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My Roommate Knocked Up My Girlfriend



Like most people, I grew up believing that the trick to getting ahead in life is to go to college and get an education. Well, I got an education, all right, but it wasn’t in any classroom. As it turned out, I learned my biggest lesson right in my own damn apartment.

It was my senior year, and I had every intention of making my last year of college a memorable one. My best friend, Jim, and I had decided to find us an apartment off campus. It wasn’t fancy, but it was home, and we were cruising right along and having the time of our lives.

Girls came and girls went, but it wasn’t until I met Cindy that my life as a love-’em-and-leave-’em bachelor came to a screeching halt. I’d met her at a party, and I just knew right then and there that she was the girl for me. Blonde hair, hazel-green eyes, a gorgeous face and body, and a personality to match. I mean, Cindy was the complete package.

Cindy and I just seemed to click, and we locked right in on each other. Well, I locked in on her anyway. She was a freshman and still adjusting to college life and adjusting to being away from home for the very first time. As far as I was concerned, she was just too pretty to leave out there on the open market for very long. Besides, it was my senior year and I wasn’t going to waste it sitting on the sidelines waiting for her to lock in on me the same way I was locked in on her.

So I really turned on the charm and made her my number one priority. Before long, her and I were pretty much inseparable. I was twenty-one and perpetually horny, but when it came to sex with Cindy, I took it slow and easy. She was still only eighteen, and she had been brought up a strict Catholic, so, as you can imagine, she was pretty old fashioned when it came to sex.

I worked on her though, and little by little she started to respond. All in all, though, Cindy was still really uptight about sex with me. Hell, in the beginning, the closest she’d come to letting me fuck her was a little heavy petting-and the few times I was able to finesse her into jacking me off with her hand, that was as far as she’d go.

I kept working on her, however, and eventually she gave in and started letting me fuck her. Cindy was always very careful about it, though, and she’d only let me fuck her on certain days of the month. I’ve never been thrilled about using condoms and due to her Catholic upbringing Cindy didn’t want to use condoms at all. Instead, she monitored her menstrual cycle and only allowed me to fuck her on days she was “safe.”

So we had sex during those periods of time when she wasn’t ovulating, and when she was ovulating she’d jack me off with her hand. She was strictly against any type of oral sex whatsoever, so it took quite a while for us to finally cross that hurdle.

After a few months together, we had settled into a very comfortable and fulfilling relationship. We were definitely in love, and Cindy was spending more and more time hanging out with me at the apartment.

She was a little bit shy around Jim, at first. But he had a girlfriend too, and sometimes the four of us doubled or just hung out together at the apartment, and little by little she lost some of her shyness around him.

Linda, Jim’s girlfriend, sometimes paraded through the apartment in just her panties and bra, or in just a towel or maybe one of Jim’s sweatshirts. And before long, Cindy was strutting around the apartment in her underwear too. She was much less uptight and prudish than she had been when we first started dating. Everyone seemed to get along with everyone else, and we were just one big happy family.

Well, at least we were until Jim and Linda had a fight and broke up.

After the breakup, Jim dated another girl for a while, but it didn’t seem to be going anywhere. One day, a couple of weeks or so after he and Linda broke up, Jim, Cindy and I were hanging out at the apartment and drinking some beer. Cindy preferred wine, because beer always seemed to make her sleepy, but, anyway, she was drinking beer with us that day because we were out of wine.

I remember it like it was yesterday. Cindy and I were on the sofa and Jim was stretched out in his trusty beanbag chair. We were watching a “Star Trek” rerun and lampooning the show. You know, shouting things like, “Phasers on stun, Spock.” I mean, there’s nothing like a few beers and a “Star Trek” rerun to throw a couple of immature college guys into high gear.

Anyway, by the time “Star Trek” was over, Cindy had nodded off, and, while Jim was surfing the channels for something else to watch on the tube, I decided I’d straighten up in the kitchen. A few minutes later I came back into the living room and caught Jim staring up at Cindy’s sleeping form on the couch.

“Forget it, buddy,” I grinned, naively assuming that Jim was trying to check with Cindy about which TV program she wanted to watch. “Just flip to any show you want to see. Cindy’s out like a light.” I grabbed up our empty beer cans and headed for the john, dropping the empties in the trash on my way.

I couldn’t have been gone for more than two or three minutes, and as I came back down the hall to the living room I stopped short and stared in disbelief. The room was dark, except for the flicker from the TV screen, but it was light enough to see that Jim was kneeling in front of Cindy with his back to me. It was obvious that she was still passed out from the beer. Jim had her legs apart, her skirt was pushed up to her crotch and he had his hands on (or in) her panties. I mean, even in the dim light I could see her white panties, but Jim was blocking my line of sight enough that I couldn’t quite make out what he was doing to Cindy.

As unbelievable as it might sound, I didn’t quite know what to do, but I just knew I had to do something-and quickly! I sneaked back down the hall and then called out to Jim, asking him if he wanted anything from the kitchen. Jim didn’t answer me, so I stalled for a few more seconds and then started toward the living room. By the time I got there, Jim was back in his chair, and Cindy’s skirt was back in place.

I asked him why he hadn’t answered me and he said he hadn’t heard me call, that he must’ve been dozing off. Well, I was furious, and I wanted to call his bluff and tell him straight to his face that I had seen what he was up to…but I didn’t. Instead, I sat back down on the sofa, next to Cindy, and stared blankly at the TV screen, trying to come to grips with what had just occurred.

It took me a while to sort it all out, but little by little I went from feeling angry to feeling curious and even a little aroused by what I’d seen. After all, Cindy was a very attractive girl, and the more I thought about it the more I came to the conclusion that, if I was Jim and I’d found myself in the same situation, I’d have probably done just about the same.

