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Hot Asian Nights



“We’re leaving!” Cat shouted back into the house as she pulled open the front door. The first thing she spotted was a very familiar red Mustang parked on the street outside the house.

She didn’t realize she had stopped in her tracks until she felt Jane walk right into her back.

“Hey,” Jane poked Cat in the back. “Are we going or are we going to stand in the doorway all day?”

“Looks like we might have a ride to school today,” Cat glanced over her shoulder at her friend and then pointed towards the idling sports car.

“What?” Jane craned her neck to look around Cat, “What’s he doing here?”

They both easily recognized Roger’s car even before the passenger side window started to roll down.

“I dunno,” Cat shrugged. “Want to find out?”

Jane replied with a shrug of her own and watched Cat as she lead the way to the street.

“Thank you for letting me sleep over, Ms. Lo!” Jane turned and screamed back into the house, a slave to her manners no matter what the situation.

She pulled the door closed and ran down the walkway to catch up to her friend.

Roger did his best to look calm and casual. He wanted it to look like he just happened to think of picking them up. He wasn’t much on the spontaneous cool thing.

And he had been waiting almost an hour now. He had been weighing his options for a while now.

Maybe they had left already and he was sitting waiting for no one. Or maybe they weren’t going to school at all.

In any case, he was close to having to make a decision of his own. Leave and go to school alone or sit here and wait and maybe skip school all together.

He was relieved when he saw the door open making him not have to commit to one decision or the other.

“What are you doing?” Cat said in a mock accusingly tone as she leaned through the open window. “Are you my new stalker? Because, you know, I didn’t order a replacement yet.”

“Um, ok.” Roger stared at the young woman, confused at how to even respond to this. Unsure if she was actually seriously accusing him of stalking her. “Should I ask what happened to the old one?”

“No, not really.” Cat shrugged, glancing around the inside of the car.

“Hello Roger!” Jane mimicked Cat’s usual greeting, shouting as she shoved her head through the open window beside Cat’s head. Her voice was way too chipper and animated for this early in the morning. “You gonna give us a ride?”

“Of course he is.” Cat answered, talking like Roger wasn’t even there. “He wouldn’t be sitting out here waiting if he wasn’t.”

“Yeah, sure, get in.” The words were hardly out of Roger’s mouth before the passenger side door was flung open and the bodies piled into the backseat.

Roger glanced at the girls in the backseat then reached across the car and pulled the car door closed. “One of you could sit in the front once in a while, you know.”

“With the way you drive, the backseat is the safest place to be.” Cat sarcastically replied, Jane snickering in the background.

Roger looked at Cat like she had mortally wounded him. “What’s wrong with the way I drive?”

“Nothing, nothing.” Cat waved her hands in an exaggeratedly dismissive way. “We gonna go or what? I want to get there before the bell rings. I want to make sure everyone sees us arrive in style.”

Roger grumbled as he shifted the car into gear and started to pull away. He was being even more cautious in his driving than normal.

Cat would never admit it out loud, but she was glad for the morning’s escort. She had been somewhat scared of the idea of the goons from the night before. But admitting something like that would put her hellion reputation in serious jeopardy. She was supposed to not care, after all.

“So what did you two do last night?” Roger asked as a desperate attempt for some sort of small talk. As soon as the words left his lips, he felt like taking them back. After the previous night’s conversation, he was very eager to hear about what the two girls had gotten up to after he dropped them off. He had planned to be a little more discreet about asking though.

“Was that why you were waiting? You just want a cheap thrill girl on girl play by play?” Cat shot back, in the expectedly annoyed tone of voice that Roger had already flinched from.

“What? No!” Roger quickly protested, doing his best to keep his mind on the road. “That’s not what I meant.”

“So what did you mean?” Cat crossed her arms across her chest, shooting an accusatory stare at the back of Roger’s head.

“You’re acting more Cat-like than normal.” Roger vainly attempted to explain while also trying to deflect the conversation slightly. “So something is going on.”

Cat was about to sling another insult when Jane’s elbow in her side made her catch her tongue. Instead just a small, annoyed grumble came out of her.

“I find you two on the main street about to have a rumble.” Roger recanted as he made a right onto Willow Drive. “Then in the backseat of my car you admit you had sex with your mother. Then you start professing love for each other.”

Roger took a second to glance over his shoulder at the two girls. “So forgive me for trying to find out what’s going on. I won’t ask again.”

