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The Family Business by Laura Lynn Davis



I was twenty-two and fresh out of college when my father finally told me exactly what business the family was in. Arno Holdings wasn’t very descriptive and I’d never wondered too much about what exactly Arno Holding did to earn the huge profits that rolled in year after year.

We were sitting in daddy’s office when he told me. “Cecila, we’re slavers. We’ve been slavers for almost 300 years. These days we deal exclusively in young, sexually attractive women. Our women usually range in age from 16-35. Our only requirement is that they be healthly, attractive, and sexually adroit. We have a couple of training facilities where we teach them sexual techniques, if necessary.”

I was stunned! And thrilled! I stood up and twirled around, “How about me, daddy? Would I be acceptable?” I’m 5′ 8″, athletic, blonde, and fairly pretty. I have a nice firm bust, trim hips, and long, sleek legs.

Daddy smiled. “Of course, dear. You’re very pretty. Now we need to talk about finding you a position in the company.”

I stopped and smiled. “I want to start at the bottom. I want to go through the training as if I was just another slave.”

Daddy argued but he couldn’t fault the logic. Starting out by being trained as a slave would give me a unique perspective and, potentially, a very valuable one. He made the arrangements and a few days later I flew to Rio de Janerio. Little did I know that daddy had manuvered me into doing exactly what he wanted.

I was walking to the beach from my hotel, just across the street, when I was ‘kidnapped’ by three men in a Volkswagen van. The drive kept the engine running while two of the men manhandled me into the back of the van. I remember thinking that it was very realistic. I didn’t know how realistic until a few minutes later.

The blindfolded me, gagged me, and then stipped my thong off. I screamed into the gag while they took turns raping me. I screamed my name, telling them who I was, but, of course, they paid no attention. Even if I hadn’t been gagged they would have paid no attention. Neither of them spoke English and my name meant nothing to them.

They drove me around for two hours, stopping once so the driver could switch with one of the others and have his turn with me. I cried while he raped me, realizing that something had gone terribly wrong. I comforted myself with thoughts of the revenge that would be extracted when my daddy found out.

They took me to a dirt airstrip somewhere west of Rio and from there I was flown to Peru. From Peru I was flown to somewhere in Mexico. From there I went to Europe, to Italy, to one of daddy’s training establishments.

I fought every step of the way and all it got me was a beating each time. I was raped at every stop along the way and during every flight. When I was finally delivered to the training establishment I’d been a captive for nearly a month and had been raped more than fifty times. The only thing that kept me going was the thought of savage revenge.

I was put in a cage and left alone for two days. My meals were served by a nude Asian girl who refused to respond to my frantic questions. She sat and watched me eat and then took the paper plate and plastic untensils away with her.

On the third morning a man in his forties accompanied the Asian girl. “Are you ready to begin your training, slave?”

I cursed him. He smiled and turned to the Asian girl. Beat her sensless after she’s been raped again. Use Uthor.”

They left and the Asian girl return a few minutes later with a hulking giant with the biggest cock I’ve ever seen. He opened the cage, grabbed my neck, and dragged me out. He sat down on a bench and I screamed as he brought me down on his lap and forced me down onto his cock. I thought I was being ripped apart! I screamed and cried and begged. I turned my head, looking for the Asian girl. She was off to one side. “Please,” I screamed. “Please make him stop! I’ll be a good girl. Oh, GOD, pleaaassse!”

She just smiled and watched until he was done with me. Then I was hung by my wrists and whipped senseless. She used a stiff leather strap that hurt more than you can imagine. I screamed until I lost my voice. I passed out shortly after she moved around in front of my and began to whip my tits.

I woke up in the morning, back in my cage. I was still and sore and my back and buttocks were covered with welts. The Asian girl and the man appeared about thirty minutes after I woke up. He opened the cage and said, “Come out here.”

I crawled out of the cage and started to get to my feet. He kicked me in the side. “Stay down, bitch.” I collapsed on my stomach, sobbing. “Are you ready to beging your training, slave?”

I nodded and he kicked me again. “I want to hear your answer, slave. Are you ready to begin your training, slave?”

I nodded and whispered, “Yes.”

He kicked me again. “Louder. And with respect.”

I sobbed for a moment before saying, “Yes, master. I’m ready to be trained.”

