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T-shirt Teasing At Easter



I got home late, tired from work. Everyone was asleep, that is, except for her, my darling. I did try to keep quiet, coming into the house, not wanting to wake our guests. But she’d waited up for me, quietly. As I sat in the kitchen with a cup of coffee, she came in to greet me, wearing a long T-shirt, legs and feet bare.

I like T-shirts on girls. Not so fancy as nightgowns for sleeping in, and not as purely comfy as pajamas. Nothing at all like fancy party dresses, intended to attract attention. T-shirts are enticing all the same, especially when you wonder what is underneath. The cloth conforms nicely to the shape of the body. Raw nudity is wonderful, too, but the impression of being dressed, especially in a public situation, while being secretly exposed, is exciting.

“Hello, lover,” she said, moving to stand next to where I was sitting, then leaning to hug me. I put my coffee down to hug her back, closely. Then, I looked up to invite her to kiss me. The thin cloth she wore didn’t slow down sensations much at all, either way. She kissed me, sweetly and softly, not insistently. But slowly, taking her time, sharing the warmth and wetness of our tongues. I ran my hands down her back, rubbing gently. Then, slowly, lower and lower, feeling the soft flesh underneath her shirt, smooth skin barely covered by thin cotton.

I reached the hem at mid-thigh, and continued past it, caressing her bare legs. She felt chilled, and I pressed on her skin, rubbing it to warm her. When I reached the back of her knees, I stopped, and began to reverse my path. I’d felt no interruption in the smoothness of her body, underneath her shirt, as I’d ran my hands down. That made me curious, as well as adding a new warmth inside me, contemplating the situation.

When I reached the hem of her T-shirt again on the way up, I let my hands slip inside, underneath the cloth, stroking the bare skin on the back of her naked thighs. Our kiss hadn’t stopped, all the while, arousing me, and perhaps her as well. I cupped my hands together as I reached her bare bottom, hugging her bare behind. Pulling her closer, as I felt my way up along the crease in her backside, with nothing but skin and sensitive places beneath my fingers.

I didn’t try to pull her shirt up, observing her naked self only by touch. I held her bare bottom for a while, kneading and hugging her, as we kissed. Then, I moved my hands down slowly, gently following the line in the center with my fingers. Right between her legs, stroking her sweet, warm, wet place, feeling her soft fur, and pressing gently into her moist opening.

Not for long, this was just a greeting, saying ‘Hello, I’m glad to feel and see you again.’ No words were needed, our kisses and touches were enough to let me know that she wanted me. But hunger for food also hit, and I needed the energy. If I wanted to do more than sleep, I had to eat food. So this sweet exploration would have to wait.

She stopped kissing me, and went to get me supper, before I took my fingers off her sweetness and asked her to do that. I said “Hello, darling,” and talked a little about my day, and how very nice it was to see her again. It wasn’t like I couldn’t have gotten my own food, especially since all we did was microwave it to warm it up. I didn’t even ask her to do it. She just did it, knowing that I was tired, and would appreciate it.

I could have said something sexual, teasing or suggestive, now that I’d confirmed my suspicions about her attire. She truly had only that single thin garment to cover her. Her legs were well exposed, soft and lovely. Her naked bottom would only be concealed if she were standing upright. We could be interrupted easily, by our children who might not care or even notice, being too young to worry much about such things. But our holiday guests certainly might, and I didn’t know how they might react. Shock, or desire, but certainly some kind of teasing, at the least. Yet she seemed not to care about that at all, as if it was just she and I, alone in the house, together. Waiting for our time to get romantic, with no need to get up early for work the next day.

I didn’t need to speak of this. For one thing, if anyone was up, talking much about it might draw their attention, though we did try to speak quietly. Her naked bottom said more than words, inviting me to touch it, caress, it. Her wetness, and my touch to bring out more of it, was my offer to her. Words seemed unnecessary, and if someone was listening, it might be embarrassing.

As she leaned over to get my warmed food out of the microwave, I got a brief view of the bare flesh above her legs. Seeing it added to my excitement, even though I’d often seen her lovely naked bottom. Despite the fact that I’d just held it, long and lovingly, in my hands, something about seeing it made it more exciting, especially since we weren’t alone in our house. This added to my appetite, both for food and other things. I attacked my meal, eating quickly. Though I felt exhausted when I arrived home, I felt new energy fill me. I didn’t believe that it was merely the taste of food which did that for me.

