Alice didn’t react when she heard the chimes that rang when the front door opened. Instead, she waited a few seconds to see if Louise Bradley, the storeowner came out of the back room. It was only when she failed to hear the older woman’s voice that she acknowledged whoever had walked in.

‘I’ll be right with you,’ Alice said as she pushed the last box to the back of the shelf and started to climb back down.

‘Take your time,’ a strong but definitely female voice replied.

Reaching the bottom of the ladder, Alice took a moment to brush her platinum blonde bangs out of her eyes and sweep her long ponytail back over her shoulder. Putting on her best ‘can I help you’ smile, she turned to greet her patient customer.

Whatever words she had planned to say next never came out of her mouth. As soon as she turned all the way around and took in the woman standing in front of the counter, Alice was stunned into insensibility.

Fortunately, Louise chose that moment to reappear from the back room and, with a broad smile on her face, greeted the customer instead.

‘Welcome to the Pink Lady,’ the fifty-two-year-old brunette said in a cheerful voice. ‘What can we do for you today?’

The woman that had so stunned Alice stood at least three inches above the blonde’s own five-foot-six, with short cropped black hair that couldn’t have been more than a half- inch in length. She had a muscular build, but more in the line of a conditioned athlete than a bodybuilder. A bust just large enough to be impressive filled the tight fitting, sleeveless black t-shirt that she wore, along with an equally tight pair of dark blue jeans. She looked to be in her early thirties but had such flawless features that the quick estimate could’ve been off by as much as a decade. Around her upper left arm was an arm band tattoo consisting of a linked chain, broken every few inches.

Since a majority of the Pink Lady’s clientele were lesbians or bisexual women, the woman’s appearance really wasn’t that much out of the ordinary. Still, it had been a very long time since Alice had been so smitten that she couldn’t even talk. It was almost a minute before she could even focus on the conversation the woman was having with Louise.

‘So we would really appreciate it if we could put one of the placards in your store window,’ Alice finally heard the woman say.

Reluctantly, Alice took her eyes off the woman and tried to read the large cardboard sign that rested atop the counter between her and Louise. Reading what she could of it upside down, she saw that it was an announcement of a new club opening just a few blocks away.

‘Hmmm,’ Louise said as she lifted the poster and, turning it right side up, bringing it to eye level. ‘I don’t see why not. I’m always happy to see new business in the neighborhood, especially ones run by women.’

‘Thank you very much,’ the woman said as she smiled at Louise. ‘And if you like, I’d be happy to give you a couple of passes that’ll get you into the club on opening night.’

‘I’m afraid my clubbing days are far behind me,’ Louise smiled back. ‘My lady and I are usually in bed by the time the ten o’clock news comes on.’

‘I find that hard to believe,’ the dark haired woman laughed, thinking that if they were in bed by ten, it wasn’t to watch the local news.

‘But I think Alice here might like to go,’ Louise responded, directing both of their attentions to the younger woman.

‘I’d… I’d love to,’ Alice stammered out after a moment’s hesitation.

‘Well we’re opening next Friday night,’ the woman who finally repeated her name now that Alice was listening. ‘Do you know where the White Rabbit used to be?’

‘Over on Jefferson, right?’ Alice asked.

‘That’s the one,’ Simone said. ‘My friends and I, actually more my friends than I, I’m just sort of helping out, have taken over the lease for the property and have just about totally redone the club. They’re calling it Wonderland and they’ve already booked some great bands for the opening. It should be pretty awesome.’

‘It was a shame about the fire they had there last year,’ Louise noted, ‘but thankfully it was all property damage and no one got hurt. I’m glad to see it being reopened. There are few enough clubs for girls to go to and have a little fun without being harassed.’

‘It’s not too late to change your mind about going,’ Simone Kent said, shifting her attention back to Louise.

‘No thank you.’

‘Did you ever go to the White Rabbit?’ Simone asked Alice as she shifted back to her once again. ‘If so, you’re really going to be surprised at all the changes they’ve made.’

‘Is that really the question?’ Alice thought. ‘Or are you asking in a roundabout way if I like girls? Just because I work here doesn’t make that a given. Jenny Collinwood works both here and at a lesbian bar over on 3rd and she’s as straight as they come.’

