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Nessus RP: Mrs Harrison’s Revenge



Edward was very attentive for the rest of the weekend although we didn’t refer to the new chastity device at all. Monday came and we threw ourselves into our busy routine during the day and, as my period arrived Sunday night, I enjoyed long cosy cuddles during the night as we snuggled on the sofa and we avoided any mention of the device or sex.

Edward, naked except for the new chastity device, would hold me while I fell asleep and then he would pad out to his new bed in the study. We never discussed this arrangement but it seemed to be the way things now were. Every day I woke to a cup of Earl Grey tea, the newspaper and a single rose. Life was wonderful again and it went on this way for two weeks.

I knew that I would have to provide Edward with some relief soon and, although he knew better than to say anything, I could tell by his reproachful look that he was suffering. As I knew it would be complicated to restrain him while the device was removed, give him relief and refit the chastity device, I kept putting it the entire operation off.

Finally, I told him to strip and I handcuffed his hands behind his back. It gave me a thrill to have my big naked husband so much in my power and so willing to please me. He knelt as I pulled the hood over his head so he couldn’t see how I used the unlocking device and, following the directions I had written on a piece of paper, carefully unscrewed the special screws. The device was made of a light but very hard metal that can not be manually cut. Four special recessed screws fasten it and a special locking tool is required to release them as any attempt to use other devices or to accidentally turn the screws the wrong way will result in the screws snapping off and the leaving the device permanently attached. If that occurred, only industrial cutting torches will remove it with the probability of intense burns to Edward’s very sensitive area.

Edward waited nervously and sighed as the tube clasping his penis was removed and his cock sprang free, immediately becoming hard and jutting from his flat belly. When I removed his hood, he looked up at me desperately as I sat on the sofa before him.

“Julia,” he pleaded. “Let me make love to you. You can trust me.”

Smiling, I shook my head. “No, darling. We’re not quite at that stage.”

“But, Julia,” he protested hoarsely.

“Sh, darling,” I said, casually raising my skirt. “A new look,” I whispered. “Pantyhose with no panties. Do you like it?”

His eyes were glued to my crotch and he edged forward on his knees until he was so close I could lightly caress his cheek. “Yes,” he admitted roughly. “I like it.” He licked his lips as he stared at my pussy so brazenly displayed through the pantyhose and I felt his cock rub lightly against my legs.

Smiling at him I closed by legs against his cock as he started to pump it slowly against the nylon. “Does that feel nice?” I whispered and he nodded a glazed look on his face. “You really do have a leg fetish, don’t you?” I giggled, opening my legs to release his cock and a look of desperation appeared on his face.

“Julia,” he croaked, pushing his hard cock against my leg muscle. “Please,” he pleaded.

“Of course, darling,” I said softly, closing my legs once again and guiding his face against my thigh as he started to pump again. “Come for me, darling,” I whispered as I stroked his hair, feeling his hot lips pressed against my nylon covered thigh.

Shuddering and trembling, Edward groaned, grunted and spurted as he frantically rubbed himself against my legs. I continued to gently stroke his hair as he regained his breath until he pushed back and stared at me with a sullen look on his handsome features. “I suppose you’re going to put the hood on me while you put that thing back on me?”

“Of course, darling,” I declared brightly and did just that.

Edward was very cold towards me for the next few days and I put it down to his usual post-orgasm behaviour. Amanda rang me later in the week, a feeling of urgency in her voice as she whispered down the phone. “Julia, we have to meet quickly!”

I waited for her at the restaurant and she rushed in, breathless, her long hair flying. “Julia,” she said urgently as she sat down. “Edward is acting very strangely.” I explained about the new belt and the ultimatum I had given him, resulting in his agreement to wear the new device.

Amanda listened closely. “Yesterday, he disappeared for the entire day after telling me to clear his diary. That is so unlike Edward. Today, he didn’t even come in. What is going on?”

I shrugged. “I don’t know.”

“Do you care?” she demanded. “What is going on!”

“We are talking about my husband, Amanda,” I said coolly.

“And my ex-lover!” she snapped and we both stared at each other for a moment.

“We’ll see,” I said after a moment. “Waiter,” I called. “Could we have coffee, please?”

We sat in silence with Amanda staring down at her lap. “I wasn’t the only one,” she said softly at last, eyes still lowered.

“Sorry?” I said.

“I wasn’t the only one,” she repeated. “There were others.”