She let me eat, silent, as she picked up things in our kitchen. She was facing away from me, as she bent over completely to get something off the floor. This exposed her bare bottom fully. Since her legs were apart, the opening of her sex, the soft sensitive button above that, and her thin, trimmed pubic hair, were all clearly visible. This was a lovely sight, and I gasped, as it literally took my breath away.

She stayed in that position, not saying anything, as if she might be looking for something on the floor. But I knew better. I loved to look at her, no matter how often I saw her like this. She was well aware of that, posing like this, showing her sweet, wet pussy to me.

I was tempted to interrupt my quick supper, as I’d already stopped for the moment to gape at her. A taste for something sweeter than food, delicious and warm, filled me. I could see it, so inviting and open. But she stood and turned around, completing her cleanup task, after remaining bent over long enough to tease me well. Making love in the kitchen with guests about would be risky, anyway, I told myself.

I resumed my meal, as she finished what little tasks she could find. Then, she pulled a chair out next to me, sitting and talking with me. To me, mostly, telling about her day, and all sorts of things, letting me listen as I ate.

The chair she found a bit uncomfortable, perhaps, because she got up and moved it, away from the table. As she sat down, with the chair facing directly at me, her legs parted to give me a clear vision of her soft pubic hair, and the places below. Only a momentary flash, though, as she closed her legs, then pushed the hem of the T-shirt down. The view of her sweet pussy from the front added to my pleasure, and my appetite seemed to grow even more.

She then pushed the T-shirt down further, past her knees, catching it on them. While this concealed the lower parts well, it tightened the cloth above, pressing it against her breasts.

“It is cold. Brrr!” she told me, shaking her body. I could have mentioned that more clothing could make her warmer, but her breasts jiggled so nicely, and the hard nipples poked out, distinctly visible, almost as though nothing was in the way.

“I’m sure I can find some way to warm you up, soon,” I said, smiling, licking my lips suggestively. “I can think of some things we could rub together for warmth. You heat me up nicely, my love, just sitting there.”

Her T-shirt teasing reminded me of other situations in the past. With her – but we knew them already – and with others. I mentioned how nice T-shirts were for warming up, and that led to talking about past encounters, hers and mine. Telling each other sexy stories, true or otherwise, is always fun. The best are true stories, not because they are always the hottest, but because they let us share our memories. Becoming closer, because of our shared secrets.

Since I was the one who brought up T-shirts, I started telling her my hot T-shirt story first.

“There was this friend of mine, a guy, and we were supposed to get together for something or other, a road trip thing. So I stopped by his place early that morning. He wasn’t up yet, but his girlfriend was. She’d answered the door wearing just a T-shirt, maybe not even as long as yours, but darker.”

My darling asked me, “Was she pretty?”, with a smile on her face. I knew that meant she liked this, teasing comparisons with other women, because she’d always win, no matter how nice I found someone else.

“Very lovely, and I flirted with her often. It wasn’t serious, really, because she was with my friend. But I did let her know that I admired her, finding her sexy.”

Stopping a moment to finish the last bit of my meal, I went on. “Well, she invited me in for coffee. Not an unusual thing, but she didn’t go and get something else to cover up with.”

“Interesting,” my darling said, eyes twinkling at me, as she spread her legs under her shirt, pulling it even tighter, but away from her body, concealing everything now.

“After pouring my coffee, she got some creamer off a high shelf. Reaching up made her shirt rise, and it wasn’t really long enough to cover her when she was standing. Her bottom was exposed to her waist. I was single and horny, and the sight of her bare ass, from an angle so I couldn’t see her pussy. It was still awesomely lovely, and went straight to my cock, no way to hold my reaction back there.

“As she turned back towards me, spotting my reaction and stare, her pussy briefly popped into view, before her shirt dropped down to conceal it.”

Talking about this generated a reaction in me now, if not quite as strong as the original exposure. I’m sure my darling noticed that too, as I spread my legs a little and turned toward her, trying to making it harder to spot. I wondered if she was reacting as well, but other than her face, it was hard to see anything. I liked how her legs wiggled slightly, rocking on the chair, knowing that her bare bottom was rubbing directly against the hard wood.

I went on with my story after this brief pause for such thoughts, while sipping my coffee. She didn’t interrupt me, waiting patiently. “Well,” I said, “she went off to check on my friend, to see if he was awake or not. She’d told me he’d gone out the night before, and didn’t seem likely to wake up, but she’d try it anyway.”

I smiled, thinking about what I remembered, and said, “When she came back, she said ‘He’s out of it. Maybe he’ll wake up. I told him you were here, but he didn’t say anything. Didn’t even move.’

