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Oh yeah, Mom. I love to jerk-off !



It had been a long drive and Travis sighed with relief as he pulled into the driveway.

Thankful that the summer season was upon him and his studies at college would wait for a couple of months, he smiled as he once again pondered how he was going to waste his summer by pursuing pleasure.

As he turned off the car’s ignition, he looked up as the front door opened and his mother stepped out into the evening sun. Stepping out of the car and closing the door, Travis walked slowly to where his mother stood waiting for him at the edge of the porch. Reaching the foot of the steps, he hesitated as he beheld the changes in his mother.

Seeing her son’s hesitation, Diane smiled as she struck a seductive pose.

“You like the new me?” She asked with a slight giggle in her voice.

“Wow! What did you do, find the fountain of youth?”

Diane Singer smiled as she remembered how she looked when she had last seen her son, Travis almost eighteen months ago. After her divorce almost four years ago, Diane had allowed herself to go to hell by gaining weight and drinking heavily. When Travis had gone upstate to college, she had awakened one day with the realization she was allowing her past to ruin her. With an effort of will, she had quit drinking, started going to the gym, reducing her dress size to a ten, and had colored her once grayish blonde hair to the soft auburn it was now. She had also begun to take special care in how she looked and dressed.

“It’s amazing what a fresh shave and a shower will do, huh Travis?” She laughed.

“I guess,” Travis acknowledged as he looked over her lithe form with appreciation. “One would never guess you are thirty-nine years old, Mom. Hell, you look like you need ID just to buy beer!”

“Not so, young man, but thank you for saying so,” Diane said as she stepped down to hug her son.

“Lets get you stuff inside. I have dinner almost ready.” Diane said as she released him and gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

They chit chatted as they walked to the rear of his old Chevy and began to remove the suitcases and boxes contained in the trunk. Once everything had been moved to the house, Travis began to unpack a couple of the boxes.

“I have something here you might like,” Travis said with a smile as he removed a rectangular device from the bottom of one box.

“I know you always wanted one, so I picked this VCR up from one of the guys at school. He graduated this year and felt he wouldn’t be needing it any more.”

“Cool! I guess now we will have to go rent some movies, huh?” Diane said.

“I already have some. Here is “Gone With the Wind” and “Jaws”, and there are some more in here that I don’t know what they are.”

Travis walked over to the TV and began to hook the device up. “You go ahead and finish dinner while I put some of this stuff away.”

Diane noticed one particular box that was taped together.

“What’s in there?” She asked pointing to it.

Travis blushed slightly and then said in an off hand manner, “Oh, just some personal stuff, you know, letters, pictures, etc.”

Diane smiled as she noticed his discomfiture. “Oh, girlfriend stuff, huh?”

“Yeah, well sorta.” Travis mumbled.

The rest of the evening passed as they got reacquainted and caught up on old times. During the process, Travis learned his mother wasn’t dating anyone and didn’t particularly care to start. He also divulged that though he had some girlfriends at school, he really didn’t do much dating either as he didn’t have the time nor the money. Diane was sad about that as it took all she could afford to help pay his tuition while he worked to pay the rest of expenses at college.

The next couple of weeks passed quickly as Travis relaxed for a while and then found a part- time job at a gas station. Then a series of events transpired that was to change them both forever.

One Saturday afternoon while cleaning the house, Diane she would do Travis a favor and thoroughly clean his room. Up till now she had pretty much stayed out of it, deferring to his sense of privacy. As she vacuumed the floor under the bed, she felt a thump as the floor attachment struck something solid. Bending down, she looked under the bed to see what it might be that she hit.

She saw a small box, the one that had been taped together when he had first come home.

Now, however, the tape was removed. At once curious, she pulled the box out from under the bed.

“I wonder what it is that he feels he has to hide under here.” She thought.

Slowly she opened the box. Inside were a couple of porno mags laying on top of another small box. Smiling, she picked up one of the magazines and opened it up.

The magazines were hard core rags devoted mostly to pictures of women masturbating with fingers, toys and sometimes different vegetable products.

“Whoa!” She exclaimed. “I wouldn’t have expected this.”

The next magazine was a little more ragged around the edges than the first. It had obviously seen a lot of use. This one was similar to the first but the women in the pictures were older and more mature. One page was loose and fell to the floor. Diane picked it up and looked at it. It was a picture of a man and a woman, seated next to each other on a couch. They were both nude and busy masturbating themselves while closely watching each other’s activities. The woman appeared to be in her thirties while the man was young, barely out of his teens.

Diane felt the page in her hand. There were a couple of wrinkled places in hit that appeared to have gotten wet at one time.

“This must be his favorite jerk-off picture.” She mused aloud.