‘I’ve been there a few times,’ Alice answered, wishing that when she’d gotten dressed this morning that she’d put on one of the lesbian oriented shirts that she’d bought with her employee’s discount. The blue blouse with the cute panda bear over her breast just didn’t say gay girl here. Nor was the fact they she’d gone to the White Rabbit confirmation either. On any given night, at least a third of the girls there had been as straight as Jenny.

‘Well then, I hope to see you there,’ Simone replied as she again thanked Louise while she scribbled a quick note on the back of a business card before handing it to Alice.

Watching her exit the small store, Alice couldn’t help but think that the view from behind was just as impressive as the front. It took her a few moments to realize that she was staring at the door long after it closed, and that Louise was staring at her.

‘What?’ Alice asked, her face showing a look of innocence.

‘You really have to ask?’ Louise asked in turn, a look of amusement on her own face. ‘I thought I was going to have to hose you down the way you couldn’t take your eyes off of her.’

‘Come on, don’t you think you’re exaggerating a little?’ Alice insisted. ‘She took me by surprise when I came off the ladder, that’s all.’

‘Sure, I believe that,’ Louise laughed. ‘That’s why if you actually wore panties, you’d have to go in the back and change them right about now.’

Alice blushed because that was certainly all too true.

‘Hmmm,’ she said instead, imitating Louise as to change the subject, ‘what should I wear to the opening?’

Not to let the subject pass so easily, the older woman reached for one of the shirts on the side counter and held it up for Alice to see.

‘This would probably be suitable,’ Louise grinned.

Written across the black shirt, in large white letters, was the phrase ‘I’m just here to get laid.’


The following Friday night came quick enough and in the end, Alice decided on a non-descript blue dress that, while it did show off her best assets, didn’t scream slut either.

When she showed up at the club, she was initially taken back by the long line of women waiting to get it. If it weren’t for the small card in her hand, Alice would’ve turned around and headed back home. As it was, it still took almost twenty minutes to work her way to the front of the line where two tall, muscular women, one white and one black, guarded the entrance to the new club.

Given the number of, at least in her opinion, hot women that the guardians of the gate had already turned away, Alice had begun to wonder if, even with the card, would they let her in? She needn’t have worried because as soon as they saw the signature scrawled across the back of the card, they couldn’t open the chain link barrier quick enough. Much to the vocal disappointment of many of those around her that had so far been denied access.

Once inside the hallway entrance, Alice could see that Wonderland bore little, if any, resemblance to the White Rabbit. The club had been totally renovated, not just fixed up a little where the fire had done damage. At a glance she could see that both the bar and the dance floor had been expanded, as well as the inclusion of a row of privacy booths on the far wall. Later she would learn that additionally, a number of private rooms had also been added on the second floor.

Crowded as the club was, Alice had no idea how she was going to find Simone. Or if she, despite what she’d said, was even going to be there. She thought about it as she made her way to the bar and finally decided that she would just concentrate on having a good time, Simone or no Simone.

‘What can I get you?’ a tall, rather powerfully-built brunette asked from behind the bar.

‘Just a beer I guess,’ Alice smiled, thinking that it was much too early in the night to have anything stronger.

‘Coming right up, precious,’ the bartender said, returning Alice’s smile.

Bending over to reach down into what Alice assumed was a built in cooler, the brunette managed to give the blonde a good long look at the not unimpressive cleavage that filled the white t-shirt she was wearing. Placing the frost-covered bottle in front of her, she said that the first one was on the house.

‘My name’s Cleo,’ the bartender said with an even broader smile, ‘just in case you’d like to know.’

Alice watched as Cleo turned to take care of another new arrival at the bar. She too ordered just a beer but Alice noted with interest that it wasn’t offered as a courtesy of the house.

Not wanting to seem too interested, Alice turned her attention to the dance floor and the tight mass of womanhood that filled it. She was surprised to see such a broad mixture, so unlike most clubs she’d been to. Age didn’t see to be a common factor, nor was any particular physical type. There were women who looked like they should be studying for their high school exams as well as a few who might pass as their mothers. Physical beauty, or at least the narrow definition of it that most gatekeepers seemed to hold hadn’t held sway either. If the goal had been to create as varied a cross-section as possible, then they had certainly succeeded.

By the time she had finished her first round and had turned to order a second, a different girl had taken Cleo’s place, this one a dark skinned and heavily endowed black girl wearing only a bikini top in place of a shirt. All told, there were five women behind the bar at any one time and Alice assumed that Cleo had gone on break. This time she paid for her drink, resolving to take this one a little slower. Giving up her place at the railing to someone else, Alice began to better explore the new club.