He felt a little smug now. Not only had he managed to make a somewhat believable argument, he even managed to paint himself in a better light. The morning was looking better already which meant there was only a second or two before some verbal barb deflated his ego balloon.

The two girls remained silent for a moment, until the palm of Jane’s hand hit the side of Cat’s head in a sarcastic way. “Apologize.”

Cat glanced at her friend, not sure if she should be annoyed or confused. She gritted her teeth, but turned to look at the back of Roger’s head again. “Sorry Roger.”

Roger blinked in surprise, not having expected to hear an apology out of Cat. He wanted to pinch himself to make sure this wasn’t a dream. But that seemed sort of 60s sit-com clichéd, the kind of thing that Greg Brady might do.

“Uh, yeah, thanks.” Roger managed to stumble out. “Apology accepted.”

Cat stared at the back of Roger’s head for a second, and then glanced at Jane. Cat gave her friend a questioning look, one that Jane could only shrug a reply to.

“You want to know what happened? You really want to know?” Cat asked, trying to stress her voice to make it sound like what ever she was about to say was really important.

Roger nodded without hesitation, it sounded like another one of Cat’s overly dramatic, look at how persecuted I am, stories was coming. “I sure do.”

Cat looked back at Jane, “You care if I tell this numbskull?”

“Go ahead.” Jane shrugged, doing her best to look like she didn’t care one way or the other. In truth, she was thrilled to hear Cat recount the private events of the night before. She felt like it was something she could be proud of.

“Well, I’m only going to tell you because you helped us out last night.” Cat commented, slightly defensively. She felt like she had to provide a reason for talking about this, rather than just talking. “But you can’t tell anyone else. Promise.”

Using the rearview mirror, Roger looked at Cat’s face, and saw that she was intently staring back at him. Her dark almond shaped eyed were narrowed in a sort of seriousness he wasn’t accustomed to seeing on her. “Yeah, sure. I promise.”

Cat stared in silence at him for a moment longer, as if she was able to somehow gauge his sincerity on a level beyond just words. “Okay, but we need to make this quick. My mom is going to flip if Jane is late.”

Jane’s headed nodded quickly, confirming her friend’s statement. “And you know my dad will be calling school to make sure I showed up.”

Roger just nodded, giving a little shrug of understanding.

Cat glanced at the streets outside the car, and then seemed to spot what she was looking for. “Pull in over there.”

Cat pointed to the parking lot of one of the outdoor strip malls that dominated the main street. At this hour of the morning, none of the stores were open yet so the parking lot was relatively empty of cars. Not a complete wasteland, but enough others to provide some urban camouflage.

“Uh, why?” Roger asked, surprised at the request.

“Because I don’t think you want to drive into anything when I tell you.”

Roger glanced at Cat through the rearview mirror again. Again he found her staring right back at him, her thin eyebrows knitted together under the furrows of her forehead.

“Fine.” Roger shrugged, turning the mustang into the parking lot. It wasn’t a reluctant maneuver, but his words were tinged by a slight bit of sarcasm. As if he wasn’t sure that this was really necessary.

Jane sat back in her seat, watching this go on. At first she thought that Cat was going to be telling him about what they had done. But now it seemed like it was more than that. She knew something had been going on in Cat’s house, but she wasn’t quite sure of what. She had just been waiting for Cat to tell her herself.

“I wasn’t lying last night.” Cat said as Roger pulled into an inconspicuous space towards the north side of the parking lot. “I really did have sex with my mother.”

Roger rolled his eyes as he turned off the car. He turned so that he was sitting side long in his seat, half facing the backseat. “Yeah, sure.”

Cat glanced at him, and then looked at Jane. She really wasn’t sure how to make this sound more believable. It was obvious that Roger didn’t believe her, but the look in Jane’s eyes said that she did.

“I did. And I gave my dad a blow job too.” Cat decided that she’d try to use shock factor to convince him. “Angela slept with my dad. And Ben has fucked my mother too.”

“Lucky guy.” Roger said with a smirk, still not convinced.

“Roger!” Jane shouted at the older boy, giving him a very annoyed look.

“What?” Roger shrugged. “If it’s true, then he is lucky. Cat’s mother is hot.”

Jane watched Roger for a second, trying to think of a reply to that. Then glanced at Cat and gave her friend an apologetic look. “Well, he does have a point. Your mother is hot.”