He started to walk away. I sat up and yelled, “You’ll die when my father finds out what you’ve done to me!”

He smiled. “Get Uthor.”

I screamed, “No!” I crawled to him on my belly and licked the tips of his shoes. “Please, not that! Please! I’ll be good.”

He chuckled. “I know you will.” He left and the Asian girl followed. She returned with Uthor. When he was done with me she beat me again.

The following morning, when they came, I crawled out of my cage and licked the man’s shoes in abject submission. “Please train me, master.”

He chuckled. “Start her training today, Mari.”

Mari was my personal trainer. She taught me how to behave and how to please a women with my fingers and tongue, in case I was sold to a woman. She used a variety of men to teach me how to please men. She taught me how to exercise the muscles in my vagina, to squeeze a cock and hold it inside me. She taught me how to suck cock, how to take it deep in my throat without gagging. She trained me to take a cock in my ass without crying. She taught me to concentrate so I could suck cock while being fucked. She taught me how to take one cock in my mouth, another in my cunt, and a third in my ass and please all three men at the same time.

She didn’t enlarge my anus with butt plugs because they wanted me tight back there. She did use butt plugs to get me used to taking it in my ass. I often had to spend and entire day with a butt plug in my ass. If it slipped out I was whipped.

Finally, after nearly six weeks, she prounced me fit for sale. I was prepared very carefully. Mari decide that the tomboy look suited me. My hair was cut short and carefully styled to look casually tousled. Ever trace of hair below my navel was removed. I was bathed and massaged with warm, scented oil. My hands were cuffed behind my back, then I was blindfolded. Mari took me to a room where I was to have my final test.

She led me into the room and directed me to kneel. I obeyed. A moment later I felt the head of a cock nudge my lips. I opened my mouth and began to lick and suck it. After a couple of minutes it was withdrawn. Mari directed me to stand up and bend over. A moment later I felt a cock slide into my vagina. I was fucked vigorusly for a couple of minutes. Just when I was about to come it was withdrawn. My buttocks were spread and I felt the head of a cock push against my anus. I relaxed and whimpered as it slid into my rectum. I was ass-fucked for several minutes. He came in my ass and I heard him groan as he shot his load deep in my rectum.

Moments later I was back on my knees, with cum running down my inner thighs. My blindfold was removed and I blinked. Then I saw my father zipping his pants. I screamed, “Noooooo.”

He smiled. “She’s an excellent piece of ass. Sell her.”

I screamed and fainted. When I regained consiousness I was back in my cage. Two days later I went on the block and was sold. My new owner was a Swiss business man who traveled extensively. His wife, Gretchen, bought me as a present for him – to be a combination secretary and fuck slut. She preferred to stay home with their children but she didn’t want him fucking just anyone while he was away so I was the solution.

His name was Eric and he was in his early forties. He was fit and used me regularly. Used me hard. He dressed me conservatively and I worked my ass off day and night. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed it. When we were in Switzerland I functioned as Gretchen’s household slave. She used me too. Her favorite thing was to have me scrub the floor on my hands and knees, naked, while she relaxed with a cup of coffee. When I finished she’d *let* me lick her pussy. If I didn’t do a good job on the floor she’d whip me. It was a 50/50 chance every time.

After a year, Eric was fired when he failed to deliver on a promise to close a big merger. I was sent back to Italy to be sold. After a suitable amount of refresher training I went on the block again. This time I was bought by my own father!

He took me back to California on his private jet. I was brought directly to the plane from the auction block and remained nude for the entire flight. The flight attendant was a pretty redhead with pale green eyes. She, too, was a slave. It amused daddy to have me go down on her while he watched. She was delicious and I enjoyed myself.

Just before we landed daddy summoned me. I got down on my knees in front of him and assumed the presentation position. He leaned and fondled my firm tits. “Are you ready to assume your proper place in the company?”

I kept my eyes fixed on the floor as I answered. “Master, I am already in my proper place.”

He ruffled my hair and said, “So be it, slave.” I opened my mouth and accepted my master’s cock. The pretty redhead crouched beside me and fondled my tits while I sucked daddy’s cock. Her name is Gail and we’re a team now, daddy’s private stock. When daddy’s not using us we amuse ourselves with each other.

If we’re good, daddy will sell us as a pair when he’s tired of us. And we are good. Very, very good. Especially when we’re doing each other.