Door to door wife
I was hunched over the toilet letting the sperm dribble from my just-fucked cunt when I first saw the ad in the newspaper. Somebody’d been reading it while having a b.m., I guess, and had just left it there.
Considering my circumstances the letters S-E-X understandably caught my attention. It was only natural I would go on reading.
“Wanted,” it said, “volunteers with a normal interest and curiosity in the act of love. If you believe, as we do, that sex is more than a mere biological function solely for the purpose of procreation, but still have many questions about its true purpose in life, then you may be interested in working with us. Our non-profit organization desperately needs volunteers to complete a study that will get to the bottom of the human sexual experience for once and for all. The ultimate results of our research will benefit millions of people. Won’t you consider helping? You could wind up helping yourself as well as science.”
At the bottom there was a phone number to call. Immediately I began to wonder what would happen if I gave into my impulse and just went ahead and did it. After all, the last line in the ad was a reassuring, “No obligation for calling,” so what did I have to lose?
“Debbie,” Fred’s voice from the bedroom abruptly averted my attention from the newspaper, “what are you doing in there?”
“Just practicing a little feminine hygiene,” I called back. “You know how I smell like rotten fish if I don’t drain out all your juice after we have sex.”
“You can do that later,” he replied, the irritation in his voice transcending the two rooms and hallway that were separating us. “I’m ready for more action.”
“I was afraid of this,” I groaned wearily to myself.
“What’d you say?”
“N… nothing,” I unconvincingly lied.
“Well, stop playing with yourself and get back in here,” he called impatiently. “My dick is hard as a rock and ready to see the inside of your asshole.”
I closed my eyes and winced. Fred had a ten-incher when aroused, and it would hurt like hell when he crammed it to the hilt up my tight anus. Several times recently he had actually drawn blood with his brutal thrusts up my rectum.
It had been like this for several weeks. Ever since Fred had celebrated his fortieth birthday, in fact.
With the onset of middle-age, Fred seemed determined to prove that he had as much power in his loins as he’d had when he was eighteen. When it came to sex, he had abruptly became insatiable after five or six years of relative dormancy.
Of course, I hadn’t known Fred when he was eighteen, being only seven at the time. Fred was eleven years older than myself, and was a successful attorney when we met after I was hired through an employment agency to be his secretary. However, when he got a couple of martinis in him, he loved to brag about his days as a teenage stud.
When we’d met, he’d been married. However, our mutual attraction for one another had eventually ripped that union apart. Considering the strength of our pre-marital passion, I’d expected that nothing bad could ever happen to us once his divorce was final and we tied the knot.
That shows how naive I was at twenty-two. Once we were legally man and wife, just about everything we had shared as clandestine lovers faded. Soon our sex life faded into one as barren as the one he had originally shared with his first wife.
The thing was, though, I eventually became used to it. After the twins were born, it was relatively easy to swallow my initial disappointment because they were a handful. I convinced myself that a home, security, and children should be enough to make any normal woman happy, and thoroughly compensate over a period of time for any disillusionment I might have had about the romantic side of life.
Then, to my utter surprise, Fred went haywire. It literally started on the day he was forty. After years of disinterest, he suddenly couldn’t get enough of sex. He started insisting on all kinds of things we hadn’t done since we were lovers — and even some new ones. Blow-jobs, cunt-eating, ass-fucking — even bondage and weird things involving shit and dressing up in each others’ clothing. There was nothing he didn’t want to try.
I didn’t know how to handle it. Over the years I’d been forced to train myself into a passionless state, and now I just wanted to be left alone.
However, I had also conditioned myself to believe that the marriage vows were not to be taken lightly. I really had convinced myself that a wife’s duty was to love, honor, and obey. I guess it was the hidden guilt over having stolen Fred from his first wife that made me so straight. Compensating, the experts call it.
As much as I had come to be unmoved by physical intimacy, I felt it my duty to give in to whatever my husband desired. At best, I felt nothing, and at worst it was agony, but I hadn’t the will to resist. I could just see myself winding up on the outside, totally rejected, as his first wife had.
So when Fred kept impatiently calling from the bedroom for me to literally get my ass back in there so he could prong it with his huge dick, I saw no alternative but to do so. Getting up off the toilet, I grabbed a jar of Vaseline so at least I’d have some much-needed lubrication, and started back toward the bedroom.
However, before I reached the door, I remembered something.
“Hurry up, Debbie,” he snapped. “I’m hot to trot.”
“Just a second,” I answered, and returned to the vicinity of the toilet. Bending down, I picked up the newspaper, crudely ripped out the ad I’d been reading, and hurriedly slipped it under a stack of towels.
Then, before I had a chance to reflect on why I’d saved the ad, Fred’s demands became even more severe, and I was compelled to scurry toward the bedroom. Clutching the Vaseline jar, I came upon him lying on the bed stroking an angrily red hard-on that more resembled a torture device in my eyes than a bodily organ.
“How do you like it?” he asked with a leer, as proud of his stiff dick as a Little Leaguer of a new baseball bat.
“Huh, fine, dear… fine,” I said in a monotone, my concentration focused on how to get my anus sufficiently lubricated before he started cornholing me.
“What’s the jar in your hand?” he snapped accusingly.
“Just some… some Vaseline,” I stammered self-consciously.
“Forget it,” he barked. “You know I like your natural juices.”
“But… but I don’t have any,” I protested. “Not in my ass.”
“You would if you loved me,” he arrogantly answered. “And you do love me, don’t you?”
“Then forget about the Vaseline and get down on the bed and spread your cheeks. We’re going to keep doing this until you get it right.”
I felt like I had no alternative. A loyal wife does not contradict her husband, especially in the bedroom, no matter how painful the result might be. Reluctantly, I got rid of the unused lubricant.
Obediently, I got onto the bed and positioned myself on my knees with my butt sticking up in the air the way Fred liked it. Then, reaching backward, I clasped the cheeks of my ass with my trembling fingers and pried them apart. As I did so, I could feel the pulsing knot of my asshole flexing involuntarily out into the open.
“Mmmmmm,” I could hear him drooling behind me, “I love the sight of your asshole. It’s so round and red. So much tighter than your cunt. When I stick my cock inside it, your pussy seems absolutely sloppy by comparison.”
Suppressing a shudder, I closed my eyes and tried to blot out my horrific anticipation of what was about to occur.
But, of course, that was impossible. Impossible, when Fred refused to shut up about what he was going to do to me.
“I’m going to shove my cock up your ass in one big thrust,” he announced. “No pussy-footing around today, Debbie. I want the whole thing at once. Every Goddamn inch up your tight, little ass. I hope you’re ready for me, like the good little wife you’re supposed to be.”
What I was ready to do was run screaming out of the room.
However, in actuality, my innate response was as impractical a fantasy as any girlhood dream to become the queen of the movie stars. Loyal wives have no decisions to make, I was certain, they just do what their husbands order.
If Fred wanted to fuck me jib the ass, our marriage contract guaranteed him the right to do it.
And if he wanted to do it brutally, that was his prerogative too… a prerogative he seemed certain to exercise if his excited snorting was any criterion.
“Oh, yes,” he confirmed my worst suspicions, “I’m going to really hurt you this time. Hurt you the way I know you women love it. Hurt you so good, you’ll be screaming. And when you’re screaming for mercy, I know you’ll really be screaming for more… Don’t worry, Debbie, if there’s one thing I understand it’s women. Especially the woman that’s lucky enough to be my wife.”
Incredible, isn’t it? But even though I was shaking with fear, I was convinced he was right.
Here I was the wife of a successful professional man, with two lovely children, living in a beautiful home in the suburbs. Isn’t that what every woman dreamed of?
I had to like it. Had to.
Had to welcome whatever my husband threw my way, or I might lose it all. After all, I couldn’t shake the memory of what had happened to Fred’s first wife.
“Go ahead,” I forced myself to say. “Fuck me. Fuck me in the ass.”
“First you’ve got to tell me how much you want it,” he taunted me.
“Oh, I want it,” I lied. “Jesus, how I want it.”
“What do you want?” he pointedly asked, obviously fishing for a compliment.
“Your big, strong cock,” I met his need. “When it’s inside me it feels like I’m being fucked by every prick in the world all at once. Only you know how to fuck me, Fred… please fuck me in the ass.”
“Very good,” he evaluated my performance. “Now let me at that tight, red hole.”
All of a sudden I felt like a piece of shishkebob as he skewered me. Even though there wasn’t a drop of lubrication, his cock surged to the hilt up my asshole. Before I knew it, his balls were lodged between my buns, while the head of his prick flirted with a knot of hot slit at the mouth of my colon.
Grunting like an enraged bull, Fred grabbed me around the waist in order to secure a lock on his penetration. Then he started manipulating my hips to achieve maximum friction, swiveling the barbed end of his dick like a corkscrew into my bowels.
“Tell me how much it hurts,” he said gleefully. “I like to be kept up to date on what I’m doing to you.”
That was one request with which it was easy to comply. “God, you’re killing me,” I moaned. “It feels like you’re splitting me in two.”
“In other words, you love it,” he cackled. “And all you want is more.”
“Yes,” I lied. “It hurts so good.”
That gave him the incentive to redouble his bucking thrusts. Whamming away, he seemed to fill my lower intestine with his battering cock. I would have pains in my lower abdomen for days.
As he fucked away in my ass, his hands left my hips and started to roam. One of them seized my breasts, squeezing them together so he could pinch both of my nipples together. The other found my cunt as his fingers balled into a fist and punched bruisingly inside.
“Fist-fuck me,” I hypocritically picked up the cue. “Beat my pussy silly.”
I gasped with pain as the manacle of his knuckles powered against my tender cervix. The impact registered up through my womb, and all the way to my kidneys. My ovaries felt as though they were ringing like bells.
I didn’t want to be in agony. Truthfully, I wished I could be coming. But the fact was that I felt like a torture victim.
And like any torture victim, I had no choice but to give in to the demands of my tormentor if I was ever to be released.
So, instead of pleading with Fred to stop, I begged him to give me more and more punishment. “Make my tits black and blue!” I cried. “Bruise my pussy! Make my asshole bleed like a spigot!”
Chortling evilly like a Nazi with Moses in his clutches, Fred gleefully committed every atrocity I had been forced through wifely duty to plead for. Pretty soon my nipples were like squashed strawberries… the inside of my cunt like raw hamburger… the tunnel of my ass no longer unlubricated because it was seeping fresh, sticky blood.
My response was one long whimper of abject pain. Needless to say, Fred regarded that as proof that he had lived up to his masculine capabilities, and now he was ready to come.
Of course I wanted him to ejaculate. Once the sperm was out, he’d finally have to stop fucking me.
But the trick was, naturally, that I had to beg for it.
“Come in me!” I forced myself to implore. “Fill my ass with your hot, sticky jizz!”
That seemed to make his cock grow an extra inch up my shit-pit. And his balls singed the tender inner cheeks of my ass like they were glowing embers of charcoal.
“Now! Now! Now! Now!” I chanted at the top of my lungs. “Please come in me! I can’t wait any longer!”
At least I was telling the truth for the first time. The splashing of his wet spunk in the inferno of my rectum would hopefully have the same result as a battalion of firehoses turned loose on a four-alarm blaze.
Wiggling my ass to make him do it, I put everything I had in drawing forth his jism. I worked my anal sphincter like a whipsaw, wringing his prick like a washrag to get at its moisture.
Then, suddenly, his hard-on seemed to come apart in my shit-pit. Fragments of molten cum exploded every which way, pulling the narrow tunnel in a dozen different directions at once. For a few seconds there my asshole was just as wide an orifice as my cunt.
As the cum rushed in a torrent up my ass, Fred’s fist managed one last devastating sock within my pussy. At the same time he twisted both of lily nipples at once so they were on the verge of coming off like buttons on a shirt.
And all I could say was, “I love it… oh, God, I love it.”
“I knew you would,” Fred answered smugly, pulling his prick from my asshole and dribbling the last of his cream across my back. “I mean, after all, if a woman can’t satisfy her husband, what the hell else is she good for?”
I just nodded my head in dumb agreement, and then collapsed in a heap.
The next morning, Fred was hardly out of the door when my mind immediately returned to the newspaper clipping I’d stashed under the towels. Running into the bathroom, I heard my heart pounding in my ears as I extracted the ad with a trembling hand and read it all over again.
The ad seemed to be specifically addressed to me. To be honest, I was full of questions about sex. I had a ton of them.
I knew that sex between human beings was obviously intended by Nature for something beyond the begetting of children, but, on the other hand, I couldn’t decide exactly what. If it was supposed to be an expression of love, then why did I experience such fear and pain when my husband was putting it to me?
I knew that as a normal woman and a devoted wife I should look forward to and enjoy sex with my mate. Yet, with each passing day I dreaded it more.
Maybe, it occurred to me, I really wasn’t the person I assumed I was.
All of a sudden the normality I had always taken for granted was under siege. Self-doubt started to consume me on the spot like a flame licking up a piece of dry parchment.
“No… no,” I tried to verbally rein myself under control. “I’m a good person. A devoted housewife. After all, I cook for Fred. I’m a good mother to his children. Keep the house clean. Don’t go over my grocery budget. What more could a man want?”
Unfortunately, the answer to that last question was on the tip of my tongue.
“Somebody who’s good in bed,” I ruefully answered myself. That cinched it. I had no alternative but to answer the ad.
The person on the phone told me to come at one o’clock to a motel suite the research organization had rented far interviewing purposes. When I got there I ran into Gloria Schaffer, who was just on her way out.
“Gloria!” I blurted, “What are you doing here?”
“The same thing you are, I guess, Debbie,” she answered. “I saw the ad in the paper and thought it might be interesting.”
“Are you going ahead with it?” I asked.
“Sure,” she said cheerfully. “The kids are in school now, we can afford a maid to take care of the house, so why not? Confidentialiy, I’ve been going daffy sitting around with nothing to do.”
That made me feel better. Gloria and I were the same age, and had even graduated from the same high school together. For her to admit that a respectable life in the suburbs still left some gaps did a lot for my confidence.
“What’s the interview like?” I asked Gloria.
“It’s very deep,” she answered. Then she paused and giggled. “Very, very deep. Just go in, you’ll see.”
Her behavior puzzled me. However, in my usual fashion, I tried to skirt the issue, in this case by asking an innocuous question.
“Is the interviewer nice?”
“Mine was,” she giggled again. “But I’m sure you’ll have a fresh one. I suspect that mine’s a little tired.”
Before I could even attempt to figure out what she was talking about, Gloria said she had to leave. “Listen, Debbie,” she called over her shoulder, “why don’t you give me a call sometime soon? If you decide to volunteer for this, maybe we could sort of work together.”
Just then the door to the room opened and a tall, handsome man introduced himself as Jason Evans.
“Oh, hello,” I replied, somewhat flustered by his abrupt and striking appearance. “I’m Debbie Robinson. I’m scheduled for an interview. You know, about the ad in yesterday’s paper.”
“Of course,” he smiled. “I was expecting you. Come right in.”