“She went about the kitchen, picking up and moving things, which gave me brief flashes of her bottom, from both sides. Her shirt wasn’t long enough to cover her, and she knew that, but was still walking around in front of me. It was possible she did this only by accident, or it was normal for her to be bare-bottomed in her own place. The next thing, though, certainly was no accident.”

“What happened?”, my darling asked me, letting her shirt fall tight against her breasts again, pulling one leg up on the chair, sliding her pussy right to the edge, though I couldn’t see it. Her shirt concealed the details, but I knew her well, what she’d be letting touch and rub to please herself.

I said, “The next thing? She sat on the chair across from me, pulling it away from the table so that nothing would stop me from seeing her body. While doing that, she let her T-shirt slide up, so her entire bare bottom was in contact with the chair. The front of her T-shirt barely covered her pussy, and that was mostly due to her legs being crossed, not the cloth concealing it.”

My darling interrupted me a moment as she stood up, hiked her shirt up a little, but not quite enough to uncover her bottom for my view. Then, she sat back down, shirt no longer under her at all, legs crossed in front of her.

I liked this game, her playing the part from the story. I went on, saying, “Well, the girl leaned towards me a little, and said, ‘You’ve always been a lot of fun to be around, you know?’ As she said this, she uncrossed her legs, spreading them slightly. Then, slowly, she opened them up wide, pulling her T-shirt up a little so nothing would block my sight of her bare pussy. Fully exposed, open wide, a lovely patch of fur surrounding her sweet slit and opening. Her clitoris was visible, peeking out, looking so delicious, I sighed with desire looking at it. Moisture glistened on her opening below, and droplets were present all along her slit, and her hard clit. There was no pretense about an accidental show of her sweet pussy. This was for me, something to arouse me, tease me, maybe something beyond that, and I couldn’t ignore it.

My darling asked me, grinning, “Like this?” She pulled her T-shirt up past her navel, uncovering her tiny pubes, her lovely mons, and her lovely abdomen. She uncrossed her legs, spreading them wide, giving me a dazzling view of her sweetest place. My dick was already twitching from the vision from my memories, but this real life show made it rock hard, and I contracted my muscles, to reduce the pressure of it trying to escape from my pants.

“Yes, that is what it was like,” I replied, in a quiet voice. “I don’t think it was as pretty as that, but it certainly affected me strongly. I wanted to reward her for the show she was giving me.”

“Hmm, what kind of reward did you offer?”, my darling asked me. She closed her legs tight, then opened them wide again, putting pressure on herself.

“An oral one. I told her that I’d like to kiss her pussy, to make her feel what she was doing to me.”

“And did she like the tip you gave her?”

“She stopped me before I could give her much of one, at least, as much as I felt I owed her.”

“That’s too bad,” my darling replied, sticking her tongue out at me and licking her lips. “You give good tips.”

“I think she liked the tip of my tip,” I said, sticking my tongue out and flicking it, suggestively, to make my point. “When I knelt down between her legs, her sweet aroma drew me right in. I love the sweet taste of wet pussy, and I hadn’t tasted hers before. The thought of a new treat, and one which looked and smelled so good, was overwhelming. Besides, I’m a sucker for plump, hard clitorises, sticking up to eat. Er, clitorii?”

My lover said, “Something like that. You sure like to suck it, whatever you call them, anyway.” She put one hand on her thigh, then ran one finger right up between her legs, right to her clit. Flicking it, drawing it up to peek out for us. We both shared a fascination with this particular area of female anatomy, playing with it with excessive frequency.

I resumed my story, saying, “Her clit wasn’t just fully visible, sticking out hard, it was wet. As though her arousal had spread far, or she’d helped it along when she’d left the room to check on my sleeping friend.”

“Imagining you tasting my clit could make me wet like that,” my darling said. Hers was moist now, as her finger softly stroked it in front of me.

“I did start with her vagina, not her clit, lapping her flavor right up. She was wet, but I didn’t want to rush. But she seemed so ready for more, and I couldn’t resist tasting her clit, feeling its hardness pulled between my lips. I sucked it in hard, flipping my tongue rapidly across it, licking it hard. I would have done that for hours, it felt so good, and her sighs of pleasure let me know that I was doing her right.”

“So, why didn’t you?” my darling asked, flicking her clit hard with her fingernail, making it jump each time she hit it, her whole body shaking a little each time as well.

