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A Spurned Boss



Allison was a pretty girl, a young newlywed enjoying herself at my party with her uncouth husband. I had hired her as a receptionist just two months before. She was a natural: a woman with a pleasant phone voice, a good personality that worked well with others and who was always bright and cheerful.

Sure, she was just a tad bit overweight, but not unattractive at all since she carried it well. Her hips were just a little wider than a classic beauty, her breasts a bit bigger. In other words, to my way of thinking she was just perfect.

I had discreetly let her know on her second week with the company that I found her attractive and would appreciate her companionship. A bit more crudely she had let me know that she was very much in love with her new husband and wouldn’t even consider being unfaithful to him. Oh well, one can’t have everything, can one?

I enjoy throwing parties like this for my employees in my home. I have a big house all to myself and plenty of money to entertain. Caterers make preparations easy. What little else that needs to be done can be handled by the employees themselves. People that want to please the boss don’t generally leave a mess to clean up. There’s always some brownnoser who stays late to clean up.

But the best thing about the parties is the video recordings of what goes on in the supposedly empty bedrooms. I have tapes ranging from the innocent grope and tickle to the fairly frequent oral sex. Often I can count on the same couple, or rather, non-couples, time and again to sneak off for a quick tryst.

Once in a while I’ll find a new pairing of unexpected lovers. On a rarity, some happy workers will show initiative and actually perform full-fledged intercourse in the boss’ spare bedroom. Such initiative is especially refreshing and often rewarded.

It was just such a recording of Allison and her husband that rekindled my interest in her. About a month after she had been with us, I threw an anniversary party for one of our senior executives. After the party I had discovered a gem. In beautifully recorded footage with surround sound authenticity was my gorgeous receptionist being boinked by hubby.

Her curvaceous rear was thrust up into the air as he pumped his minuscule penis into her wildly, slapping her bottom and calling her rather vulgar names. All the while she moaned and groaned as though she loved such treatment. Hubby was over and done within moments, leaving Allison in every way that I could see completely unfulfilled.

Amazingly, she clung to her devotion of this lout. Sometimes women amaze me.

Still, the image of her curvaceous bottom thrust into the air, her legs spread and ready to be penetrated, stayed with me. It burned itself into my brain, so that every time I saw her, I saw her with her gorgeous bottom high in the air, ready to be taken. Every time I heard her voice, I heard her moaning for dick.

So I threw this party with special plans for Allison in mind. It was already getting late in the evening. A few people had left early. Allison’s husband was staying on though. He would be here as long as the free booze and food held out.

I got him a beer and slipped a few roofies in it and allowed them to dissolve. Rohypnol is such an easy drug to obtain. It’s still sold over the counter in Mexico. A wonderful country, Mexico. I travel there for business reasons quite frequently.

So I shared a beer with Harold. (Yes, hubby’s name was really Harold. I couldn’t believe it myself.) We got to be close buddies, as only drinking pals can be. Eventually I led him to one of the back rooms to show him some sports memorabilia. Oddly enough, he started feeling woozy, so I had him stretch out on the bed until he felt better, which ought to have been in about twelve hours or so.

I left Harold sleeping soundly in the locked bedroom. Allison herself was only mildly more troublesome to take care of. After mixing up a special drink for her, she was reluctant to join me in a toast. She had been looking around for her husband. I distracted her for a moment and as I sipped my drink repeatedly in front of her, she eventually joined me like any decent guest and employee. After she drank enough to have the desired effect, I led her to hubby.

“He’s right in here, Allison,” I said surreptitiously unlocking the door and leading her in. “It seems he drank too much and wandered in here to sleep it off a little. But don’t worry, dear, he’s not the first to overindulge at one of these affairs.”

“Oh my, Mr. Johnson,” she fretted. “What will I do now? Maybe I can wake him up and get him to the car.”

“I don’t know, Allison,” I sympathized, giving Harold a few gentle slaps to the side of his face. “He seems pretty far gone. Can I offer another suggestion?”

“Sure, Mr. J., any suggestion would be helpful.”

“Why not just let him sleep it off a while? I have plenty of room and the party is winding down. You can stay here with him. There’s plenty of extra of everything in the guest bathroom — toothpaste, toothbrushes, everything you need to be comfortable. Stay for as long as it takes. It’s the weekend and I intend to be home the whole time. You’re not putting me out.”

“Well,” Allison yawned. “I am felling a bit tired myself. Maybe I’ll rest here for a while if it’s no trouble.”

“None at all dear, I’ll lock the door so you can have your privacy. Lie down and take as long as you need.”

And then it was just a matter of ending the party. But that really was no problem. When the boss cuts off the booze and tells everyone it’s time to go home, people start to scatter. In fifteen minutes, everyone was gone. In twenty minutes, I had finished a nice cup of coffee, invigorating me for the long night ahead.

