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Showing Teacher’s Titties



Some years ago we had an opportunity to live and work in a Caribbean country for one year. During this time we both worked in a high school, but Sam’s English class was by far the most popular class in the school. Many of the students were eager to learn the language well, so she offered an after hours tutoring class in our home to some of the more advanced students. It just so happened that this group was made up entirely of boys, by boys I mean from 15-20 years old. Although she had to wear formal clothes for teaching her classes as soon as she got home she got more casual and often changed into a tank top and shorts. I happened to come home early one day, during the middle of one of these home study sessions, and sat in the living room with the students. Sam was busy helping each of the students with their questions and would often come over to one of them to see which words they were giving them trouble. When she leaned over to check one of the students papers I was treated to a complete view of her bra clad titties. She isn’t very busty, a 32 A/B so when she bends over her shirt falls far enough away that anyone could see both breasts clearly, in fact you could look all the way down to her navel! I was surprised that she was showing so much, and wondered if this was what made her class so popular! I enjoyed watching for the next half hour or so as she bent over to help the students, or refill their water glasses, and her shirt would fall open to expose her little tits. Without exception they all tried to look down her shirt without her catching them. I enjoyed the show she was putting on, and especially the reaction she was causing. After the students left I told her that she was being quite an exhibitionist for her students. She asked what I meant by that, and I took her into the bedroom and had her bend over in front of the mirror. She gasped at the sight of her chest being so clearly exposed and stood up quickly. She was blushing and didn’t seem to know what to say. I think she knew all along that she was showing off, but hadn’t realized how much. This was also one of the loosest tops that she wore. Since she seemed speechless I suggested that it was too bad she was wearing a padded bra, like she always wears, that didn’t reveal very much. It would have been a much better show if she’d have been wearing one of her sheer “dress up” bras, or to even go braless would be better. Nothing much seemed to change the next weeks, and even though she knew she was exposing herself when she bent over she continued on doing the same things, and wearing the same clothes.

It just so happened that about a month later, on the morning of her special afternoon class day, while she was getting dressed her bra clasp broke and she only had one of the sheer ones to put on. (Naturally, I had helped to make sure it was broken). Since she was in a hurry she quickly got dressed, in a very modest blouse, and took off for school. I didn’t say anything to her, but was convinced that she would somehow change her bra, or not wear a loose tank top, before her afternoon session. That day ended up being a busy one for me, and although I wanted to see what she was going to do, I couldn’t get off in time to sit in on her class. When I did finally get home everyone was gone, but I was surprised to see that she was dressed in a loose tank top, and was still wearing her sexy sheer bra. I asked about the class, but didn’t bring up her attire. During the weeks that followed a pattern was established where every day that she had a class at the house she would always put on one of her sheer lacy bras. This would often be the only day of the week that she wore them. It seemed to be having a positive affect on her as each night after her class she was always eager for sex. She was starting to get comfortable with this, so I began to compliment her each morning on her choice of underwear, and each evening reminded her how hot she looked. Finally I managed to get home early one day and have a chance to sit in and visit with her students. That morning she had picked out a white lace bra that was quite sheer. It seemed that the students had more trouble than usual, as all of them needed her help with the words. I could see that as she bent over her breasts were completely exposed to each of the students; and although they were covered, her nipples clearly showed through the sheer white fabric. This bra was the sheerest one she owned, and she had also changed into the loosest tank top she had, so she was completely opening up her little lace covered titties for viewing. She knew what was going on, and when one of the boys lost his train of thought after asking her a question she actually started to laugh. Later that night I asked her about it, and she seemed to think it was pretty funny. I guess she doesn’t understand the affect a teacher can have on a teenage male student. I had enjoyed the show, but wanted more, so I asked if she’d try it braless sometime. She didn’t want to try it, she said that even though the bra was sheer she still felt dressed with it on. I encouraged her to try it sometime soon as our time in the country was almost at an end. After a lot of pestering she did finally say she’d think about it, but wouldn’t promise anything.