Even though I realized we were in a motel, once inside the room I was somewhat taken aback. The idea of being interviewed by a strange man in a motel room made me feel suddenly ill-at-ease.
“We’ll be getting our regular offices later in the week,” the man said, obviously detecting my apprehension. “Right now you’ll just have to bear with us.”
When he sat down, I quickly realized that he was occupying the only chair in sight. If I sat down, it would have to be on the bed. It was either that, or stand up like a fool throughout the interview.
“Go ahead,” he said gently, gesturing toward the bed. “It may not be your usual office furniture, but at least it’s comfortable.”
“All right, Mr. Evans,” I agreed, and reluctantly parked myself at the foot of the bed.
“Jason,” he said firmly.
“I beg your pardon?”
“Call me Jason. We’re all one big happy family here at S.E.X..”
“S.E.X.?” I blurted.
“Yes,” he said. “I guess that’s as good a place to begin explanation of what we’re up to as any.”
“Please do,” I responded nervously, something in his dark, smoldering eyes making me tingle all over.
“Only if you call me Jason,” he insisted.
“Please do… Jason,” I acquiesced.
“Very well,” he smiled, revealing two rows of strong white teeth. “We are a research organization dedicated to finding out the facts about the human sexual function so we can wake up the American public with the truth. Our official name is the Sexual Experience Exchange, however we use the acronym S-E-X for short.”
“I see.”
“Our work in this community,” he continued, “is to conduct a comprehensive survey on the sexual habits of both males and females. Our computer has selected your area as a typical middle-class suburb. In other words, whatever sexual techniques are practiced here would statistically have to be considered as the most normal of the normal. However, the computer, for all of its powers, can’t actually find out what those practices are. In order to do that, we need interviewers, persons people in the community trust, to go out and gather the pertinent information. Are you game?”
“You mean,” I gulped, “you want me to go around and ask people about what they do in the bedroom?”
“Precisely,” he grinned. “Do you think you’re up to it?”
“Gosh,” I muttered, “I don’t know. That’s awfully personal, isn’t it?”
“Perhaps,” he said calmly. “But when you consider how useful the information can be, I’m sure you’ll agree any objections are meaningless.”
“Well, perhaps,” I stalled, “if I could see one of the questionnaires. You know, see just what kind of things I would have to ask.”
“Of course,” he said, and drew out a sheaf of papers from a briefcase, handing them to me with one of his dazzling smiles.
Then, before I could start to read the material, he came up with a suggestion.
“Why don’t you read them to me?” he said. “You know, pretend that I’m one of the respondents. That way you’ll really get the feel of things.”
“All right,” I agreed, and then gazed down at the first question.
The question was only five simple words, but they hit me like a punch to the solar plexus. All of a sudden I was breathless and gasping.
“Is there anything wrong?” Jason asked.
I lyingly shook my head, trying to conceal how embarrassed I was.
“Then go ahead and ask the question,” he said.
“H… how long is… is is…” I stammered.
“Just take it easy,” he soothed. “Now start all over again.”
“How long is your penis?” I somehow managed to get it out. To my astonishment the roof did not cave in.
“Eleven inches when erect,” he calmly answered. “I’ve been told it’s much larger than average.”
I didn’t know which astonished me more. The question, or his glib answer. I couldn’t believe I was having this exchange with a strange man in a motel room, and that it was incredibly all on the up and up.
To keep my bearings, I forced myself on to the next question. “Is your sexual partner satisfied with the size of your penis?” I heard myself asking as though I were a third party witnessing all of this from afar.
“Oh, definitely,” he replied with a straight face. “I’ve never had any complaints yet.”
“I see,” I murmured, and at that point found my gaze uncontrollably dropping toward his lap.
“Do you experience a sensation of tightness when you have penetrated your partner’s vagina during intercourse?” I tried to rescue myself with the next question. However, that particular question provided about as much relief as pouring gasoline on a smoldering fire.
“In all modesty,” he answered, “with the size of my organ, tightness is something I always enjoy during intercourse.”
“I see,” I muttered again.
Only this time it just wasn’t just an expression of speech. I really did see something.
Incredibly, bulging from the center of his lap was an enormous lump. The eleven-inch cock he’d been so nonchalantly talking about!
I didn’t know what to do but stumble on to the next question.
“About how long after intercourse has begun does it take you to ejaculate?”
“It depends,” he said amiably.
“Yes?” I asked expectantly in spite of myself, my gaze riveted on his now-throbbing crotch.
“On whether I’m stroking fast or slow.”
“And whether the woman is moving back.”
“You mean like if she has her legs wrapped around you?” I blurted.
“Yes,” he smiled. “Or wiggling her hips.” Realizing I had departed from the questionnaire, I suddenly stopped talking. Then, as I sat there in awkward silence, burning with embarrassment, I became aware of something which I had not previously noticed. Something so shocking that it made everything that had gone before seem comparatively innocent.
I sensed it on my thighs first. When I accidentally rubbed them together they were slick with moisture.
At first I tried to tell myself it was perspiration. Nervous sweat.
But when I became aware of the clamminess of my panties I could no longer ignore the truth. My cunt was soaking wet.
Without consciously willing it, I had become hopelessly turned on!
“Is there anything wrong?” Jason asked with his usual aura of understanding.
“I… I’m afraid I got away from the questionnaire,” I tried to divert his attention from my sopping condition.
“Don’t worry about it,” he reassured me. “I can tell already you’re a natural at this kind of work. If I were a respondent, your naturalness would have made me trust you completely. I’d have told you everything.”
“Definitely. Now why don’t you continue with the questions? Quite frankly, I’m enjoying this immensely.”
I couldn’t think of any other viable alternative but to agree to go on. If I got up from the bed, either to leave entirely, or to go to the bathroom to wipe my pussy dry, he’d surely notice the juice dribbling down my legs.
I’d lost my place on the questionnaire, and was too flustered to try and find it. I just asked the first question that caught my eye.
“Do you masturbate?” I asked, speaking the words rapidly so I wouldn’t lose my nerve.
“Of course,” he said without a trace of self-consciousness. “When there’s nothing else available, a quick hand-job can be most satisfying.”
I was astounded. I’d always thought males gave that up after leaving adolescence. It seemed incredible that this prime specimen of handsome, mature man would actually practice self-abuse.
I dove into the next question to try and conceal my astonishment. Once again, it only made matters worse.
“Do you employ aids while masturbating?”
“As a matter of fact I frequently do.”
“Such as?”
“Women’s underwear, mostly. You know, panties.”
Needless to say, when he said that I automatically made a mental reference to my own dripping pair. I tried to tell myself it was just my imagination, but it almost seemed that he knew about their saturated condition and was leading me on.
“Could you describe your technique?” I fool hardedly sought refuge in the next question.
“It would be a lot easier if I could just show you,” he answered so smoothly that at first I didn’t gauge how outrageous his response actually was.
“I… I beg your pardon?” I muttered.
“I think you might understand my masturbation technique more completely if I gave you a demonstration. May I borrow your panties?”
At last the full impact hit me. I fell back on the bed like someone had slugged me with a right to the jaw. As I did so, I’m afraid my legs spread open. Unintentionally, I suddenly gave him an inadvertent view of the undergarment under discussion, the sopping condition of which I was so anxious to conceal.
“Yes,” he said with a satisfied grin as he gazed directly between my open thighs. “I believe your panties will do just fine… I’ll help you out of them.”
Before I could move an inch, he was out of his chair and moving toward me. As he closed the gap between us, my eyes couldn’t help but train themselves on the enormous bulge in his crotch. His trousers seemed about ready to burst from the throbbing swelling inside them.
“No… wait… wait,” I finally summoned the wherewithal to say, just before he reached me. “I’ll take them off myself.”
Before he could touch me, I slipped my trembling hands under my skirt and hooked my fingers under the elastic waistband of my panties. Then, my breath held, I quickly slid them down my legs. Their wetness against my skin was unbelievable. My pussy hadn’t been so moist in years.
“Here,” I presented them to him. They looked more like a sopping dish-rag than an item of apparel.
“Thanks,” he winked.
Then he put them under his nose and gave them a long, snorting sniff. I could actually see his nostrils flare.
“Mmmmmmm,” he announced, “they smell terrific. I’m sure they’ll do just fine.”
When he was through sniffing, he dropped a hand below his waist and abruptly unzipped his fly. It produced a screeching wail that practically shattered my eardrums in my agitated state.
Then, with complete nonchalance, he pulled out inch after inch of the thickest, longest hard-on I’d ever seen in my life.
“Oh, my God!” I bleated when his twitching cock was fully exposed.
“Yes, it’s a beauty, isn’t it?” he said proudly. “I got my eyes and my smile from my mother, and I inherited this from by father.”
As he explained his lineage, he stroked the massive organ, pulling the foreskin back and forth over the purple bulb at the end. Already there was an alabaster pearl of anticipatory cum drooling from the leering vertical smile at the very tip.
“Now I’ll show you how I get my action with the panties,” he said. In a second he had wrapped them around his shaft and was using them like a glove to beat his meat.
With my eyes bugging out of my head, I watched the incredible sight of my own saturated panties being used by a strange man to vigorously fondle his stiff dick.
“I love it when they’re wet like this,” he told me as he increased the acceleration of his pumping hand. “I can close my eyes and imagine I’m actually fucking the pussy that made them so damp. All that juice is a real turn-on.”
I knew I should be disgusted. But if that were so, then why was my attention hypnotically riveted to his every stroke?
“Are… are you going to come?” I heard myself ask, once again the third party watching the action from afar in the enclosed booth of my mind. “Are you going to come all over my panties?”
“What else?” he grinned. “Do you find the idea repellant?”
I choked out an unconvincing “Yes.”
“Then why are you licking your lips?”
Suddenly I became aware of my tongue passing over the outside of my mouth. When I tried to put it back inside, it wouldn’t go.
“Now watch this,” he said arrogantly. “You’re going to love it.”
Without warning, his cock lurched an additional inch in the air and exploded with a milky torrent of spurting jizz. The initial gob shot across the room and landed with a wet plop right on my exposed thigh. Then he took my panties and caught the rest of the load in their crotch.
It seemed like he came continuously for a full minute. When he finally, finished, the original blue of my panties had been transformed into a milky lather of white.
However, what really caught my attention was that, despite the massive ejaculation, his dick seemed harder and stiffer than ever. Obviously he was capable of coming all aver again without the slightest bit of recuperation.
I didn’t know what to do. Here we were, in this motel room, this strange man and I. He had just filled my panties with sperm, and now his dripping, twitching hard-on was apparently throbbing for even further action.
He looked straight at me. I tried to avert my gaze, but it was impossible. Our eyes met, smoldering in their reciprocal gaze.
What could I say? What could I do?
He made up my mind for me.
“Do you want to suck it?” he calmly said.
Slowly, but definitely, I nodded my head.
“Good… Why don’t you strip, and I’ll eat your cunt while you’re doing it?”
Like I was in a trance, I sat up on the bed and quickly and efficiently disrobed. Completely naked, I lay back and spread my legs to the utmost, flexing my hairy, dripping cunt at him in all of its drooling glory.
“You have a beautiful pussy,” he complimented me as he got rid of his clothes. “I can’t wait to get my tongue inside it.”
Then, he was on me, dipping his face between my thighs while he straddled my head with his loins. All of a sudden I found myself with his huge cock and hairy balls just an inch from my face, his masculine scent overpowering me.
I could feel his lips nibbling against my tender labia. Then, like a prong, his rigid tongue shot into my creaming slit. My spasming pussy was filled with oral hardness as he began slurpingly reaming me out.
As his tongue went deeper and deeper within my crack, the will to resist completely dissolved. By the time he was orally tickling the sensitive nodule of my cervix, I was ready to do anything he wanted.
And I didn’t need an instruction booklet to figure out what that was. His throbbing cock and balls had all the answers written all over their pulsating expanse.
My lips pursed, I reached out with my mouth and seized his balls. Gobbling them within my oral cavity with one noisy suck, I felt the intoxication of raw sex taking over my system.
His nuts churned like crazy inside my mouth. Obviously they were manufacturing a new load of jizz that would even put his first onslaught to shame.
In other words, the sooner I started fucking his prick with my mouth, the sooner I’d get to swallow his hot wad. The temptation was irresistible.
Letting his sweet balls out of my mouth, I went for the main course. Grabbing his stiff, throbbing tool, I guided it between my gaping lips and began sucking for all I was worth. Inch after inch buried itself down my throat until I was gagging for air.
God, what a sweet-tasting cock he had. During the years that my sex-life with my husband had fallen apart, I’d forgotten just how divine a hard-on could taste. All of a sudden I couldn’t get enough.
And, at the other end of my quivering body, Jason seemingly couldn’t get enough of my foaming pussy. His tongue was up my cunt to the root now, buried so completely that his top row of teeth was grinding against my turgid clitoris.
Already I was coming, and coming hard. It was incredible, especially considering that I had gone several years without an orgasm from my husband.
Incredible that I was coming like this and Jason’s cock had yet to blow in my mouth. Jesus, what would happen when I finally tasted his liquid silk?
I got my answer almost immediately.
The head of his prick seemed to fly apart in my gullet like a fragmenting dum-dum bullet. All of a sudden the shrapnel of his cum was tearing into my tender esophageal flesh.
When the first wave of spunk hit my sperm-hungry throat, I jack knifed from the excruciating pleasure. As I did so, my legs wrapped around Jason’s neck, pulling his sharp tongue even further into my convulsing pussy. At the same time, the last few inches of his immense dork sailed between my lips and I was mouth-fucking the monster to the hilt as it spewed its cream into my belly.
When he was finished coming, I wasn’t. Intense as it was, my orgasm was just beginning.
And, instinctively, I knew exactly what I wanted to do about it.
“Fuck me!” I screamed as I pulled him out of my mouth and pushed his still-erect cock toward the vicinity of my ravenous cunt. “Come all over again in my pussy!”
“I was hoping you’d say that,” he said, swiveling round on top of me so he could get to work.
As it jabbed between my thighs, I could feel with satisfaction that his prick was as hard as ever… maybe even harder. I couldn’t wait to get it inside my cunt.
“Hurry up!” I ordered. “I need your big, strong dick in my pussy or I’ll die!”
Holding it like a sword, Jason rared back and made his thrust. God, it was divine as his monstrous lance knifed between my gaping pussy lips and traveled up the squeezing canal of my fuck-pit.
He only stopped impaling me when he was in all the way. I could feel his churning balls squeezing against the upturned cheeks of my ass… the thicket of his pubic hair scratching maddeningly against my ultra-sensitive clit.
I wrapped my legs around him and we started moving together. When he bucked his hips, I wiggled my ass. When I lifted my groin, he slammed me with his pelvis.
His dick was so big it felt as though it were engorging every nook and cranny of my body. It seemed like it was breaking my back… shredding my ovaries… rupturing my spleen… making me hemorrhage… I wanted to piss and crap and vomit all at once.
“Kill me!” I cried. “Murder me with your cock!”
