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A Good Husband 2,



Seeing Roger lying nude on his recliner, hands bound securely behind his back, watching his wife getting it on with a woman, a woman for whom he had been lusting after for several days, but as of yet had not even kissed, one might assume that he is more than a bit frustrated. Roger is, however, a patient man, a man with a somewhat different view of the world than other men. His view of the world at this moment is, in fact, quite compelling.

His gaze is focused just beyond his highly erect, though as yet untended cock, and he is watching with rapt interest as his wife’s glistening and sticky nose probes the warm, wet opening of her new lover’s cunt. His wife, Janine, is kneeling on the floor, at the near edge of their couch, her arms extended forward as though reaching ahead to find her way in the dark, her head lowered into the warm, moist, aromatic shelter of this woman’s crotch. Her hands and fingers are actively and animatedly groping the soft landscape before her as though she were blind, absorbing each sumptuous detail of the nubile woman’s well-defined tummy through her sense of touch. Her hands continue their pleasant journey across the terrain of the woman’s petite, silky, and firm breasts, and then triumphantly to a set of small, erect nipples. Exhilarating moans of pleasure escape from the mouth of her lover as if to herald the arrival of her fingers at this sensuous zone. Tina’s abdominal muscles continually tense and play under a thin, soft layer of perfect, light, almost pale skin, as she writhes from the pleasures being administered to her clit by Janine’s nose, lips and tongue.

Janine has never before experienced the taste, aroma, and tactile sensation of another woman’s vulva, and yet she has an instinctive, intuitive understanding of how Tina’s body is responding to her sensuous ministrations. She feels almost as though she is switching places with Roger, taking on his role, his repertoire of maneuvers that he so lovingly and effectively plays upon her when he is tending to her pussy. In fact, due to her gentle, natural, feminine touch and sensitivities, she is perhaps more adept at providing oral pleasure to her lover’s clit than most men, her previous experience notwithstanding.

For Janine, who has only occasionally imagined what it would be like to make love to another woman, there can be no doubt in her mind that she has been helplessly swept away by this Sapphic seductress, who has seemingly placed a powerful spell on both her and her husband. At the outset of the evening, this entire scenario would have been entirely unimaginable. And yet, just a couple of short hours after Tina, a perfect stranger, had entered their home for the first time, Janine’s heretofore untested heterosexual virginity has not withstood Tina’s seductive advances.

From Roger’s vantage point it is easy to see why his wife was unable to successfully resist her. Seeing Tina splayed on their couch, her unbuttoned silk blouse billowing at her sides, her long, beautiful, reddish-blond hair cascading over her shoulders in sumptuous curls, her captivating eyelashes flickering, her breasts rising and falling rapidly in pre-orgasmic breaths, her stomach muscles dancing provocatively, while her perfect thighs, buttocks and shapely legs buck and encourage towards yet higher ecstasy, it is clear that this exquisite creature has the power to conquer anyone she holds in her gaze. Tina kneads at the delicate hairs on the back of Janine’ s neck with the middle fingers of each of her hands, and curls her fingernails gently into the lower part of her lover’s scalp to let her know the precise intensity at which to stimulate her clit with her tongue. At the moment that Tina is about to orgasm, she looks lovingly, piercingly into Roger’s eyes to share her powerful, wrenching orgasm with him on what feels like a spiritual level, locking him onto the same frequency of her rarified sexual domain. He is now totally, unquestionable hers: he needs more than anything to feel himself deep inside her…


That moment, when Roger had first locked eyes with Tina at the health club, he had come under her spell. Complete strangers, they had wasted no time planning Tina’s visit to the couple’s home. Approaching her later that same morning in the club parking lot, Roger extended his hand and quietly held out a photo. As Tina held the previously secret, private picture of Janine in her hand, caressing with her thumb the risqu snapshot and allowing the sexual energy of the image to reconstitute itself in her inspired imagination, a private, satisfied smile crossed her face. Rousing herself from her brief erotic reverie, Tina gave Roger a knowing and almost wicked nod signaling a clear understanding between them that Janine would be an equal partner in their inevitable tryst.

A few days later, the couple had arranged for their daughter to stay overnight with her grandparents while they entertained company. Roger told his wife that he would like to have one of his single associates, Tony, over in order to fix him up with a woman he had recently met at his club. After Roger and Janine had finished their dinner and were preparing for dessert and cocktails for their guests, the doorbell rang. Janine left Roger in the kitchen as she hurried to greet their visitors.