Allison really was a pretty girl, so lovely in her voluptuousness. But it did make her a little harder to move to the other bedroom. Once there, I reset the video with a fresh tape. I wanted my night with the little tramp that had spurned me to be well documented.

I looked at her pupils. They were fixed and dilated. I ran my hands through her thick, naturally blonde hair. Yes, such a pretty girl. I began to slowly remove her clothes.

Removing the clothing of a sleeping girl is about like playing with a huge doll. She was a doll, in a sense — a beautiful, life-size play-toy — and a doll I was eager to play with, too. The more I unwrapped her, taking off each layer of packaging from my new toy, the more eager I became. It was just like Christmas all over again!

Finally she was naked on the bed. As I removed my clothes, I inspected her visually.

She was actually not as plump as I had imagined, which was a bit of a disappointment. Her tits were still young, so even though they were full, they didn’t sag too terribly. She did have a bit of a rounded belly, but not much of one. It was mostly in that pretty ass that she carried her extra pounds. At least her ass had not disappointed when I had first seen it.

Not that I was at all disappointed with naked Allison. She was still a lovely catch. It’s just that so rarely does real life measure up to fantasy.

After I was naked too, I crawled up on the bed with her. She was a lovely mountain of flesh that I would climb for the next several hours. I began my ascent at the hillocks of her breasts.

From beside her, I took each of Allison’s breasts in my hands. I have large hands with long fingers. Even so, I couldn’t wrap a hand completely around the base of her tits. Even squeezing them very firmly until they pointed high into the air, they still overflowed my fingers.

I bent down and took a nipple into my mouth, kissing it gently and then sucking it hard. The nipple began as a pale pink. My play-toy had such fair skin. As I sucked and chewed and as the nipple became erect and turgid, it changed to a brighter pink, then to a dusky red until finally a hint of purplish color rose in them.

The last color took a while to come out. I had to really gnaw on her areola to achieve that transformation, but I was quite proud that it wasn’t a bruise at all. It was a natural coloration of her admittedly much-abused nipple.

I liked it so much I took the time to make the other just like it. I imagined she’d have quite sensitive breasts in the morning. And it wasn’t just the nipples I appreciated. I chewed the undersides and the tops. I gummed her delicious flesh until I was well satisfied and quite hard.

Propping Alison’s head up on a pillow, I decided to take full advantage of her mouth. I kissed her first, thoroughly and roughly, getting a taste of her sweet mouth. The words that came from that mouth were always so nice and pleasant.

It was as though I had kissed away all her words. Her lips tasted adorable too. They swelled a little when I bit them. Licking her swollen lips was an incredible sensation. They were so full and moist.

Then I crawled up over her head and angled my cock into her mouth. It was hard to find a good angle that didn’t scrape her teeth. In fact, it proved impossible though I tried for quite some time, enamored as I was by the sight of it. Eventually I contented myself with pumping my cock in her face. When I climaxed, I was able to aim most of my spunk in her mouth. What little didn’t make it there looked very nice as my cockhead smeared it around her face.

I lay my head on Allison’s stomach and relaxed, feeling the warm heat of her soft skin. I listened to the steady beat of her heart and imagined sleeping with her every night. She would be a lovely bundle of flesh to enjoy all the time.

Now that I was more relaxed, I could take my time with my real prize. I lifted Allison’s hips and put pillows under them, propping them up for better access. Then I crawled between her legs until my own feet hung off the big bed and I looked deep into Allison’s lovely snatch.

Her pussy was covered with soft blonde curls. My Allison obviously didn’t believe in keeping her puss trimmed. I seriously considered giving the silly bitch a full shave, but that was such a bother. I grabbed a handful of pubic hair and yanked it. There was not even a moan, she was so well medicated.

So I used a handful of that hair to guide her slit along my tongue, enjoying the musky taste of sleeping Allison. Up and down my tongue slid in her cleft. When I got tired of using her cunt hair, I lifted her heavy legs and pressed her thighs against her chest to fully expose her pussy to me.

I sucked her entire outer labia into my mouth, rolling the fat, puffy lips with my tongue. By chewing and sucking on them tenderly, I was able to make them even fatter, even puffier. I stretched them, pulling my head backward and tossing it from side to side. Yumm, such lovely elastic cunt lips she had!

Then I spread Allison’s folds out with my thumbs and looked deep into my girl’s puss. She was a deep, rich red inside. I spread her wide with one hand and watched my fingers of the other play within her cavity. As I stroked her interior, she began to get gooey. I pulled out a finger and tasted the thick, cuntal moisture.