He was pumping away now between my legs like he had a piston up my cunt. His balls were slamming against my ass. The head of his prick seemed to reach all the way to my throat.
“Come in me!” I shrieked. “Fill my cunt with your hot, sticky cum!”
I swear to this day that I actually heard the explosion of his phallic bombshell. All of a sudden the interior of my fuck-hole was ripped apart with flying missiles of incendiary goo.
As the molten jizz poured like lava into my twat, my climax accelerated until its fury seemed to be encompassing all of the passion I had been missing out on during the years of my marriage. I was a bored housewife no longer. Rather, I was a randy, spasming female stud, literally foaming between the legs like my cunt was rabid.
Jason pumped, and I humped. We writhed and wriggled… bumped and ground. My pussy was a vise, wringing every last precious drop of jism from his marvelous fuck-tool.
When the spurting of his cum finally ceased, Jason left his semi-hard cock imbedded in my fluttering honey-pot and dropped off me to lay by my side. As we languished in the afterglow of fucking, for some reason I recalled my conversation with Gloria Schaffer out in the hall.
She’d been right. The interview was deep. Very deep.
Approximately eleven inches deep.
As if I had to tell you, I signed on with the Sexual Experience Exchange as a volunteer without a moment’s hesitation. After my eye opening interview with Jason Evans, I was thoroughly convinced that the end result of the research — to be called The S.E.X. Report — would be the most liberating force for the American people since the American Revolution itself. Outfitted in the beginning with just the questionnaires for the male respondents, I set out to gather the information that was mandatory to compile if The S.E.X. Report was to be the force for good that all of us at The Exchange were certain it could be. Where normally the prospect of asking people such personal questions would have terrified me, my feeling was just the opposite when possessed with the knowledge of how much good I’d be doing assisting S.E.X. with its vital research.
Yes, I was ready to get to work, armed with real purpose for the first time since I could remember. Actually excited about life again.
Using a scientific method that was so simple it was profound, S.E.X. encouraged its volunteers to select their respondents through such ingenious techniques as picking them out of the phone book, or bumping into them in the supermarket and starting a conversation. The whole design was really quite brilliant.
The supermarket technique intrigued me the most, so I went to the Big Bargain outlet at the nearest shopping center and stationed myself in front of the lunch meat counter to wait for a likely candidate. After about ten minutes of pretending to make up my mind between pimento loaf and cooked salami, I spied a guy out of the corner of my eye who looked just perfect.
Timing his progress, I whirled around just in time to bump into him just as I had been instructed to do by the experts at S.E.X.
“Oh, excuse me,” he said, obviously taken by surprise.
“That’s all right,” I purred back, rubbing my body against his to get his interest.
My body was like glue as it provocatively insinuated itself against his muscular form. Within seconds, he wasn’t any more anxious to pull away than I was.
I suppose the fact I’d taken the precaution not to wear any underwear accounted for that.
“I’m Debbie,” I cooed. “I’d like to ask you a few questions. Could we go someplace private?”
“How about in the back of the store?” he said quickly.
“You mean in the alley?”
“No… over there,” he pointed toward a door marked “Employees Only.”
“But what about the people who work in the store?”
“That’s okay,” he grinned. “I’m the manager.”
“The manager?” I blurted with surprise.
“Yes,” he grinned again. “I was keeping an eye on you because I thought you were a shoplifter. I hope you’ll forgive my suspicion, but we’ve got a very low profit margin in the supermarket business. We can’t afford to give anything away.”
He was such a hunk, he was easy to forgive.
“All right, I’ll overlook it if you’ll answer my questions,” I replied, taking his hand and leading him toward the “Employees Only” door.
Once inside, surprise was generated inside me all over again. I don’t know what I’d expected… but it certainly wasn’t a frozen food vault.
“We won’t be disturbed here,” he attempted to assuage my concern, and then dropped a latch from the inside on the freezer door. “I’m the only one with a key.”
“Well, I guess it’s okay,” I went along with him, and extracted the questionnaire from my purse.
“Say,” he said, raising my eyebrows, “you really are going to ask me some questions, aren’t you?”
“What did you think I was going to do?” I answered coyly.
“Proposition me,” he bluntly rejoined.
Before I’d volunteered for S.E.X. I would have been burning with embarrassment. However, the experts at The Exchange had prepared me for the eventuality of this kind of misunderstanding, so I just shrugged it off with a laugh.
“Come on,” I said professionally, “let’s get down to the question.”
“Wow,” he shook his head as he sat down on a crate of veal cutlets, “I still can’t get over the fact you’re really legit.”
“Try me.”
“Okay, what’s your first question?”
“How long is your penis?” I fired away without blinking.
He turned white.
Then shocking pink.
Then bright red.
“W… what d… did you say?” he finally managed to gleep.
“How long is your penis?”
“H… hard or… or soft?”
“Hard, of course,” I answered efficiently.
“E… eight inches,” he stuttered.
“My,” I smiled as I looked toward his suddenly bulging fly, “it certainly seems bigger than that.”
It took him a moment to catch on to my point of reference. When he finally did figure out where I was looking, his ability to speak coherently vanished and his mouth released a gurgling series of nonsensical stammers.
“Don’t be embarrassed,” I attempted to reassure him. “I’ve been trained to be at home with the realities of the male anatomy. Believe me, it doesn’t fluster me in the slightest to know that I’ve inadvertently made your penis hard. I realize that you’re a man in the prime of life, and that I’m an attractive woman. A certain amount of arousal is only natural.”
“I wish my wife was so understanding,” he suddenly blurted.
“You’re having trouble with your wife?” I departed from the questionnaire and asked understandingly.
“Yes… yes,” he bleated, the words starting to run away with him now that he had regained his ability to articulate. “She can’t understand why I want to have sex so often. I practically have to beg her to… to make love.”
“A good-looking guy like you?”
“Thanks,” he said, hanging his head shyly, “but you didn’t have to say that.”
“But it’s true,” I assured him. “If I were married to you, I don’t think I could get enough, judging from the size of the bulge in your pants… Are you sure you’re only eight inches?”
“Well, actually, I’ve never really measured it with a ruler or anything.”
“Suppose you take it out of your trousers and let me be the judge,” I suggested. “After all, I have the obligation to have the information I compile accurate.”
“Are you kidding?”
“Do I look like I’m kidding?” I asked as I closed the distance between us. “Here, if you’re shy, I’ll help you.”
My hands dropped to his fly and pulled down his zipper before he could move. Pushing my fingers into the open slit, I fumbled past the barrier of his shorts and found the lump of pulsing flesh I was looking for. Before he knew it, I had his cock out in the open and was lightly caressing its elongated shaft.
“It certainly looks like more than eight inches to me,” I commented as I drew the foreskin back and forth over the turgidly purple knob on the end. Then, feeling him tremble nervously in my grip, I added, “Don’t be concerned. Anything we do is only in the interest of science.”
“Even having sex?” he uncontrollably gushed.
“If you think it will help you respond to my questions more easily, I’ll certainly consider it,” I improvised, terribly anxious to do good work. “If it will make you more comfortable, I’ll be happy to remove my clothing.”
“Please… please do,” he panted. “I’ll bet you have a fantastic body.”
“You judge for yourself, Mr. Supermarket Manager,” I winked, and let go of his hard-on so I could begin stripping.
It was cold in the freezer, but by the time I was naked I wasn’t feeling it. Something about my nudity made me tingle with warmth.
Especially when I saw the way the manager’s eyes bugged out of his head when he saw what Nature had endowed me with.
“You’re beautiful,” he finally managed to gasp.
“You’re not so bad yourself,” I replied, gripping his throbbing dick again for emphasis. “I’d say you’re at least ten inches. I think you’ve been underestimating yourself.”
“Do… do you really think so?” he asked anxiously.
“Definitely. You’ve got a very large prick,” I buttered him up. “There must be something the matter with your wife. Any normal woman would jump at the change to try it.”
“Are… are you a normal woman?”
“You better believe it.”
“I know you’re just here on business, but would you… would you let me fuck you?”
“Just show me where I can lie down and spread my legs,” I told him, “and my pussy is yours with only one hitch.”
“You don’t leave before you answer my questions.”
“The second after I’m through coming,” he promised.
“Okay, then, show me where to get down and spread my legs.”
He looked anxiously around the enclosure. “There,” he finally decided on a spot. “We just got a shipment of haddock in. I don’t think it’s had a chance to freeze yet, but it’s cold enough not to stink. It should still be soft enough not to hurt when we really start moving…”
“All right, I’m game,” I said.
I walked over and sat down on the covered crate, testing its resiliency with my bare ass.
“Mmmmmm,” I grinned, “bouncy… let’s get busy.”
I threw my torso back and pulled my thighs apart without the slightest trace of self-consciousness.
When I noticed him licking his lips, I couldn’t help but ask, “Do you like my pussy?”
“God, I love it,” he enthused. “I’d like to dive between your legs and drawn in it.”
“Just your dick will do,” I laughed.
I beckoned to him with both my outstretched arms and my flexing cunt. By the time he was standing between my legs, brandishing his hard-on like a spear, my twat was soaking wet.
“Come on and fuck me,” I urgently said, “before my pussy juice freezes over solid.”
The randy reek of my cunt rolled out from between my thighs. When I laid my head down against the mound of fresh haddock beneath me, I couldn’t separate the aroma of pussy from the smell of fish. Needless to say, the similarity only added fuel to the growing fire within me.
The supermarket manager dropped to his knees, and guided his cock toward my slobbering love-pit. Before I could reiterate my carnal demands, the head of his hard-on was bustling through the portals of my pussy lips and surging up my fuck-hole.
“Mmmmmm, that’s it,” I moaned with heartfelt appreciation. “Give me everything you’ve got!”
Then, as he was drilling his prick inside me, the idea occurred to me to actually count how many inches he really had protruding from his loins. That way, at least there’d be no doubt that one aspect of the questionnaire was filled out with 100% accuracy from first-hand experience.
I picked up his penetration at what I estimated to be three inches, and started toting the increments of descent from there.
“Three…” I began. “Four… five… six… seven… eight…”
Eight inches. The amount he’d believed was the full extent of his prick.
I looked down with overwhelming curiosity toward the intersection of my loins.
Silly boy, I thought, you’ve got at least two inches to go.
I’d been right. He had ten inches between the legs if he had a centimeter.
“Keep going!” I feverishly instructed. “I want to feel every bit of your big, thick cock inside my pussy. Let me feel your hot hairy balls squashing against my cunt lips…”
“Ooommmmppphh!” he grunted.
Another blessed inch of phallic meat engorged my spasming twat.
One more to go.
I’d die if I didn’t get it!
“Ooommmmppphhh!” he grunted again.
The last inch was in. His entire cock was pumping within the squeezing confines of my hump-tunnel.
“Ooooh, ten inches!” I babbled his dimensions deliriously. “Ten gorgeous, fucking inches!”
“You’re kidding…” he gasped with astonishment as he pumped away.
“I wouldn’t kid about a thing like that,” I assured him. “Looks like you’ve been selling yourself short for years, big boy.”
“You don’t know how good that makes me feel,” he said gratefully.
And I felt just as good. His ecstasy at learning the true dimensions of his most valuable bodily organ was just further proof of how much good The S.E.X. Report could do. My role in helping a man become justifiably proud of his cock was one of the most immensely satisfying things in my life. I was so glad I’d volunteered for this vital research.
“Now that you know how big it is,” I gnawed ferociously against his ear, “why don’t you stop holding back and come in me with it? My cunt craves your hot, sticky jizz.”
“Oh, baby, are you going to get it,” he promised me. “I’m gonna drown your pussy.”
“Don’t tease me,” I giggled.
“No way!” he declared, and then he let down the floodgates.
The sperm came surging from his prick like a dam had just broken between my legs. Cum poured over my vaginal tissues, lapping me with its unbelievable volume.
There was so much of it that all of a sudden my womb was awash with hot stickiness. My ovaries were glubbing as the tide rose.
Then, it seemed to penetrate even further from there, until it seemed to be filling the hollows of my breasts. If I’d tried to nurse an infant during the subsequent week, I’m certain the child would have drawn semen rather than milk.
All the while I was coming myself like the Fourth of July was being held inside my body. This year, rather than fireworks, the organizers of the event were using my senses.
Bang! Pop! Pow! Blam!
My consciousness was given over to a display of pyrotechnics that would have put a twenty-one-gun salute of atom-bomb blasts to shame.
And you know what?
It only made me want more!
“Pull out of my cunt and fuck me in the ass!” I frantically implored, never thinking for a second that he might not have it in him.
“Boy, will I!” he eagerly confirmed my faith in the tirelessness of his prick.
“Your wife won’t let you?” I guessed at the source of his enthusiasm.
“Check,” he punted as he yanked his pecker out of my primary fuck-pit, and dropped it down a notch to my optional one.
“I know how it is,” I empathized.
“You mean your husband…”
“Just shut up and fuck me in the ass,” I cut him off.
There was no way I could tell him the truth. That just a couple of weeks previously I had been a shrinking violet in the bedroom. As unresponsive as his wife in my own way. Not only wouldn’t he believe it, but I was ashamed to admit it.
“Stick it in and cornhole me to the hilt!”
He did. Zowie, did he!
With one single, wonderfully brutal thrust he rocketed his hard-on all the way up my ass. All of a sudden his cock-head was battering the shit in my bowels into pieces.
Even though he had just ejaculated in my cunt, it was obviously only a matter of seconds before he repeated the feat in my ass. Nothing could have pleased me more.
“Do it!” I shrieked. “Fill my asshole with your cum. Shoot so much of it inside me that there’s too much and it sprays all over my buns.”
All of a sudden an interior splash reverberated to my soul. He was, coming… coming like a firehose.
Whatever shit was in my lower intestine was swamped by a torrent of cum that seemed to back up all the way to my stomach. Then, when my insides could accommodate no more, the spunk surged toward my anus. Before I knew it I had my previously stated wish, as his jism spurted with divine pressure from the perimeter of my cock-engorged bunghole.
My crack became coated with hot spunk, and then it started dribbling down toward my cunt. Even though my pussy was like a blotter, it still couldn’t sop up all the overflow, and excess cream began saturating my thighs. By the time he was finishing spurting, my lower body was totally smeared with his scalding cum.
Theoretically we were fucking in a cold-storage locker. But in actuality the temperature was about a zillion degrees. We were both sweating like pigs, humping and bumping as he buggered me on the stack of haddock. The yore would be lucky if the heat from our bodies didn’t spoil the fish despite the refrigeration.
Needless to say, when we were finally finished, he was so mellow that it wasn’t the most difficult task in the world to get the answers to the remainder of the S.E.X. interview. By the time I walked out of the store with the fully completed questionnaire, I was positive I’d stumbled onto the most sure-fire interviewing technique in the history of scientific research.
“Frankly, Debbie,” Jason told me one afternoon after I’d turned in my latest data, “you’re work for us has been terrific. You seem to be able to compile input that even the most experienced and educated practitioners have difficulty with. In other words, you’re a real pro.”