I felt chilled as I realised what she was saying. My first inclination was to avoid the subject, to remain in ignorance but I knew it would gnaw at me until I had all the facts. “How do you know?” I asked nervously.

“Edward’s contact file has a special personal category and he has always made it clear I wasn’t to down load it.” She looked up at me. “I down loaded it yesterday.” She slid a sheet of paper across the table and, fingers trembling, I picked it up. “As you can see, there are all women on the list including you and I.”

I pointed at one column. “What are these dates?”

“The date the data was first loaded.”

My heart sank. “This date is a week after we came back from our honeymoon. Are you saying?” I left the question unasked as Amanda nodded.

“The date with my name was the date we first, you know,” she said, blushing and I quickly checked the date next to my own name. I felt sick as it all matched as it was the date of our first love making.

“You think you know someone,” I whispered, tears prickling in my eyes at the full betrayal and Amanda held my hand over the table.

“I’ve just resigned,” she said. “I’ve finally got a new job.” She shook her head. “The bastard!” she said fiercely. “I never knew!”

That evening, I warily entered the flat to find Edward standing in the foyer surrounded by suitcases and his face cold.

“I’m leaving,” he announced without hesitation. “I’ve had discussions with my solicitor and I’ve started the process for divorce. I assume your office will represent you?” Numb, I could only nod. “Good,” he said. “I also assume you will follow your original proposition and provide me with the unlocking device when the papers have been served?” Again, I could only nod. “Can’t you say anything?” he sneered and I cleared my throat.

“Are you sure about this?” I croaked.

“Absolutely sure. Our relationship has not been firm for sometime and even though these last sexual games have been interesting, it’s time to end.”

“Amanda wasn’t the only one, was she?” I asked.

He started. “Discussing that will not achieve anything,” he said coldly. “You will send the device immediately, please,” he said, picking the suitcases up and walking out the door.

I watched him go, tears rolling down my cheeks and when the door closed, I rushed to the bedroom and collapsed, sobbing on the bed. I cried at the loss, the betrayal and end of our marriage. During that long night, my love turned to hate.

The agreements to divorce papers were registered after a week so I sent the unlocking device to Edward and Amanda and I drove off to spend the weekend in the country. Amanda had suggested it in an effort to get me to be more like my old self.

We were enjoying a late lunch when my mobile phone buzzed. “Hello,” I said, smiling at Amanda.

“Julia,” Edward cried hoarsely down the line. “It didn’t work!”

“I sent it all to you, Edward. What’s the problem?” I said, stifling a giggle. Amanda leaned closer to hear.

“I followed the instructions but the first screw snapped!”

“Oh dear,” I giggled.

“I tried the others and the four have snapped off. Julia, how do I get it off?”

“You don’t, Edward dear,” I said evenly. “If the screws have snapped off, it’s permanent.” Amanda quickly placed her hand over her mouth to stifle her laughter.

“Permanent!” he croaked.

“I did send you instructions. You should have followed them.”

“I did!” he cried. “Your writing was terrible!”

“Was it? Oh dear, I am sorry.”

“There must be someway,” he cried as the implication of a completely chaste life hit him.

“I believe it can be cut off with welding torches or something. That will be very painful, I imagine, probably castration.”

“Julia,” he moaned. “Help me,” he pleaded.

“Help you, Edward?” I said smoothly. “Now, why would I want to do that?” I said as I disconnected the call.

“Can he get it off?” Amanda giggled and I shook my head.

“Not immediately. I suppose there is someone in the world who may be able to perform the intricate task but he will have to locate that person. Would be quite a search, I imagine.”

“What about the person who built the thing?”

“Only I know who that is and I’m not saying.” I took the sheet of paper of Edward’s conquests from my purse and jabbed the first telephone number into the phone. “Roberta Santaiago?” I said. “I’m Julia Harrison, Edward Harrison’s ex-wife. We haven’t met. Yes, ex-wife, that’s correct. Roberta, I thought I would take just a moment to tell you about Edward’s current condition. I’m sure you will find it interesting.”

When I finished the call, I ticked Roberta’s name off the list. “You bitch,” Amanda said admiringly.

“I’m sure a lot of these ex-lovers will enjoy catching up with the chaste Edward. He may find the whole experience terribly frustrating,” I said regally as I phoned the next name on the list. “Is that Shirley?” I inquired as Amanda cackled with laughter in the background.

