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First oral discovery



I got home around dusk and came into the kitchen from the garage. “Hey! How was the trip?” My wife, Pat, asked as she leaned over for me to kiss her on the cheek.

“Great! I had a marvelous time. It was a beautiful day and the trail was terrific.”

“Super, who went with you?” Pat asked while she was preparing the dinner.

“Oh, someone from work who also likes to go off-roading.” I got a little nervous as Pat seemed interested.

“Did he have a good time too?” I paused to think how to answer this and decided brevity was the best approach.

“Yes, as much as me.”

“That’s good Jack. I’m glad you found someone who’s willing to ‘play’ with your toy. That means you won’t be pestering me to play with you.” The irony of Pat’s comment was overwhelming! I’m sure she meant play with the Jeep but from my perspective the allusions were too close for comfort.

I quietly replied and said “Um, yeah, we’ll probably go out again soon.”

“Did your ‘car’ survive in one piece?” Pat asked pointedly. It really is amazing how, when two people get to know each other, they really know how to push on the other person’s buttons with the minimum amount of effort or provocation. Pat knew I hated the word ‘car’ to describe the Jeep. It’s probably childish of me to react to this but the fact that she knew my feelings AND continued to use the term only made matters worse.

“Yeah, Pat, the ‘JEEP’ is fine. More than FINE, it’s great! A terrific vehicle, in fact.” and I left to wash up for dinner. I decided to shower partly to clean off the dusk but partly to wash off any possible ‘evidence’ from the day. I didn’t really think there was any but I felt better psychologically after the shower.

As I walked to the kitchen to get a beer Pat said “Feel better dear?”

“Yes, like a new man.” Man was that the truth!

“Look, I’m sorry I insulted your Jeep earlier. I know it bugs you and I probably did it on purpose. I’m glad you’ve found a friend that you can share your new love with.” Boy she’s hitting on all cylinders I thought to myself. She came over to me and hugged me. “Do you forgive me Jack?”

“Yes, Pat, you know I can’t stay mad at you.”

“Sometimes I think I need more than that Jack.” Pat admitted meekly.

This caught me by surprise. Pat is usually so business like in our relationship I sometimes think I married a lawyer or accountant rather than a wife. “What do you mean Pat?” I asked as I hugged her back and rubbed her back.

“Oh I don’t know. I guess I felt compelled to get back at you because you have a toy that you’d rather play with than me.”

“Pat, I would rather be with you but sometimes I need to get outdoors and enjoy the sunshine. If only you shared that with me maybe we’d get closer all the time. Now I feel like I have to choose between you or what I like to do.” I think I surprised both of us with my frankness – I know I surprised myself.

“Gee, I didn’t know you felt like that. I might be willing to go with you if it didn’t seem like a big endurance test or ‘safari’ or something.” It was Pat’s turn to surprise.

“Really? How about if we all go for a picnic tomorrow to the state park? It should be a nice day and I promise I stay on a paved surface!”

Pat smiled at that and pushed her luck and said “Gosh, we could even take my car.” Waiting to see what I’d say.

I pushed her back so I could look in her eyes and said “If that’s what it takes to get you to join me then by all means but I think the boys would enjoy the Jeep ‘adventure’ more.”

Pat didn’t say anything but looked into my eyes for the longest time like she was looking for something. “Jack, that was sweet.” and then turned away maybe so I wouldn’t notice her wipe her eye. “Of course the boys would prefer the Jeep! Don’t all boys?” she asked rhetorically but laughing. “Ok, but you prepare everything and just let me know when to get in the ‘Jeep’.”

“Oh wow! Thanks Pat, we’ll have a great time!” and I hugged her from behind.

“Ok, that’s enough.” she said. “Let me finish dinner.” she went to the refrigerator, openned it, and leaned over to get something from a lower shelf. I hadn’t noticed that Pat had on her plaid shorts. I love those things. I love how the curves of her bottom are accentuated with the pattern. I couldn’t resist as I reached and grabbed her ass where her legs come together.