Over the next forty or so minutes, Alice danced and chatted with a few women, most of which were nice enough but none that she felt a real connection with. Contrary to the shirt Louise had suggested she wear, Alice really wasn’t here just to get laid. At least not to jump into the sack with just anyone. It that had been the case, anyone of her dance partners would’ve sufficed. In Alice’s case, there had to be something, something she couldn’t always define, but knew how to recognize.

After having made her third circuit of the large hall, Alice started back for the bar. She wondered if Cleo was back from her break and more importantly, what time she finished working. She wasn’t sure if the two of them could make that connection she was looking for, but so far tonight the bartender seemed the most likely candidate.

Unfortunately, when she got back to the bar, Alice found that Cleo had indeed returned from her break but was now drawing the attention of another patron. The girl sipping at her drink and laughing at something Cleo had said was quite pretty, with long red hair that stretched down almost to her waist. Alice watched the two of them for a few minutes, deciding that Cleo had already found what she was looking for.

‘Story of my life,’ Alice sighed. ‘I let too many chances slip by while I keep hoping for Ms. Right to come along.’

Returning to the dance floor, Alice began to just enjoy herself, moving from partner to partner and at times just dancing by herself. The two beers she had downed had kicked in just enough for her to relax and begin to have a good time. She was on her fourth dance partner when someone behind her asked if she could cut in.

The girl who had been in Alice’s arms had been perturbed at the intrusion at first, but upon seeing the woman standing behind Alice, quickly said it wasn’t a problem and stepped away. It happened so fast that Alice wasn’t even sure what had happened.

‘Well welcome to Wonderland, Alice,’ Simone said with a soft voice and even softer smile as she slipped into the arms the other woman had just vacated. ‘I’m sorry I’m so late but it couldn’t be helped.’

‘That’s okay,’ Alice said, returning the smile and thinking to herself that now that she felt Simone’s arms around her, anyone one else she’d met tonight was certainly going to be second best.

‘There was a presentation at the sch…at my job that ran a lot later than I thought it would,’ Simone explained, the two of them having come to a complete halt as she made her apology. ‘Then I had to rush home to change and I was in such I hurry I tossed on the first thing in my closet. I hope you like it?’

The outfit that Simone had just tossed on, Alice thought, made her look even hotter than the one she’d worn into the shop last week. Brown leather pants hugged her long legs as well as the cheeks of her ass, complementing the matching vest that went with it. Thin leather laces held the top tightly against her bust, leaving a gap in the center wide enough to give anyone who cared to look an unimpeded view.

‘It’s spectacular,’ Alice gushed, hoping she wasn’t being too obvious at the way she was staring at Simone’s breasts.

‘Shall we dance?’ Simone asked as, not really waiting for an answer, she led Alice out onto the center of dance floor.

As they moved to the music, Alice felt like the gaze of every woman in the club were on them. Looking up into Simone’s dark eyes, she felt herself being drawn deep inside. The most casual touch of the older woman’s hand sent a delightful shiver through her body and when her face drew close enough for Simone’s lips to brush against her cheek, Alice thought she was going to lose it right there and then.

Twice more their lips came close but never connected. Each time filling Alice with a sense of disappointment. It wasn’t until the music stopped that Simone reached up, brushed back Alice’s hair, and then kissed her.

The press of Simone’s lips on hers sent an exhilaration racing through Alice, one that caused her entire body to tingle. She parted her lips as she felt the press of Simone’s tongue, her heart skipping a beat as it slipped between them to caress her own.

The music had started up again but the two women didn’t seem to hear it, nor did they seem to notice the crowd around them any longer. All that they heard was the beating of each other’s heart, all that they felt was the warmth of each other’s touch.

‘My apartment is only a ten minute ride from here,’ Simone said quietly, holding Alice’s hands in her own.

Alice nodded her head in agreement, not trusting herself to speak.

Releasing one hand, Simone quickly led Alice back across the crowded floor, quickly reaching a half hidden door by the side of the bar. One of the bartenders glanced in her direction as she reached for the handle, then just turned and went back to what she was doing when she recognized the leather clad woman’s face.

The door led to a short corridor and a second door at the end of that led to an alley behind the club. A half-dozen cars were parked in the alley, watched over by another of the club’s employees. Simone led Alice to a dark green convertible, then paused and looked back at the blonde.

‘Hmm, we’re going to have to do something about that dress,’ she said.

