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Midnight Mare



Tom was backing away as I jabbed his chest with my finger. “Look, if I’m going to make a fool of myself, you can damn well make it worth my while.”

He grinned at me and held his hands up to defend himself. “Ok. I didn’t think you’d feel that way about it. You have to admit that you sound full of it.”

Linda, bless her dear sweet and *stupid* heart, picked that moment to make one of her more inane comments. “Twenty dollars says you can’t do it. I’ve seen her try to kick everyone who’s ever tried. Besides…” She drawled it insultingly. “She’s *mine* and has better taste than to let somebody like *you* stand behind her, let alone *fuck* her.” She grinned at me and laughed.

“Each.” I snapped back. There were ten of us so I figured making them shell out $180.00 to watch me fuck Linda’s mare would add insult to injury.

They stepped away and consulted briefly. When she looked up there was a glint in her eyes. “All of us, including you, will put in twenty dollars. Every guy gets a shot at her before you get to try. The winners, *if* there are any, will share the money.” She tossed her head back in a gesture that reminded me of her mare. “They’ve tried before but I want to give them a second chance. *Then* you get to try.”

‘Second chance, hell.’ I thought to myself. ‘She just wants to make them all look like fools and thinks I’m an even bigger one. Wendy, her mare, is going to be nervous when they get done and Linda thinks there’s no way…’

I pulled out my wallet and got out a twenty. I held it out to Linda. “Deal. Now, are the rest of you going to put up? Or are you all going to shut up and leave?” There was silence.

I waited. Nobody moved. I reached to retrieve my money. “No balls. What’s a twenty to any of us?…”

Tom was the first to break out of his trance. “Wait. I’m in.”

I glanced around. “Twenty bucks profit. If that’s it, the rest of you can take a hike.”

There were whispered conversations with girlfriends. When it was all over, Linda was holding $200.00 in one hand and Wendy’s reins in the other.

After some discussion, we decided that everyone should strip. We all skinny-dipped together anyway so it wasn’t like we didn’t know about the differences between boys and girls. Since we were typical horny farm kids, we’d all fucked each other and not all of that fucking had been hetero. We didn’t care who got us off as long as we got off. It would have been stupid to pretend any of us were body shy.

It was no secret that as the night wore on and each guy failed, he was going to be pretty worked up. The girls decided to take advantage of that. Someone jokingly called it ‘give them a consolation prize’ and we all laughed. I wasn’t sure which way Linda was going to go. It would be just like her to figure on telling me to go play with myself if I failed to win the bet. At the same time, I knew how horny she could get from watching others. When it came to sex, she seldom said no when *she* was ready. Ego vs hormones. Usually I stood back and waited to see which won.

I snickered to myself softly. If things went as I expected, both would lose.

Tom started and immediately blew it. Oh, he took the time to soothe Wendy but he went for the prize way too fast to suit her. A slight shift in body weight and a cocked hind leg let him know his chance was over. None of us were stupid. All of us knew how to read mares. We’d seen enough breedings to know what they were capable of if they thought the stallion was too pushy.

Wendy, patient mare that she was, stood there and put up with it all. Still, by the time I got to her, she was damned nervous and more than ready to get away from us.

I didn’t blame her.

I carefully went a bit away from things and then made a point of talking to Wendy as I approached. “Easy girl, it’s just me coming to say hello again.” Her ears flickered slightly and she nickered softly. “Yeah, just me.” She turned her head so she could watch me. Yeah, she was nervous. “Easy… Easy…” I soothed her in a quiet voice until I was in front of her and could lightly rub her nose.

I continued to watch and gentle Wendy as I gave Linda some instructions. “Come over next to me and let her see you give me her reins. Then go sit down with everyone else and keep your mouth shut.”

Linda looked at me and then shrugged. “You’re the one that will get hurt if you fuck things up.”


She handed me the reins and walked away.

The rest of my words were whispered. No point in giving away all of our secrets yet.