It seemed that luck was on my side because that weekend one of the boys stopped in for a short visit. Sam was dressed for a casual weekend and wasn’t wearing a bra yet since we’d just finished breakfast and she hadn’t dressed for the day. She says that it was “without thinking” but soon after he sat down in the living room she leaned over to look at something and gave him a complete view of her bare breasts. She did this again two or three more times before she realized that his focus was not on the book, but on her breasts. She started to blush and seemed a little flustered by it all. I had been watching all of this and started to chuckle at her sudden discomfort. She excused herself, and went into the bedroom to find her bra. I followed her in and quickly talked her into staying dressed like she was, since she’d already shown him everything by now what did it matter, and he was enjoying the show more than I was. I don’t know if it was my persuasion, or because this was one of her favorite students, but she went back into the living room without her bra. She spent the next hour or so helping him with his school work, and every 5-10 minutes she would get up and bend over his text book to help him. I sat across the room pretending to read a book, to cover my hard on, as I was enjoying the show she was putting on for both of us. Finally she told him that it was time to go. He had barely gotten out the door before she pulled off her shirt and shorts and jumped on top of me on the couch. After we had sex we talked about what had just gone on, and how we both had enjoyed what happened. I encouraged her to try it during her class, since she seemed to get turned on by it, but she said she didn’t dare show off to the whole group. Since we were leaving in another month I had to work fast to figure out a way for all of the students to get the same opportunity that the one had. This happened during the last class she had at the house. I made sure I was home that day, and since we were leaving in just a couple of days the class had been turned into a little party instead of a normal tutoring class. No matter how hard I tried I couldn’t convince Sam to go without a bra that day. We had talked about it, but she was just too nervous about it. However, she was wearing her sheer white bra, and the loosest top she had. I made her bend over a few times to check out how much showed, and was pleased that I could clearly see everything down to her waist. I even had her bend over in front of the mirror so she would know how much the students would see. This caused her to blush, and actually quiver a little bit, but she just straightened back up and didn’t change her clothes.

Soon the students showed up, and she was busy talking and laughing with them all. Since they were seated and she was standing she easily managed to bend down to talk with most of them, even though they didn’t have any school books with them. Not too long after they had arrived all of them had gotten several looks down her shirt. It was also quite an emotional time as all the students had brought some type of little gift or going away card for her. When Sam came into the kitchen to talk with me about getting the food and drinks served she was quite choked up over the gifts and good wishes they gave her. We hugged a little and I suggested that she should really consider giving them a gift they’d always remember. While saying this, and encouraging her to be bold, I unhooked her bra and slide the straps off her shoulders. She didn’t say anything but simply pulled her arms through the straps. I slipped her bra off and stuck it in a kitchen drawer so it was out of sight. I went into the living room with some plates of food while she stayed in the kitchen to get up her courage. I was beginning to wonder if she had put her bra back on, or if she was even going to come out. So I called in to her to bring out the rest of the treats. Although the students didn’t know it at the time, both Sam and I knew I was talking about her bare breasts. She quickly came out of the kitchen with the rest of the food and since I could see her hard nipples poking the front of her shirt I knew she was braless. By now I was sitting with the students watching to see what Sam would do. She came into the living room with her plates of food and bent over to offer some to each of the students. She went around the room rather quickly, and when she got to me she served the plate the same way so I could see how she looked. She stayed just a little longer bent over in front of me as I looked down her shirt, and then winked at her and told her she was putting on a great party. I could clearly see all the way to her waist, and both of her titties hung down completely free from any obstruction. The students all had a view of her tan neckline, the almost bright white of her breasts and the dark reddish brown of her already hard nipples. She quickly went back into the kitchen, and when she didn’t come out right away I thought I’d better check on her to make sure she wasn’t getting dressed again. When I got in she was still dressed the same, and was holding another plate full of food to be served. She was taking some deep breaths, she said it was to get up the nerve to go back in the living room; but she finally did go back in with more plates of food. What a treat it was for me, for almost the next two hours, to watch as my wife moved from student to student offering food and refreshments to everyone so they could continue to look at her bare breasts. As time went on she seemed to get more comfortable with it and would spend increasingly longer moments with each one. Everyone was getting pretty intense by then as it had become quite obvious that all the students were turned on and most of them had given up trying to hide their erections. I’m not sure who was more turned on, them or me. But, like all good things it had to come to an end and since it was becoming dark the students began to leave. Eventually only her three favorite students remained and we all sat around the living room for one last time to chat. Sam came and sat by me on the couch and all their eyes seemed to be glued to her chest. I finally decided that we’d played games long enough and asked them if they enjoyed looking at my wife’s bare breasts. When I did this Sam blushed and turned her head, and the guys all looked embarrassed as they tried to look anywhere but at her titties. So I asked them again, and they finally answered that yes they had enjoyed looking at her. I asked them a few more questions and soon found out that they’d never seen a white woman’s breasts before. They seemed to be amazed at the whiteness of the skin of her breasts. Soon they were talking about how beautiful she was, how wonderful she looked, and any other compliments they could think of to give her. By now Sam had started to recover her composure so I suggested that she clear away their dishes. While doing this she gave each one of them one long look down the front of her shirt and told each of them how much she had enjoyed getting to know them and having them as students. I figured I’d better end this now so as I ushered them to the door I told the boys to make sure to remember this day, and remember their teacher, and they all assured me it would never be forgotten. I’m sure they still dream about her to this day. Once they were gone Sam came back out and asked me why I had asked them about her like that. For lack of a better reason I offered that it seemed like the right thing to do at the time. I asked her if she was mad, she wasn’t, but had wondered if we had gone too far that day. I suggested that she had made lifelong memories for all of them, but she wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. We’ve never been back to that country, so we don’t really know how things turned out. I often wonder how far things would have gone if we would have stayed for another year. I’m sure that Sam made it very difficult for whoever the next English teacher was.