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Wendy goes to Paris with her friends



Dear Mum, well here I am in Paris at last. I have found a 24-hour Internet cafe so will be able to keep in touch at any time I want.

We had a good trip here. The flight was on time and we got on board and found our seats. Miss Roberts had made sure we were all sitting together. The three juniors had one row of seats and we seniors another.

It was awful having to travel in our school uniforms, but we had pulled them up to make the most of our girlish legs. There was a gorgeous stewardess who looked after us and told us some good places to go to in Paris. I want to be a stewardess but why don’t they give them sexier uniforms? We could scarcely see her legs and only saw her tits when she bent low to serve our lunch.

We teased her by opening our blouses so she could see most of our breasts. I noticed she had undone a few buttons herself when she came back with the coffee. She made sure we got an eyeful of her creamy white breast flesh. We enjoyed flirting with her.

We went straight to the hostel when we arrived. We girls are in a dorm, just the six beds. Miss Roberts is in a single room, next door. We all changed into our own clothes, I am wearing the micro-mini dress you bought me. Now we have been let out. I am going to look for a shop the stewardess told me about that sells French lingerie!

I will email again later, love Wendy.


To Pam Monday 5.10pm

Chere Maman, I have had such an exciting afternoon! I found the lingerie shop. It was a tiny place and the owner welcomed me in French. But she talked English when she saw I didn’t understand her properly.

I said I wanted a bra and panty set and she helped me choose a few to try on. I was embarrassed because I didn’t know what size I am in metric and she did not understand my 32c! However Madeline, that was her name, said she would measure me and she took me into a changing room, after locking the shop door. She was so kind; she insisted I strip completely and then helped me take off my clothes.

I did not mind in the least, as she was just the type I like, tall and dark and slim. A bit like you in fact. She was about your age. Then she said she would measure me. You’ll never guess how! Madeline turned me around so she stood behind me, told me to hold my arms high, reached round and cupped my breasts in her soft hands! Ooh, it was lovely. Madeline explained that she often sized her young girl clients this way.

Madeline weighed my titties in her hands for a few minutes, making sure she caressed my nipples as well. She then decided on my size. She helped me try on several sets of underwear.

We settled on a pretty red bra and very brief thong panties. You will adore me in them.

Madeline could not help touching my pussy as she adjusted the thong. She showed me how it was designed to rub my clittie just enough to keep me excited. I can tell you I was hot by the time I left her shop. Is it usual for French women to kiss their customers goodbye?

She did. I was a little surprised to find her tongue in my mouth, but as she had been so kind, I returned her kiss passionately. Did I do right?

Madeline had told me about a club she goes to. I may ask Miss Roberts if we can go there during the trip. It is called Le Smoking, whatever that means. I suppose it is some sort of disco.

Bye for now, darling Mum, I must go and find the girls. Miss Roberts told us to be back at the hotel for 5pm so I am late already.”


To Tuesday 9.30am

Dear Mum, wow, what a night we had! I asked Miss Roberts if we could go to that club, but she did not let us go last night. We were all tired after our travelling, so she thought we should have an early night. We all compared notes about what we had seen in the afternoon.

Sara, Trish and Kirsty, the little ones had been to a fair, and Jill and Jane had wondered down a street called Rue St Denis. They had seen lots of women in doorways, showing themselves off. Miss Roberts said they were ‘Prostitutes’. Imagine going with lots of strange men. Ugh!

Well anyway, we all dressed up in our best outfits. I wore my new underwear, and made sure I fitted it as Madeline had told me. It made me feel very horny. We went to a fish restaurant on Rue Montmartre, and we all shared a huge platter of seafood. The crab and lobster were yummy, the snails were yucky. I must say we all looked sensational.

Jill and Jane had both bought new tops in the afternoon. They wore them without bras and their nipples were clear for us all to ogle. Even Miss Roberts could not keep her eyes off them.

When Jane went to the loo, Kirsty followed. Jane whispered to me when they came back looking flushed, that she had let Kirsty have a feel and the attendant had caught them. Miss Roberts let us each have a glass of wine, and she had a few herself.

We went back to the hostel about 10pm, and went straight to our dorm. We got into our nighties and sat chatting for a while. Then we got into our beds. I was too warm so I took off my nightie and felt better lying in bed naked as we do at home. We put out the lights when Miss Roberts told us to, and tried to go to sleep.

Suddenly, I felt someone slip in beside me. It was Sara, and she was naked too. “I’m lonely,” she whispered. Well, Mum, what was I do to? I took the baby in my arms and feeling her lips against my cheek, I turned my head and gave her a proper kiss.

Of course by this time, both Trish and Kirsty had noticed and wanted some of the same. I pointed at Jill and Jane and the two giggling teenies slipped into their beds. We must have made too much noise as the door opened and Miss Roberts came in. She saw the three empty beds and then the two tousled heads in each of the seniors’ beds. We thought she was going to shout at us, but instead, she just smiled and said “Don’t make so much noise, dears!” and went out. Were you right about her being straight?