Pat jumped a mile and almost dropped the container she had. She let out a scream “Jack! What are you doing? I almost dropped the milk! Now get out of here before I crown you!” As I walked away I could sense that she paused and watched me go.

Later as we’re cleaning up the dishes I kept grabbing her and tickling her. “Jack, you sure are frisky tonight. Is this what being outdoors does to you?” she asked while squirming to get out of my grip.

“Yes, darling. You know, fresh air and all that.” I put my arms around her as she came into the kitchen with more dishes.

“Jack, you’re going to make me drop these. At least, let me put them down.”

I held on to her but backed up so she could reach the counter and put the dishes down. She then put her arms around my waist and said “Hmmm, if this is what fresh air does to you then maybe I should rethink my agreement to go to the park with you?” She asked it as a question but in a teasing way. The way she ground herself into my groin I had a fairly good idea how my friskiness was ‘bothering’ her. “Hmmm, fresh air really makes me want to go to bed early.” I said suggestively.

“What about the boys?” Pat asked as if it was obvious we had to wait until they were in bed.

“I think they’re having a good time watching TV. Why don’t we go see if we can have a ‘good time’ too.”

“Jack, they’re going to know what we’re up to.” Pat was embarrassed.

“Good for them if they figure out but for now I really don’t care woman. I want this lovely bod of yours and I want it NOW!” I started growling and Pat knew from past experience, once I started growling then she better get us out of earshot and the inquisitive eyes of our children. She let go and quickly walked to the bedroom telling the boys that “Mummy and Daddy need to do some things in our bedroom. Why don’t they enjoy the TV show.” I rolled my eyes and the boys giggled at the obvious ploy but they were happy we were going to leave them alone to explore the less parentally favored broadcasts for the evening.

When I got to the bedroom Pat had disappeared into the bathroom. I hoped that she wasn’t undressing. I really enjoyed undressing her and secretly hated it when she got herself ‘ready’ for me. I closed and locked the bedroom door and was about to call in to Pat and ask her not to undress when I heard Pat brushing her teeth, turn off the water, and then come out. She was still dressed.

“I’m glad to see that you still have those lovely ass hugging shorts of yours still on my dear.” I said lasciviously.

“Oh? I didn’t know that you liked these silly things.” she teased. “What could you possibly like about these silly old things?”

“Hmmm, well let me see.” I turned her so I could see the back of the shorts and placed my hand on her butt. I slowly moved my hand around and said “Well, I think it is the way that this particular garment captures the essense of your feminine form.” Pat giggled while I started to move my hand down her ass crack. She sighed and leaned back against me. “Yes, Yes, I do believe that it the main attraction. You will notice that these lovely round cheeks are most gloriously held in place and make the most marvelous transition from the outward to the inward.” I now had my hand running down between her legs following the line formed between her cheeks. She was starting to breathe heavily now and spread her legs slightly and bent forward a bit. “I also believe that the structure of this design permits effective but comfortable support of that most precious cargo.” with this I moved my hand around the tops of her legs feeling the curve inward as my hand came into contact with Pat’s sensuous and now engorged vulva. Pat groaned now and I slid between her legs and she was now leaning way back with her legs spread wide. I put my arm around her and slid my hand under her blouse and bra so I could feel those great mounds of hers. She was really groaning now and started to unbutton her shorts. I wanted to handle this part of it so I spun her around and pushed her back onto the bed. She yelped as she fell and hit the bed and I looked down at her enjoying the incredible curves as I could make out her bulging lips through her shorts. I leaned down and kissed her belly after I pulled her blouse out of her shorts. I moved downward and slowly kissed her shorts tracing a line down to her legs. Pat was panting now but managed to say “Jack, please. You know I don’t like that kind of stuff.”

I looked up at her and said “Patience my dear. You will soon be in my power.” Pat reached down to my hands to pull me up to her. I looked longingly back down at those luscious curves that I longed to caress and sighed as I gave up the quest and went to our usual lovemaking routine.