I didn’t know what to say… I’d never been more pleased by any compliment in my life.
“That is why,” he continued, “I’ve had a little talk with the board of directors, and we’ve decided to put you, along with another of our outstanding volunteers, on salary.”
“You mean I’ll actually be working for you?” I gushed.
“Yes,” he smiled that winning display of teeth of his.
“Will my duties remain the same?”
“No, considering your expertise, they’ll be intensified. You and our other selection for professional staff status will be working together as a team on particularly significant and challenging respondents. That is why I want you to get acquainted with her as quickly as possible.”
“Who is she?”
“Her name is Gloria Schaffer and she lives at…”
“But I already know her,” I interrupted. “We’ve been friends for years.”
“Perfect,” he replied with obvious satisfaction. “I suppose we should have known that two women with such similar ability in the same area would be acquainted. You know the old saying… birds of a feather flock together.”
“Then you want Gloria and I to get together and compare notes,” I efficiently picked up the ball and ran with it, “before we start on our next assignment.”
“Precisely,” he said.
“Well, frankly,” Gloria said over a drink at her house, “I’m willing to go all the way to get the right answers to the questions.”
“So am I,” I replied, wondering if her interpretation of such ultimate dedication to The S.E.X. Report was as comprehensive as mine. “Why don’t we share techniques as they suggested at The Exchange?”
“Okay,” she grinned. “Why don’t you go first?”
“Why not?” I grinned back somewhat defensively, realizing that, like it or not, we were involved in a sort of competition. “Well, when I first start interviewing a guy, the first thing I ask him about is the size of his penis.”
“A guy?” she blurted, taking me completely by surprise with her sudden question.
“Of course.”
“You’ve been interviewing guys?”
“But I’ve been interviewing women,” she said.
“No kidding?” I said, immediately intrigued. “What’s the first thing you ask them?”
“About their… well, you know, their pussies. Their cunts.”
“What… what?” I eagerly pumped her.
“Oh, usually I start with the question about how deep their orifices are. You know, how many inches of cock they can take.”
“How do they usually answer?”
“Well, it’s kind of inconclusive,” she told me. “It turns out that most women don’t have a husband or a lover with a prick really large enough to give them a stiff test. Most women say that they enjoy sex, but they’re usually left wanting mare.”
“Gee, that’s really interesting. What else do you ask them?”
“Well,” she went on, “I’ve had a lot of interesting responses to the question about whether they’ve ever considered making love to another woman. The idea of it, you know, is that if they’re dissatisfied with the orgasm a man can make them have, then maybe another woman could do better because she’s so familiar with the features of the female anatomy.”
“What an interesting concept,” I said. “How many of them actually give in to the temptation?”
“Oh, a lot of them,” she assured me.
“And does it work?” I anxiously asked.
“In most cases,” Gloria said. “It turns out that a few inches of another woman’s tongue can, in many cases, accomplish twice as much as eight or ten inches of a man’s hard-on. Fucking seems to be not just size, but in your partner knowing what to do.”
“I never really thought about it,” I admitted, “but I’ll have to agree it sounds plausible.”
“You mean you’ve never made it with another woman?” she asked without batting an eyelash.
“Have you?” I blurted.
“Of course,” she grinned. “How do you think I get my questionnaires filled out so accurately?”
There was nothing I could do but blush. After all, we’d been the only two volunteers accepted by S.E.X. for upgrading to professional status. Obviously, if one of us had achieved recognition through the technique of making love to her respondents of one sex, it stood to reason that the other was employing a similar method with her respondents of the opposite gender.
There was an awkward pause, during which we just looked at each other. Then Gloria broke the ice.
“You’re fucking the guys, aren’t you, Debbie?” I nodded my head.
“Would you make love to the women if you were interviewing them?” she quickly asked.
“I… I don’t now,” I stammered. “I guess I’d have to think about it.”
“Well, what are you going to do if you have to interview one and the answers don’t come easily?” she pressed the point. “Especially if you should happen to draw a lesbian.”
I was at a loss for words. I’d been so thrilled to be upgraded to professional status by S.E.X., but for the first time I was realizing what responsibilities such a promotion entailed.
“Don’t worry,” Gloria said soothingly. “Maybe I can help you out.”
“I don’t understand.”
“You will,” she smiled, and got up and walked toward the couch where I was sitting.
“What are you doing?” I asked as she reached for the buttons on the front of my blouse.
“Undressing you,” she replied evenly. “When my lesson is over you’II have the confidence to interview anybody you run into — man or woman — with an emphasis on the latter.”
“You mean,” I gasped incredulously, “you expect to make love to me?”
“Why not?” she grinned knowingly. “Never underestimate what another woman can do for you. Just a couple of weeks with S.E.X. has taught me that much.”
Part of me wanted to resist, but a more overwhelming portion was transfixed by curiosity. Besides, Gloria’s fingers were so expertly swift, that she had my blouse off of me before I could make a move.
Suddenly I was looking down at my own breasts. There was no way I could deny the obvious excitement with which they swelled out of the cups of my bra. It looked as if the bra were several sizes too small.
“I’ll bet your nipples are hard,” Gloria purred. “AS hard as pebbles.”
Before I could make an estimate as to their rigidity, Gloria was busily finding out for herself her fingers slipped under the lace of my bra and slipped under the mounds of my tits. Then, as though she were excavating them with a crane, she lifted the two hemispheres of flesh from their resting places. My bra-cups collapsed into wrinkly nothingness as my naked breasts abruptly bobbed free.
“Ahhhh,” she licked her lips, “I knew I was right.”
She was.
My nipples were as erect as miniature hard-ons. They were sticking out at least an inch apiece.
Gloria’s head immediately dropped to my chest, and her face plowed between my cleavage. Jiggling her cheeks against each of my tits, she shook her head and burrowed into the crux of my bosom as deeply as she could go.
Then, as I uncontrollably moaned from excitement, her hands shot up and covered my jugs. Her fingers seized my nipples and began twisting and squeezing them. I knew that tomorrow they would be black and blue, and, incredibly, I loved the idea of it.
“Mmmmmmmm, hurt me,” I heard myself saying as though I were a witness to what was happening rather than a participant.
“Don’t worry,” Gloria assured me, “the fun is just beginning. I haven’t even touched your cunt yet.”
It was an oversight that by now I hoped she wasn’t going to waste any time taking care of.
As if she could read my mind, she inserted a knee between my opening thighs and rammed it against my crotch. My panties might as well have not been there as my pussy immediately drenched her gouging knee-cap.
Then, wanting even more, I dropped my hands to my waist and hurriedly began unsnapping my skirt. When it was loose, I tore it from my waist and threw it to the floor. Thank God it was one of those wrap-around fashions that are so easy to get rid of in a pinch.
Now my hands transferred themselves from my body to Gloria’s. Even more determinedly than I had attacked my skirt, I set to work on getting hers out of the way.
Screeching the zipper down in back, I parted the folds of the waist and tugged the dress down her shapely hips. To my joy, she wasn’t wearing a stitch underneath. My mouth watered at the sight of her exceptionally hairy cunt.
All of a sudden the foreplay was just an irritation to me. Now that I had seen the beauty of what Gloria had between her legs I wanted to stop fooling around and get down to business. Even though I was actually a virgin when it came to sex with a person of the same sex, my impulses were operating like those of a hardened dyke.
“Get down on the floor and let me eat you,” I implored. “I can’t wait to taste your pussy.”
“I was hoping you’d say that,” she gurgled wetly in my ear, and then fell back.
Like an acrobat she landed perfectly on the floor, arching her body backward so that her long, lissome legs came apart in a delicious snap. Suddenly I found myself gazing into the maw of her wide-open cunt, her labia parted at least three inches.
I drove toward her hairy, pink crux, my tongue the point of my descent. The instant I landed against her gooey muff, my oral prod shot to the root up her love-pit. The tip struck the puckering nodule of her cervix on the first try.
“Oh, sweet Jesus,” she gushed, “fuck me with your tongue! Your hard, hard tongue!”
I did.
It was amazing to me how erect I could make it. Incredibly, my tongue became as stiff and as rigid as any cock I’d ever had anything to do with. I’m not bullshitting — it really felt like I had a hard-on growing out of my mouth.
And I used it the same way a man would use his prick.
Only better!
Because I was a woman… a woman who instinctively knew where another woman liked to get it.
“Oooooooh,” she moaned her appreciation, “your tongue is so fantastic. Now lift up my sweater and get at my tits.”
I was expecting the result. When her sweater was bunched around her neck I saw that she hadn’t been wearing a bra either. Her breasts were naked and pulsing.
And they were perfect.
I closed my hands over them, seizing the strawberry-sized nipples and crushing them in my gasp. She bucked under my assault, arching her body several inches off the floor, and swallowing my mouth to my teeth with heir sucking pussy lips in the thrusting process.
My two front teeth gnashed against her clit at once. Clamping down with a fury, I twisted the delectable bud in my oral grip until Gloria screamed for mercy. Needless to say, that just made me bite even harder.
With every chomp of her joy-button, the cream ran more freely from her cunt below. Pretty soon my mouth was filled with pussy juice, and then it was gurgling down my throat to my ravenous stomach. Before we were finished I’d have a bellyful of her succulent female cum.
She wrapped her thighs around my neck and I chewed and sucked and licked and probed harder and harder. Pussy was wonderful. It was hard to believe I’d gone so long in my life passing it up.
In my naivete, I thought what we were doing was the ultimate. But I still had a lot to learn. The fun was just beginning.
“I’m hungry for your cunt,” Gloria gurgled. “Turn around on top of me so I can get my mouth between your legs.”
I may have been a neophyte, but she didn’t have to tell me to keep my tongue in gear while I was repositioning the lower half of my body. Continuing to fuck her twat with my mouth, I made a 180-degree turn so that my legs were straddling her head.
“Now,” she gushed, “lay it on me. Cover my mouth with your beautiful dripping pussy.”
In an instant the lips of my snatch were pressing against the lips of her mouth. Her tongue hardened and automatically duplicated the action with which I had been engorging her cunt since we’d first fallen to the floor.
I was the six and she was the nine as we engaged in the numerical sex-act devoted to mutual oral stimulation of the genitals. Of course I had sixty-nined before, but this was the first time I’d ever eaten cunt instead of cock while my own pussy was being devoured.
You know what? It was better than with a man.
Sure, I won’t deny that a cock down the throat can be fantastic. However, a snatch smearing against your lips is even sweeter. And, in addition, your partner, being another woman, knows the precise points at which to optimally stimulate your own love-hungry nookie.
Who needed a cock when Gloria’s tongue was as rigid as an iron bar, and as active as a piston?
Likewise, if there had been a miniaturized television camera lodged within Gloria’s honey-pot, it would have monitored my oral prod only as a pink blur.
Oh, we were doing it. Fucking with our stiff tongues. Tickling the tips against the mouths of our wombs, and actually worming the tips within the warm uterine confines.
Then Gloria took it a step further. Her tongue pulled out of my twat and dipped below into the tight orifice of my ass. It seemed like the most natural thing in the world as she began drilling up my bunghole.
Needless to say, I immediately followed suit. To my delirious satisfaction, her shit-pit was even more succulent than her pussy.
And it squeezed so hard. Her rectum was like a vise as I desperately fought for inch after inch of penetration.
If somebody had told me before today that I would taste the fragments of another woman’s shit, I would have thought them demented. And for them to have suggested that I would be intoxicated by the flavor would have sent me scurrying to the nearest mental health facility to investigate having them committed.
Yet, incredibly, here I was with my tongue at least six inches up another woman’s asshole, literally lapping up every trace of shit I could find… and loving every chunky fragment!
My breath would be terrible when we were finished making love, but right now I was reveling in the pungency.
And, of course, so was Gloria.
I hadn’t realized it was possible, but suddenly I started coming in my ass. Yes, fantastically, I was experiencing something which could only be described as an anal orgasm.
“Oh God,” I admitted it, “I’m coming coming in my ass.”
“So am I,” she answered. “But if you keep talking about it, that means you’re not tonguing me. Just shut up and keep sticking me.”
Fair enough. Why gab when you can tonguefuck a beautiful woman’s ass?
Our slurping filled the room was we renewed our thrusts to the hilt. At the same time, we each covered the other’s cunt with a hand and began manipulating the vaginal folds. Pressing each other’s clitoral buzzer, both of us sent a load of hot pussy cream into the other’s face.
The room seemed to rock from the impact of our bumping and grinding. Our asses wiggled so violently that we each must have lost a couple of inches around the hips. A steady diet of lesbian love apparently meant a girl could drop down a couple of sizes in her wardrobe.
There was no doubt about it, Gloria and I were going to make a great team!
Back on the home front, I must confess that I had let things go. My normal duties as wife and mother seemed trivial and boring indeed compared with the excitement of working for S.E.X.. Needless to say, it was only a matter of time before I had a confrontation with Fred.
“You bitch!” he cornered me one night after I’d served TV dinners for the fourth time in a row. “How long do you think I can stand living like this?”
I tried to weasel out of it, but it was no use. The irritation had been building up inside him for some time, and a lot of steam was going to have to escape before the pressure of his anger died down.
“Please, Fred,” I tried to reason with him, “the twins are in the next room. They’ll hear you.”
“So what?” he thundered. “I’ll bet they’re just as disgusted with the job you’ve been doing as a mother as I am at the crappy job you’ve been doing as a wife.”
“That’s not fair,” I protested. “I’ve got rights, too.”
“Name them,” he sneered.
“Well, for one thing,” I answered defiantly, “I’ve got a right to some kind of life outside of this house.”
“Bullshit!” he bellowed. “A woman’s place is in the home… and that’s it!”
“I don’t buy that,” I retorted.
“Then try this on for size!” he yelled, and let loose a slap that caught me right across the cheekbone.
Staggering backward until I bumped against the wall, I cried, “You hit me! Who do you think you are, you barbarian?”
“Your husband,” he hissed. “And I’ll do anything I damn well please to you, you good-for-nothing bitch.”
“Such as?” I challenged him.
“Such as knocking some sense into you, if I think that’s the only thing that’ll work,” he blustered.
“I dare you!”
“Okay, cunt, you asked for it!”
He’d closed the distance between us and was just starting to rain a torrent of open-handed blows on me when the twins came into the room to see what all the commotion was about. They were just in time to see their father knocking their mother to the floor.
“Stop, Daddy, stop!” Julie pleaded. “You’re making Mommy cry.”
“Hmmmppph,” he grunted, “that’s nothing. She deserves to bleed.”
With that he began kicking me. The paints of his shoes cracked into my ribs, bringing forth gurgling cries of abject pain.
Jimmy leaped at his dad and tried to stop him from brutalizing me. However, Fred was much too strong for a boy not yet in his teens, and shook him off like King Kong disposing of a petty annoyance.
Then, with the twins looking on goggle-eyed, Fred swooped down and picked me up off the floor. Cradling me in his arms as though he was a monster abducting a human sacrifice, he carried me into the bedroom and tossed me onto the bed from several feet away. I could hear Jimmy and Julie crying as he kicked the door closed and advanced menacingly toward me.