When I finished the calls, I was flushed with triumph and the knowledge that a lot of disgruntled women would be making Edward’s life hell. Sipping on a celebratory wine, my eyes glistened as I realised I was now alone.

“To a single life,” I toasted, blinking the tears away and Amanda held my hand.

“You’re not alone, you know,” she said.


“No,” she said, smiling and squeezed my hand. “There are other things in life.”

Back in London, I refused to take Edward’s telephone calls and threw his letters into the wastebasket. His impassioned pleas for help made me laugh and six weeks flew by as I worked and enjoyed a different relationship with Amanda.

One evening in the seventh week, I was sipping a cup of tea, waiting for Amanda to come to the flat when the doorbell rang and there was an urgent knocking on the front door as well. I peered through the security viewer and saw Edward standing on the steps. Luckily, I had changed all the locks immediately Edward had moved so I felt quite secure.

I pressed the intercom button. “What do you want?” I asked coldly.

“Julia,” he spoke quickly and his voice sounded high on the intercom speaker. “I need help. Please tell me how to get this thing off.”

“You don’t,” I said calmly. “It is quite permanent.”

I could see his face was drawn and I felt a momentary pang of pity but quickly dismissed it. “I don’t know what to do,” he whispered. “Help me,” he pleaded. “I’ll do anything.”

“Become a monk,” I snapped and was about to return to the sitting room when Amanda joined Edward on the step.

“Hi, Julia,” she called through the intercom. Carefully, I opened the door and ignoring Edward, gestured for Amanda to come in.

“Julia,” he begged. “I can’t stand it.”

“You did say you’d do anything,” Amanda said sharply, “so get down on your knees and beg properly.”

Edward shuffled to his knees and clasped his hands in front of his chest. “Please Julia. Tell me where you got this thing. No one can release me,” he added tearfully.

Amanda smiled and winked at me as she slipped past me and inside the flat. Edward looked so forlorn on his knees on the steps and a few people passing by stared at him. I gestured for him to come in and he scampered inside.

Sipping my tea, I sat next to Amanda on the sofa while Edward stood uncertainly in the centre of the room. “You haven’t seen it, have you?” I murmured to Amanda and she shook her head. “Drop your pants,” I said sharply to Edward, “and show Amanda.” Flushing, he did and Amanda burst out laughing when she saw the curved metal tube encasing his cock and the connecting ring between his body and his balls. “He has to pee sitting down,” I said and Amanda shrieked with laughter.

Edward started to pull his pants up. “No!” I ordered. “Leave them down and sit there,” I said, pointing at the ottoman.

“Julia,” he said earnestly. “You win. I’ll come back and we’ll stop the divorce.”

“Win?” I said calmly. “Of course, I’ve won but, why would I want you back? I have a new relationship now.” Turning slightly, I held Amanda and we kissed deeply. Edward gasped and gaped at us. “There,” I said sweetly, looking at him, “this is so much nicer.”

“Please,” he begged a broken and defeated man. “For pity sakes, set me free.”

“I can’t,” I said calmly, sipping my tea. “You broke the screws and now it’s permanent. I’m sure sooner or later you’ll find someone to dismantle it without destroying your prized possessions.” Amanda giggled at that. “Probably later.”

“Tell me where you got it from. Please!”

“That is your only avenue, isn’t it?” I observed and he nodded frantically.

“You’re looking pretty randy,” Amanda said. Boldy, she slid her skirt up to her thighs and extended her legs. “Do you still like my legs?” she taunted.

“Don’t,” Edward moaned, staring at Amanda’s long legs in black nylon.

“Edward, there were twenty eight names on that list of yours, twenty six if you ignore Amanda and myself. Twenty-six during our three years of marriage. I think one month for every name is appropriate. Come back after twenty six months, Edward and I’ll tell you where I got it from.”

He was shocked. “But, that’s over two years.”

“Brilliant maths,” I commented dryly. “Correct.”

“Please, don’t,” he begged, his face drawn and white.

“I could make it three years instead. Twenty-six months.”

“You may find someone to take it off,” Amanda giggled.

“If you don’t, come back in twenty-six months. Now, go.” I smiled at Amanda. “We want a cosy night in by ourselves.”

Amanda took my hand and we ignored Edward as he slowly pulled his pants up. Equally slowly, he shuffled to the door and we heard the front door slam. Revenge is an underestimated emotion.

“The sweeter the apple, the blacker the core. Scratch a lover and find a foe!” – Dorothy Rothschild Parker End.