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Female masturbation poem



The week had gone very poorly, my self-esteem was at a new all-time low, my tensed-up body needed a hard but caring man, and it badly needed him so.

I decided to dress up real sexy, no lined lacy bra for covering would I wear, so full breasts and large nipples to anyone looking would almost appear real bare.

Rolling up my sheer black stockings, covering creamy heated flesh ‘long the way, snapping them on my black lace garter belt, just to seduce “the” man to play.

Lacy black panty slipped on last, so “the” man could quickly slide it right down, allowing easy entry to my super-hot furnace, for his scepter with its dark purple crown.

A slinky tight black mini-dress, I slithered in to catch their ogling eyes, but my brain hollered “Be choosy,” don’t just pick from the first few guys.

I quickly drove to “The Meeting Spot,” hoping tonight it would be busy as hell, entering, I ambled lingeringly ‘cross that floor, wishing to weave my magical spell.

Unfortunately, from my dark dimly-lit table, in the corner nearby the bar, not even ONE remote possibility could I see anywhere, at least, not so far.

My throbbing body twitched, “Just pick one,” my brain added, “The ‘right’ guy,” my fired-up puss sputtered, “Please hurry,” cause it had waited too long to deny.

I slowly looked ‘round once, then quickly scanned again, at every guy that was in there, Tall and short, fat and skinny, NONE turned my wanting body on ANYWHERE.

My long red nipples still poked straight out, like vibrating great twin stars, as all those guys intently watched, two large bosomed gals with pink guitars.

Nobody was gazing my way, so I could give my ample panting breasts a quick rub, then gently caress their fullness, finally roughly tugging on each long red nub.

But all that wasn’t good enough, my knotted-up body needed much, much more, so again I slowly checked ‘round that room, from the bar right up to the door.

My right hand automatically scratched my thigh, thru my sheer black hose and dress, making stocking covered legs part just a little, cause they so loved this rough caress.

Because of the darkness in my little corner, nobody I thought could see, so that hand pulled my hem up much higher, exposing my puffy black panty.

It teased my now-trembling thighs, lightly rubbing, then it would stop, careful, never to venture higher up, than my silky-smooth stocking top.

Creamy-white flesh above craved rough touches, so it let a few tingles fly, forcing my now-cloudy brain to entice that naughty hand, to slither up real high.

That puss also began twitching, to send even more thrills to my brain, finally my body, it just gave in, before those sexy feelings drove it insane.

Slowly, it slouched down in that chair, to give that red-hot slit a few strokes, knowing fully well that if I were caught, I’d be the subject of men’s lewd jokes.

My black silky dress bunched up further, the lower down that I sank, black panties now sported such a huge bulge, you’d think I was called “Frank.”

Black lacy fabric looked so wet, shimmering beads of dew could be seen, seeping through that sheer black veil, like drops of water through a screen.

That naughty hand slowly slipped up and down, those covered puffy pink lips, causing my breathing to so quicken, and a few short wiggles from my full hips.

Intense passion made me feel braver, so I pulled that gooey sopping lace aside, feeling my big ol’ clitty just spring out, no longer forced in that black prison to reside.

Now, those proud puffy lips became distended, like the petals on a wilting tulip, allowing my long middle finger, to sneak in that moist heated tunnel just to dip.

Moving it ‘round and ‘round that slick hot void, my body began to shutter, some warm gooey ooze hung from its wet tip, that resembled melted apple-butter.

I raised it slowly to my pursed glossy red lips, slipping in the side so none could see, that warm sweet taste overpowered all my senses, making me even more fancy-free.

>From the corner of one wandering eye, I saw that cute bartender smile and stare, directly at my pink wet pussy, as if he could see that plump panting mound was all bare.

By now my yearning body, was way too hot and excited to stop, so I just smiled back rather sweetly, feeling like a “caught teenybop.”

That ooze tasted so mmnn mmnn good, I quickly dropped my hand back down, now slipping two veeerrry deeeeeply inside, then firmly wiggling them aroun’.

Suction from that now-gushing hot spring, gobbled those poor fingers right up, rippling muscles just held them so tight, like hands massaging a warm coffee cup.

Its thumb now strummed that huge red clit, as those fingers pumped in and out, one time my “g-spot” was poked so hard, I had to muffle a very loud shout.

That marvelous hand, it got all soaked, while it twisted and it turned, it brought me ever closer to the “cum,” my body had so badly yearned.

My eyes, they got glazed all over, my breathing, it really slowed, as I quickly approached that damn high crest, my hot juices overflowed.

Suddenly, it overcame me, making me twist and jerk in my seat, now, my breathing got so raggered, my poor heart, it skipped a beat.

Those fireworks hit me, oh so hard, I almost slid right off my chair, there is absolutely NOTHING in this physical world to which it can compare.

My fat bloated clitty, lunged and jumped, to such a wild primeval beat, as all my muscles so tightly tensed, my buns raised high off the seat.

Ever so quickly, it was all over, allowing my exhausted body to just sag, while I cleaned up with four small tissues, borrowed from my tiny handbag.

Back on earth, I looked ‘round real quickly, checking if anyone had seen, but most guys still looked at their beer glasses or nursed their strong Jim Beam.

I noticed the bartender looking my way, with a such broad grin on his face, he smiled, curled a finger, then mouthed, “Wanna come back to my place ?”

My face immediately flushed, maybe even turned a bright shade of red, even though he looked ok, I really wasn’t ready to join him in his bed.

Yanking my dress hem down sooo quickly, I jumped up so really fast, then shot out the door of that dark dingy place, like a rocket on full blast.

Straightened those sopping black lace panties, when safely back in my car, my whole body, it still felt so great, still higher than the highest star.

I thought of that very next person, if he/she felt that now-glossy table seat, and tasted that warm wet puddle, they’d find it soooo sweet a treat.

This absolutely proved in my book, that when the “right” guy can’t be found, “just satisfy yourself” than accepting, a guy from the nearest dog pound.