Janine stood frozen in her own doorway as she stared, trancelike, into the stranger’s dark eyes. The stranger held the surprised woman with her powerful, seductive gaze and aristocratically extended her soft hand out to Janine as she spoke slowly. “I’m afraid Tony called to say that he will not make it with us this evening, but I thought I should come anyway. From what I’ve seen at the club so far, I gather that Roger is quite something. My name is Tina.” Janine accepted her hand and, as was her custom as a proper hostess, gave her guest a soft kiss on the cheek as the stranger’s sultry voice still played in her mind.

“My name is Janine.” She almost stuttered, as blood suddenly rushed to her loins. “Please come in and make yourself comfortable.” The sudden thrill of having such a disarming and gorgeous creature arrive, unaccompanied, had undeniably caught her off-guard. The alluring stranger seemed quite self-assured, very well put together. Every aspect of her appearance and demeanor emitted a sexual energy, which pulled magnetically at the married woman despite herself. As the sudden, involuntary, warmth continued to rise within Janine, her husband suddenly appeared beside her. Roger put his left hand around Janine’s slender waist while he reached out with his right hand to surround Tina’s waist as well, in a sort of casual group hug.

“Tina. What a pleasure!” Roger glanced slyly at his wife, still clinging to them both. “Janine darling, I saw Tina for the first time just the other morning at the club. I was just sure you would want to have her. What a shame Tony cannot come.”

Roger stepped behind their guest and effortlessly helped Tina remove her coat. Janine sensed a peculiar ease and familiarity in the way her husband and this woman related to one another. A pang of jealousy surfaced momentarily in her mind causing an adrenal rush and a sudden sense of shakiness. As she watched Roger suavely guiding Tina further into their living area, she was struck by the utter perfection of this female. Tina’s outfit consisted of an elegant silk blouse, a rather short and tight leather skirt, a long, graceful decorative silk belt and white panty hose which accentuated what could pass for a model’s legs. The woman’s clothes were only remarkable in that they fit her as comfortably and as provocatively as if she were wearing expensive and tasteful lingerie. Her gait was hypnotic, as if each of her steps was part of a dance with some unseen romantic partner. She wore her hair up, casually and artistically gathered, held by what appeared to be an ornate, hand-carved wooden clip. As she observed her husband and Tina sit down together on the couch, Janine sensed that they occupied a dimension that she was not part of.

Despite their many years of constancy to one another, there was little doubt in Janine’s mind that Roger desired to possess this woman, to fuck her in their home this very evening, as payment in full for her night of pleasure with Daryll. What Janine didn’t realize was that Roger was first and foremost, a good husband, and as such was going to see to it that Janine have her pleasure first…


Roger and Tina flirted relentlessly all evening, between themselves, but particularly with Janine, drawing her in to their reality. Tina would shamelessly come-on to Roger while Janine watched, causing her to think that Roger was the object of her desire. But each time that Roger would leave the room Tina would shamelessly tempt Janine with progressively more exciting and provocative sexual stimuli. The first time Roger left to bring them some white wine, Tina commented to her that Roger seemed so “eager to please” and that she was a “very lucky woman.” The next time that Roger left to bring then goodies, she stared playfully into Janine’s eyes as she spoke and fumbled with her hair clip, suddenly allowing her long, luxurious hair to cascade over her shoulder and chest. She shook out her hair and unbuttoned her blouse a bit. Some minutes later, Tina excused herself and then returned from the bathroom looking somehow even sexier than before, her small leather purse dancing by her side. The nipples of her small breasts were now poking prominently through her silk blouse where her bra had recently been. At one point, while Tina’s shoeless feet played footsies covertly with Janine, the married woman was certain that she could see up the younger woman’s short skirt and that she was not wearing panties. The objective of the flirting gradually shifted so that Janine became, clearly, the sole object of Tina’s attention. Roger reinforced Tina’s efforts as well with suggestive innuendo until the two conspirators had Janine very hot, very willing and quite ready for just about anything that Tina might suggest. Their verbal banter was getting very loose.

Roger playfully hinted that he wasn’t sure which of the two women he wanted to take on first. At this, Tina responded by suggesting to Janine that such comments were punishable and that perhaps they should tie Roger up so that he couldn’t bother them while THEY made love. Roger jumped in quickly with, “I’m game!” and the two women moved close to surround him. He thought himself quite clever for the comment, as Tina offered her silk belt for the purposes of binding Roger’s hands. Then before they could tie him up, Roger said, “Hey, I’m going to boil in these clothes, help me get them off before you take me out of the running.”