Cat wasn’t sure if she should roll her eyes or agree. She was feeling pretty confused at where to continue from.

“Well, it’s all true.” Cat voiced a little protest. “But you can’t tell anyone. No one. Not even as a joke.”

If there was anything that was going to convince Roger, short of seeing it happen himself, this seemed to be it. Cat was never one to keep secrets. If something happened to her, she wanted everyone to know about it. Make her the center of attention for a while.

So the emphatic request for secrecy was very much un-Catlike.

“She fucked me with a strap on.” Cat said, fixing her jaw as she stared at roger, almost challenging him to argue. “And I fucking loved it.”

Jane’s eyes went wide, staring at Cat for a moment, and then looking at Roger. She couldn’t figure out whom she wanted to watch, Cat, to see if she was actually serious or Roger to see what his reaction would be.

“No fucking way.” Roger replied, instinctively. “You’re fucking lying.”

Cat didn’t even bother to shake her head no. She just kept her head in place, staring back at him. “I am not. She absolutely did.”

A staring battle ensued, Cat motivated by stubbornness and Roger by disbelief. He was the first one to crack, shaking his head after just a few seconds.

“Wait a minute.” Roger held up a hand in protest. “Why would your mother even have a strap on? Who would she be using it with?”

The smug look on Roger’s face showed that he thought he had found a way to poke a giant hole in the logic of Cat’s story.

Cat stared at Roger, blinking, unable to think of a reply. It was something she hadn’t even thought about until now. Why did her mother own a strap on? And what had she been using it for?

“Ha!” Roger sat back down in his seat, triumphantly. Cat’s lack of response told him that he had succeeded in proving her wrong.

“Roger.” Cat said with a calmly level voice. “It’s true. If you don’t believe me, then I won’t bother to tell you anything else.”

“I don’t think she’s lying.” Jane frowned at Roger. She had no doubt of Cat’s sincerity and she was dying to hear the rest of the story. But it wasn’t in her to ask for more. Not in front of Roger especially. She was sure she’d get a chance to; it was just going to take some patience.

Roger was unfamiliar with Cat having this sort of reaction. She was stubborn yes, but usually in a way that always promoted a confrontation. This sort of stubborn ambivalence gave him reason to pause and doubt his assumption of victory.

“Okay, fine.” Roger relented, he didn’t entirely believe Cat’s story, but he was willing to give her a second chance. “What else happened?”

Cat took a deep breath and then slowly went over the events of the weekend in front of her two friends. She told them how her little sister, Angela snuck into her bedroom in the middle of the night. Told them how Angela told her about how the eight year old had played with their father’s cock.

Cat’s eyes quickly flashed between Roger and Jane, judging their reaction. Trying to decide what to mention, what would be safe and what would be too dangerous. To say that the other two were shocked and surprised would be an understatement.

“I think she was making up parts of it.” Cat added, deciding to create a sort of alibi for her little sister’s adventures. “She has quite an imagination.”

Cat then told them about how she used her vibrator on her little sister. How she made the little girl shake and cum. And how she enjoyed feeling Angela’s mouth at her breast. She didn’t mind repeating these parts, after all, she was directly involved now. And in her mind, there was nothing wrong with any of it. Angela was just a little girl discovering things and Cat had provided a helping hand.

Cat particularly enjoyed the reaction that her two friends were having to this portion of the story. Roger looked dazed and distracted; in that entirely teenaged male way that happens any time boobs are mentioned. Jane, on the other hand, was intensely interested in the vibrator itself. Recognizing it as being a treasure they had purchased during an illicit trip into the city.

Cat’s story then revisited the morning after, when her father found both of his daughters in bed together. She illustrated, with great detail, how she “accidentally” showed off her naked body to her father while pretending to still be asleep. Turning over and letting the sheet come loose, letting him see her breasts. Eventually letting him see all of her, but only after considerable teasing.

She decided not to mention watching her father jack himself off while he looked at her. She definitely decided to wait on mentioning him putting his cock in her mouth. Besides, she had already mentioned that she’d given her father a blow job, if Roger wasn’t smart enough to remember that, then it was his own loss.

It didn’t matter that she left out these high points, one look at Roger and she could see that he was entirely entranced by her story. His eyes were glazed over and staring at her, hanging on her every word. She could only imagine what thoughts were dancing about in his head and how she figured into them.

Jane was in a similar state of attention. Her hands were twitching and gripping her own knees tightly. Trying to restrain herself and hide the reaction she was having to Cat’s words.