The next morning the boys were all excited about the ‘big trip’ in the Jeep. The boys were 5 & 7 and any ride in the Jeep was a big deal for them (much to the consternation of my wife) and a trip to a ‘forest’ was something else again. The state park was a relatively easy affair. It’s not too far from our house and they have some nice picnic benches and turnouts along a winding road following a flowing stream. I had taken the top off of the Jeep (Pat was not amused) and we rode in the blowing wind and cheering sounds of the boys in the back. Pat finally was amused by the laughter and pleasure the boys were getting and finally smiled over to me as we rode. I pulled into the park, paid the admittance, and went searching for a nice secluded spot where we could enjoy ourselves without some fool blaring a radio at us. We found a great spot that turned out even better once we started exploring. The picnic tables are usually right by the parking spot but this one had the table moved behind the trees so it was overlooking the stream but still had a stretch of land between the stream and the table. This gave the boys some room to run around without us being afraid they would fall in but also gave us privacy from the road. Pat didn’t care about this but I could delude myself into thinking we were actually in the woods away from civilization. All in all we all agreed that this was the best ‘campsite’ ever (the boys called it a campsite).

Pat and I set up the lunch and drinks and stuff. The boys grabbed snacks in between rock throwing, stick dueling, and the thousands of other things an unfettered mind could come up with while Pat and I enjoyed our lunch in relative peace. I brought a bottle of wine which we were slowly enjoying as well. I saw the boys throwing rocks into the stream and decided to show them how to skip the stones. My oldest boy, John (of course), or Jack as we call him, got it right away and was trying to see how many skips he could get. Billy had problems but declared success when he finally got a stone to skip (sort of). I wasn’t going to comment and left the boys to continue their training and competition. I went back up to be with Pat who was busying herself cleaning up.

“That can wait Pat. Come over here and sit with me. She came over and I patted my lap and we sat together watching the boys play and enjoying the smells and sounds of outdoors. We were enjoying the wine and I was enjoying the feeling of Pat’s ass on my lap. I put my hand around her and squeezed her breasts through her blouse.

“Jack, stop. The boys will see us.” she tried to push my hand away.

“Pat, they can’t see us. We’re behind the bush from where they’re standing. They certainly aren’t interested in what we’re doing.”

“Well, someone from the road will see or come here.” Pat said nervously.

“Pat, it’s fine. We have all the privacy in the world here and for goodness sakes, we are married. We are allowed to do this.”

“Oh I just get nervous when I’m outdoors. I always feel like someone is looking at me.”

“Well you are right Pat.” Pat startled looked around quickly “I’m looking at you and loving what I see.”

I don’t know if it was what I said or the wine or both but Pat stopped fighting me and tentatively leaned back to enjoy my touching her breast. I unbuttoned a couple of buttons and slipped both hands into her blouse and under her bra. It was really difficult to do what I wanted to do with my hands bent the way they were so I pulled her blouse out of her jeans and slid my hand under the back of her blouse to undo the strap.

“Jack! What are you doing?”

“Relax, lean back and enjoy the view.” and I moved my hands under her blouse and gently began massaging her now liberated tits. They felt good and I could sense that Pat thought so too. Her breathing was now more forced and her nipples were fully erect. Gentle moans came from her lips as I gently but firmly massaged her globes to excitement. I slid my right hand down to between her legs and started massging her mound. Pat liked that but I couldn’t feel connected with the thick material of her jeans. I moved my hand to her zipped and started to pull the zipper down.

“JACK!” Pat said as she sat upright and pushed my hand away. “We can’t do that here! It’s illegal or something.”

I forcefully pulled Pat toward me and started nibbling on her neck and ears from behind. If there was one thing that really drove Pat crazy it was this. She knew what I was doing and whimpered “Jack, don’t. We shouldn’t. mmmm.”