“What are you going to do to me?” I quaked with fear as his shadow loomed over me.
“The same as any husband would do,” he sneered. “Teach you a lesson you’ll never forget.”
I was afraid to ask what that was.
He told me anyway. “I’m going to fuck the shit out of you, you bitch,” he snarled. “There’s nothing wrong with a woman that a good, strong fuck won’t cure.”
“In other words, you’re going to rape your own wife,” I summoned the courage to reply.
“If you want to put it that way, go right ahead,” he answered. “The only thing a woman understands is a man’s cock between her legs. When God made women he gave them a pussy instead of brains.”
“I’ll fight you every inch of the way,” I defiantly promised.
“And I’ll come visit you in the hospital,” he chuckled evilly as he started stripping off his pants.
All of a sudden the focal point of his rage shifted from his contorted face to his throbbing groin. Looming from the center of his loins with a brutish hard-on that was so menacing I didn’t recognize it as belonging to the man I’d married. No matter what sexual indignities he’d subjected me to in the past, tonight was going to be infinitely worse.
I closed my legs, trying to seal off his access to my cunt. I might as well have tried to stop a flood by blotting it up with a sponge.
Fred reached down, gripped each of my knees, and pried them apart so that I could hear my hip-joints snap. Abruptly, whether I liked it or not, the corridor to my cunt was wide open. He could have driven a truck up the road to my pussy.
Now he reached in between my quivering thighs and grabbed hold of the crotch of my panties. The ripping sound resonated throughout the room as he brutally exposed my palpitating slit.
“You should see your pussy,” he sneered, “It’s twitching around even more than the expression on your face.”
I tried to kick out at him, but he grabbed my ankles and snapped my legs so vigorously that I thought he was going to break them. After a minute of such torture all my strength was gone, and despite my anger I was forced to go limp.
Seizing the opportunity presented by my temporary exhaustion, Fred clutched his enormous hard-on like a spear, and got ready to impale me with it. I turned away so I wouldn’t have to watch, but that didn’t stop the pain when he abruptly penetrated my tight, dry gash.
It was like sand in there instead of the normal lubricating juice as he whammed away, determined to bury every inch up my bone-dry twat. My screams just made him push harder. He thrived on my pain.
Then, when he was in me to the hilt, he began working on my asshole with his fingers. Two of them punctured the constricted orifice and pulled it apart despite the resistance of my anal sphincter.
After a few moments of forcible widening, he was able to insert a third and fourth digit. Then, when he stuffed his thumb inside, he had his entire hand engorging my aching shit-pit.
As his cock pistoned up my dry fuck-hole, his fingers balled within my rectum. Picking up the rhythm of his prick, he began fist-fucking me in tandem with his brutal rape of my pussy.
At some excruciating point within me, I could feel the thrust of his cock-head colliding through meaninglessly thin membrane with the surge of his knuckles. It felt like I had branding irons inserted simultaneously up my ass and cunt.
Either that, or hot lead!
Every impulse in my being made me want to cry out in pain. A prisoner of war would have revealed every military secret they knew under this kind of torture.
But, incredibly, I didn’t give in. My self-respect was even more dear to me than my physical well-being.
So, with his fist up my ass and his cock turning my cunt into chop-suey, I retaliated. My voice was the only remaining instrument of my body over which I had control, so I lacerated him with words.
Hateful, vengeful words.
“You pansy,” I suppressed the tremor of agony and snarled, “is this the best you can do? Are you sure you’re fucking me? I can’t even feel you inside me.”
I looked up at his face to gauge the effect of my verbal blows. To my satisfaction I saw the mask of arrogance contorting his features begin to crack. I was encouraged enough to go on.
“You stupid, pitiful fruit,” I sneered, even as he was pronging me in both holes. “Is this the best you can screw me? Any real man would have had my cunt and asshole dripping by now, no matter how much I resisted in the first place.”
Now his composure was really being rattled… and I loved it.
“You said what I needed was a good fuck,” I continued. “Then how come I’m not fucking back?”
He actually raised his hands up and covered his face, as though to protect himself from a physical assault.
“I’ll tell you why, turkey,” I blasted him. “Because you don’t know how to fuck worth shit. Worth shit!”
Now his arms were criss-crossing his face. He looked like a badly outclassed challenger covering up in the corner during a title-bout with a dynamite punching champion.
“Hmmmppphhh,” I snorted. Then, seizing the initiative. I got physical for the first time since my comeback and reached out and shoved him away.
I could hear his cock and fist pulling out of my pussy and asshole as he toppled backward. Before he could move, I jumped up and pounced on him.
“Now I’m going to show you how to really rape somebody,” I snarled triumphantly.
The fear on Fred’s face was abruptly replaced by disbelief. Surely I had to be joking, he must have thought in desperation. How could a woman, with nothing between her legs but a hairy slit, rape a cuntless man?
“You think a pussy’s not much, don’t you?” I angrily charged. “Well, I’ll teach you that my cunt can be every bit as brutal as that Goddamn cock of yours. By the time I’m through with you, you’ll be chewed to bits. You’ll be positive I’ve got teeth inside there.”
When I reinserted his prick up my fuck-hole, it was as if it had never been there before. For one thing, I was on top for a change. For another, instead of being the customary warm receptacle, the clenching interior muscles made my twat like a hangman’s noose.
“Yeeeooooowwww!” Fred screamed as I hunkered down on him to the hilt, and squeezed for all I was worth. “You’re killing me, Debbie… killing me!”
“You better believe it, chump,” I snapped. “Don’t be surprised if I fuck you to death.”
With his peter trapped within my vaginal prison to the maximum, I began moving my hips in a vicious cross-cutting motion. The whipsawing effect must have made him sure his dork was about ready to be ripped out by the roots.
The more he whimpered and moaned, the better I liked it. His pain made marital sex enjoyable to me for the first time in years.
It was great to be in the driver’s seat for a change. The thrill of domination had actually made my pussy wet for my husband’s dick!
Pressing my advantage, I reached below and seized his nuts. Grinding them together in my hand like Captain Queeg’s ball-bearings, I forced them to function apart from their owner’s tenor and get down to the business of manufacturing cum. I wanted to feel that hot spunk up my twat as evidence I was doing a superior job as the aggressor.
The two orbs churned in my grip, constricting tighter and tighter under the base of Fred’s cock. The member itself kept expanding within my snatch, behaving as though it were a separate organism from the rest of his body.
I didn’t have to implore him to come, because it was a certainty that he would whether he wanted to or not. His prick was just a device inside my powerhouse cunt, programmed to operate whenever the user pushed the right buttons.
Fred was begging me to stop. But, at the same time, his prick was getting ready to gush like a newly drilled oil well. Within seconds, the scalding bounty of his depths would be spurting up the derrick of my cunt.
I was so sure of my sperm-producing ability, that I began a countdown. I felt like a wildcat driller on the verge of my first million.
“Ten… nine… eight… seven.”
“Please, Debbie, please!” Fred pleaded. “Don’t do this to me!”
“Six… five… four… three… two…”
“Oh, no, I can’t stand it!”
It felt like an atomic blast within my loins. His cock sent a mushroom cloud of jism billowing into my pussy…
My orgasm was like nuclear fission. In expanding waves, it spread throughout my fuck-racked body, taking me to extremes I’d never thought possible with my husband.
After the jizz had splashed all the way to my ovaries, it backed up in my fuck-hole and started pouring out from between my legs. With satisfaction I watched the excess pour its scalding slime all over Fred’s thighs, crotch and belly.
But even though he had stopped coming, I wasn’t through fucking. No, I still had a lot of points to prove.
I kept right on screwing him.
Oh, hell, why be delicate about it? I kept right on raping him.
His hard-on didn’t escape an inch from my snatch. The suction I produced wouldn’t allow it to lose an iota of rigidity despite the desire of its owner to run someplace and hide and whimper.
Pistoning my crotch to produce incredible friction, I kept right on fucking as though Fred hadn’t produced a drop of cum. I was as determined to draw a second load from his phallic spigot as I’d been to produce the first.
It only took a couple of minutes.
Suddenly Fred’s joint was spitting again. His cock and balls would be black and blue by tomorrow morning.
The excess this time spilled off his trembling body and drenched the bedding. There was so much spunk it was soaking all the way into the mattress.
I had a load of fresh cum spewing from my gash that made it seem as though a bucket of gruel had been poured between my legs. However, it still wasn’t enough to satisfy me. Revenge was turning out to be the biggest turn-on I’d ever experienced when it came to sex between me and my husband.
Gritting my teeth, I started humping for a third explosion. And, as I expended the effort, I knew I probably wouldn’t even be satisfied with that.
I made the bastard come five times that night within the space of an hour. By the time I pulled his prick from my cunt, the damn thing looked like it had been put through a meat grinder instead of a cunt.
When I was finally finished, I went into the bathroom and took a long, hot soak in the tub. As I immersed myself in the dual warmths of the soapy water and the after-glow of fucking, I could hear Fred piteously moaning from the other room.
Jesus, what a satisfying feeling. It made me proud I was a woman.
“God bless my cunt,” I said aloud more than once.
Fred was gone the next morning when I woke up. Then, when he didn’t come home that night at six, I started to get worried. For the first lime I wondered if I’d gone too far.
Anticipating a dreadful scene if he ever showed, I packed the twins off to the grandmother’s and waited. Finally, about ten, he showed, drunk as a skunk. Apparently he’d stopped off at a bar to hype up his courage with more than a little alcohol.
Of course I’d expected some reaction to my brutal aggression of the night before, but I hadn’t specified it in my mind. When it actually took form, I was more dismayed than I’d ever thought I could be.
Fred’s eyes were bleary, his face was slack, and his clothes were so dismayed he looked like a man who’d just checked in to the first stop on skid row. However, his words were as clear and cutting as the blade of a knife.
“I want a divorce,” he said. “I won’t be treated this way.”
I suppose I should have stood up for my rights and reminded him of the crappy way he’d been treating me for years.
But I didn’t.
I may have been a tiger twenty-fours hours before, but now I found myself a wife once again. A wife about to be abandoned by her husband.
“Please, Fred, I can explain everything,” I tried to reason with him, but I might as well have been talking to the wall. He’d made up his mind, and then cemented his decision with alcohol.
Within a few minutes he’d snapped up his toothbrush, razor, a few clothes, and some other bare necessities.
I was on my own.
And, in spite of my boldness of the night before, when the chips were down I didn’t like the way it felt.
“So that’s the story,” I told Jason in one of S.E.X.’s new offices.
“You mean you’re telling me you want to quit your job because your husband left you?” he said incredulously. “For one thing, you need it more than ever for the money. And for another, what about your self-respect, Debbie?”
“I don’t know,” I grimly replied, “Lately I’d been thinking I really was somebody on my own. You know, ever since I started working for S.E.X… But now that this thing with my husband has happened, I’m scared. Maybe I was just fooling myself, and I just wasn’t meant to be anything more than a simple wife and mother.”
“Debbie, don’t sell yourself short,” Jason said sternly. “I don’t want to see you throw a budding career down the drain… and, frankly, you are too valuable to our research for The Exchange to lose. You must stay on.”
From there he went on to give me all sorts of supportive reasons why I had to continue my work, regardless of my situation at home. I was somewhat dubious; but, on the other hand, my self-confidence was so low that I couldn’t resist all the compliments and encouragement he was giving me. They were like nourishment to a struggling plant.
“Okay,” I finally agreed, “I’ll stay on temporarily.”
“Good,” Jason smiled with relief. “Now for your next assignment, I want you to check out some alternative life-styles existing in this community. We need the information for The Report, and seeing how other families cope will be very therapeutic for you.”
I was frightened at first because it would be my first assignment alone since I’d started working with Gloria, but Jason had me convinced that it was for my own good. Shoving my doubts into the background, I called the family S.E.X. had selected for the interview and set up an appointment.
As I drove into the Fishers’ driveway later in the week, I could detect nothing unusual about the outer appearances of the way they lived. Theirs was a typical suburban house that wouldn’t have given even the most curious passer-by the slightest cause for reflection.
Of course I was informed enough by now to know that the superficial appearances of suburban normality could be very misleading. After all, nobody would have guessed what had been going on behind closed doors with Fred and me, and we were as respectable on the surface as any family could be.
Mrs. Fisher greeted me at the door, and her presence just reiterated the facade of normality. She was an attractive, well-scrubbed matron in her middle thirties, giving the immediate impression of devoting her whole existence to the care and feeding of her husband and children.
Her husband, Art, was waiting for us in the den with their two teenage children, Teddy and Sheila. They’d stayed home from work and school so they could participate in the interview. It was clear they were all extremely close.
Mrs. Fisher, whose first name was Ruth, served us all milk and cookies as we sat in the den and got acquainted. As we started talking I began to wonder if perhaps S.E.X. had made a mistake in sending me here because they all seemed so wholesome mid normal.
Art was an insurance salesman, who’d started his own agency a few years ago and made a real success of it. Both of the kids were honor students, and the girl was a cheerleader. Her brother planned to go out for basketball next year.
Ruth, the mother, was active in at least a dozen civic activities. I wondered how she found time to do such a good job with the house, but the evidence was all around me that whatever time she had she put to excellent use. Oddly enough, the more wholesome the picture the Fishers presented to me of themselves, the more uneasy I got. After all, S.E.X. hadn’t sent me into their home to hear about Mom and apple pie. Where was this alternative life-style Jason had told me about?
Finally, after almost an hour of pleasant conversation that led nowhere insofar as The S.E.X. Report was concerned, I broke the ice, and mentioned I’d better get down to asking some questions. As a matter of course, considering the adult subject matter, I asked Art and Ruth if they’d mind excusing the children.
“No way,” Art really surprised me by answering in a firm voice. “The kids have to be part of this or we wouldn’t have agreed to cooperate with your research in the first place.”
He looked toward the two children.
“Right, Teddy? Sheila?”
They both nodded back with polite smiles on their attractive faces. Then their mother joined with an identical response.
“You see,” Art said, “the whole secret to the closeness of our family is that we do everything together… and I mean everything.”
“Wait… wait a minute,” I stammered, struck by his implication as if by a punch to the jaw. “Are… are you trying to tell me that you and your wife have… have…”
“Yes,” she interrupted without batting an eyelash. “Art and I always try to include the children in our sex-lives, if that’s what you’re getting at, Mrs. Robinson.”
I looked around at the four of them as though it had suddenly occurred to me that I was surrounded by a roomful of Martians. Each of them returned my startled gaze with the same big grin.
Especially the girl. Sheila. At eighteen she was extremely attractive, and was now starting to uncoil the full extent of her beauty as she spread her legs out on the floor from under her short dress.
I could see how she’d been elected cheerleader. Her legs were long, shapely and tan, and must have looked sensational in one of those brief costumes the girls wore at the local high school.
I’m afraid my stare was too obvious. All of a sudden I could sense that she was aware that I was admiring her exposed calves and thighs.