The comment confused Alice until she looked again at the car and realized that Simone hadn’t been leading her to it, but to the red and gold motorcycle parked behind it. She didn’t know the first thing about them, but it looked fast and powerful just sitting there. Much like its owner, she thought.

‘I guess I could bunch it up between my legs,’ Alice suggested as Simone took one of the helmets tied down on the back of the bike and handed it to her.

‘That should work,’ Simone replied, ‘we’re not going far.’

With helmet in place, Alice pulled up the bottom of her dress and climbing onto the back of the bike, bunched as much as she could between her legs. Her lower half was totally exposed and when the wind picked up the still loose edges of her dress, she was sure she would be even more so. But she didn’t care who might see her, or the fact that again she hadn’t bothered with any undergarments.

Once she was sure Alice was securely in place, Simone climbed on in front of her and told her to hang on tight, not that the blonde needed any urging to wrap her arms around her. Coming down on the kickstarter with her weight, Simone brought the cycle to life with a reverberating roar.

Simone slowly guided the bike out of the alley and after making sure the path was clear, raced out into the flow of traffic. Alice pressed tightly against Simone’s as they darted between cars and trucks, she made a delightful discovery. The pulsating engine between her legs was like a giant vibrator, sending bursts of delight across her body. The only thing she could compare it to was the washing machine she used to sit on during the spin cycle when she was a teenager. Only this time the sensation was magnified tenfold.

It was almost a disappointment when she felt the motorcycle slow down as they pulled into the parking lot of the building where Simone lived. If they’d gone another half mile, Alice was certain she’d actually have an orgasm.

‘First time on a bike?’ Simone asked as Alice climbed off the back and removed her helmet.

‘How can you tell?’ Alice asked, then realized the expression on her face probably spoke volumes.

‘Well it can be an exciting ride,’ Simone smiled, knowing all too well what had put the smile on her passenger’s face.

While Alice composed herself and straightened out her dress, Simone walked the cycle into a parking spot where she used a heavy chain attached to a post there to lock down the bike with a combination lock she took out of a compartment under the seats. Looking up at the three-story, gray building in front of them, Alice thought it looked more like a factory than an apartment complex. Simone caught her thought and commented that it had originally been a factory but later converted to living space.

‘It’s a lot nicer inside than out,’ she laughed. ‘Come on, I’m sure you’ll love it.’

As if to emphasis her words, Simone stepped forward and kissed her again, her tongue once more carrying the promise of delights to come. Alice’s reaction was such that she would’ve happily followed the other woman if she was leading her into a horse stable.

They took what was originally a freight elevator up to the third floor and Simone unlocked the door to one of the three spaces the floor had been sub-divided into. Stepping inside, Alice was surprised to find that the entire apartment was one large room, with a ceiling nearly twenty feet high. Across which ran a brightly painted red girder on which was attached some sort of winch device that had also been painted. Evidently it had been easier to just paint it and leave it as part of the décor than to try and remove it during the renovation.

‘I never got the chance to even have a beer at the club,’ Simone said as she headed for the part of the floor that had been turned into a small kitchenette. ‘Would you like one?’

‘Sure,’ Alice replied as she took in the rest of the apartment.

A couple of Chinese screens partitioned the remaining space into a living room and sleeping area, with the only real door and wall built around the bathroom. A glance inside that open door showed an old clawfoot tub with a clear plastic shower curtain hanging from a circular rail built into a lower ceiling.

‘You were right, I do love it,’ Alice said as she accepted the bottle of beer. ‘It puts my own little apartment to shame.’

‘A lot quieter here than the club,’ Simone said, stating the obvious as she took a long pull of her own beer. ‘It gives us the chance to actually hear what we say to each other.’

Their bottles quickly emptied, followed by fresh replacements as the two women learned about each other. Simone seemed to dominate the conversation, at least as far as how much each was learning about the other, but Alice didn’t seem to mind. It was only when Simone asked if she planned to stay at the Pink Lady in the future or did she have some other goal in mind that she gave pause.

‘I’m sorry, I didn’t know that was a sensitive subject,’ Simone said when she saw the reluctant look on Alice’s face.

‘No, it’s not sensitive, not really I guess,’ Alice replied, ‘I just think you might find it a silly dream, that’s all.’

‘Try me,’ Simone countered. ‘I promise I won’t laugh.’