On the second “mmmm” I moved my hand back and unsnapped the button to the top of her jeans and began to unzip again. Pat halfheartedly said “No, please.” and moved her hand over mine but didn’t force my hand away. As I got the zipper to the bottom I moved my hand inside her jeans. Pat moved her hand away as I started to massage her panties feeling her hair under the material. I moved my hand lower and Pat sighed. The jeans were in the way again but I was able to force them outward to give my hand easier access. I slid my finger down her crack and touched her clit through the material. Pat was moaning now. I reached lower and felt the wetness of her panties. I raised my hand back up and brushed her clit again and continued until I reached her waist band. As I slid my hand under her waist band Pat instinctively openned her eyes to check where the boys were. They were still by the stream. I moved my hand lower and grabbed her mound in earnest now. Pat was leaning back farther and started to lift her butt so I could get better access. “That’s my girl.” I thought to myself as I could now get a better hold and a better view of this lovely mound I was holding. I slipped my finger into her pussy and she gasped. I could now sense that Pat was on autopilot as she had her hands on the bench lifting herself up to be harder against my finger and was grinding her hips in time with my motion. She was gasping for breath and finally turned, bit my cheek and screamed between her teeth “OH GOD YES. FUCK ME. GOD OH YESSSSSSSSSS!” She collapsed on my chest as I tried to recover from the pain of her bite. I reluctantly pulled my hand from her crotch and reached to see how badly my cheek was damaged. I felt a sting as I touched my cheek. She must have bit through the skin. I’ll have to dress it but despite this I was happy. In all our years of marriage Pat never let me touch her outside let alone let me give her an orgasm. To me it always confounded me and made me sad that someone could go through life and never have an orgasm outside. This was a close to God as you could get to my mind – and you could shout your head off! Speaking of shouting. The other milestone was that Pat had NEVER used that phrase “FUCK ME” while we were making love. She used that phrase once when she was extremely angry at me but never said those words in the heat of passion.

I felt Pat regaining her breath and said “So, umm, I guess that was ok afterall?”

“Oh Man! I don’t know what happened to me. I feel like such a slut. I can’t believe I let you do this to me outside. In front of the boys for God’s sake.”

“I don’t think the boys noticed” Their busy play by the stream confirmed this. “and you did a good job muffling your screams.”

“I did? I thought the whole world heard me.” Pat looked up and said “My God Jack! Did I do that? Lord, let me take care of that for you” and she started to get up.

“Pat, Pat, relax. It’ll be ok. Just stay here for a little bit. I want to hold you.”

“But you’re bleeding. You need a bandaid and it needs to be cleaned before it gets infected. Oh God, I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me.”

“It’s ok. Really! I’m really happy because I really really enjoyed doing that even with the bite and your screaming bad words at me.”

“Bad words. I said bad words?” she hesitated and asked “umm, what did I say. I don’t remember.”

“Well you used the Lord’s name in vain and then ordered me to fuck you.”

“Oh God. I am a slut. I’m sorry. I don’t know what happened. Jack whatever do you think of me?” Pat said ready to cry for her fall into the gutter.

“Pat, are you kidding! I loved it. You were so sexy. You were humping my hand like crazy and just wanting more and more of me. I almost came when you did!”

“Really?” Pat looked totally confused. “You mean you don’t think I’m a tramp after what I did? Uh, did I REALLY ‘hump your hand like crazy’? I can’t imagine me doing that. It must have been someone else.”

“Well, to be honest, until I saw it I wouldn’t have expect YOU to do that either but you did and I LOVED it! God you make me want to drag you onto the top of this table a screw the hell out of you.” I thought maybe I had gone too far but then Pat said “You do? Really? Because I talked dirty and ‘humped your hand like crazy’?”

“Yes, in all the years we’ve been married this is the first time I felt you really open up sexually.”

“God! I’m so embarrassed. I’m flustered too. What you did to me and what you just told me are so surprising. But the weird thing is that it sort of makes me hot!” Pat whispered.

“Really? It makes you hot? So, umm, how about I drag you on to the table and screw the hell out of you?” I asked timidly expecting the worse.

“Jack, I couldn’t. I wouldn’t dare take off my jeans. I couldn’t get them on in time if the boys came this way.”