Well, after that of course we resumed our lovemaking. Each of us seniors fucked the delightful teenagers for an hour or more. I must say they have come on a lot since you and I taught them. Sara is the best cunt licker I have had since I was the Supermarket Princess, except for you ,of course. She reaches the parts the others only dream about!”


To Tuesday 4pm

Darling Mum, we have had a funny sort of day. At breakfast, Miss Roberts was a bit quiet, maybe she was upset with us for what she had seen last night. But she did say that tonight, she had arranged for us all to go to the club I had been told about. She then took us all out to see the sights.

The Eiffel tower was fun but some of the museums were a bit boring. I liked the walks between the sights best. When we went along Pigalle, we saw nightclubs with posters of naked girls outside. I wish we were going to go to one of those instead of a boring old disco, but I expect we will enjoy ourselves.

Jill escaped for a few minutes and bought a sex magazine. It is full of pictures of lesbians fucking and stories written by women about their sex lives. We had a good giggle, but I think we were really all turned on. Jill, Jane and I went out on our own after lunch and bought new outfits for our babies.

Don’t worry they didn’t cost much, not that there was much of them to cost! I also bought a new toy for you, it is pink and long and very realistic! We all examined it, but Miss Roberts saw us and told me to put it away.

When we went out all together, Miss Roberts tried to stop us seniors holding hands with our sexy babes, but gave up eventually. I think it annoys her when we kiss them, but it is Paris! She is really nice and I wish we could cheer her up. Well, roll on tonight.

Love Wendy


To Tuesday Midnight

Dear Mummy, Sorry I am so late today but you will never believe what happened this evening. I couldn’t resist coming in here to tell you. We are on our way home after a come-filled evening. You know I said we were going to a disco. Well I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Let me start at the beginning. We had our dinner about 8pm and all went back to the hostel to change into our finery. I wore that top, you know the low cut one you like. The one you always say makes me look like jailbait. I even left off my bra so that my breasts were able to move under the top, you say it turns you on when they do that.

We dressed our teenies in their new outfits and they looked just like sexy little dolls. Each had on hot pants and a tight boob tube. High-heeled sandals completed the effect. I know they don’t have much breast meat yet, but we made the most of what they have. Of course Trish is different her tits are as big as mine.

When we met up in reception, I thought Miss Roberts was going to have a fit. If we had not been late already, I think she would have made us change, but she relaxed and we went to the club, Le Smoking. I had not realised it was in Pigalle, near to those posters of the naked showgirls. “Promising,” I thought.

Miss Roberts knocked at the door and a woman in a dinner jacket came out. At first, I thought she was going to refuse to let us in, but she suddenly caught site of the teenies. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head. And she invited us in. It was quite smoky inside, but I saw several women dancing together, to the same sort of slow music they had that at the supermarket party.

Miss Roberts went to the bar to see about getting us seats, because we saw that there was a stage. I suppose there was going to be some sort of cabaret. I saw Miss Roberts pointing us out to the manageress who came down and welcomed us all. She took Kirsty and Trish by the hand and led us all to the front row of seats, beside a part of the stage which ran down into the audience. Suddenly the room lights went down. All the dancers sat down and the stage lights came on. A voice announced that the cabaret was to be provided by Serena.

Onto the stage came a lovely coloured girl. I guess she was about my age. She was wearing a white dress, which was cut low, showing the tops of her coffee coloured breasts. She had a sweet face with what the boys call blowjob lips, her legs were slender and very long. She was mouth watering, in fact. Have you ever had a black girl, Mum? I thought she was going to sing for us, but instead she began to dance to the music. I bet you can imagine how her body looked.

As she moved around the stage, her skirt was thrown up, showing us all her lovely thighs right up to her panties. Her breasts moved under her top. You should have seen Miss Roberts’s face.

Fascinated and concerned about us at the same time. Jill could not believe her luck when Serena suddenly came to a stop just in front of her. She took Jill’s hand and made her stand up. A woman sitting behind us whispered, “She wants you to undo her dress.” Jill blushed, but this did not stop her from moving her hands to the zip, which ran down the back of the girl’s dress. She pulled it down.

The girl turned holding the front of the dress over her breasts and then to Jill’s delight looked full into her eyes and dropped her hands. The full creamy tits were exposed only inches from Jill’s excited eyes. I don’t remember if I have told you but Jill really has a thing about breasts. Guess who is her babe! Yes, Trish of course.

Serena then took Jill’s hands and held them to her breasts for a long moment. Then she skipped away to another woman who helped her out of her dress. She was now dressed only in tiny panties.

