The Turnaround – Office Erotica
Louise was bold. Perhaps a little too bold for her own good, Joe thought.
Twice now clients had come on to the floor and mistaken her for the department head. That’s the kind of manner she had. Clacking around in her patent leather stilettos like a high and mighty Diva.
Fine. She can’t help it if people think she’s something she’s not. But when she didn’t correct their impression and took a meeting— that was going too far.
Joe meant to take her down a peg or two. And when she showed up to work dressed a little saucy Joe saw his chance.
“Louise,” Joe started, calling her out on the floor in front of everybody. “We have a dress code, you know. Couldn’t you have worn something a little more appropriate?”
“What?” Louise snarled. “You got a problem with the way I dress?”
“Yes. Leave your sexy stuff at home. This is an office.”
Louise dropped her arms to her sides, furrowed her brow, and looked over at a coworker in a perfect pantomime of confused disbelief.
“Cassie, get over here a second would you please.” Louise said, and when Cassie stepped up to her she turned her toward Joe. Standing there, side by side, everyone could see Cassie’s outfit was shorter at the hem, showed more cleavage and was tighter all around than Louise’s skirt and blouse. Yet Cassie seemed downright frumpy next to Louise. Louise had oomph that went way beyond her wardrobe.
Joe was red faced.
“It’s nice to know I turn you on Boss but please, not in front of the help.” Louise stuck it to him. Then dismissed her coworker with an air of tacit authority, “Thanks, Cassie, you can go back to what you were doing now.”
Joe heard muffled laughter as he turned to go back to his office. It was much louder by the time he reached his door. He’d fucked up.
“The Help” as Louise called her coworkers were fed up with her. They were waiting for Joe to lower the boom but now that he fucked that up they just naturally swung to Louise.
Joe left them no choice. If he couldn’t control Louise there was nothing left to do but wait for the inevitable mutiny. They cast their lot with her and had a good laugh on Joe.
Minutes later Louise entered Joe’s office.
Joe got up to apologize but Louise ‘Shushed’ him. She walked up and began loosening his tie, “I’ve got a better way for you to make it up to me.”
“Just because I’m taking over your turf doesn’t mean we can’t get along,” she said as she unbuttoned Joe’s shirt. “I’ll show you how we can play nice together.”
Louise pulled Joe’s shirt open and put her warm palm against the skin of his chest framing Joe’s nipple in the crook of her thumb and forefinger.
“When I tell you to lick, lick like this.” Louise lapped at his nipple in an up and down motion. Her soft hair grazing his face. Her perfume filling his senses. Her wet tongue warming his soul.
“When I say Twirl…” her tongue described a circle on his aureole as Joe writhed in sympathetic movement. The slow synchronized rotation launched expanding ripples of bliss. Joe gave witness with a low moan as the smooth waves of concentric warmth melted inside him.
“Probe…” she put her lips around his nipple and pushed the tip of her tongue against it, transferring the moist heat of her own body into his with radiant effect. Joe felt himself slipping away. Falling under her spell. “Got it?” she asked.
“Sure.” Joe nearly gasped. The thought of licking her great rack excited him. She was obviously softening him up for her ultimate agenda. But what could he do? Throw her out? Not bloody likely.
Louise bent over the desk and flipped her skirt up revealing her bare ass. And a beautiful bare ass it was. Her pussy dripped with anticipation.
“Start licking.” She commanded.
Joe gawked in disbelief; “You have GOT to be kidding me. You must be out of your friggin mind, you ignorant slut.” Her insolence first sobered then angered Joe. He was almost as angry with himself as he was with her. If she’d have played her cards right she would have had him. What a dope he was! He was ready to lick her tits but no way would he ever be her ass-eating bitch. Fuck that noise.
“Lick my ass or else.” Louise said in a calm voice. She had no idea how angry Joe was.
“Let’s try ‘Else’.” Joe dropped his drawers and crammed his erect pecker into her dripping sex.
Louise clenched a shocked moan in her throat and grabbed the sides of the desk and held on for dear life as the violence of Joe’s thrusts ripped through her.
Joe rutted on her like a mad buck. Dominating her body the way she tried to dominate the workplace. His workplace. Boldly imposing his will on her. Planting his will IN her. Having his way indiscriminate of how she might feel about it. Letting her know what it feels like to be well and truly fucked.
As his cock throbbed, spewing his seed in her, he abruptly turned. The pole deep inside Louise flung her off balance as centrifugal force threw her off. She looked like a drunken sailor as she tried to maintain her balance as she bounced off the wall and fell into a sitting position on the floor, her face contorted in unrequited arousal.
One last shot of cum flew at Louise in a milky white thread. She was on it like a mongoose. Catching all but a small amount in her yawning maw, tongue flapping at the stringy treat, a trace of gleaming spunk hung dribbling down her chin as she frantically swiped at it with her tongue.
She scurried across the carpet on her knees, shredding her stockings in the process, eagerly lunging at Joe’s big meat.
She slurped at the tasty mix of Joe’s cum and her own juices. She licked the surface of Joe’s cock clean then ran her thumb up the underside of Joe’s pecker to strip whatever residue that might be hiding in the fleshy rod.
She sucked at the end of it as though it were a drinking straw and furiously worked at her clit with her free hand hoping to get herself off before Joe put an end to it.
“Easy, bitch!” Joe cuffed her upside the head as she drew too vigorously on his member.
Just as Louise hit her climax Joe grabbed a hunk of her hair and dragged her to the door and threw her out in the hall.
She landed in a heap, twitching with satisfaction.
An assembled mass of coworkers witnessed her collecting herself and hobbling, disheveled, into the ladies room. She could hear the howls of mirth. Like a pack of jackals, she thought as she got herself together.
Joe was standing in his doorway when Louise emerged from the lavatory moments later.
He smiled appreciatively. Authentically.
Louise was like one of those futuristic androids that are programmed to reconstitute themselves after sustaining injury. They adapt and become even stronger than before. Joe could see she’d already shrugged off their encounter and chalked it up to a learning experience. She was unfazed except for the newfound respect she had for Joe.
She knew she’d have to play ball. She could handle that. She could adapt.
“How’s the tube steak today, Slut?” asked a dense coworker. He didn’t see that nothing had changed. Not out on the floor anyway.
“Rare. But tough. Hard, you know, just the way you like it.” She answered, looking directly at the moron.
Joe saw the man’s face go from triumph to shock to terror all in one frame.
Louise looked back at Joe and shrugged, “You know what they say.”
“Sticks and stones…?” Joe offered.
“May break my bones…” Louise went on, “But whips and chains excite me.”
Joe chuckled.
Louise turned to her coworker and barked,”Get back to work, dipshit. NOW.”
The man looked at Joe.
“You heard the lady, chop-chop.” Joe thumped his fists together, one on top of the other.
“It’s so hard to find good help these days, eh Joe?” Louise smiled.
“It’s all in the training,” Joe told her, “sometimes a little extra goes a long way.”
“Ain’t that the truth.” She smiled.
Joe stepped back into his office, feeling good, thinking, this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.