“Janine, my ravishing little doll, I have been wanting to devour you all evening, ever since I first laid eyes upon you. Now that we have poor Roger safely out of the way, I must have you for my own. Kiss me!” That was the cue that Janine had apparently been waiting for, for she began to passionately make-out with Tina right before Roger’s eyes. Tina wasted no time, expertly undressing and simultaneously igniting her conquest’s passion as she successively removed each garment from Janine’s now electric body. Each woman played her lover’s body provocatively and dramatically, almost as if to provide Roger the pleasure and torment of watching Janine abandon him for the passions of a more skilled lover than himself. Roger, for his part, could only watch, feeling his libido rising, unable to touch his penis to offer himself some consolation.

Tina went down on Roger’s wife not more than a few feet in front of him. The married woman cried out passionately as her clit swelled and her vagina became wet and creamy in response to Tina’s experienced tongue. The two women stared passionately into other’s eyes as Janine came hard, her first orgasm at the touch of a woman.

Janine had melted almost too quickly as Tina lavished her feminine attentions upon her. The seductress felt intuitively that Roger’s hetero wife might bolt if anything too bold or naughty were to be tried too soon. Tina possessed a brilliant, erotic imagination, which, when actualized by her physical charms, transformed her svelte body into an instrument capable of tantalizing and pleasing her sexual partners well beyond their previous limits. Tina’s ferocious sexuality invariably smashed the boundaries of her lovers, both male and female, enticing them to follow her, almost naively, to her mysterious, high-altitude realm of sexual ecstasy: a place where everything is possible and she is their sovereign. Tina’s exquisitely tuned antennae told her that Janine would soon be ready for more daring lovemaking.

“Jeanine, sweetheart, you have made me very wet dear. Would you take me over the edge, or shall we let Roger loose and have him do me?” A loaded question if ever there was one. Roger had the good sense to keep silent.

“Tina, dear,” Janine retorted, “Roger is being punished for his rude comments. Have you forgotten so soon. I’m quite surprised at you!”

Tina gave her an almost evil smile as a reply. She was startled and overjoyed that Janine had so quickly seized the opportunity to exploit their advantage over her captive husband.

“Of course, you are right my love. Now help me out of my outfit and show me what you can do! I’m sure you’ll be much better that dear, sweet Roger.”

Again the two women kissed passionately. As Janine theatrically undressed their guest, almost as if for Roger’s benefit, he couldn’t help but notice how beautifully matched the two women were. His petite wife was not more than an inch shorter than her fiery companion and they had similar petite, well-kept figures. The differences between the women served to intensify their respective charms in a way that flattered them both. And while it may have been just Roger’s imagination, it seemed that Tina’s pervasive aura of sexual energy was rubbing off on his wife, who was becoming more flirtatious, uninhibited and naughty by the minute.


Roger held to the possibly misguided notion that by putting his wife’s pleasure before his own, he would be richly rewarded for his efforts. Looking back to that night when he arranged for Janine to be fucked into “never-never land” by Darryl, the point could certainly be argued either way. Tonight though, he felt quite sure that once his wife had her fun, it would soon be his turn to fuck Tina. Reviewing his success in orchestrating the erotic encounter with Daryll, and the finesse with which he had been able to bring Tina here tonight, Roger felt confident that everything was going his way.

Roger, however, failed to take two important factors into account. His wife, although grateful for the stimulation and pleasure provided by the two strangers whom Roger had brought to her, was reveling in the possibilities for revenge that were presented so clearly before her as Roger lay helpless before her and her beautiful “femme fatale” lover. She had been, after all, at Roger’s mercy, bound and gagged, in that hotel room. Now she felt that there might be some way to even the score a bit. Roger, in his comfortable recliner, was a “sitting duck,” or something close to that.

The second factor, of which Roger had no inkling, was equally relevant to his situation. Strangely, what had always delighted Tina beyond mere mundane sexual gratification, was the torment and pleasure of her sexual partners through flirtation, seduction, and the withholding of fulfillment: a playful torment that she often inflicted beyond the boundaries of fairness. Janine was about to share in a lesson from a consummate mistress, in the delicate art of “Prick Teasing.” Tonight Tina would have the good fortune of having an eager accomplice, in the person of her new female lover, to assist her in her true calling. This was going to be good…