Cat knew better though, she could recognize her best friend’s reactions. The idea that her story was causing Jane to want to masturbate was even more exciting to Cat, encouraging her to continue.

Cat continued her story by telling them both about how she came home in the afternoon and found the vibrator missing. Only finding that her mother had taken it and was waiting for her.

She told them about how her mother ate her out. How her mother’s tongue felt very accustomed to her, like her mother had done this before. How she enjoyed sucking on her mother’s breasts, feeling her nipples between her lips.

Cat glanced around the car, making sure she still had both her friend’s attention, which she certainly did. Making sure that Roger could see, she placed a light hand on Jane’s thigh, just below the hem of her skirt.

The touch of flesh on flesh was almost electric. Jane’s eyes flaring open for a second, expectantly, but with a hint of nervousness. Immediately looking to Roger for his reaction.

Roger, for his part, looked like an antelope trapped by a lion. Unable to make a decision and equally torn between wanting to hear the rest of Cat’s story and wanting to see what the two girls might get up to.

Cat didn’t do anything more, though, instead returning to her story, leaving her hand right where it lied on Jane’s knee.

She told them about how she decided to try and return the favor, licking and nibbling on her mother’s pussy in a much less practiced fashion, but that her mother still seemed to enjoy it.

She then related how her mother had gotten the strap on out of the master bedroom closet. How the older woman had fucked her with it. How she stared into her mother’s eyes as she guided the plastic dildo into her pussy.

She had more to tell, but Cat could easily see how both her friends were on sensory overload now. She pushed her hand up under Jane’s skirt, fingers moving dangerously close to Jane’s panty covered pussy.

“Look what I did to you.” Cat whispered, not teasingly, almost apologetically. “Do you want me to help you with that?”

Jane’s eyes watched her friend for a moment, and then glanced at Roger. Embarrassed, her eyes quickly returned to Cat. Her lips moving slightly, like she was about to say something, but she said nothing.

Holding her hand still in place, fingers rubbing the tender flesh of Jane’s inner thigh lightly, Cat looked at Roger. “Do you mind if I help Jane get off in your backseat?”

Roger swallowed, glancing quickly between the two girls. The words were something he thought he’d only hear in his wet dreams. “No, go right ahead.”

He wasn’t sure where to look now. He wanted to look down to where Cat’s hand was, but he felt like a gentleman wouldn’t do that. The urge was almost overwhelming, but he managed to keep his attention solely focused on the two girl’s faces.

“After that dad came home. And I helped him fuck mom.” Cat added to her story, almost as an afterthought. She moved her hand higher, her fingers finally finding the thin fabric that covered Jane’s pussy. “You’re all wet.”

Jane nodded slowly, a crimson blush appearing across her freckled cheeks. She attempted to put the blame of her body’s reaction entirely on Cat’s shoulders. “Your story did it.”

Cat nodded in reply, sympathetically. Her fingers rubbed the warm moist spot on Jane’s panties, feeling the damp hair clumped underneath. She turned her attention towards Roger, “How about you? How are you doing?”

“Uh, what?” Roger was entirely dumbfounded at being addressed. He had half expected and half wished that he had been forgotten. Entirely content at just watching what was going on and maybe, eventually, mustering up the courage to glance down at Jane’s lap.

“How are you doing?” Cat repeated, while her fingers continued to rub Jane. “Are your jeans tight too?”

Roger blinked for a second, processing the words. And then wasn’t sure what to reply. Certainly the answer was yes, but he wasn’t really ready to admit that. Instead he just stared.

“They must be.” Cat smirked; she pressed her hand against Jane’s panties now, cupping the girl’s pussy in her palm. Then shifted her ass on the seat, scooting over closer to her friend. “There’s room back here, why don’t you join us?”

Roger instinctively twitched at the offer, wanting to leap over the front seat and dive into the carnality already ensuing in his car’s backseat. But, still a gentleman, managed to restrain himself. “Are you sure?”

“Yes.” Cat smiled, “I have another hand and I bet I can satisfy both of you.”

Roger blinked, he was sure that he misheard her. Or that he was actually dreaming. Things like this didn’t happen to him. Hell, the most action his car’s backseat had been the time his sister spilled a soda on herself and had to change.

“I can’t be late.” Jane reiterated, breathlessly. She didn’t want to stop things and she was seriously considering if upsetting her father would be worth it.