‘Well, I know it sounds impractical, considering what I do now and the kind of life I lead,’ Alice said, the tone of her voice reflecting the passion she felt for her dream, ‘but ever since I was small, all I really want to do is teach. I’ve already got more than half the credits I need to get my certificate and …’

‘You’re kidding,’ Simone unexpectedly interrupted, trying hard not to laugh at what Alice had said, but only partially succeeding.

‘I knew you’d think it was a ridiculous idea,’ Alice said, her face turning a bright red, this time from anger not embarrassment.

‘Please, I’m not laughing at you,’ Simone said as she tried to bring herself under control. ‘I’m just laughing at the … oh hell, this will explain it better than I could with words.’

With that she grabbed a small plaque off a bookcase and handed it to Alice.

Still angry, Alice looked down and read the words on the plaque. Her face cooled and surprise replaced anger.

‘You’re a teacher?’ she asked in astonishment.

‘That’s what the plaque says,’ Simone smiled. ‘Teacher of the year for 2005 in fact, over at Taylor-Brown Middle School on the West Side. I teach ninth grade history.’

‘I can’t believe it,’ Alice said, ‘and you teach at Taylor- Brown?’

The Taylor-Brown School For Gifted Children, Alice knew, was one of the most exclusive schools in the city and that it had a reputation for only hiring the best teachers, ones that lived up to their impeccable standards. Again taking in the risqué outfit that Simone was wearing, it was hard for the blonde to picture the older woman as part of that faculty.

The look on Alice’s face told Simone exactly what she was thinking. A broad smile filled the older woman’s face as she glanced down at her vest and was reminded how little it covered her breasts.

‘Trust me, if you saw me a few hours ago at the school’s presentation of ‘Grease’ you wouldn’t have recognized me,’ she smiled as she looked back up. ‘When I’m at work I’m the epitome of conservative dress.’

Once, walking past Taylor-Brown on her way to a doctor’s appointment, Alice had the opportunity to see the uniforms worn by the school’s female staff. They were like something right out of the 1950’s, long skirts down to below their knees, starched white blouses that buttoned all the way up to their neck and dark blue blazers. Picturing Simone in one of those, she found it strangely more erotic than the outfit she now had on.

‘And I only laughed because, ten years ago, you were me,’ Simone went on. ‘A woman with a silly dream and certain that no one would even let me try for it.’

‘How?’ Alice exhaled, looking down at the award a second time, ‘How did you do it?’

‘By knowing what I wanted and not letting anyone tell me I couldn’t have it,’ Simone said as she moved closer. ‘It’s that simple.’

‘Is it?’ Alice asked as Simone took back the plaque and dropped back it atop the bookcase.

‘Yes it is,’ Simone assured her as she came close enough to slip both her arms around Alice, ‘and speaking of something that I want.’

Their lips came together with an urgent passion as Alice knew it was something she had wanted all night as well.


When their lips finally parted, after what seemed an eternity to Alice, Simone took her by the hand and led her over to a large, oversized daybed set against the side wall. The older woman kissed her again, this time much more briefly, and then took a few steps away from her.

‘Do you find me attractive?’ Simone asked as she ran a hand down across the exposed center of her breasts.

The answer to the question was obvious, but she wanted to hear Alice say it out loud.

‘Oh yes,’ Alice immediately responded.

‘That’s good because I find you very much so as well,’ Simone went on. ‘I think I was even more taken by you that day in the shop that you were by me. In fact, no sooner had I stepped outside I found myself wishing I’d asked you out for that night rather than a week and a half later.’

‘I wish you had,’ Alice replied, very much aware of the beating of her heart, ‘I’ve been thinking about you every day since then.’

‘Just during the day?’ Simone asked with a smile as she again took Alice’s hand in her own and, lifting it to her lips, kissed it softly.

‘Well, let’s just say I did more than think about you at night,’ Alice blushed.

Simone smiled even broader at the remark, picturing Alice in her bed on those nights.

‘Could you help me with my pants?’ Simone asked as she slipped out of her shoes, turning around and backing closer to Alice. ‘There are two buttons in the back that are sometimes hard for me to reach.’

Glancing down, and admiring the curves of her ass as she did, Alice quickly spotted the buttons, one on each side of Simone’s waist. Once undone, the tight fitting pants became loose enough for the older woman to unzip and slip out of. As they dropped to the floor, the view of her ass cheeks, now covered only by a pair of very thin white panties, drew an even closer examination.