Staring at the picture, Diane was startled by the sudden vision she had in her mind. For a moment she was picturing her son, standing over the picture with his cock in his hand, shooting his jism on the page. Shaking her head as if that would clear the vision from her mind, she carefully placed the picture back into the magazine.

As she placed it on the floor, she noticed the smaller box within the larger one.

Carefully she opened it. Inside were two video tapes. One was in a commercial box, the cover of which depicted several women masturbating with fingers and dildos. The other was unmarked. As she extracted it from the box, a small piece of folded paper fell out into her hand. As she unfolded it, she began to read.

“Thank you for responding to our ad. As we stated in our ad, my wife loves to show off and masturbate while being watched by men and women. It really gets her hot to know she is turning people on so much that they have to masturbate also. Her favorite thing is to go to porno movies and Jill-off while people around her watch and do the same thing. She also likes for guys to come on her tits. This always drives her over the edge. We hope you enjoy the video as much as we did making it. Warm regards, Laura and Bill.”

“Well, I’ll be damned!” Diane said aloud as she read the note again.

Holding the tape in her hand, she stared at the doorway to the room. Then she remembered the blush on Travis’ face as he responded to her inquiry about the box. Now she understood even better than she did when she saw the magazines.

“Well, I guess I know what gets him off,” She thought to herself.

As she started to put everything back in the box, she hesitated.

“I wonder what is on that tape?”

Looking at her watch, she realized that it would be a couple of hours before Travis got home. “Hmmm, plenty of time.”

Standing up, Diane strode purposely out of the room, tape in hand. A few moments later she had it in the VCR. As she settled back on the couch, she hit the play button.

The video opened up with a petite blonde of about thirty-five opening a front door to allow three men and a dark-haired woman into the house. Two of the men were middle aged.

The third was much younger, though his face didn’t come into view. The woman appeared to be in her early forties and the wife of one of the men. As they seated themselves on the couch, the blonde served beverages.

Soon, the blonde took a seat in a chair across from the visitors. As she did so her short summer dress rode up her thighs. She then began to talk about how hot the day was and how the heat affected her libido. Soon, she began to caress her breasts as she freed them from the loose fitting dress. She appeared to be engrossed in her activities as she allowed on hand to pull up her skirt and explore her panty clad pussy. She then looked up and asked the guests if they would like to get more comfortable.

Diane watched in amazement as the blonde began to masturbate herself. The camera panned across the room to reveal that the two middle aged men who were sitting on either side of the other woman had their pants down and were stroking their cocks while the woman had her skirt up, hands busy between her legs. The younger man was sitting to the side in one of the other chairs. His cock was out and he was stroking it lovingly.

Diane squirmed on the couch. Without realizing it, her hand had descended to her own pussy and was pushing on her mound.

Soon, everyone in the room was nude. The dark-haired woman had extracted a small curved dildo from her purse and was fucking herself with it as she gazed at the blonde who was very into her own masturbation. Most of the video seemed to focus on her, but once in a while it would pan across the room to show what the others were doing.

By now, Diane was fully aroused. She hadn’t had sex or masturbated in years and was rediscovering the delicious sensations her own sex was capable of. Slowly she removed her shorts and panties. She spread her legs as she slid her ass to the edge of the couch and inserted her middle finger into her moist pussy. Her left hand started to pinch her nipples as she watched the video while her right hand played in the froth of her arousal.

“Damn, this is really something else!” Diane exclaimed as the beginnings of a small orgasm enveloped her. Plunging her middle finger deep inside herself, she hooked it forward a little to rub that special spot she had almost forgotten about. Then it hit. With a cry, she brought both hands to bear on her now soaking sex. Her stomach muscles rippled as she experienced her first orgasm in many years.

As her spasms waned, she once again turned her attention to the video. By now, the two older men had stood up and were standing over the masturbating blonde. The audio was filled with groans, moans and grunts as the men jerked their cocks while the blonde rubbed her pussy. As they started to ejaculate, Diane once again began her own pussy play.

Suddenly, she reached over and his the pause button. “I need something inside me besides my fingers,” She mumbled aloud as she shakily stood up. Walking to the kitchen, she pulled her halter over her head and allowed it to fall to the floor. Standing in the doorway she paused to reflect.

“What can I use for a fake cock?”

Then thinking of the pictures upstairs in Travis’ room, she remembered the vegetables.

“Yes, that’ll work.” She said as she walked over to the sink and picked up the cucumber she had cleaned for tonight’s salad. Brandishing it in her right hand she hurried back into the living room. Once again settled down on the couch, she rewound the tape back to where the men got up off the couch and walked over to the blonde in the chair.