“Well?” Cat repeated, her voice slightly more urgent, now sitting in the middle of the backseat, one side of her body pressed against Jane’s side. She let one of her fingers slip under the hem of Jane’s panties, slowly burrowing it through the girl’s dark hair.

That was all the encouragement Roger needed, he quickly opened the car door, hopped out, and was getting in the backseat within seconds. It was going to be a tight fit; he didn’t think his backseat was fit for a single human, never mind three of them.

He squeezed in just in time to see Cat and Jane kissing, their faces close together. Hell, their whole bodies were close together, packed like sardines like this. The entire length of Cat’s left side was pressed against Roger’s side, and he imagined that it was just the same between Cat and Jane.

No sooner had he sat down, and then Cat’s head turned to face him. Her mouth clumsily looking for his, missing and finding his cheek on the first try, but quickly moving to his lips. Her tongue pushed into his mouth, rubbing against his lips and teeth as it passed.

He had only once before been kissed like this, and that one was much more subdued. That one had lasted just a couple of seconds while being in the basement closet with Michelle Newberry-

His mind shot back to the backseat of the car as he felt Cat’s tongue reach deeper into his mouth. He wasn’t sure why the memory of a kiss from five years ago would be haunting him right now.

Jane sat back in the car seat, watching Cat and Roger kiss. She didn’t feel envious or left out; she was actually quite enjoying the show. Besides that, Cat’s fingers were moving even more energetically now. Finding their way down deep and just starting to enter her.

Cat pulled her head back, causing Roger to lurch with her, the boy instinctively attempting to keep their kiss joined for a moment longer. Once their lips fully parted, he opened his eyes questioningly, only to immediately focus on Jane’s hiked up skirt.

Because of the tight confines, Jane’s thighs were pressed together, but that didn’t seem like much of a challenge for Cat’s nimble fingers. Beneath Jane’s plain white panties he could see the outline of each of Cat’s digits. The outer most two extending across the other girl’s flesh, while the middle two were curved, presumably already somewhere inside Jane’s pussy.

The white of Jane’s panties were discolored to a darker shade of moist grey. Short wisps of dark brown hair peeked around the white elastic hem of the panties.

Roger, thoroughly embarrassed, glanced up at Jane’s face. Words of apology were already forming in his head, ready to be verbalized, but Cat interrupted him.

“Take him out for us.” Cat said, looking at Roger’s face for a second, and then dropping her gaze to his lap.

Roger blinked for a second, looking back to Jane to see her also looking expectantly down at his lap.

“You want to see it, right?” Cat asked as she turned to look at Jane.

“Umhm.” Jane’s voice sounded eager and excited now.

If there was any hesitation on Roger’s part, it was only for a split second. His hands moved in a flurry of motion, quickly unbuttoning his jeans and pulling his zipper down. He was about to free himself fully when Cat reached into his boxers and began feeling about.

“Not there.” Cat said playfully as her fingers lingered through Roger’s locks of hair, her words causing Jane to giggle. “Not here either. Oh, wait. There he is.”

Cat’s fingers wrapped around Roger’s painfully stiff rod and maneuvered it free until the bright pink head was sticking up out of his underwear. The tip of it was already glistening with leaked pre-cum.

Jane watched with intense interest as more and more of Roger’s shaft came into view. It was the first cock she had ever seen in real life. And so far she wasn’t sure what the big deal was.

“Oh god.” Roger groaned, sitting back in the seat and trying to relax. “If someone catches us, we could go to jail or something.”

“Relax Roger.” Cat resisted the urge to roll her eyes. “No one is going to catch us. But if you’re that worried, I could stop.”

“No!” Roger quickly protested, he attempted to sink down in the seat a bit, but found his knees already pressed up against the back of the driver’s seat.

“I bet I know something Roger would like to see.” Jane teased, her hands reaching for the bottom of Cat’s t-shirt and slipping them underneath. “Can I show him?”

Cat smirked, leaning forward slightly to let her friend lift the t-shirt higher. “Go right ahead.” At the same time, Cat slipped her index finger fully inside Jane, trying to show her encouragement.

The sudden entrance into her pussy caused Jane to shake, gasping unexpectedly. Her hands jerked upwards, yanking Cat’s t-shirt up with them. Cat’s small, tangerine size breasts were still hidden behind a thin white sports bra. The fabric was tight enough to show the very erect bumps that were her nipples.