“You couldn’t do what we did until we did it. Pat I’ve never wanted you so much in my life.” with that I stood up still holding her in front of me. I turned her around so she faced the table and pulled her jeans and panties down to her calves. Pat started to protest but I gently pushed her forward and she began to realize what I had in mind. “Jack, no, I can’t do this.”

“Shhhh, you are my sexy woman. I want to screw the hell out of you.” I unzipped my pants and, pushing them down, released my cock which was now fully engorged. I looked at Pat’s lovely ass and reached around her to touch her clit again. Pat was whimpering into the table. I slid my cock between her legs and heard Pat gasp as my cock found its home. I slid into Pat’s cunt easily but she felt surprisingly tight. I couldn’t believe how wonderful this felt. It seemed that all these factors came crashing together to make this moment all the more powerful. Each factor compounding the rest. Our first encounter outdoors. This obviously submissive position where I could stand and powerfully drive into her. The sensation of openness as I could look around me and hear the stream and feel the air. The tightness of Pat’s cunt. The animalistic response of Pat when she came so wildly and bit my cheek which I could still feel. Even yesterday’s encounter only served to enhance this feeling. I felt so dominant that I felt like I could fuck forever. I heard Pat’s whimpering change to grunts as I drove harder and harder into her. I leaned over and touched her clit and she sucked in air gasping for breath. She was panting now as I continued to pump. I was someone else. This was so totally new that I was super stud and I was having my woman! I changed the pace and pulled out slowly and almost completely and I saw and heard Pat gasp as if she didn’t want me to leave. I almost thought I heard her say “No!” but it didn’t make any difference. This was for all the times I wanted to do this – thought about doing this – craved doing this – knowing that Pat would never allow it. Now I had her! Now she was mine. REALLY mine! Not just some lady I shared the house with but the woman I was driving my huge engorged cock into her hungry cunt! I drove forward and as deeply as I could. Pat grunted again saying “Yes, oh Yes. Fuck me. Fuck me good!” I slowly pulled back and I heard Pat whimper. I drove deeply again and Pat was now too breathless to speak. I waited, I twitched my cock, I could sense Pat waiting for me to repeat the slow withdraw and then the mighty thrust again. The changeup was upsetting her. She started to plead. “Please. Please pull back. Please fuck me deep again.” I started back slowly and Pat caught her breath. I stopped.

“NO! Pull back. PLEASE.” She tried to move forward away from me but was already jammed against the table.

“Squeeze my cock Pat. Milk me with your cunt! If you’re good I’ll continue.” I ordered. I don’t know what had come over me or both of us but we were not the same as last night. Last night was passive agreement. This was pure lust.

I felt Pat’s contractions. Random at first as she tried to learn her muscles again but then more coordinated as she became more proficient. “Yes, that’s right Pat. Milk my hard cock. Beg me to fuck you.”

“Please, don’t torture me like this. Please FUCK ME and FUCK ME HARD!” she was now screaming. She was ready. She held her breath as I moved slowly back further and further. I heard her suck in her last breath as I kept pulling back. I felt the head of my cock reach the entrance of her cunt. Pat screamed “NO! FUCK ME!”

I pulled back slightly more and I felt her lips slide over the tip of my cockhead. Pat was crying now. “No. I want your cock inside me. Please give it back to me. I’ll always want it – anyway you want to give it to me. Just give it to me now!” she sounded desparate. I looked down and saw my rigid cock threathening Pat’s cunt which was now more swollen than I have ever known it before. I took a deep breath, gathered all my strength and drove my cock home. “AHGGGH! YES! FUCK ME!” Pat shouted and I obliged. I no longer was concerned with finesse. I just wanted pure animal fucking and drove my cock harder and harder in and out of her. Pat’s cunk tried to clamp down on me but I had too much leverage and just continued to drive into her. How we felt afterward wasn’t important. I was no longer human – or maybe I was finally human. Thoughts like this moved in and out of my brain but they didn’t matter. I just wanted to feel this and do this. Nothing else mattered. I saw Pat moving wildly and realized she was screaming. It didn’t matter. I just wanted to feel this and do this. Pat was flopping up and down now like a fish out of water. Strange sounds coming from her. It didn’t matter. I just wanted to feel this and do this. I felt Pat drive back against me with a force that surprised me but I had the leverage. It didn’t matter. I DID FEEL THIS! I WAS DOING THIS! I felt my balls grow to the size of basketballs and then I exploded! The force I felt I actually expected Pat’s head to fly off from it. I drove so deep I expected my cock to come out of her mouth. I’ve never been so… Every cell felt everything and nothing! I was one and my cock was the focus as it filled Pat’s pulsating cunt with gallon after gallon of spew. I was MAN!