“She came, almost right away. She cried out, but covered her mouth, to stifle her noises. I didn’t let up on her clit, either, because she kept getting off on my sucking it hard. Coming hard, long and strong, pushing her pussy into my face. But when she slowed down, I did as well. To my surprise, she got up suddenly and ran off, out of the room, leaving me kneeling alone on her kitchen floor.”

“What happened next?”

“She came back, not long after that, and said, ‘I’m sorry, sorry for teasing you.’ Then, she hugged me, and said ‘Thank you, for understanding. Don’t say anything about this, OK?’

“I don’t think she was planning to do more than tease me, get herself hot, maybe show off a little for me. She was my friend’s girlfriend, you know? Anyway, I didn’t mind helping her out if she was feeling horny that day.”

“Hmm,” my darling answered me, “I think that I’d like a tip like that. If you think that this show is worth it?” She spread her legs further, tucking her feet behind the chair legs for leverage. Then, she rubbed her whole pussy with her hand, plunging two fingers inside her, drawing moisture out on them. She ran her fingers up her slit, catching the center between them, drawing my attention to the hard, wet pearl she held between them. Letting me know that her arousal was real, not just a bit of teasing.

Yet she didn’t leave herself exposed for long, teasing me even more. I didn’t even get to answer her question, though I think both of us already knew. Quickly, she plopped the front of her shirt down again, pulling it past her knees, stretching it over them. Making a tent which again concealed every detail from view, yet I knew that her bare bottom was still pressed against the chair, and for certain, the edge was riding between her thighs, one leg down to the side. From below, her bottom would be easily visible.

“I’m freezing, it is so cold,” she said to me.

However cold the rest of her might be, her pussy sure seemed hot enough. Another story came into my mind, thinking of hot pussy. I was enjoying this teasing game, and I told her, “This might warm you up. Another naked T-shirt story.”

“Please, yes, tell me,” she said.

“I stopped for gas, and another car pulled up next to mine. A boy and girl, teenagers, were in it. The boy went into the station, and the girl got out to pump the gas. She was about 16, and wearing a long T-shirt and tennis shoes, pretty blonde hair, slim, a girl to look at no matter what she was wearing. I saw no lines under the shirt, but it was loose enough to make it easy to imagine shorts, or at least a bikini bottom, being underneath. On top, though, there was no doubt that it was the only covering. It wasn’t transparent, but the bounce of her pert breasts made me imagine that she truly had nothing under it, not just no bra, but nothing at all. Just as strongly, I figured that no one else had that idea. I saw no one else looking at her in an obvious way.

“I was younger then, so it didn’t take much to make me hard. And I could do little to stop it happening. I wore loose pants that day, with no underwear on myself. My observations excited me, and though I tried to hold back my response, I still got visibly hard. I didn’t think that anyone would notice, not unless they were close enough to me to see what I was seeing. An almost naked teen girl, pumping gas.”

My darling said, “It would be fun to be out like that, bare bottom barely covered, wind blowing up into my pussy.”

“It did seem like she was having fun, because she was smiling brightly while doing that. A gust of wind made her T-shirt pop up, proving me right. Her long blonde hair was flying in the wind, looking very pretty, but I saw something even better to stare at. She was facing towards me, looking at me, so when her shirt came up her bare pussy was on display, sun shining brightly on it. A tiny patch of pubic hair, trimmed to just a circle on her mons, nothing concealing her cleft, it looked lovely like that. Made her look more naked that way, you know, with the pink details of her pussy clearly visible.”

“I know that you like looking at mine that way,” my darling interjected.

“I smiled at her, watching this happen. And she smiled back. I’m sure she could see my hard-on, but I was too far away to see any clear signs of arousal from her. Her legs weren’t closed tight, and I could see more than just her bare slit. Imagining her naked pussy wasn’t as good as really seeing it.

“As the wind died down, and her shirt fell to conceal her nakedness, she finished pumping her gas. Rather than go into the station for her boyfriend, or back into her car, she ran around her car. All the way around to the side facing me, with her car blocking anyone else but me from seeing her body. She’d already accidentally shown me her naked bottom, but she wanted to be doubly sure I realized what she was doing. That there was nothing under her T-shirt but her lovely body, though, I knew already.

“She pulled her T-shirt up, staring at me, watching to see how I’d react. Not just up to her waist, either. Using both hands, she lifted the front of her shirt to expose her lovely little breasts, firm and round, with hard nipples, hurting me with desire. Legs apart, spread, not tight at all, let me see her pussy clearly, her lips parted, showing her lovely pink middle. We weren’t far apart, a few feet, and I could see everything so clearly.