Roger openly stared now, even though the two girls were two years his junior, he had spent many hours imagining what Cat’s body looked like. In particular her breasts fascinated him, he often wondered if her parents knew of her penchant for going braless at school. He decided he’d never inquire though; the last thing he wanted to happen was for his peep show to be taken away.

Cat felt Roger’s cock twitch in her hand, a sudden surge of blood rushing down through the shaft. The bulbous end bulged, turning an angry reddish color for a moment, then a small bubbling bit of semen leaked out.

“Did he just cum? Already?” Jane asked, her eyes locked on the older boy’s cock now.

Cat glanced at Roger’s face, which was contorted in an amusing mixture of bliss and pain, and then shook her head. “I don’t think so.”

“Uh, no.” Roger barely managed to choke out a reply. Speaking seemed an alien concept to him at the moment, the energy spent trying to speak seemed better spent on other pursuits now.

His hand shook with nervousness as he reached towards Cat’s chest. He half expected her to bat his hand away, but she didn’t. Instead his fingers managed to trace their way along her left breast. Coming to rest over her nipple, still hidden behind the white cloth.

Cat gave out a little moan at the touch, looking to Jane. “Take your panties off?”

The words were more a request than anything more, but Jane was eager to comply. Wiggling her ass up from the seat and she attempted to push her panties down, finding the going hard with her thighs still pressed together.

In frustration, Jane lifted her left leg and dangled it over Cat’s knee, which finally provided enough space to pull the sticky fabric of her panties down. She managed to get them to dangle around her knees, but didn’t bother to push them any further.

Roger couldn’t believe what he was seeing; he felt like he had somehow he must have died on his way to school. That heaven for him was actually the stuff of his wet dreams. He stared openly at the brown curls of hair between Jane’s legs, the darker spots where dampness had penetrated completely through the tufts. Cat’s fingers moving over and between Jane’s crimson lips, her thumb stroking the top of Jane’s pussy while one of her other fingers slowly pistonned in and out.

Jane leaned closer to Cat, nuzzling her face against the side of Cat’s right breast. She let out a little mewl of a groan as she felt Cat’s fingers graze across a particularly sensitive patch of inner flesh. Jane’s tongue slipped out from between her lips and licked at the cloth covering Cat’s nipple, making a dark wet stain that highlighted the erect nub of flesh.

Roger, eager to help, quickly moved his hand to lift Cat’s tight bra, exposing her breasts for Jane. He swallowed as he watched Jane’s mouth wrap around Cat’s stiff nipple, a soft sucking noise slipping out from the gap between Jane’s lips and Cat’s skin.

Cat kissed the top of Jane’s head, before turning to suck hungrily at Roger’s neck. She could feel him flinch slightly from her mouth; she knew she was sucking hard enough to leave a mark which was entirely her plan, to give him something to show off too.

She drew her face back and admired the roundish bright red mark she’d left on his neck. “I’d let you fuck me, but I’m not ready for that yet.”

Roger blinked at hearing those words. It wasn’t something that he was expecting to get this morning, but now that he was told it wasn’t a possibility, he couldn’t help be feel slightly disappointed.

“I don’t…” Due to loss of breath that bordered on hyperventilation, he just barely managed to say in reply, “….don’t need to…”

There was more he wanted to say, to show that he was still a gentleman. Sort of. Even though he was half naked in the back seat of his car with two other half naked girls. He still thought there was a bit of decorum he should show.

“I’ll do it.” Jane groaned, letting Cat’s nipple pop out of her mouth.

Cat glanced at her friend, surprised. Not really having expected that. “You sure?”

Jane nodded, leaning across Cat’s lap and kissing the end of Roger’s cock.

Roger’s cock twitched violently in Cat’s hand, she could feel another surge coming from it. She knew he didn’t have much to go before he came. She squeezed it tighter in her hand, cutting off any other cum.

Roger’s eyes went wide at the combination of sensations. Jane’s mouth was warm around the knob end of his cock, and Cat’s brutally tight grip seemed to amplify the sensations, causing the entire length of his cock to tingle. He could feel his balls tightening up, spasming slightly for release.

“He’s not going to last long enough to fuck you.” Cat whispered, apologetically.

Roger wanted to voice a protest, declare his manhood, but he knew she was right. And besides, he didn’t feel like he could talk even if his life depended on it.

Without taking her mouth off of his cock, Jane made a small mewling sound of disappointment.