After thoroughly lubing up the cucumber with a combination of her saliva and the sauce from her over-heated pussy, she slowly eased it into her depths. Once the cucumber was thoroughly ensconced in her pulsing cunt, she hit the play button. As the men stroked their cocks, she slid the vegetable in and out of herself in time with their strokes. As the men came again, Diane felt the rumblings of another approaching orgasm. Then the video panned over to the couch where the young man was now sitting next to the other woman. He was a slumped down on the couch as she was. Both of them were furiously masturbating themselves. Their eyes were riveted to each other’s crotch. Diane thrusted faster.

It took a moment for it to sink in, so involved was she in the display before her. But just as she started to cum again she recognized the young man on the screen, for it was the first time that his face had been exposed to the camera.

The young man was Travis! There he was, wanking an impressive piece of meat while he watched this woman fuck herself with her dildo. Diane froze, the cucumber forgotten as she watched her son. Travis’ face was filled with lust. His mouth hung loose as gaped at the woman’s hand which was moving at a blurring speed. The woman brought her other hand down and started rubbing her clit as the dildo slopped in and out of her gaping hole. Travis brought his other hand down and cupped his balls. Then he spoke.

“Yes Mom, fuck yourself! Make yourself cum for me!”

Diane gasped. Quickly she paused the tape and rewound it a few feet so she could hear it again.

“Yes Mom, fuck yourself! Make yourself cum for me!” Travis once again said in a guttural voice.

Diane once again paused the tape. Then she just laid there and stared off in space for a minute. She recalled the pictures in Travis’ room and especially the one where the young man and older woman were masturbating together on the sofa. That combined with what she just heard on the video answered the question that had arisen earlier in her mind.

“He’s fantasizing about me!” Diane gasped. “My son has erotic fantasies about me. What a concept.”

As she lay there thinking her hand idly returned to it’s manipulation of the cucumber.

Somehow, the idea that her son fantasized about her turned her on. Without warning the VCR took itself off pause (as it was designed to do) and the video continued. Diane’s eyes were once again drawn to the lascivious display on the TV screen.

“Oh yeah, my cock is gonna explode, Mom,” Travis said.

“Lemme know when you are going to cum.”

“Oh Baby, I love for you to watch me fuck myself. Shoot your hot cum all over me. I wanna see it splash on my tits!” The woman on the screen said throatily.

Unknown to Diane, Travis had gotten of work early as they were shutting down the gas pumps for repair. As he pulled his car into the driveway he noticed his Mom’s car still parked there. He knew she had planned to go shopping this afternoon, so he figured she had already gone or was taking a nap. He decided that if she were in fact taking a nap he would let himself in quietly. As the front door closed softly behind him, he walked slowly toward the living room. As he approached the doorway he heard voices.

“…….Shoot your hot cum all over me. I wanna see it splash on my tits!” A woman’s voice said.

“”Yessss! Oh yes! You are a nasty boy! You like to watch you mother play with herself, don’t you Travis?” Diane’s voice rang in the room.

Travis peeked around the corner of the doorway, afraid of what he might see. Realizing that his mother had found his stash of pornography, he hesitated. Knowing that hiding would be fruitless, he took a deep breath and stepped into the room. What he saw made his heart skip a beat and froze him in his tracks.

There was his mother, splayed lewdly on the couch, fucking herself with a cucumber while she gazed intently at the TV screen.

“I’m gonna cum!” Travis said on the screen.

“Oh Baby, do it! Jerk that cock off. I’m cumming too!” The woman on the screen said.

“Yeah, show me how you do it, Travis. Show your mother how you jack off while you think about her naked body.” Diane said as her hips started bouncing on the couch.

Travis felt as if his cock was going to split the front of his pants open. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing and hearing. His fantasy come true, In Spades! Frantically, he snatched his zipper down and extracted his aching cock from the confines of his trousers. He watched avidly as his mother began to cum. “Oh yes, oh so very good!

Cummming!” Diane cried out.

Just then Travis bumped into the end table. The noise prompted his mother to open her eyes. “Oh My God!” She screamed as she beheld her son’s presence there in the living room. But her orgasm was not to be halted. She continued to thrust the cucumber into her hungry snatch, even though she was mortified with shame and embarrassment.

Gradually though, she came down from her high. It was only then that she became aware of the fact that Travis was frantically jerking his cock as it began to spew it’s milky load over the living room floor.

After removing the cucumber from its warm nest, she sat up and silently waited for Travis to say something. For his part, Travis was speechless. Red with the same embarrassment his mother must have felt, he slowly walked over to the couch and sat on the far end away from his her. Hanging his head, he just looked at the white splotches on the hardwood floor.

Finally, he broke the silence. “I’m sorry Mom. I didn’t mean…..”

Seeing her son so deflated almost broke her heart. With a sigh, she moved over and sat next to him.

“It is I who should apologize, Travis. I had no business going through your personal things.”