Allison tasted delicious on my finger. She tasted even more delicious when I struck my tongue deep inside her, and more so again when I swirled it around the insides of her velvety lips. Oh, yes, she was very delicious!

Having lubed her up a bit with my manipulations. I decided to take possession of her dear vagina completely. My erection was full and proud again. Her cunt was wet and gaping. I could see no reason not to wrap my arms about her and to invite sweet Allison to dance.

Putting both hands under Allison’s knees, I pushed them up to her chest, raising her hips with them. There I lined up my cock to her hole and surged into her.

She was a snug fit. I used her legs to rock into her. Backwards and forwards we rocked, my sleeping receptionist and I. There was no need to hurry, I reveled in her warm cunt. I didn’t have to worry about getting her off or whether she liked it. All I had to think about was how good my cock felt in her cunt. Rocking back and forth, slowly back and forth, watching Allison’s fat, swollen pussy lips swallowing my cock over and over.

But alas, she started to be too dry and I was so looking forward to taking Allison’s sweet ass, anyway. So I pulled out of her and rolled my little chubby play-toy over, sliding pillows under her stomach to prop her up.

There, looking at me, was Allison’s plump ass, her best feature! I slapped the soft, pale cheeks and squeezed them. They were like two warm loaves of bread. I put my face down and smelled the earthy richness of her ass. She was thoroughly gorgeous and all mine to do with as I chose.

And what I chose to do was to generously lube up her anus and my thick penis. There is something marvelous about sliding your greased fingers into a hot ass, knowing that you’re just about to take it! There’s something even more wonderful when there’s absolutely no resistance.

When I raised up and slid my cock into Allison’s greased ass, it was the ultimate in sensation. She was just at the right angle for a good, hard fuck. Every time I slammed into her, her ass quivered. Other than the thrill of watching my cock slowly sink into her, there was no reason not to give it to her hard and fast. So that’s what I did.

What I loved best was taking great handfuls of her soft ass flesh and using it to pull her back into me harder. She had a wonderfully fleshy ass that offered many handholds. Gripping her hard, I jabbed into her ass with increasing forcefulness. I felt the soft head of my cock balloon inside her. It felt huge, filling her up.

I closed my eyes and pumped into the heaven of her hot hole. There was no resistance at all, only the warm acceptance of my cock in her ass. This was all that I had ever wanted from Allison. I had only wanted her to take me inside her.

And she had denied me that. The thought of her refusing me made me fuck her harder. I punished her for that refusal. I brutalized her with hard jabs. If she didn’t give me what I wanted, I would take it. With great, long strokes I took it. I took and I took and I took and…

I climaxed, spewing a great font of semen into her rectum. It felt glorious to shoot off in her, to coat the inside of her ass with my cum. Over and over I pumped into her, filling her up, filling her full.

What a mess she was. What a wonderfully gooey mess! I leaned heavily against her, my plump, lovely, well- fucked girl. I yawned. Screwing Allison sure took the wind out of my sails. Maybe I’d just go to sleep holding her for a little bit. She was like a big, soft pillow. I lay against her and wrapped my arms around my big soft pillow and dozed contentedly.

But I never sleep for more than a couple of hours at a time. Power naps, really, that’s all they were. Long before the morning I was struggling to drag Allison back to her hubby’s room. I had carried all of her clothes over too and tucked her naked into bed, I even removed all of Harold’s clothes, a most distasteful job. Even so, Harold was a necessary piece of the puzzle.

It was after nine in the morning when I heard Harold stumbling down the hallway. I steered him to the kitchen table and put a cup of coffee under his face to wake him up.

“Man, Harold, you and the missus really tied one on last night. You two sure know how to enjoy yourselves.”

“What happened? I don’t remember anything. How did we end up staying here?” Harold asked confused.

“Well, I think you passed out first and Allison wasn’t in any shape to drive, so I put you both up for the night. Hey, you’re not the first ones to have to spend the night after a little too much to drink.”

“Wow, I don’t remember any of that,” Harold groaned.

“I know what you mean, Harold. Last night got a little fuzzy for me too. Everyone sure seemed to be enjoying themselves. Well, maybe not enjoying themselves as much as you two last night, if you know what I mean?”

“No, what do you mean?” asked clueless Harold.

“Well, I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop on you and the wife, Harold, but after you two got settled in, it sounded like you both were really going after one another in there. You newlyweds sure know how to have a good time, eh buddy?”

“Uh, sure,” Harold mumbled, sipping his coffee.

By the time we were done with our conversation, poor Harold had convinced himself that he was quite the Casanova. Later on in the day, I even watched the video tape of how he woke up his blushing bride, giving her his tiny pork sausage for breakfast, ridding her from behind and calling her rather vulgar names.

Technology is a wonderful thing, but even more, it’s good to be the boss.