“Do you like my legs, Mrs. Robinson?” she asked coolly.
“Well… I… I…” I stammered with a red face.
“Don’t be embarrassed,” her mother broke in. “Sheila knows how pretty she is, and so do the rest of us.”
“Yes,” Art Fisher added, “welcome to the club.”
Sheila wasn’t made uneasy by all this attention at all. As a matter of fact, she obviously enjoyed it.
“Would you like a better look?” she asked.
Before I could gather my wits to make a coherent response, her long, delicate fingers gasped the hem of her skirt and pulled it all the way up to her waist. Then, as she spread her thighs. I was looking straight at her open crotch.
She wasn’t wearing a stitch underneath. I could see everything!
“Everything” was the most gorgeous cunt I’d ever laid eyes on. The lips were a pouting pink. The hair a wispy tangle the same color as the honeyed tresses on her head. The red mouth was glistening with moisture.
“Sis is even prouder of her pussy than she is of her legs,” her brother spoke up for the first time. “She never misses a chance to show it off.”
“And you can easily see why,” her mother added.
The girl was doing her best to live up to her family’s estimation of her charms. Now she was lolling back against the couch so that she was virtually spread-caged, and placing her hands into the well of her splayed crotch.
With bugging eyes, I watched her fingers clutch her pussy lips and slowly pry them apart. By the time she was finished, her twat was open at least six inches wide and I was looking straight up inside her.
Then, the mother got up and walked over beside me. “Do you like cunt, Mrs. Robinson?” she asked as she stroked my hair.
I was too flustered to answer.
“I’ll bet you do,” Mrs. Fisher cooed. “Perhaps you’d like to see where my daughter inherited her lovely specimen.”
She stepped in front of me, and before my astonished eyes, doffed her dress from around her shoulders and let it slip to the floor. Like her daughter, she was naked underneath.
My nostrils flared as I got a whiff of the pussy that suddenly filled my fine of vision. As she had suggested, Mrs. Fisher’s twat was every bit as delectable as Sheila’s.
“Here, feel it,” Mrs. Fisher said as she took hold of my wrist. Too stunned to resist, I permitted her to draw my hand to her box and place my fingers on her throbbing labia.
“Rub them around,” she suggested. “Get your fingers good and wet.”
That was certainly easy enough. Mrs. Fisher’s cunt was absolutely sopping. The pubic hair had lost its curl it was so heavy with saturation.
“Do you… do you do this sort of thing often?” I gulped as I felt her damp groin writhing under my involuntary touch.
“Whenever we have a guest,” Art Fisher cheerfully informed me. “We always like to be hospitable.”
“And… and when you’re by yourselves?”
“What do you imagine we do when we’re by ourselves?” Ruth Fisher purred, her voice actually seeming to come from between her legs — the presence of her cunt was so commanding.
I closed my eyes and shook my head, because I didn’t want to give the obvious answer. The obvious was just too bizarre.
My reluctance didn’t faze the Fisher family in the slightest.
“We fuck and suck, of course,” Ruth Fisher calmly announced. “If you don’t believe me, just look what’s happening over on the floor behind me.”
She turned forty-five degrees to the right so I could look once again at the spread-legged Sheila… only Sheila was no longer by herself.
Teddy, brother, had dropped his pants, and was waving his eight-inch hard-on in her blissfully smiling face. Then, her pink tongue popped out of her mouth and gave it a long, slurping lick.
While he was getting his cock tongued, Teddy lowered a hand between his sister’s legs and began vigorously feeling her pussy. Within seconds, three digits were fully inside the gooey cavern and finger-fucking her.
The only one unaccounted for now was Mr. Fisher. His wife sensed my curiosity and moved again so I could witness what he was up to.
He had stripped and was stroking his ten-inch prick. It was apparent that he was very pleased about the swelling he had between his legs.
“Come here, darling,” his wife said to him. “I think our guest would like to get a closer look at your pride and joy.”
He jumped up and joined us immediately. Taking my free hand, he put the fingers up against his cock, and then pressed the tendon in the underside of my wrist so that I had no choice but to wrap them around his tool.
It was a pulsing piece of equipment — obviously a powerhouse. Already there was a premature glob of cum gracing the tip.
“What about you, my dear?” Ruth Fisher interrupted my awe-struck silence. “What do you have between your legs?”
“And is it wet?” her husband’s mouth watered.
I hadn’t even thought of that. Automatically, I rubbed my thighs together to test out the situation.
Yes… I was wet. Uncontrollably wet.
“Come on, now,” Art Fisher said with a twinkle in his eye, “‘fess up. We’re your friends.”
I looked away, my face burning with embarrassment. However, as it was, I might as well have broadcast my vaginal condition over a public address system.
“Oh, yes, she’s wet,” Mrs. Fisher said eagerly.
“How can you tell?” her husband asked.
“I can smell it… can’t you, darling?”
“Mmmmmm,” he sampled the air, “you’re right, honey. It’s just like somebody opened a can of tuna.”
They seemed to take it for granted that because they had discovered my pussy was wet, they had a right to take any liberty they pleased with me from that point on. As though it were a foregone conclusion that I would join in with the family fun, Mrs. Fisher reached down and pulled my skirt all the way up. Before I knew it she was running her fingers aver my damp crotch.
“Look at her panties, Art,” she said to her husband. “They’re so full of juice you can see right through them. Her pussy lips are so large… and look at her sweet little clit poking out near the top.”
“I can’t wait to see her tits,” he enthused.
His fingers flew to the front of my blouse and began unbuttoning. At the same time his wife got rid of my skirt and panties. In less than a minute I was stark naked.
“Let us see her, Mom and Dad,” the kids called in unison from the floor.
The parents pulled away from in front of me just enough for me to see Sheila and Teddy. It was obvious they had completed round one of their activity because the girl had fresh cum dribbling down her chin.
“Wow, she’s fine!” Teddy declared. As he did so, his dick, temporarily limp after creaming in his sister’s mouth, shot back up to attention.
“Teddy’s always liked older women,” his father informed me.
“Yeah,” Sheila giggled. “Ever since Mom broke him in when he was ten.”
“Mom… Dad,” the boy asked in an ardent voice, “can I be the first one to fuck her?”
“Why don’t you ask the nice lady?” his mother smiled sweetly.
Abruptly the parents were hovering over me no longer, and Teddy and I were face to face. Walking toward me, he was preceded by a boner that seemed to have gotten even bigger. I had heard about the tirelessness of these teenage boys, and now I was getting a demonstration firsthand.
I wanted to look away because I knew that was the only decent thing to do. However, I felt uncontrollably more indecent by the second. The fad of the matter was that I was transfixed by the twitching glory of Teddy’s adolescent hard-on.
When he had reached me, I felt I had no choice but to reach out and touch him. Needless to say, the first touch of his sinewy teenage prick sealed my fate. Once I’d felt the glorious muscle there was no turning back.
“Oh, look,” Sheila pointed out to the others, “her pussy just stained the upholstery when she felt Teddy’s cock.”
“It’s a good thing we had the furniture Scotch-guarded,” Mrs. Fisher noted like the efficient homemaker she was. “Pussy juice never comes out otherwise… not to mention sperm.”
What they were saying about me was absolutely true. My twat was gushing like an underground spring. If it didn’t stop, pretty soon the overflow would be dripping down to the carpet.
While I continued to fondle Teddy’s stiff joint, he reached down and grabbed me by the ankles. Pulling my legs straight out, he slid me out of the couch until I dropped to the floor. By the time I landed it must have looked like I was clutching his prick like a quicksand victim hanging onto a branch to keep from going under.
“Please, let go, Mrs. Robinson,” he said politely, “I’m ready to fuck you.”
With word “fuck”, my snatch started creaming up a storm all over again. A dark stain immediately began to spread in a semicircle from between my open thighs.
With the scent of my reeking cunt filling the room like a pungent fog, the boy dropped to his knees with his nose twitching from my odor like a rabbit’s smelling fresh lettuce. Licking his lips with rapt anticipation, he began guiding his beautiful dick straight for my gaping cunt.
“That’s it, Teddy boy,” his big sister encouraged him, “stick it in her. We all want to watch you fuck her.”
All of a sudden I could feel the solid rock of his cock-head pressing insistently against my rubbery labia. Then, the turgid purple knob was pushing the lips apart and he was burrowing within me.
One inch… two inches… the entire flange of his phallic crown was plugging the mouth of my twat.
Now, another inch of shaft… then another, and another. Four inches of teenage cock was splitting my pussy.
“Come on, Teddy,” his mother implored even more enthusiastically than had his sister, “stick her! Really stick her! Fuck her all the way to your balls!”
And such sweet young balls they were. When I looked down I could see them jiggling in their hairless pink sac. Who knew how much youthfully frothy cum they were churning up to ultimately spew inside my thirsty fuck-hole?
“Unnnnhhh… unnnnhhhh… unnnnhhhhh,” the boy grunted as he gave the penetration that extra effort needed to get his cock all the way up my tight cunt.
The others were cheering him on as inch after inch of shaft was swallowed between my wide-open legs. By the time he was finished, one of the cheers was mine.
I let out a long, low moan of appreciation when I finally felt his nuts squashing against the bottom of my box. Now the fucking could really begin in earnest.
I slid completely supine onto the floor, letting the boy fall all the way on top of me. Locked in the standard lovemaking embrace, we began wiggling our hips and moving our asses in unison.
To achieve an even greater sensation of penetration, I wrapped my legs around his waist and gave him a passionate, pelvic tug. His hard-on seemed to tear me in two as it sawed to the furthest depths of my convulsing love-pit.
Now that Teddy and I had gone all the way, it was time for the rest of the Fisher family to get into the act. I could hear them whispering in the background, planning in advance how they would add their bodies to the fray.
The young daughter, Sheila, was the first to make her presence felt. Walking over and straddling my head, she slowly lowered her spread haunches over my twitchingly expectant face.
Her gorgeous honey-pot was a dream as it descended nearer and nearer my watering mouth. Drops of sweet goo dribbled from her scarlet maw, splattering onto my cheeks.
Then, as if in a fantasy, she was sitting on my face. All of a sudden I was smothered by acres of succulent teenage cunt.
My tongue stiffened like an oral hard-on and went immediately inside her delectable gash. The intoxicating taste of her unspoiled adolescent charms was even more divine than I had anticipated. She had muscles inside her youthful slit that could squeeze me all night long.
Then, it was Sheila’s mother’s turn. Pushing her son’s upper body aside, Ruth Fisher sat on my chest and brought her pussy to bear on my throbbing breasts.
The feel of cunt-flesh against tit-flesh was a fantastic thrill… especially when the latter was so sensitive, and the former so luxuriously wet. Needless to say, the sensation was even more complete when she seized one of my nipples and actually inserted it, fuck-style, within her spasming love-hole.
But even humping one of my jugs wasn’t enough for the horny Mrs. Fisher. She took hold of the remaining breast, and guided the erect nipple straight for her spike-like clitoris. When they met it was like heaven on earth.
Only Art Fisher remained standing in the wings. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him preparing himself for his assault by stroking his prick. It had grown even more erect during the waiting, and was guaranteed to be a tight fit wherever it inserted itself.
Finally, Art dropped to his knees and crawled toward the lower end of my writhing body. Placing his palms flat against the cheeks of his son’s butt, he lifted Teddy up in the air just enough to forge an entrance to my ass. My anus puckered and drooled in anticipation.
Losing no time, Art worked his huge dong between my upraised buns, and zeroed in on my pouting bunghole. Quickly the head of his cock was stimulating the ridges of the diminutive orifice, getting me used to the idea of being fucked in the ass by almost a foot of iron bar.
Then the preliminaries were over. All of a sudden his tool was making its incision. The phallic crown slipped like a dream within the mouth of my eagerly expanding rectum, leading the way for inch after inch of thick shaft.
“Mmmmm,” I groaned deliriously into Sheila’s cunt as her father rapidly pronged my shit-pit to the hilt. Of course, as I did so, I was forced to swallow about a pint of scalding pussy juice.
Immediately I made up my mind to do a lot more groaning.
As each of the Fishers exercised their genitalia on my body, I realized that the foreplay was completed and there was nothing to do but fuck back. They’d shown me enough hospitality to whip out their organs and put them to best use relative to my naked anatomy, so now it was my responsibility to give them back as good as I was getting.
Even if they did outnumber me four-to-one.
I went to work on my cunt muscles. They’d been tight to begin with; now they became like a vise, squeezing Teddy’s cock until he actually whimpered with joyous pain.
The ass. The tightest of the orifices. I made it even tighter. Art didn’t whimper like his son — he howled.
Finally, I used my mouth like a vacuum cleaner. Literally sucking Sheila’s teenage cunt into my oral cavity, I enclosed her labia with my lips, devouring the whole succulent sugar-plum.
Now all we had to do was start coming. It wasn’t exactly the most demanding task in the world.
I went first because I was getting the most stimulation. Orgasmic ripples began to spread from the four areas that were getting fucked, quickly inundating my entire body.
My spasms immediately activated the two cunts gracing the top half of my body. While Sheila’s pussy convulsingly creamed down my throat, her mother’s twat twisted around my nipple until I could feel the vulnerable chunk of flesh becoming black and blue.
Only the cocks remained. It was a perfect arrangement of the best for last.
Come! Come, you bastards! I mentally implored them.
Thank God, their ESP was working. Both Art and Teddy expanded their hard-ons and extra inch in my orifices and then let go. It was the first time two males had ever come in me at once.
Hot sperm rushed up my two fuck-holes simultaneously like molten lava. In my cunt it seemed to flood all the way to my fallopian tubes. In my ass, it swamped the shit in my bowels.
Then, when there was too much of it for either of my holes to accommodate, it came gushing out. All of a sudden sperm was all over the place. By the time they were finished spurting, I was wallowing in a dense puddle of the gooey stuff.
Not to be outdone, we girls started the cycle all over again. New blasts of female cream came pouring from all three of our pussies.
The males, of course, couldn’t match that right away. However, after two or three minutes of sustained friction, they miraculously plumbed the depths of their balls for renewed elixir and actually ejaculated again.
By the time the second round was finished, the five of us were practically doing the Australian crawl to stay afloat.
It was just a good thing my S.E.X. questionnaire had been safely placed on the mantle. The goo would have made it impossible to ever fill it out if it had been within five feet of our perpetually gushing bodies.
Back on the domestic front, Fred had gone to stay with his mother. In the meantime, I had the twins back home with me and we were doing the best we could.
I hired a babysitter to take care of Jimmy and Julie and prayed, as I went off to my job at S.E.X. every morning, that things would work out all right.
The data for The S.E.X. Report had all been collected. All that remained now for the findings to become a reality insofar as the American people were concerned was for the information to be collated, and then sent to the publisher. In the meantime, it was time for the staff to celebrate the end of a long, hard task.
Except that the last thing I felt like doing at the end of the project was celebrating. For the end of the research portion of The Report meant that my work was finished, and I was staring unemployment in the face with no husband and two children to support.