“Easy beautiful.” I held up the reins. “See? Just the two of us.” I stroked her forehead and smiled. As I did so, I gently moved her head from side to side so she could see everyone. “See? I’m here now and I’m not going to let them bother you any more tonight. Just us. Relax…”

I gentled her into a headhug and we held that pose for a bit. I could hear her nervous breathing slow and finally steady. “Yeah. That’s it… It’s ok now. Just relax…”

Finally I felt her muscles loosen and she snorted softly. I grinned to myself. Now I’d have to fuck her. But, not yet. There were things we had to do first. Wendy had her own ideas about the proper ways to do things and I’d learned them all.

She pulled her head out of my grasp and looked around before she turned back to me and nickered softly. I gave her my best nicker and then leaned forward. She extended her nose and we exchanged breath.

At that point I lost track of the idea I was doing this to prove a point. The reins fell from my hands as I reached for her head and cradled it. I kissed her nose gently.

When I pulled away I whispered. “Love you, Wendy.” Reluctantly I let go and moved to lightly stroke her right flank. I felt her muscles twitch with her nervousness at first but eventually they relaxed under my gentle movements. I came back and scritched her chest and smiled. “Like that don’t you?” She nickered as she arched her neck in pleasure.

I continued my scritching and ducked under her head as I moved to her left flank.

This time, after I had soothed her left flank, I let myself begin massaging her left hind leg. I marveled at her muscles as they rippled and flowed under my touches. I teased her by letting my hands dart to the back of her leg and then go back and slide down the full length of the outside of it.

Eventually, as I had known she would, she tired of the foreplay and let me know she was ready for something more serious. I barely noticed the gasp as she shifted her legs slightly. ‘Fools.’ I stopped and looked towards her head. Sure enough, she was watching me. I smiled.

“Ready aren’t you? Well, so am I. Just a minute while I get ready.” I trailed my fingers along her flank as I went back in front of her to get the grain bucket someone had brought out for the lucky guy to use.

She whuffled softly as I picked it up. She nudged me gently and then lowered her head to my throbbing penis. She snorted and I chuckled. “Ok.” I pushed at her head and made her move it out of my way as I walked back and set the bucket behind her.

She watched as I stood on it. “Ready?” I whispered. She waited calmly.

I reached out and gently ran my hands down the backs of her legs. She shifted again and spread her legs some more. It was obvious she was bracing herself and getting ready for me.

As I let my hands come back up, she twitched her tail to one side and began winking her clitoris at me. I looked up. Our eyes met briefly and then she turned her head to face forward.

Both of us were ready.

I took her. Slowly, gently, I entered her. I paused and enjoyed her heat. Sometimes my fucking was hard and fast. I knew that tonight she needed my gentleness.

That was exactly what she got. Slow strokes and lots of pauses while I used my hands to massage the parts of her legs and back that I could reach. I know I lasted longer than fifteen minutes but I couldn’t tell you how long it was before I finally increased my tempo slightly and focussed on orgasming.

Soon, it was over. I stayed behind her and waited until my softening penis slipped from her folds. My hands told Wendy to just stay where she was for now. Slowly, carefully, I stepped down from the bucket. I didn’t want to shatter the special magic we had just shared. I walked along her right flank and spoke to her softly as I worked my way to her head.

When I got there, we shared another headhug. Finally, regretfully. I let go.

Wendy stood there and watched me as I picked up her reins. I draped them over one of my shoulders and then reached out and disconnected them. I let the ends go. She stood there calmly. I’d known all along that what connected the two of us was far stronger and more sure than the control given by two pieces of leather. “We don’t need these. Do we, my love?”

“It was perfect. Now, go relax and I’ll see you soon.” I slapped her flank playfully and she snorted as she moved away from me.

I watched as she ambled off towards her stall.

My penis glistened with our mingled fluids as I walked over to Linda and collected my money from her unresisting grasp.

As I settled on the grass beside her, I whispered…

“You bought her body.”

“I earned her love.”