The more I turned the incident over in my mind, the hornier I became. Then I did something really stupid…

While Jim was in the bathroom I adjusted the blinds just enough to ensure I could peek into the living room from outside. Then I went into the kitchen and hid the few cans of beer we still had on hand. When Jim returned I shrugged and told my roommate that I was still thirsty and was going out for more beer.

“See ya in a quick fifteen or so, buddy,” I called as I headed for the door.

My plan was perfect-or so I thought when I concocted it. I drove around the block, parked and jogged back to the apartment, circling around to my vantage point, peering through the crack living room curtains.

Apparently my roommate hadn’t wasted any time. By the time I’d taken up my position at the window, I could see that he had shifted her hips forward on the sofa and had already removed her panties. From the flickering light of the TV I could see her panties on the floor by her feet. Jim was kneeling between her thighs and he appeared to be working his tongue up and down her slit. Hell, each time I’d tried to go down on her, she would always stop me-and now my damn roommate was beating me to the punch. But got it mad me hot to see him working on her pussy like that.

I saw him work his finger into her cunt and then go to work on her with his tongue again. He repeated this twice more, and that’s when I realized he was trying to get her wet enough with his mouth to get his cock into her.

This might sound stupid, but it still hadn’t dawned on me that he’d take this all the way. I was absolutely dumbstruck. On the one hand, I wanted to scramble back around to the front door and make enough noise to let him know the party was over, but, on the other hand, I kept expecting that he’d gone as far as he was going to go and that he’d stop any second. And I really was enjoying this little trip into voyeurism.

Well, while I was just standing there like a damn fool, waiting for him to stop, he was busy stripping off his jeans and shifting into position to jamb his cock into my girlfriend’s cunt. My mind was racing, trying to decide if I had time to make it back to my car and then back to the apartment before Jim could get his cock into Cindy.

Once again I convinced myself that he would stop any second. Maybe he just wanted to see what it felt like to pump his cock into Cindy’s cunt a couple of times, I rationalized. Just a few strokes, maybe. In any case, Jim was being very gentle, slow and easy as he started to fuck her, hoping, I’m sure, that she’d just sleep right through the whole thing.

Jim was well aware that Cindy was a notoriously heavy sleeper anyway, and alcohol (especially beer) just seemed to make her even sleepier. He humped her a few times with those slow, gentle strokes and then stopped. I thought he was going to pull out, but, instead, he grasped her hips and starting humping her again, and then he stopped again. Finally, he started humping her again, but this time the strokes were shorter and quicker. I waited for him to stop, but he didn’t this time. Moments later, I saw his body tense and he threw his head back, and I knew he was shooting his load into my girlfriend’s unprotected, fertile womb.

I gazed at the spectacle before me, transfixed and suddenly feeling sick to my stomach. My roommate had just fucked my girlfriend and shot his sperm into her womb at the time of the month when Cindy was ovulating. And the worst part of it was that I’m the one who had set the whole thing up in the first place, and then I just stood there and watched him do it. I could’ve done something…should’ve done something. But I’d done nothing but stand there and watch it happen.

Meanwhile, he pumped her a few more times, then withdrew. After a moment or two he reached between her legs and felt inside her cunt. He paused, looked around, and then plucked his underwear off the floor and used them to wipe at her cunt. Then he stood up, checked his watch and quickly pulled on his jeans. Almost as an afterthought, he wiped Cindy’s cunt once again with his underwear and then hid them under the sofa cushion.

I watched as Jim put Cindy’s panties back on her, and then I backed away from the window and ran for my car. I drove straight back to the house, trying to collect my thoughts and regain my composure.

“Hey, buddy boy, where’s the beer?” he chirped.

“Oh, uh…I-I left my wallet on the dresser,” I muttered.

“Well, never mind,” he shrugged. “Pull up a seat. Boris Karloff’s on, man.”

As I sat there watching the movie, and looking over at poor Cindy. She was fucked. And…so was I. She was my girlfriend and I loved her. But now, thanks to me, there was another man’s sperm flooding into her fertile womb. She was a devout Catholic, so abortion certainly was not an option.

My only hope was that Jim hadn’t knocked her up. Later that same night, after I’d put Cindy to bed, I undressed her and noticed a small telltale wet spot on her panties, and I noticed that her pussy was still slick with his spunk. I felt a twinge of panic and then that queasy feeling again in the pit of my stomach.

The next few weeks were pure hell, but even worse than the waiting was when she broke down and told me she had missed her period. She was ashamed and humiliated, and, needless to say, things went downhill in a hurry after that.

However, our relationship held together and weathered the storm. I loved her, and I was sure as hell responsible for her being pregnant- even if indirectly- so, I had very little alternative except, of course, to marry her.

Cindy looked absolutely stunning in her white lace- wedding gown, and, unless someone happened to be among the select few who were privy to the fact that Cindy was pregnant, they’d have never suspected that my beautiful bride-to-be was, in fact, with child.

And, believe it or not, the friendship between Jim and me endured the ordeal. In fact, Jim was the best man at my wedding. To be honest, I don’t think he deliberately tried to knock Cindy up. At least that’s what I’d like to believe.

In any case, Cindy and I couldn’t have ever hoped to have a more gorgeous and adorable little baby girl than the one Jim planted in Cindy’s womb that fateful night. In Cindy’s eyes, I’m a hero and she thinks I’m wonderful for having given her the most beautiful baby in the world. And Jim…well, he was smart enough to keep his mouth shut and not take any bows for having fathered our baby.

Hey, maybe Jim doesn’t even know for sure that he’s the one who knocked Cindy up. But, in any case, the dude sure wasn’t foolish enough to risk rape charges and a paternity suit by saying anything to anyone about it. So, in the end, Jim got the honor of knocking Cindy up, and I got Cindy’s undying love.