“Don’t worry about it,” Jason tried to encourage me. “You’ll get a dynamite reference from us, and another job is a certainty. I promise.”
“I’d feel better if you were the next guy I was going to work for,” I replied ruefully.
“Listen,” he said, “if it’ll make you feel any better, your name will be on The Report when it comes out. As you know, there won’t be any money in it for you, but that could happen. It’s certain to be a best-seller, meaning that you’ll be a kind celebrity. You’ll be able to write your own ticket when it comes out.”
“But what about in the meantime?” I wailed. “Right now I’d settle for writing a ticket to a simple secretary’s job.”
“Don’t sell yourself short, Debbie,” Jason tried to console me. “Without you, we wouldn’t have been nearly so successful in compiling the type of information we needed. Just take it easy.”
“Tell that to my kids,” I snapped. “They like to eat three times a day, you know.”
“Just stop feeding your depression,” he answered paternally, “and enjoy the fruits of a job well done. Why don’t you let me pick you up for the celebration tonight. A good time is what you need.”
“All right,” I agreed with a shrug. “Maybe I am over dramatizing.”
The party was held at a local Italian restaurant that The Exchange had rented for the night. We were all seated around a long banquet table, and the booze flowed like it was going out of style. Everybody had a head on before the hors d’oeuvres were even served.
A few stiff drinks made me quickly forget about my financial problems, and before I knew it I was swinging along with everybody else. Alcohol made tomorrow a lot easier prospect to face than cold sobriety.
Then, when Arnold Feather, the psychologist who headed up the S.E.X. team began to read excerpts from the research, things really got interesting. I’d been so close to the data for such a long time that I hadn’t really realized how provocative it was. When this stuff was published it would blow the lid off the country’s preconceived notions about what was considered to be normal sexuality.
“Here’s an interesting questionnaire,” Dr. Feather intoned from the end of the table. “It seems a couple began anal intercourse during their dating in college, and were never able to make the transition to genital congress after they were eventually married. Rather than switch, they adopted children.”
“Hear, hear!” a drunken Jason bolted from his chair and exclaimed. “Let’s see ‘Dear Abby’ or ‘Cosmopolitan’ top that!”
“Precisely, my dear Jason,” the equally tipsy Dr. Feather said. “Information like this is exactly why The S.E.X. Report is going to be on top of the best-seller list for months!”
We all cheered at that estimation, proud to be part of such certain success. Then, the good doctor laid a little bit more on the assemblage.
“I’m sure that you’ll all be interested to know that the length of the average respondent’s penis is…”
He teasingly paused. It was a master stroke, because all of us had bolted upright in our seats in anticipation.
“Eight and three-quarters inches,” he broke the hush that had fallen over the crowd. “Slightly two and a half inches more than had previously been thought to be the norm. Our findings definitely show that erections are on the upswing. Getting longer and harder than ever before. Even if we produce no other confirmed trends, this information will be enough to rock the nation.”
A spontaneous cheer spilled from the gathering. Eight and three-quarters had best-seller written all over it.
“What about you, Doc?” somebody drunkenly joked. “Are you above or below normal?”
“I’m glad you asked,” he surprised us all. “As a matter of fact, I’d never even measured myself before the findings came in. However, out of curiosity, once I saw the statistics, I borrowed my son’s ruler and saw for myself.”
“And?” at least a dozen people shouted.
“Nine inches,” he rejoined smugly. “A quarter of an inch over average… And, to tell you the truth, my wife was even more excited about it than I was.”
We gave him a standing ovation. I guess that’ll tell you how bombed we all were.
Then, as Dr. Feather sat down, the room was abuzz with the men around the table comparing their prick sizes. You could tell from which men were beaming, and which ones were frowning, who was above the average and who fell below.
Then, Jason, who was undoubtedly above normal on the drunkenness scale, took the floor and proposed a most bizarre suggestion.
“Why don’t we conduct our own survey among staff?” he hollered. “Let’s find out if the scientists are as well-endowed as the subjects.”
There was a buzzing throughout the room as the men confronted their nerve. The women present, of course, just ginned.
Needless to say, it was only a matter of time until some PhD with a schlong the size of a Hebrew National salami dropped his pants.
As it turned out, it was my date… Jason.
Well, naturally I knew from first hand experience that he beat the norm with plenty to spare. However, I was just as shocked as everyone else when he unzipped his fly and hauled out a twitching hard-on that looked like it belonged to a stallion.
The reaction around the table was divided between disgust from the few blue-noses, envy from the men with smaller pricks, applause from the guys with pricks as large, and drooling from every woman present. Let’s face it… Jason had a magnificent tool.
“Well, hell,” my old friend Gloria Schaffer stood up and exclaimed from the other side of the table, “I don’t care what anybody thinks, I’ll suck it!”
I knew Gloria well enough to realize that she wasn’t kidding. If she announced she’d suck Jason’s cock in public, Goddamn it she’d do it if it killed her.
Confirming my judgment, she climbed up on the table and trampled through a platter of lasagna to get to Jason’s throbbing dork. By the time she arrived her legs were smeared with tomato sauce.
When he saw her coming, Jason climbed on the table also, scurrying toward her provocatively sucking mouth. Before our eyes, cock and mouth closed ranks, and suddenly she was blowing him.
All hell broke loose the instant Gloria’s lips clasped around Jason’s phallic crown. “Oh, suck it!” somebody yelled. “Suck it all the way!”
“Suck that cock!”
“Fuck it with your mouth!”
“Make him come all over you!”
Then I added my two-bits worth. “Gobble him to the hilt!” I screamed. “Turn his balls bright blue!”
She did it.
Did it with one fantastic, slurping swallow. Devoured every inch of his immense throbber like an experienced sword swallower.
The applause filled the rafters. It was truly a command performance of cocksucking.
It couldn’t help but make everyone in the room horny.
Yours truly included.
“Hey,” I turned and said to the guy on the opposite side of me from where Jason had been sitting, “what about your equipment? Above or below the suburban norm?”
“Got a ruler?” he leered.
“No, but my mouth is like a micrometer,” I leered back. “Want a reading?”
“You better believe it, baby,” he grinned, and then whipped it out like a flash.
Well, just a sight reading told me that his stiff prick was bigger than any eight and three-quarter inches, but that wasn’t going to stop me from trying it out. Especially when I could see around me that virtually every other woman in the room was attacking the fly of the man nearest her.
I had his hard-on in my mouth in an instant and was sucking it for all I was worth. From the corner of my eye I could see at least a dozen other mouths duplicating my action.
The guy I was sucking really wanted a mouth-fuck, and began moving his hips right away in my drunken hominess I reveled in his brutal thrusts, savoring every welt his cock-head raised along the sensitive tissues of my esophagus.
Usually I close my eyes when I’m having sex. But not this time. What was going on around me was too delicious to miss.
A glorious tableau of eager women sucking cock filled my eyes. There wasn’t a timid mouth in the bunch.
I can’t tell you how proud it made me of my sex.
We slurped and suctioned in unison, going down on our men to the balls. It seemed as though every woman in that room had a mouthful of prick and a faceful of pubic hair.
Pretty soon we’d all have bellies full of cum.
As a matter of fact, Gloria undoubtedly had already achieved that objective. Lucky girl.
I say that because the corners of her cock-engorged mouth were already spewing cream.
Jason had speared her face to the ultimate, and now she was reaping the delicious results. It only stood to reason that a goodly amount of hot spunk had graced the pit of her stomach before the excess began oozing from her lips.
While the rest of us were still milking our phallic udders for fresh milk, Gloria was already advancing to the next step. You can spell that one F-U-C-K.
Her shapely legs were spread, and Jason’s cock was out of her mouth and heading for her flexing snatch. Since she wasn’t wearing any panties her hairy curt was right out in the open for anybody to see.
There’s nothing more inspiring than a naked cunt about to be speared by a hard-on. The sight of Gloria’s good fortune encouraged me to get the mouth fucking over so I could move the dick splitting my face down to the number-one orifice.
Pistoning my lips along the throbbing shaft of the hard-on I was sucking, and grabbing the guy’s hairy balls at the same time, I quickly brought forth the explosion I craved. As the cum splashed down my throat into my hungry belly, I was already thinking ahead about how good the thick phallic girth would feel engorging my wet cunt.
Before a minute was up, I was on the table, joining my friend Gloria. Pulling up my skirt with one hand, I ripped down my panties with the other, spreading my legs so my knees practically touched my ear lobes.
I felt like a bombing target as the missile of my partner’s cock zeroed in on my gaping slit. The froth was gushing so copiously from my hot gash that the lubrication would send his spear in to the hilt on it first glorious thrust.
“Sllluuurrrpppp!” my pussy seemed to say as it was abruptly penetrated.
“Ooommmppphhh!” my fucker added as he slipped deeply within me. “Oooohhhhh!” I completed the coital trinity. Now the table was rocking as Gloria and I fucked up a storm on it. Side by side we humped, bumping and grinding, writhing and wriggling in our cock-engorged splendor. Performing as a team one last time.
But we were not to hold the spotlight for long. Other women, not to be outdone by our daring, were hauling their stiff-cocked partners onto the flat surface for more facile fucking action. Within minutes there would be a sea of pricks pumping within spread, hairy cunts.
There was enough grunting and groaning going on for a blind man to mistake the banquet room for the hold of a slave ship. And, come to think of it, I guess we were slaves at that — slaves to the unparalleled joys of fucking.
I looked through the writhing bodies at Gloria to see how she was doing. Fortunately, I had a perfect view of ha cunt and could see it wasn’t leaking cum yet. Meaning, thank God, that even though she had a head start on me, I still had a chance to be the first one on the table with a sticky pussy.
“Come in me, son of a bitch!” I yelled. “Come in me or I’ll twist your fucking cock off at the root!”
Then, just as my partner was protesting that he was doing the best he could after all the drinks he’d had, his cock got him off the hook. Surging that tell-tale increment up my fuck-hole, its stony tip abruptly dissolved into a fountain of blazing goo. All of a sudden my cunt was dripping with hot cum.
Ahhhh, my pussy was the first on the table to be full of sperm, and needless to say I was busting with pride as well as with spurting cock. Everybody else could come all night long now, as far as I was concerned, and I’d still feel unique because I’d drawn first spunk.
With my own twat gushing cream, now I wished my sisters in fucking nothing but the wettest of pussies. “Make the bastards come!” I cried. “Make them fill you to the brim!”
Suddenly the room sounded like a truckload of hissing cobras had just been dropped into it. Cocks were unleashing their hot venom, engorging every snatch in sight with endless spurts of male elixir.
Before a minute had passed, the table-top was slick with spilled jizz. Then the overflow reached the proportions of a swamp and we were all virtually swimming in the gloppy ooze.
With no traction, humping couples began to slide around like they were on ice, more than one pair toppling unceremoniously to the floor. It was chaos. Wonderful chaos.
A good time was had by all.
Despite the marvelous time I’d had at the S.E.X. banquet, my memory of it was tinged by sadness. Because, in celebrating the work we’d done, the book had also been closed on my job. Alter having tasted the independence of self-support, I abruptly found myself without a job and two children to support.
Without Jason and the rest of the S.E.X. staff to buck me up, I quickly became depressed. Before I knew it I was feeling sorry for myself… reverting back to my old ways as a meek, scared suburban housewife.
Determined not to bring myself down in shame by applying for welfare, and ineligible for unemployment because S.E.X. was a nonprofit employer, I began reviewing my bleak alternatives.
Like it or not, I kept coming back to the same thing. Fred.
Even though at times I was sure I hated his guts, I realized that he was my only legal access to immediate support. And, if I didn’t get some money soon, what was left of my family might fall apart.
Swallowing my pride, I decided to go see him. Maybe, I told myself, we could work something out.
He was still at his mother’s, which didn’t make things easier. Mrs. Robinson had never gotten over the fact I’d taken her son away from her, and was undoubtedly pleased Fred and I had broken up. Any compromise I tried to effect she would probably fight. I wouldn’t get anything without a good deal of humiliation if she was involved.
Oh, well, I decided, my pride wasn’t as important as my kids eating. So one evening I psyched myself up and went to see my husband and his mommy.
I hadn’t called ahead because I was afraid Mrs.
Robinson would answer the phone and tell me to get lost. My resolve not being strong enough to withstand that kind of discouragement, I decided the best strategy was just to drop in unannounced and play it by ear.
The lights were on at her place, so I assumed mother and son were at home, apparently spending a quiet evening together. However, when I knocked on the door, there was no answer.
I started to walk away, but then I noticed that the television set was blaring inside. It seemed unlikely that nobody was home.
Maybe they saw me through the window, I thought, and aren’t answering the door on purpose.
It would be just like Fred’s mother to pull a stunt like that. And, suddenly, the thought of it made me angry.
“I won’t be treated like trash,” I hissed vehemently to myself. “After all, I’m still legally married to Fred — he’s my husband — and I should be able to see him if I want to.”
Emboldened by my rage, I decided I’d just go in anyway. To my way of thinking, I had a perfect right to be there.
The door was unlocked when I tried it, and I walked inside. The first thing that caught my eye was a rerun of “Police State” on the tube, but nobody was watching it. The living room was empty.
I tiptoed into the kitchen. Nobody was in there either.
It was a big house, the same home where Mrs. Robinson and her late husband had raised their family. There were plenty of rooms to inspect if I planned to smoke Fred and his mother out into the open.
With the adrenaline of anger still energizing me, I decided to conduct a search. Going from one room to the other on the ground floor, I found nothing but empty space. Finally, I decided to go upstairs.
The master bedroom was just as empty as the others. The king-size bed Fred’s mother slept in seemed to mock me with its throne-like quality. It seemed to say, “This is my place, and you’re nothing here.”
The bathroom was empty, also. So was the guest room.
There was only one place left to look. Fred’s old bedroom — the one he’d occupied as a boy.
I’d seen that bedroom before. His mother had kept it maintained like a shrine, carefully preserving its adolescent ambience as though she fully expected Fred to someday return to his senses and decide to be fifteen again.
The room’s reminder of my husband’s neurotic tic to his mother was something I didn’t relish encountering, but after coming up empty-handed in the rest of the house I felt I had no choice.
The door was closed. I thought of tapping, but then decided that was a courtesy I owed neither Fred nor his mother. After all, by now they pretty much had to be aware that I was in the house looking for them, and they’d apparently done their best to ignore me.
Or at least that was the way I figured it as I turned the knob. Three inches of open door, however, showed me that I’d figured it out all wrong.
I quickly pulled the door closed as what I’d just seen fully registered with me. The reason Fred and his mother hadn’t responded to my rattling around their house had become shockingly clear.
No wonder they hadn’t heard me. They were so absorbed in what they were doing a nuclear attack wouldn’t have rousted them from the bed on which they lay.
I’d known they were close — even for a mother and son — but not this close.
Why beat around the bush about it any longer? Even though it still pains me to admit it, yes, they were fucking.