“I didn’t say anything, or move. I just smiled at her, nodding my head in approval. My dick also nodded its approval, but I couldn’t control it. Then, her boyfriend came back, and she dropped her shirt down.

“He didn’t say anything, but I’m sure he noticed her showing herself to me. He was grinning broadly, smiling at her, at me, probably at everybody. They both got into the car and drove away. He looked very happy, ecstatic even. I felt that he was a very lucky boy, enjoying such a girl in his life.”

My darling stood up, stretching her arms and legs, letting her bare bottom, her lovely pussy, pop into view as her shirt rose. She then pulled the T-shirt up, over the top of her lovely breasts, showing me that her nipples were hard, her breasts swaying in front of me. I stared, entranced at this lovely vision, and her daring in doing so with our guests not far away.

“Do you feel lucky, hmm?”, she asked me, shaking her body to make her breasts bounce even more.

“Yes,” I said, softly, sighing. It was hard to speak, and I didn’t say more. I knew that I was lucky. It didn’t matter how often I’d seen her this way, it always excited me. She could make me hot with desire with a glance, but her naked body, showing off, teasing me and herself with touches and flashes, made me crazy with lust. She covered herself up, but not before I turned away from looking at her, which took a long time, a couple of minutes in reality. But it felt like an eternity. I only looked away to see if someone might be coming to catch us like that, not because I’d tired of looking at her.

I’d finished my meal, so I put the dishes in the washer. We went to the bathroom together, to share warming up in the hot water of our shower. I was a little worried that our guests might wake up from our activities, but figured that they would understand if we wanted to do something more amorous than merely washing up in the shower. I did expect that we’d mostly wash up, then escape to the privacy of our room for the main event.

I stripped naked first, dropping my dirty clothes into the hamper. I could cover myself with a towel for the trip to our room, so it didn’t matter that I’d brought nothing to change into. I said, “Wait until I get cleaned up a little. No need for you to get all dirty, just to warm up with me, OK?”

I hopped in the running shower first, and did the usual routine of washing, slick with soap all over my body, rubbing my hard cock to calm it a little. We talked, teasing about what we’d be doing to each other soon. Not that we’d likely do it exactly that way, because improvising was so much fun, but talking about sucking on each other’s bodies really turned me on. She could have gone to sleep, rather than waiting up for me, but I think she wanted this as much as I did. Maybe more. I loved her so, and wanted to make her happy tonight. I knew that it wouldn’t take that much to get me off, but there is more to sex than just an orgasm.

“T-shirts make you hot, don’t they?”, she asked, as she got into the shower with me. Still wearing her T-shirt, and I expected her to pull it off rather than getting it soaked, because she liked to sleep in it when it was chilly. Instead, she moved next to me under the spray, soaking it up. The water quickly made it slick, sticking tight to her body, and transparent enough to have a good impression of the details, if not a clear view. Her breasts, still with pointy hard nipples, were wrapped in tight, wet cloth. Her bottom was clearly visible. The lovely shape of her ass, the darker color of her pubic triangle, even the center of her slit below, all could be seen through the wet material. Not clearly, as if she were naked, but definitely showing her form in detail, revealing her nakedness under the garment. Like a wet T-shirt contest, soaked and sexy.

“I’d pick you as the winner in our wet T-shirt contest, you sexy thing!” I said, smiling at her, holding her hands in mine, but not pushing our bodies together. That way, we could touch, but still look at each other well. Then, I added, “But won’t you get cold, sleeping with your shirt all wet like that? I don’t know if I want you next to me like that,” I teased, laughing. She was teasing me, for sure, letting me see her covered in the soaked T-shirt, not naked as usual.

“You can keep me warm tonight,” she answered, serious in her sexiness, almost purring with the desire dripping off her tongue, like the water falling off our bodies.

I hugged her tightly, turning us within the shower so both could enjoy the warm, gentle spray. We rubbed our bodies together, using a little soap but mostly just our fingers, and everything else, and soon any chill we might have felt faded away.

“This shirt does get in the way,” she told me, and she pulled it off, tossing it out of the shower to the floor, leaving her naked with me, but with nothing to wear after her shower. That excited me too, her risking more exposure, just to share her body with mine, to keep on teasing me. I knew she could find a towel or two, but there might not be one big enough to cover her fully. We had to go past our sleeping guests to get to our room, and while I wasn’t too worried about walking past them in a towel, she might draw more attention if spotted. Her T-shirt, at least, would suggest that she might have something under it, making her more ‘decent’.”