Then she stopped for a second as she realized the words she been had saying just before she came. Now truly mortified, she wondered if he had heard them for she realized she would seem even more perverse because of her reaction to the video and the fact that her son was in it.

Reaching out, she cupped her son’s chin in her hand and brought his face up to look in his eyes. The smoldering lust she saw there and the way he glanced down at her breasts and then at the cucumber told her he had heard it all. She noticed his hand as it descended once again to his lap. Then she realized he had another erection and was slowly starting to stroke it. She returned her gaze to his eyes.

“That really got you off, didn’t it Travis?”

“It was definitely hot,” He said with a slow smile.

“What did you like the most?” Diane asked coyly.

“Watching you fuck yourself to orgasm while watching the video.” He said.

“I especially liked the things you said.”

“Well, it was a real turn-on to find out you had erotic thoughts about me. It was really hot watching you cum on that woman. I just couldn’t help myself. Travis, I haven’t had an orgasm in years!

I haven’t dated and I haven’t even masturbated since your father and I split up.” Looking down at his slowly moving hand, she continued, “The whole thing was a turn on anyway.

To be honest with you, I was jilling-off long before I realized it was you in the movie. Just watching everyone watching everybody else play with themselves was kinda neat. I had never even heard of such a thing! Imagine, people wanking off while other people watched. That was sick at first but real exciting after I watched for a few minutes.”

“Oh yeah, Mom. I love to jerk-off. That is one of the reasons I didn’t date much at school. I would go to the porno movies and watch people jerk themselves and each other off. It was real cool and cheap too!”

“You mean real people actually go to these movie houses and play with themselves in public?”

“Oh yeah, all the time. Well, mostly on Saturday night. Sometimes there would be ten or more couples in there. They would throw you out of the movie if you were fucking, but for some reason they didn’t care if you masturbated.”

Diane felt her pussy jerk. The most disgusting thing she used to imagine, the raincoat crowd as she used to call them, now became incredibly exciting. Also, the idea that women also liked to go to these movies intrigued her. The thought made her pussy ooze. Without thinking, she reached down and gave her clit a little flick.

“Mom, are you upset with me?” Travis asked as he watched his mother’s hand descend to her crotch.

“No, I think not. As a matter of fact, though I think it is a little unusual and somewhat perverse, I am actually excited by what you have done and what you find arousing.” She looked down at his slowly moving hand. Then she looked down at her own.

“You wanna get off together?” She asked in a husky voice. “I want to watch you as much as you want to watch me.”

“Oh yeah! I wanna watch to fuck yourself again.”

Diane leaned back and spread her legs apart. “Take off your clothes, Travis. I want to see all of you.”

As soon as he was nude, Travis sat down next to her on the couch. By now, Diane had three fingers squishing away in her pussy. She slid her left leg over so that it was touching his.

“Jack-off! Fuck it! Jerk that big cock while I frig myself silly!” Diane gasped.

“Oh, yeah. Get into it, Mom. Listen to the wet sloshing of you hot pussy. It makes me real hard to watch you spank that monkey.” Travis hissed.

“You have a foul mouth, Travis, and I like it. I like this. I like being a horny slut and I like watching my horny son Jack his meat.” Diane groaned as she looked into her son’s eyes.

“Travis, I’m cumming! I cumming for you! Cum with me, please!”

“Yes…… oh yeah……CUM!” Travis grunted as his cock once again spewed forth.

Diane screamed as she hit her peak. The hot cum from her son, struck her leg. That is all it took to drive her over the edge. With both hands frantically working at her sex, Diane doubled over as the intensity of her orgasm wracked her body. “Oh Shit, oh God, oh FUCK MEE!” She screeched.

She began to cry. The sobs shook her body as incredible sensations ran up and down her frame. Her hands still between her legs, Diane fell over and allowed her head to rest on Travis’ shoulder. Slowly she calmed down and gently, Travis reached over and wiped the tears from her eyes.

“Are you OK, Mom?” He asked softly.

“Oh yes, I’m fine. I just have never experienced anything so intense in my life! That was the cum of all cums! Shit, I’m still cumming!”

They sat there in each other’s arms for quite a while.

Finally, Diane sat up and looked into her son’s eyes.

“I know you didn’t plan this but you have awakened something in me I thought long dead. As a matter of fact, you stirred something in me that I didn’t know I had. Travis, don’t think badly of me but I want more! I want to experience things. I want to see things!”

“No Mom, I don’t think badly of you. Matter of fact, you have now made my greatest fantasy some true! I have always wanted a female jack-off partner and I have ALWAYS wanted it to be you.”

“Well, I certainly didn’t think I would ever want to, let alone ever DO such a thing, but I think I am going to like it a lot!