“Don’t worry. We can try again after school.” Cat smirked; amused by the way the pair of her friends was tossed in the throes of lust. “I bet he can recover by then.”

Roger’s hips began to twitch uncontrollably, trying to push up deeper into Jane’s warm mouth. The movement surprised Jane, but she didn’t back away.

“He’s about to cum. Hold on.” Cat whispered, relaxing her grip ever so slightly. She could feel the blood rushing quickly past her fingers, making his cock inflate more.

Jane’s mouth descended, still sucking, as Cat fully relaxed her grip. Less than a second later and she could feel surges of cum rocketing through Roger’s shaft.

Jane swallowed as quickly as she could, the first blast of liquid shooting all the way to the back of her throat. She resisted the urge to gag, instead forcing it down her throat. What seemed like an unending stream of cum continued to pulse out of him.

She only just barely managed to swallow the last of it as she heard Roger let out a low, satisfied groan.

Cat pulled her fingers out of Jane and was just about to lick them clean when she thought of something better. Without pausing to ask, she ran her middle two fingers, the ones that had been the deepest inside Jane, along Roger’s lips. When his mouth parted just slightly, she shoved them inside.

She half expected him to gag in surprise, but he didn’t. Instead he just suckled at them, his tongue tickling the softer flesh just under her nails. In her other hand, she could feel Roger’s cock deflating like a burst water balloon and Jane’s mouth still sucking at it.

With her fingers still in Roger’s mouth, she craned her head to look at the wristwatch that was only inches from his chin. “Shit, we got to go. Or we’re going to be late.”

Jane reacted almost instantly to Cat’s words; sitting up and pulling her panties back up. Roger, on the other hand, was unfazed, still sucking on Cat’s fingers like a starving baby at a full teat.

“Roger!” Cat shouted, pulling her fingers out of his mouth. “We have to go!”

Roger, startled by the sudden movement, gazed around the car in numbed shock. “What?”

“School.” Cat replied, with a calm, but forceful voice. She decided that the only thing this guy was going to understand now was single word commands. “Us. Late. We go. Now.”

Roger stared at Cat’s face, blinking for a second as the words percolated their way into his brain. They had a tough time forcing their way through the more primitive, sex starved layers of grey matter that now seemed to dominate his mind.

“Shit.” Roger rarely cursed, but he couldn’t think of a better response as he watched Cat tap the wristwatch that she was holding up in front of his face.

“Put your boy away and let’s get a move on.” Cat shouldered against Roger’s side, trying to knock him into motion, like his mind was a skipping CD that just needed a good jolt.

Roger looked down at his lap where his deflated cock still stuck out of his shorts. Instinctively he shoved it back down into his jeans. “Got it, got it. Stop pushing!”

All of a sudden, for Roger, going to school had lost all its appeal. Right now he’d rather just be driving home and going back to sleep, with or without company. Still he managed to zip himself up without injuring himself and got out of the backseat.

“I just sucked a dick.” Jane whispered into Cat’s ear while Roger was still standing outside the car and out of ear shot.

“I know.” Cat resisted the urge to roll her eyes at her friend’s bewildered, but proud voice.

“I really did it.” Jane repeated with a sense of urgency, recognizing that her friend didn’t seem to share her enthusiasm at this recently conquered milestone. “I just sucked a cock!”

“I know.” Cat repeated as she pulled her bra back down and into place. “How was it?”

Jane paused and stared at Cat for a moment, trying to think of an answer. “I honestly don’t know.”

Cat couldn’t help but laugh, which prompted a confused look from Jane. The confused expression didn’t have a long expectancy, as Jane joined in on the laughter, unable to contain her own excitement.

“What’s so funny back there?” Roger didn’t expect to hear giggling as he sat back down in the driver’s seat. He checked his lap instinctively, wondering if some part of his anatomy was still hanging free.

“Nothing.” Cat shook her head. “You gonna be okay to drive?”

“Yeah.” Roger still felt a bit dazed, causing his hands to fumble around the cars controls. “I just need to remember to start the car before I try to drive.”

“If you can’t handle it, I can do it.” Cat enthusiastically volunteered. “I have my learner’s permit in my bag somewhere.”

The offer was enough to shock Roger’s mind back to reality. His fingers finding the ignition and starting the engine back up. “No, I don’t think we need anything that drastic.”

“Damn.” Cat frowned with disappointment. “I was looking forward to opening this baby up.”