‘Would you like to do the top laces as well?’ Simone asked as she slowly turned to face Alice again.

‘Very much so,’ Alice thought but was too embarrassed to actually say.

It only took a gentle pull on both ends of the long lace to cause the vest to become undone. The brown leather sides fell free, exposing the full, firm breasts it had been wrapped around. Not overly large, they were nevertheless perfectly proportioned to Simone’s body, each capped by a thick, dark brown nipple.

Taking a half step back, Simone removed the vest totally, dropping it to the side. Then she moved back to Alice and kissed her again, her hands coming to rest against her still cloth covered breasts, fingers pressing tightly against already erect nipples.

‘Ooooo,’ Alice softly moaned as she felt both the dark- haired woman’s hands on her mounds and the warmth of her tongue as it slipped far into her mouth.

Lips interlocked, tongues darted back and forth as they took each other’s measure. Hands roamed up and down each other’s body, exploring the softness and in Alice’s case, lifting her dress up around her waist. Simone’s left hand quickly found its way between Alice’s legs, brushing against the tightly trimmed mound found there.

‘Oh yes,’ Alice moaned, this time even louder as she felt Simone’s fingers slide back a second time, parting her folds and stroking the even more sensitive flesh within.

After what to Alice seemed like the longest minute of her life, Simone again stepped back and brought both her hands to her own breasts, squeezing them tightly and rubbing her fingers back and forth across them. She continued to play with them for a few moments as Alice watched attentively, working one hand down the valley between her mounds, across her stomach to the edge of her panties.

Alice felt herself growing warm and couldn’t help fidgeting, one hand playing with the edge of the belt around her waist and the other gently stroking the exposed flesh of her cleavage. She let out a soft breath as Simone’s second hand joined the first and began to slowly slide her panties downward.

‘Do you like my body?’ Simone asked as she stood totally nude in front of the younger woman.

Now standing totally still, her fingers brushing against her lips, Alice couldn’t find the words to say what was obvious. Instead she closed the small distance between them and place one hand between Simone’s breasts. The shock of the flesh on flesh contact was enough to again give her voice.

‘I think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,’ she said.

Simone now took both of her hands in her own and kissed them, once then twice, and finally a third time.

‘I want you so much,’ Alice whispered as she lifted her hands to the sides of Simone’s face and pulled her closer for a kiss.

A kiss that started innocently enough but quickly grew more intimate as she drew Simone deep inside of her, their bodies flush against the other. Their hands exploring their nearness. The dark-haired woman lifted the hem of her dress, stroking the cheeks of Alice’s ass and gliding her fingertips down to the precious pearl beneath them. On their embrace went as time stood still, ending only with the promise of more to come.

When they finally separated, Simone leaned back on the daybed and dropped her hand between her legs. Slowly she stroked the totally bare mound, sliding and extended finger inside. A second finger followed the first as together they glided in and out of her until they glistened with the fruits of her excitement.

All the while, Alice continued to watch with rapt attention, her hands again touching her own body, this time much more blatantly than before. Undoing the zipper of her dress, she lifted it up over her head and tossed it aside, giving her hands unfettered access to her body. She squeezed her larger breasts tightly, working the bright pink nipples until they were even harder than before. Then both hands dropped to between her legs to find a wetness that mirrored Simone’s.

Moving quite slowly, Alice followed Simone onto the small bed, crawling onto the bottom and working her way toward her. Simone reacted by lifting herself higher to give Alice room to join her, then spread her legs so that Alice could move in-between them. The blonde crawled into the opening, her lips again meeting Simone’s.

Simone leaned back onto the bed until she was totally prone, Alice followed, never letting the distance between them grow any further. Their bodies pressed together, they kissed once more, repeating the performance of only a short while before. Then Alice moved down to Simone’s breasts and lavished the same attention on them that she had on the brunette’s mouth.

Taking a dark nipple deep into her mouth, the young blonde twirled her tongue around it time and again. The soft moans that spilled from Simone’s lips only served to urge her on as she moved back and forth between the identical bounties. Reaching down Alice’s back, Simone ran her fingers across excited flesh, coming back along her sides to brush the edges of her larger breasts.

Pulsating flesh rubbed together as they shared the softness of their touches and the wetness of their mouths. Almost at the same time, a hand from each found its way to the prize between the other’s legs, quickly adding to the rising fires growing in both.