I could not believe my luck when, after a little more dancing, Serena halted and pointed a long finger directly at me. Flushing, I stood up. She beckoned me, and with all my friends and Miss Roberts watching, I climbed onto the stage. Serena came to me and took me in her arms. She kissed me on the mouth and then hugged me. “Take off my panties, ma petite,” I heard her whisper in my ear.

I knelt down and ever so slowly lowered the tiny knickers. You have often told me how important it is to tease the audience by going slowly. Of course, I was the first in that room to see the tight curls of her pube bush. I put my head to her tummy and breathed deep.

You know how I adore the smell of lustful cunt. I dropped the pants to the floor and Serena kicked them away. I went back to the happy girls, as attendants brought in a bed, which they set immediately in front of us seven. Serena laid down on the bed and let her legs fall open. I marvelled at the way the black lips opened to reveal the scarlet flesh within.

We had a grandstand seat for a display of totally wanton masturbation. Her fingers plunged into her moist gash and emerged laden with girl juice, which she carried to her open lips. We watched as she lustfully licked the thick cream from her fingers and saw her throat move as she swallowed it. I sensed someone come and stand behind us. “I need to come,” Serena told the audience out loud, “Is there anyone here to help me?”

We sat spellbound not daring to move, when the manageress, who had come behind us pointed to the three juniors and Jane and indicated they should go onto the stage. Quickly, she stage-managed the entertainment. She placed Jane between the spread black thighs, Trish at Serena’s head and Kirsty and Sara on either side. “Fuck her!” she instructed, and left the stage.

The audience started a rhythmic clapping as my friends began their task. Serena held her arms to Trish and pulled her mouth to hers for a passionate kiss, Kirsty took the left stiff black nipple and Sara the right. To Jane fell the joy of eating the musky red cuntmeat. She fell to her work with a muffled cry of delight, plunging deep into all that wet flesh. Jill and I, on either side of Miss Roberts leaned close so as not to miss any of that wild fuck. Miss Roberts was almost on the stage, such was her lust to see her pupils at their sex work.

Inevitably, Serena reached a rolling multiple orgasm. It was wonderful to see the way those English schoolgirls worked in unison to procure the maximum pleasure for that lustful black beauty. She thrashed and moaned, as Jane feasted on her ripe flesh. Lucky Jane drank more cuntjuice that evening than before in all her young life. Your sex lessons proved invaluable as the teenies put all their skills into practice. The audience roared applause as Serena and her lovers reluctantly rose from the juice stained bed.

We were all asked to dance by the French women, who wanted to know where we had learned to fuck like that. They could not keep their hands off us, especially les petites. You won’t believe this but Miss Roberts actually danced with Serena! They were in a clinch chatting away and I even saw them share one or two kisses.

Soon Miss Roberts got us all to leave and go home to the hostel. Sara and I have nipped in here as I wanted to share the evening with you. Now Sara wants me to come to bed. We both feel so horny I do not know what sort of sleep we will get!

Bye, darling


To Wednesday 10am

Darling Mother, Did you get last night’s Email? Well, you will never believe what happened when we got back to the dorm. Of course the other girls were already busy fucking and Sara and I lost no time getting down to it ourselves. I was on my back enjoying her sweet mouth when I opened my eyes to find Miss Roberts in a dressing gown beside my bed. She only wanted to borrow your new toy!

I pointed to the drawer where I had put it and she sped to her own room. Sara bless never even hesitated. I thought Miss Robert wanted a wank and wondered if I should lend her Sara, but decided to keep her for myself.

Later, after we had all exhausted ourselves, I told the others about Miss Roberts and the vibrator. We decided to have a peep to see what she was doing with it. Jill led the way to Miss Roberts’s bedroom, where we heard muffled giggles and the buzzing of your toy. Jill opened the door a crack and with a, “Ssssh,” to the rest of us we crept in. On the bed in a pool of light from the bedside lamp was Miss Roberts. And she was not alone! Oh mum, you said she was straight!

Miss Roberts was kneeling on the bed between a pair of legs. The legs were black! Miss Roberts was fucking Serena, the sex star, with the dildo I had bought for you! Kirsty couldn’t refrain herself, she let out a whoop of delight and of course the lovers looked up in alarm. Serena smiled as she recognised her ravagers of the lesbian club.

Miss Roberts was shocked to see us, and she stopped moving the vibrator in and out of the black girl’s cunt. Serena held out her arms to us and told Miss Roberts to continue the fuck. We all climbed onto the bed and there was a tangle of bodies as we all tried to get involved in our teacher’s wild sex session with the pretty black stripper. School will never be the same again!

And so the holiday ends. In a few hours, we will be back home after our wild adventures. It has been fun, but I can’t wait to see you and fill you in with all the details. I really want to see your face when I slide the dildo up you with us both knowing where it has been. I haven’t washed it! Oh, Sara wants me to tell you she is coming round on Friday to stay for the weekend. You will love her, for hours, I hope!

Bye, see you very soon. Your Wendy