And, as I hated myself for forcing the door back open an inch or so to get another look, I had a perfect view of the spread legs of Mrs. Robinson while her son’s stiff prick plowed into her hairy cunt. The light glistened from her quivering thighs because they were coated with her dripping pussy juice.
Disgusting was what it was.
But, so… God, how I hate to admit this… fascinating. I couldn’t have looked away under threat of death. It was positively hypnotic.
The sight of Fred’s prick pumping between his mother’s spread legs was like a drug. I knew I should be repulsed, but instead I was giddy.
“Oh, fuck me, Sonny,” she was moaning. “Fuck me harder… harder!”
“I’m fucking you as hard as I can, Mom,” he whined in a screechy bleat that must have gone back to his puberty days when his voice was changing. Obviously his mother’s cunt was a kind of time machine that made Fred into a boy again.
“I’ll buy you some ice cream,” she crooned seductively, “if you’ll fuck me harder.”
When he protested that he was doing the best he could, her mood abruptly changed.
“I’ll ground you,” she threatened. “I’ll put you on restriction for a month, Sonny, if you don’t start showing your mother a better time.”
It hadn’t just been my fanciful impression. The two of them actually had gone back in time. Fred was not a grown man any more with a wife and children, but a callow youth being strangled by his mother’s apron strings.
And in this case the apron strings took the form of a pair of naked thighs and clutching pussy lips that held his rigid cock like a hangman’s noose. In this family a dutiful son didn’t take out the trash, or keep his room clean to please his mother — instead he was expected to fuck her to the hilt.
“Come on, Sonny,” Mrs. Robinson snapped, “I’ve got ironing to do if you can’t do any better than this.”
“Will you really get me some ice cream?” he asked as he writhed on top of her.
“If I get some boy-cream!” she fired back.
The lure of some butter-brickle, which I knew to be his favorite, was apparently like an aphrodisiac to Fred. His hard-on became a piston between his mother’s thighs.
Then, after several moments of frenzied pumping, his prick disappeared into the maw of her snatch. Only the balls could be seen as they squashed against the bottom of her labia.
“Mmmmmm, that’s better,” Mrs. Robinson moaned. “Now you’re really getting someplace, Sonny.”
To accentuate her pleasure, she lifted her legs and wrapped them like, a vise around his waist. Then, yanking him even closer toward her, she worked his prick within her twat until she was gasping.
With bugged eyes I watched her hand snake under his thighs until the fingers worked their way up the crack of his ass. Helplessly I watched my mother-in-law find my husband’s pulsingly red anus and digitally penetrate it past the last knuckle. From the way he whimpered I knew she was working the fingertip against his swollen prostate.
They ground together like a couple of Siamese twins joined at the crotch. It was only a matter of seconds until Fred would be forced to come in his mother’s thirsty cunt.
I watched the hairy globes of Fred’s ass squirm more and more as he got closer to the moment of truth. Even though he was not stroking as before, the friction was apparently more intense than it had ever been due to his mother’s squeezing pussy.
I couldn’t help but wonder how long these two had shared such shocking intimacy. If it went back as long as I was certain it did, it was no wonder Fred had had two marriages fail. There was no way any woman could satisfy him when his mother had gotten there first.
“Come in me, Sonny!” Mrs. Robinson cried as though she were out on the back porch hollering for her little boy to come home for dinner. “Make Mommy proud of you.”
“Promise I’ll get my butter-brickle as soon as we’re through?” he panted as his hips swung from side to side from the intense fucking action.
“Come in my cunt and we’ll talk about it,” she answered, and then inserted a second and third finger into his distended asshole.
“Okay, remember you promised,” he gasped, and then poured everything he had into a final thrust.
From my vantage point I could see his balls turning blue and then compacting into a knot that looked like a fist. At the same time his mother inserted the rest of her fingers into his shit-pit and made a real fist inside his butt. The pressure against his prostate must have been killing.
“Oh, Momma!” he suddenly wailed. “Here it comes! I can’t hold it any longer!”
Looking over his shoulder I could see a big grin split her face. She was licking her lips in anticipation of the explosion her darling boy had just promised.
Her wrist rotated outside his asshole, and then her fist came out with a loud pop. Her clenched fingers were stained brown with shit.
He bucked forward like he’d just been shot and the room reverberated with a long, muffled hiss.
He was coming. Coming at last in his mother’s cunt.
Filling her snatch with a mighty spurt of impassioned goo.
She went nuts. An impartial observer might have thought she was enduring an epileptic seizure, save for one tell-tale bit of evidence.
I’m speaking, of course, of the excess cum that welled to the limits of her cunt, and then began spraying out from between her legs. All of a sudden Fred’s seed was splashing all over the place.
Beneath him, his mother was shuddering from orgasm. I don’t believe I’ve ever seen a woman come so hard. There was undoubtedly something about being fucked to the hilt by one’s own offspring that made normal sex pale in comparison. It was a disgusting conclusion, but I couldn’t deny the evidence.
And the irrigating of Mrs. Robinson’s twat wasn’t the end of it. With Fred’s prick still pumping fluid, she yanked the member from between her legs and held it so it spurted all over her jiggling tits.
Then, when there was only a dribble coming out but Fred’s dick was still hard, she leaned forward, wrapped her lips around it, and began noisily sucking. Not a drop of cum was going to be wasted as far as she was concerned.
Finally, when his prick pulled free, it was lapped clean. But since it was still as solid as a rock, his mother naturally began thinking about a new hole for it to conquer.
“Quick, Sonny, my ass,” she encouraged him. “Fuck me in the ass before you lose your hard-on. Cornhole your mother the way I taught you when you were eighteen.”
“Can I have a candy bar along with the ice cream?” Fred blackmailed her.
“You can have the whole counter,” she gushed, “if you’ll just stop whining and get your stiff prick inside my asshole.”
She lifted up her legs and parted her cheeks, giving me a perfect view of the pulpy orifice of her ass.
Fred lost no time in guiding his prong straight for his mommy’s chocolate circle.
Before my eyes, his crimson phallic crown sunk into the circular flange of Mom’s shit-pit and was swallowed by her voracious rectum. Then, inch after inch jack-hammered from view. Finally he was in her ass as completely as he’d previously been in her cunt, butt-fucking the old lady to the hilt.
The last time the churning sperm had made his balls blue. This time his nuts were purple. After he came in her ass she’d be shitting jizz for days if she didn’t give herself an enema.
She wrapped her legs around him again, this time around his neck. Her position made my view of her lower body shockingly explicit. Every stroke of Fred’s hard-on inside her tight asshole was as painfully clear as the light of day. Even though I was several feet away, I had the sensation that I could reach out and touch it.
It didn’t take him nearly as long to come this time as it had the time before. Without any prompting, he turned on the spigot in his loins and shot his wad like he was launching a missile.
I could hear the fresh jizz gurgling inside his mother’s rectum, and then saw the overflow cascade down the crack of her butt and all over her son’s pumping cock. As Fred’s cum splashed all over the bed, they reveled in it.
Pretty soon Mrs. Robinson had cupped her hands, caught about a pint of escaping jism, and began spreading it all over her naked body. Within moments she was so gloppy it looked like she was melting.
Her son’s cum was all over her face. Smeared in her hair. Dripping from her teeth and armpits. Clogging her nostrils.
She was a mess… and she loved it.
This was the point at which I turned away. The fascination had ended, and I just couldn’t stand it any more.
Silently leaving the house, I hit the street, having accepted the painful reality which the incredible scene I’d just witnessed signified. My marriage was over.
No wife could ever replace a mother like Fred’s. It would be stupid to even try.
I’d taken him away from his first wife. But I could never get him away from his mother.
From now on Fred didn’t exist in my life. My family was just me and the kids. I’d just have to do the best I knew how to keep us together.
I swallowed my pride and began pounding the pavement looking for a job… any job. But I had no luck, despite the modesty of my ambitions.
Jason had been wrong about potential employers lining up for my services because I’d worked for S.E.X.. On the contrary, the minute anybody heard about my background as a sex researcher, they immediately decided I wasn’t appropriate for their company, and crossed me off their list.
Finally I asked a guy who seemed more honest than some of the others what my problem was.
“It’s simple,” he said frankly. “A business can’t take a chance on somebody as controversial as you. When word got out that you were supposed to know everything about sex, all the other employees would start coming to you with their problems. Either that, or trying to proposition you so they could brag they’d balled the sex expert. You might be able to fight it at first, but once the lid was off the ultimate results would be inevitable. It would turn the place upside down.”
After that, I swallowed an even greater hunk of pride, and tried to conceal that I’d ever worked at S.E.X.. However, that ploy proved to be even more of a disaster than the truth, since it left me with no previous job experience to point to. And nobody’s willing to hire some dumb housewife who doesn’t know how to do anything.
Then, one day when I was at the end of my rope, I saw something in the “Help Wanted” section that made me wonder if I was dreaming. Just as I’d originally seen the ad for S.E.X. in the newspaper, I now saw one that said, “Attractive women under 35 with professional background in sex needed. Ability to communicate absolutely necessary.”
This seemed like the break I needed. The ad seemed to have been written with me specifically in mind. This was one job I was certain I could get. Changing into my smartest outfit, I jumped in the car and headed into town for the address given in the paper. I was surprised that the place was located in such a tacky part of the city, but went inside anyway with my optimism still brimming.
There was no receptionist, or any other of the usual professional trappings. The guy I was supposed to talk to was the only one around, and he was parked in the middle of a dingy office that looked like it hadn’t been cleaned in months.
When I told him I’d come about the ad, he told me to sit down. Then, while I waited, he handled about six calls in a row as the phone practically rang off the hook. At least, I hopefully concluded, despite the modest surroundings, he seemed to be running a going concern.
“Shit,” he finally spat after the half-dozenth call, “I’ll have to take the Goddamn phone off the hook if I’m ever gonna talk to you. Fucking customers’ll drive you nuts in this business — wanting this, wanting that.”
Needless to say, he was about as far from Jason Evans as he could be.
His name was Mike DeLucca, and he told me he was in charge of everything. After I’d introduced myself, I carefully inquired what “everything” might be.
“You read my ad, didn’t you, honey?”
“Then you ought to know the story.”
“I’d appreciate it if you’d explain in your own words,” I quietly insisted.
“Sex, honey, sex,” he said as though he were addressing a retarded child. “Do you want me to spell it out for you? S-E-X.”
“Do you mean like research?” I asked hopefully. “Something scientific?”
That pole-axed him with laughter. I couldn’t have been more astonished if he’d pulled a gun on me.
Finally I reclaimed my wits sufficiently to say, “I beg your pardon?”
He stopped laughing and looked at me like I’d just stepped out of a flying saucer. “Say, you’re really on the level, aren’t you?” he asked incredulously.
“Of course.”
“Okay, then,” he said. “There’s no point in wasting any more of my time or yours. I’ll give it to you straight, and it’s up to you to take it from there. If you want the job, I’ll tell you in advance it’s yours.”
I was suddenly tlinging with a combination of anticipation and fear. At last somebody was offering me work, but I was afraid to hear what it was.
“I’m running a hooker-shop here,” he bluntly informed me. “The world’s oldest profession. Whores. You interested, baby? It pays two bills every week.”
Now the meaning of the ad in the paper became clear.
Mike DeLucca made it even clearer. “I can tell even through those clothes you’re wearing that you got a body a lot of men will pay plenty to fuck. All you’ll have to do is show up where you’re told, talk nice to them, and spread your legs when they show you the long green.”
My mind reeled from his proposition. From sex researcher to hooker had been about the last thing on my mind. Yet, it was the only opportunity for gainful employment presented to me since I’d left S.E.X.
And two hundred a week could put a lot of groceries on the table.
“The whole operation runs right out of this office,” he explained to me. “The tricks call in, tell me what they want, and then I phone the girls and tell them where to go. You’re on call twenty-four hours a day, but on the other hand you can stay home when you’re not working.”
It immediately registered with me that the latter condition meant I could spend more time with the twins. And since my marriage had broken up, they needed me more than ever.
“Well, whatta you say, baby?” he pressed me for my decision.
I quickly weighed all the pertinent factors. In the final analysis it came down to money versus degradation.
“Come on, make up your mind,” he snapped impatiently. “Every minute this phone’s off the hook’s costing me dough.”
“I’ll take it,” I hung my head and agreed to his terms. “It’s the best offer I’ve had in weeks.”
So that was it, I was a prostitute. And, not only that, but a successful one — DeLucca had been right about my body’s allure — I had all the work I could handle. I’d been promised two hundred a week, but was soon over the three-fifty mark.
In order to square it with myself I thought of myself in the scientific framework with which I’d become so accustomed at S.E.X.. Instead of a call-girl, I regarded myself as a sexual technician. From sex researcher to sex technician didn’t seem such a comedown to me.
I won’t even bother to tell you about the things I did with my customers, because the fact of the matter is that I forgot everything the instant a trick — or a therapy-session as I thought of them — was over. Approaching the work from a purely professional standpoint, I went through my paces more like a machine than a woman.
My detachment was so complete that, incredibly, I felt as though I had no real sex-life. I considered myself to be leading a chaste existence despite the volume of cocks I serviced day and night. Even though I was making my living screwing, I’d forgotten all about sex.
Then, one afternoon, after months of working for DeLucca, it reared its head again in a way I couldn’t ignore. However, its reentry into my consciousness had nothing to do with my present job.
It had to do with my old one, and came in the form of a bulky brown package that I’d received a notice to pick up at the post office. It was The S.E.X. Report. My copy of the final, bound edition. The yellow letters were at least two inches high on the royal-blue background of the fly-leaf.
Opening it up, my eyes immediately came to rest on my name among the other contributors.
Lately my whole experience with S.E.X. had come to seem like a dream to me. But, now, here it was… my name under the title of a book certain to be a best-seller.
No matter what happened to me in my life from here on in, I’d always have this. My proof that I’d once amounted to something important.
Cradling the book like rare treasure, I went into the bedroom with it, lay down on the bed, and began reading it. When the phone started to ring, I just left it unanswered. DeLucca could get somebody else today.
I can’t begin to describe all the wonderful memories that flowed through my mind as I scanned chapter after chapter. I had repressed it all for so long, but now everything was coming back with crystal clarity.
The people I was meeting working for DeLucca meant nothing to me. But the people with whom I’d been involved at S.E.X. were once again vibrant personalities as I recalled my experiences.
It seemed like I could remember every interview I’d ever conducted in the most vibrant detail.
There was the very first one, of course, with the supermarket manager.
And, then, as I flipped to the section called “Families”, I recalled that memorable afternoon with the Fishers. Art and Ruth and Teddy and Sheila.
That started me thinking about happiness. Yes, the Fishers had had it. I’d never seen such a happy family. It was a pleasure to have met them and availed myself of their magnificent hospitality.
I wondered if they were still doing things together. Keeping their family together in spite of all the nagging pressure from the outside world.
The more I thought about the Fishers, the more I couldn’t help envy them. If there was ever a sequel to The S.E.X. Report, I prayed they’d send an interviewer to get my story.