Alice began to work her way downward, leaving a trail of deep kissing along Simone’s stomach until she found herself off the other woman and back in the space where she had started. Simone again lifted herself higher on the large pillows behind her as her hand again reached down between her legs as in invitation, then moved upward once more to join the other embracing her breasts.

It was an invitation Alice was quick to respond to as she kissed first one thigh, then the other, working her way to the moist treasure between. A deep kiss followed as her tongue found its way inside Simone, quickly becoming engulfed in the ambrosia of her womanhood.

‘Oh yes,’ Simone said breathlessly as the thrust of her penetration sent a delightful quiver across her body.

A pleasing tremor that was soon joined by many others as Alice demonstrated an adeptness beyond her years. The benefit of having a number of more mature lovers and the wealth of experience that they brought with them. It was a lovely surprise for Simone, one which she expressed her gratitude for with cries of delight that grew in both intensity and frequency as Alice went on.

The pressure inside Simone continued to build until she knew the dam was about to burst. Her body rocked back and forth as Alice held on to her tightly, actually increasing the intensity of her attentions. That proved more than Simone could bear and she exploded with all of the orgasmic ecstasy she could have imaged, a scream of satisfaction literally bouncing off the walls.

Their mouths met once more, amidst shared expressions of contentment. Alice’s skill had certainly been a surprise, but then again, Simone had a few surprises of her own. Ones that she was now even more eager to share.

Simone spread Alice out on her stomach across the length of the small bed. Starting at the base of her neck and working her way down across her back, she covered the still damp flesh with a multitude of kisses. Her fingers also massaging the supple flesh as she went.

Alice watched from over her shoulder as Simone reached her ass and, spreading her cheeks apart, continued the trail of kisses. Using the wetness of her tongue, she worked her way into the tightest and most sensitive of spots, slipping deep inside.

‘Oh yeah,’ Alice moaned, reveling in Simone’s discovery of one of her secret delights.

Equally pleased, Simone continued to give her full attention to her task, working a wet finger, then two into the opening. Alice’s cries rose in volume, her actual words not as important as the passion they projected.

Passion that Simone reflected as she continued to work those fingers, even as her other hand slipped under Alice’s bottom and began to apply equal attention to her more traditional entry. Together they sent waves of pleasure coursing through her body, oscillating ripples that crashed against each other with pre-orgasmic fury.

But that was just the appetizer as far as Simone was concerned. She brought Alice to the edge not once, not twice, but three times before she let the level of excitement in her body drop back away from the threshold. Not to worry, she assured Alice as she moved up beside her on the bed; she would get back there soon enough.

Her hands cupped Alice’s breasts as the blonde arched her head so that she could kiss her. Once more she explored the smaller girl’s body, her touch setting every inch of it on fire. By time Simone’s hand returned between Alice’s legs, the whole area was saturated with sweat and arousal. Her fingers effortlessly moved inside of her, this time all four fingers explored her inner walls as Simone’s thumb came to rest on Alice’s excited clit.

It didn’t take long for a practiced hand to fulfill the promise as Alice once more found herself tethering on the edge of the precipice. So began a journey that seemed both timeless and oh too short at the same time. Every part of Alice’s body was alive with anticipation as Simone continued to work her own special form of magic.

A magic she added to with an immediate and most spectacular result as she shifted position yet again and now combined the skill of her mouth and tongue to that of her hand. A skill that took only the briefest of times to send Alice hurdling into the abyss, her body quaking with uncontrolled ferocity. No one had ever taken her to the place she now found herself.

‘Omigod!’ she called out, her words cut short as for the first time in her life, Alice passed out from the intensity of an orgasm.


When her eyes again opened, how much later she had no idea, Alice was glad to find she was still lying in Simone’s arms. For the briefest of moments, in that time just before fully awakening, she had feared that it all had been a dream. That such an intense experience couldn’t have actually happened.

‘Welcome back,’ Simone said with the softest of kisses.

‘Was I gone somewhere?’ Alice asked, still a little befuddled.

‘In a way,’ Simone smiled.

Alice returned the smile, nuzzling more tightly into the arms of her new lover. She wasn’t exactly sure how to respond to that, at least not at first. Then it suddenly came to her, exactly where she had been.

‘I think your friends picked the wrong name for their club,’ she unexpectedly said.

‘They did?’ Simone replied, confused by the non- sequitur.

‘Yes, because that place you just sent me,’ she replied with the happiest of grins, ‘that was Wonderland!’