“I love you,” she said, after she turned back and pressed her body into mine. Right before she kissed me, stopping me from saying it back to her. Those three words, said with sincerity, are the best aphrodisiac ever invented. Maybe it is the way she says it, reminding me that she wants me, not just for sex, but for everything. I’ve always loved kissing, especially when we are naked, feeling our whole bodies touch, my hardness against her softness. I was already up for this, more than ready for her, with her teasing in the kitchen. But I had imagined we’d wait until we were in our bed before really doing something about this desire, up until this point.

She reached down with one hand as we kissed, putting it between our legs where our sexes met. My hard cock fell into her hand, and she pressed it into her body. Pushing it inside her, after rubbing it briefly against her, making me hum with pleasure. I put my hands behind her bottom, helping to push us together. I was glad our shower was wide enough, and not so slippery, so we could spread our legs, without losing our balance. At least, making it less precarious, because doing things in the shower is so much fun! I could have asked her to try another position, maybe lying down. It would have felt safer, though I didn’t want to interrupt this moment, feeling the joy in our kisses joined with that from below.

Our kiss was intense, fueling our passion. We didn’t stop it at all, even when we started fucking. Slowed a little, but didn’t part our lips, not even our tongues. She wanted this, I knew without words. Not sex, that part was so obvious anyone could have known. But making love standing up, in the shower together, is both exciting and harder to do, and was something else. But I knew it, even so, and she showed me with her actions that I was right.

She put her arms out, catching the handhold on one side, the curtain rod on the other, for balance, as she pushed her hips hard into me. She wiveled them, pressing her body hard against mine, pressing on me within herself, tight and sensual beyond words. Making love like this, standing up, reminded me of dancing. The music came from our shared passion, the rhythm from the waves of our mutual pleasures. It was like making love outside in the rain, and that reminded me that it would be warm enough to think about doing that soon.

My back blocked some of the shower spray, but water flowed over us, falling between our bodies. The slickness between us, the splashes on our chests, abdomens, and pubes, added to the stimulation of our thrusting gyrations, and delicious kisses.

She rocked her body hard against mine, rubbing her nipples across my chest, brushing her tips against mine. Our pubes brushed together, mine against her sensitive button, and she moaned with pleasure, tickling my tongue as we kiss. We breathed through each other’s mouths, softly, breathlessly, not wanting to interrupt this long enough to take a full breath.

Our thrusts were short, keeping our bodies tightly connected, not pulling apart. But the motion of our hips in this erotic dance of love made up for that. Our pubic muscles also helped, both of us trying to play with each other there, pressing and pushing, in an ever so slow, terrifically pleasurable fuck. I didn’t want our contact broken, and it didn’t matter if my immediate desire for long strokes, to speed my release and intensify my pleasure, went unfulfilled. I loved to feel her pleasure, her passion driving us together.

On a dance floor, I’d end up leading, feeling foolish if I didn’t do that as expected. But for our loving, for this time together, it was much better to follow her. Her movements got faster, and she leaned back, pushing my hardness into her stronger, deeper, all the way into her. Our sexes were locked tight, as she held us together, not drawing apart. We rubbed our bodies together, blissful tingles of contact flowing from our faces, our lips, breasts, pubes, even down to our feet rubbing each other. Barely thrusting, our motions confined to slow rotations and internal tensing.

I held her ass tightly, holding her body up as she leaned back. I bent with her, and held her as she let her weight press down on me, pushing her vagina down on my hard cock within as well. The pressure there was tremendous, and I felt like I might break rather than bend. She pushed hard into me, and I knew that her clitoris was crushed against my pubes, while my cock pushed her vagina upward, stretching it, and my cock, helping to catch her two most sensitive places at once. She rocked her hips back and forth, putting almost painful pressure between us. The warm water falling on us could not get in to reduce our natural lubrication, and the heat of our motion together was pure pleasure.

Our lips and tongues had been locked in a near non-stop kiss, and now she stopped, pulling her face back from mine, to cry out her joy. She thrust hard against me, and I pushed back, several times, squealing with delight each time, and I almost joined her in this glorious release. It was hard to keep our balance as she came, and her grip on the curtain rod slipped. I caught her, holding her so she wouldn’t fall, but we were pulled apart in the process. She started to giggle, softly, embarrassed and maybe a little frightened, as she pulled herself back upright. Leant up against me, she hugged me, kissed me again, and told me, “That was very good.”

An understatement, in words, but her breathless lustful tone let me know how good she felt.