I collapsed on to Pat’s back. I had no more energy to stand. If the table hadn’t been there I would have collapsed on to the ground. It didn’t matter. I just felt and had done. I was done. I don’t know if I screamed or breathed or anything. I was done.

Sometime later I woke to a stirring. Pat was pushing on me trying to get out from under me. I heard in the distance “Jack, Jack, wake up. I can’t breathe. Let me up Jack.”

I groaned and lifted up a bit. This was probably enough for Pat to get some leverage to roll me off of her. She shifted sideways and gently let me back down, face down on the table. I don’t know how long I lay there but after a while I felt a jiggling of my arm and Pat calling “Jack, Jack honey. I think we need to start packing up. Please wake up now.”

I stirred and then remembered where I was and why. I groaned as I tried to move but every muscle in my body felt like it had been strained to its limit and was achy. I rolled over and sat up to pull up my pants but realized they were pulled up. Had I dreamt this? A great dream but I thought it was real.

Pat saw my confusion and leaned over and whispered “I pulled up your pants earlier before the boys came up.”

So it was real! Wow! I probably should expect some recriminations from Pat for what I did to her but it didn’t matter. I was in heaven.

Pat leaned over again and said “There’s still some wine if you’d like some dear. I’ll pour it for you. Would you like some fruit or anything. You probably need to rebuild your strength before we hit the road.” she blushed as she said this but the thing I found most remarkable was the tone of her voice. I swear it was a purr! I looked at Pat and she looked at me with a look that melted my heart! She had the sweetest smile – the smile I remember from a long time ago. The smile that made me fall in love with her. The smile that told me that she loved me. God! I just violated this woman in a way I never thought possible for me and she’s rewarding me with this smile. I had to know if I’m dreaming.

“Pat? Um, did I hurt you?”

Pat blushed again and purred “Well, I AM sore but, believe me, it wasn’t ‘hurt’ that I was feeling at the time! Geez, Jack. Is this really the effect fresh air has on you? If it is I am really kicking myself for only learning this now! All the times you wanted me to go ‘out’ with you and all the times you tried to seduce me when we were out. I always resisted. I always felt it was wrong. Christ, what a fool I’ve been. Can you ever forgive me for all the lost opportunities. How could you stay married to me? I’ve been such a bitch.” and she started to cry and then began sobbing heavily.

I pulled her to me and hugged her. “Pat, it’s ok. I love you now more than ever. I knew I wanted something but I never knew it was, um, this that I wanted. In fact, I still don’t ‘know’ it. What we did today was incredibly awesome but all I’ve ever wanted was to have you want to be free with me. To me that included running around naked and making love under the sun. I don’t know why – it’s the way I am. I don’t think I ever dreamed of doing what we did today. It just happened. It was an instinctive animal desire more basic than knowledge. I don’t think you can know you want something like that until you experience it for the first time. You just know you want something. We let it happen today and I, for one, sure as hell enjoyed it! And I love you for giving me this experience. I’m sorry I hurt you. Is there anything I can do?”

Pat looked up from her tears and said “I love you Jack. You’re so good to me.” she kissed me and then said “Yes, there is something you can do for me.”

“What? Should I get my medical kit?”

“No, Jack. I want you to promise that you’ll bring me back to this spot. The only thing I might change is ask that we come alone next time.” she said with a twinkle as we heard the kids running up to us.

“It’s a deal!” we hugged for a long time while the two boys pulled on either side of us trying to get our attention.

We picked up the boys, we all hugged, and then we packed up and went home.